Dr Victor Pouliquen

victor.pouliquen@essex.ac.uk -
5B.340, Colchester Campus
Research Interests: Development Economics, Public Finance, Gender, Household Economics Victor is a development economist who uses quantitative methods to study public policies. He works in close collaboration with administrations and NGOs in West Africa to experiment innovative approaches to reduce poverty and enhance citizens’ well-being. His research addresses pivotal questions in low-income countries, such as how to implement effective mass media campaign to reduce misinformation, how local administrations can increase tax revenue and enhance the quality of public goods, and whether improved waste management services can mitigate pollution and improve public health in large urban centres. His work aims at helping policymakers make informed decisions based on empirical evidence.
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Decisions, Markets and Information (EC917)
Public Policy Evaluation (EC963)
Journal articles (1)
Okunogbe, O. and Pouliquen, V., (2022). Technology, Taxation, and Corruption: Evidence from the Introduction of Electronic Tax Filing. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. 14 (1), 341-372
Grants and funding
Improving local public policies in Kanifing, The Gambia: a policy event to strengthen relationships with local policymakers.
University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)
Leveraging Open Location Codes to improve property tax collection, waste management and the local social contract in Kanifing, The Gambia
University of Toronto (Funder)
Leveraging Open Location Codes to improve property tax collection, waste management and the local social contract in Kanifing, The Gambia.
Fund for Innovation in Development - Fonds d�Innovation pour le D�veloppement