Prof Jules Pretty

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3SW.5.33, Colchester Campus
Jules Pretty is Professor of Environment and Society at the University of Essex. His sole-authored books include The Low-Carbon Good Life (2023), Sea Sagas of the North (2022), The East Country (2017), The Edge of Extinction (2014), This Luminous Coast (2011), The Earth Only Endures (2007), Agri-Culture (2002), The Living Land (1998), and Regenerating Agriculture (1995). He is former Deputy-Chair of the UK government’s Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment, and has served on advisory committees for BBSRC and the Royal Society. He was appointed A D White Professor-at-Large by Cornell University from 2001, and was Founding Editor of the International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. He received an OBE in 2006 for services to sustainable agriculture, an honorary degree from Ohio State University, and the British Science Association Presidential Medal (Agriculture and Food) in 2015. He was appointed President of Essex Wildlife Trust in 2019, is Chair of the Essex Climate Action Commission, and was also a trustee for WWF-UK. This Luminous Coast was winner of New Angle Prize for Literature, and The East Country was winner of the East Anglian book of the year. He host of 80 podcasts and films (in the series Louder Than Words and Brighter Futures), and writes the series The Climate Chronicles at
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Connections to nature and place
Agricultural sustainability/sustainable intensification
Green exercise, green minds & health benefits of nature
Social capital and natural resources
Biodiversity and ecoliteracy
Conferences and presentations
The Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture: Progress and Principles for Redesign
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, 2018 ASA-CSSA Annual Conference, Baltimore, American Society of Agronomy, Madison, United States, 4/11/2018
Journal articles (168)
Sutherland, WJ., Brotherton, PNM., Butterworth, HM., Clarke, SJ., Davies, TE., Doar, N., Esmail, N., Fleishman, E., Gaston, KJ., Herbert-Read, JE., Hughes, AC., Hughes, J., Kaartokallio, H., Koh, LP., Kumar, R., Lickorish, FA., Littler, H., Palardy, JE., Pearce-Higgins, JW., Peck, LS., Pettorelli, N., Pretty, J., Schloss, IR., Spalding, MD., ten Brink, D., Tew, ER., Timoshyna, A., Tubbs, N., Watson, JEM., Wentworth, J., Wilson, JD. and Thornton, A., (2025). A horizon scan of biological conservation issues for 2025. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 40 (1), 80-89
Pretty, J., Garrity, D., Badola, HK., Barrett, M., Flora, CB., Cameron, C., Grist, N., HEPBURN, L., Hilburn, H., Isham, A., Jacobi, E., Lal, R., Lyster, S., Magnason, AS., McGlade, J., Middendorf, BJ., Milner-Gulland, EJ., Orr, DW., Peck, L., Reij, C., Rockström, J., Ronesh, Y., Saito, O., Smith, J., Smith, P., Thorne, P., Watabe, A., Waters, S. and Wells, G., (2025). How the Concept of “Regenerative Good Growth” Could Help Increase Public and Policy Engagement and Speed Transitions to Net Zero and Nature Recovery. Sustainability. 17 (3), 849-849
Sutherland, WJ., Bennett, C., Brotherton, PNM., Butterworth, HM., Clout, MN., Côté, IM., Dinsdale, J., Esmail, N., Fleishman, E., Gaston, KJ., Herbert-Read, JE., Hughes, A., Kaartokallio, H., Le Roux, X., Lickorish, FA., Matcham, W., Noor, N., Palardy, JE., Pearce-Higgins, JW., Peck, LS., Pettorelli, N., Pretty, J., Scobey, R., Spalding, MD., Tonneijck, FH., Tubbs, N., Watson, JEM., Wentworth, JE., Wilson, JD. and Thornton, A., (2023). A global biological conservation horizon scan of issues for 2023. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 38 (1), 96-107
Kamiyama, C., Hori, K., Matsui, T., Pretty, J. and Saito, O., (2023). Longitudinal analysis of home food production and food sharing behavior in Japan: multiple benefits of local food systems and the recent impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sustainability Science. 18 (5), 2277-2291
Jones, A., Bridle, S., Denby, K., Bhunnoo, R., Morton, D., Stanbrough, L., Coupe, B., Pilley, V., Benton, T., Falloon, P., Matthews, TK., Hasnain, S., Heslop-Harrison, JS., Beard, S., Pierce, J., Pretty, J., Zurek, M., Johnstone, A., Smith, P., Gunn, N., Watson, M., Pope, E., Tzachor, A., Douglas, C., Reynolds, C., Ward, N., Fredenburgh, J., Pettinger, C., Quested, T., Cordero, JP., Mitchell, C., Bewick, C., Brown, C., Brown, C., Burgess, PJ., Challinor, A., Cottrell, A., Crocker, T., George, T., Godfray, CJ., Hails, RS., Ingram, J., Lang, T., Lyon, F., Lusher, S., MacMillan, T., Newton, S., Pearson, S., Pritchard, S., Sanders, D., Sanderson Bellamy, A., Steven, M., Trickett, A., Voysey, A., Watson, C., Whitby, D. and Whiteside, K., (2023). Scoping Potential Routes to UK Civil Unrest via the Food System: Results of a Structured Expert Elicitation. Sustainability. 15 (20), 14783-14783
Zhu, A., Yuan, C., Pretty, J. and Ji, JS., (2022). Plant‐based dietary patterns and cognitive function: A prospective cohort analysis of elderly individuals in China (2008–2018). Brain and Behavior. 12 (8), e2670-
Wan, S., Rojas-Rueda, D., Pretty, J., Roscoe, C., James, P. and Ji, JS., (2022). Greenspace and mortality in the U.K. Biobank: Longitudinal cohort analysis of socio-economic, environmental, and biomarker pathways. SSM - Population Health. 19, 101194-101194
Sutherland, WJ., Atkinson, PW., Broad, S., Brown, S., Clout, M., Dias, MP., Dicks, LV., Doran, H., Fleishman, E., Garratt, EL., Gaston, KJ., Hughes, AC., Le Roux, X., Lickorish, FA., Maggs, L., Palardy, JE., Peck, LS., Pettorelli, N., Pretty, J., Spalding, MD., Tonneijck, FH., Walpole, M., Watson, JEM., Wentworth, J. and Thornton, A., (2021). A 2021 Horizon Scan of Emerging Global Biological Conservation Issues. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 36 (1), 87-97
Pervez Bharucha, Z., Attwood, S., Badiger, S., Balamatti, A., Bawden, R., Bentley, JW., Chander, M., Davies, L., Dixon, H., Dixon, J., D’Souza, M., Butler Flora, C., Green, M., Joshi, D., Komarek, AM., Ruth McDermid, L., Mathijs, E., Rola, AC., Patnaik, S., Pattanayak, S., Pingali, P., Vara Prasad, VP., Rabbinge, R., Ramanjaneyulu, GV., Ravindranath, NH., Sage, C., Saha, A., Salvatore, C., Patnaik Saxena, L., Singh, C., Smith, P., Srinidhi, A., Sugam, R., Thomas, R., Uphoff, N. and Pretty, J., (2021). The Top 100 questions for the sustainable intensification of agriculture in India’s rainfed drylands. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. 19 (2), 106-127
Burra, DD., Pretty, J., Neuenschwander, P., Liu, Z., Zhu, ZR. and Wyckhuys, KAG., (2021). Human health outcomes of a restored ecological balance in African agro-landscapes. Science of the Total Environment. 775, 145872-145872
Dixon, JM., Weerahewa, J., Hellin, J., Rola-Rubzen, MF., Huang, J., Kumar, S., Das, A., Qureshi, ME., Krupnik, TJ., Shideed, K., Jat, ML., Prasad, PVV., Yadav, S., Irshad, A., Asanaliev, A., Abugalieva, A., Karimov, A., Bhattarai, B., Balgos, CQ., Benu, F., Ehara, H., Pant, J., Sarmiento, JMP., Newby, JC., Pretty, J., Tokuda, H., Weyerhaeuser, H., Digal, LN., Li, L., Sarkar, MAR., Abedin, MZ., Schreinemachers, P., Grafton, Q., Sharma, RC., Saidzoda, S., Lopez-Ridaura, S., Coffey, S., Kam, SP., Win, SS., Praneetvatakul, S., Maraseni, T., Touch, V., Liang, W-L., Saharawat, YS. and Timsina, J., (2021). Response and resilience of Asian agrifood systems to COVID-19: An assessment across twenty-five countries and four regional farming and food systems. Agricultural Systems. 193, 103168-103168
Sutherland, WJ., Atkinson, PW., Butchart, SHM., Capaja, M., Dicks, LV., Fleishman, E., Gaston, KJ., Hails, RS., Hughes, AC., Le Anstey, B., Le Roux, X., Lickorish, FA., Maggs, L., Noor, N., Oldfield, TEE., Palardy, JE., Peck, LS., Pettorelli, N., Pretty, J., Spalding, MD., Tonneijck, FH., Truelove, G., Watson, JEM., Wentworth, J., Wilson, JD. and Thornton, A., (2021). A horizon scan of global biological conservation issues for 2022.. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 37 (1), 95-104
Sutherland, WJ., Dias, MP., Dicks, LV., Doran, H., Entwistle, AC., Fleishman, E., Gibbons, DW., Hails, R., Hughes, AC., Hughes, J., Kelman, R., Le Roux, X., LeAnstey, B., Lickorish, FA., Maggs, L., Pearce-Higgins, JW., Peck, LS., Pettorelli, N., Pretty, J., Spalding, MD., Tonneijck, FH., Wentworth, J. and Thornton, A., (2020). A Horizon Scan of Emerging Global Biological Conservation Issues for 2020. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 35 (1), 81-90
Bharucha, ZP., Mitjans, SB. and Pretty, J., (2020). Towards redesign at scale through zero budget natural farming in Andhra Pradesh, India. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. 18 (1), 1-20
Rogerson, M., Wood, C., Pretty, J., Schoenmakers, P., Bloomfield, D. and Barton, J., (2020). Regular Doses of Nature: The Efficacy of Green Exercise Interventions for Mental Wellbeing.. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17 (5), 1526-1526
Pretty, J., (2020). New opportunities for the redesign of agricultural and food systems. Agriculture and Human Values. 37 (3), 629-630
González-Chang, M., Wratten, SD., Shields, MW., Costanza, R., Dainese, M., Gurr, GM., Johnson, J., Karp, DS., Ketelaar, JW., Nboyine, J., Pretty, J., Rayl, R., Sandhu, H., Walker, M. and Zhou, W., (2020). Understanding the pathways from biodiversity to agro-ecological outcomes: A new, interactive approach. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 301, 107053-107053
Pretty, J., Attwood, S., Bawden, R., van den Berg, H., Bharucha, ZP., Dixon, J., Flora, CB., Gallagher, K., Genskow, K., Hartley, SE., Ketelaar, JW., Kiara, JK., Kumar, V., Lu, Y., MacMillan, T., Maréchal, A., Morales-Abubakar, AL., Noble, A., Prasad, PVV., Rametsteiner, E., Reganold, J., Ricks, JI., Rockström, J., Saito, O., Thorne, P., Wang, S., Wittman, H., Winter, M. and Yang, P., (2020). Assessment of the growth in social groups for sustainable agriculture and land management. Global Sustainability. 3
Pretty, J. and Barton, J., (2020). Nature-Based Interventions and Mind–Body Interventions: Saving Public Health Costs Whilst Increasing Life Satisfaction and Happiness. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17 (21), 7769-7769
Pretty, J., (2020). The agroecology of redesign. Landbauforschung. 70 (2), 25-30
Sutherland, WJ., Broad, S., Butchart, SHM., Clarke, SJ., Collins, AM., Dicks, LV., Doran, H., Esmail, N., Fleishman, E., Frost, N., Gaston, KJ., Gibbons, DW., Hughes, AC., Jiang, Z., Kelman, R., LeAnstey, B., le Roux, X., Lickorish, FA., Monk, KA., Mortimer, D., Pearce-Higgins, JW., Peck, LS., Pettorelli, N., Pretty, J., Seymour, CL., Spalding, MD., Wentworth, J. and Ockendon, N., (2019). A Horizon Scan of Emerging Issues for Global Conservation in 2019. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 34 (1), 83-94
Sutherland, WJ., Fleishman, E., Clout, M., Gibbons, DW., Lickorish, F., Peck, LS., Pretty, J., Spalding, M. and Ockendon, N., (2019). Ten Years On: A Review of the First Global Conservation Horizon Scan. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 34 (2), 139-153
Shanahan, DF., Astell–Burt, T., Barber, EA., Brymer, E., Cox, DTC., Dean, J., Depledge, M., Fuller, RA., Hartig, T., Irvine, KN., Jones, A., Kikillus, H., Lovell, R., Mitchell, R., Niemelä, J., Nieuwenhuijsen, M., Pretty, J., Townsend, M., van Heezik, Y., Warber, S. and Gaston, KJ., (2019). Nature–Based Interventions for Improving Health and Wellbeing: The Purpose, the People and the Outcomes. Sports. 7 (6), 141-141
Pretty, J., (2019). The sustainable intensification of agriculture. Resource: Engineering and Technology for Sustainable World. 26 (6), 17-18
Sutherland, WJ., Butchart, SHM., Connor, B., Culshaw, C., Dicks, LV., Dinsdale, J., Doran, H., Entwistle, AC., Fleishman, E., Gibbons, DW., Jiang, Z., Keim, B., Roux, XL., Lickorish, FA., Markillie, P., Monk, KA., Mortimer, D., Pearce-Higgins, JW., Peck, LS., Pretty, J., Seymour, CL., Spalding, MD., Tonneijck, FH. and Gleave, RA., (2018). A 2018 Horizon Scan of Emerging Issues for Global Conservation and Biological Diversity. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 33 (1), 47-58
Pretty, J., Benton, TG., Bharucha, ZP., Dicks, LV., Flora, CB., Godfray, HCJ., Goulson, D., Hartley, SE., Lampkin, N., Morris, C., Pierzynski, G., Prasad, PVV., Reganold, J., Rockstrom, J., Smith, P., Thorne, P. and Wratten, S., (2018). Global Assessment of Agricultural System Redesign for Sustainable Intensification. Nature Sustainability. 1 (8), 441-446
Pretty, J., (2018). Intensification for redesigned and sustainable agricultural systems. Science. 362 (6417), 908-+
Dudley, N., Attwood, SJ., Goulson, D., Jarvis, D., Bharucha, ZP. and Pretty, J., (2017). How should conservationists respond to pesticides as a driver of biodiversity loss in agroecosystems?. Biological Conservation. 209, 449-453
Sutherland, WJ., Barnard, P., Broad, S., Clout, M., Connor, B., Côté, IM., Dicks, LV., Doran, H., Entwistle, AC., Fleishman, E., Fox, M., Gaston, KJ., Gibbons, DW., Jiang, Z., Keim, B., Lickorish, FA., Markillie, P., Monk, KA., Pearce-Higgins, JW., Peck, LS., Pretty, J., Spalding, MD., Tonneijck, FH., Wintle, BC. and Ockendon, N., (2017). A 2017 Horizon Scan of Emerging Issues for Global Conservation and Biological Diversity. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 32 (1), 31-40
Pretty, JN., Rogerson, M. and Barton, JL., (2017). Green Mind Theory: How Brain-Body-Behaviour Links into Natural and Social Environments for Healthy Habits. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 14 (7), 706-706
Sutherland, WJ., Broad, S., Caine, J., Clout, M., Dicks, LV., Doran, H., Entwistle, AC., Fleishman, E., Gibbons, DW., Keim, B., LeAnstey, B., Lickorish, FA., Markillie, P., Monk, KA., Mortimer, D., Ockendon, N., Pearce-Higgins, JW., Peck, LS., Pretty, J., Rockström, J., Spalding, MD., Tonneijck, FH., Wintle, BC. and Wright, KE., (2016). A Horizon Scan of Global Conservation Issues for 2016. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 31 (1), 44-53
Nath, TK., Jashimuddin, M., Kamrul Hasan, M., Shahjahan, M. and Pretty, J., (2016). The sustainable intensification of agroforestry in shifting cultivation areas of Bangladesh. Agroforestry Systems. 90 (3), 405-416
Pretty, J., Barton, J., Pervez Bharucha, Z., Bragg, R., Pencheon, D., Wood, C. and Depledge, MH., (2016). Improving health and well-being independently of GDP: Dividends of greener and prosocial economies. International Journal of Environmental Health Research. 26 (1), 11-36
Li, H., He, J., Bharucha, ZP., Lal, R. and Pretty, J., (2016). Improving China’s food and environmental security with conservation agriculture †. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. 14 (4), 377-391
Wood, CJ., Pretty, J. and Griffin, M., (2016). A case–control study of the health and well-being benefits of allotment gardening. Journal of Public Health. 38 (3), e336-e344
Barton, J., Bragg, R., Pretty, J., Roberts, J. and Wood, C., (2016). The Wilderness Expedition. Journal of Experiential Education. 39 (1), 59-72
Pretty, JN., (2016). Mainstreaming ecosystem services into future farming. Solutions Journal. Mar-Apr, 40-47
Barton, JL., Bragg, R., Pretty, JN., Roberts, J. and Wood, C., (2016). The Wilderness Expedition: an effective life course intervention to improve young people?s wellbeing and connectedness to nature. Journal of Experiential Education. 39 (1), 59-72
Sandhu, H., Wratten, S., Costanza, R., Pretty, J., Porter, JR. and Reganold, J., (2015). Significance and value of non-traded ecosystem services on farmland. PeerJ. 3 (2), e762-e762
Barton, J., Sandercock, G., Pretty, J. and Wood, C., (2015). The effect of playground-and nature-based playtime interventions on physical activity and self-esteem in UK school children. International Journal of Environmental Health Research. 25 (2), 196-206
Sutherland, WJ., Clout, M., Depledge, M., Dicks, LV., Dinsdale, J., Entwistle, AC., Fleishman, E., Gibbons, DW., Keim, B., Lickorish, FA., Monk, KA., Ockendon, N., Peck, LS., Pretty, J., Rockström, J., Spalding, MD., Tonneijck, FH. and Wintle, BC., (2015). A horizon scan of global conservation issues for 2015. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 30 (1), 17-24
Pretty, J. and Bharucha, Z., (2015). Integrated Pest Management for Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture in Asia and Africa. Insects. 6 (1), 152-182
Sandhu, H., Wratten, S., Costanza, R., Pretty, JN., Porter, JR. and Reganold, J., (2015). Significance and value of non-traded ecosystem services on farmland. PeerJ. 3, creators-Pretty=3AJules_N=3A=3A
Brown, DK., Barton, JL., Pretty, J. and Gladwell, VF., (2014). Walks4Work: Assessing the role of the natural environment in a workplace physical activity intervention. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health. 40 (4), 390-399
Sutherland, WJ., Aveling, R., Brooks, TM., Clout, M., Dicks, LV., Fellman, L., Fleishman, E., Gibbons, DW., Keim, B., Lickorish, F., Monk, KA., Mortimer, D., Peck, LS., Pretty, J., Rockström, J., Rodríguez, JP., Smith, RK., Spalding, MD., Tonneijck, FH. and Watkinson, AR., (2014). A horizon scan of global conservation issues for 2014. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 29 (1), 15-22
Pretty, J. and Bharucha, ZP., (2014). Sustainable intensification in agricultural systems. Annals of Botany. 114 (8), 1571-1596
Bharucha, ZP., Smith, D. and Pretty, J., (2014). All Paths Lead to Rain: Explaining why Watershed Development in India Does Not Alleviate the Experience of Water Scarcity. The Journal of Development Studies. 50 (9), 1209-1225
Pretty, JN., (2014). The spread of Conservation Agriculture: policy and institutional support for adoption and uptake. Field Actions Science Reports
Reed, K., Wood, C., Barton, J., Pretty, JN., Cohen, D. and Sandercock, GRH., (2013). A Repeated Measures Experiment of Green Exercise to Improve Self-Esteem in UK School Children. PLoS ONE. 8 (7), e69176-e69176
Pretty, J., (2013). The Consumption of a Finite Planet: Well-Being, Convergence, Divergence and the Nascent Green Economy. Environmental and Resource Economics. 55 (4), 475-499
Wood, C., Angus, C., Pretty, J., Sandercock, G. and Barton, J., (2013). A randomised control trial of physical activity in a perceived environment on self-esteem and mood in UK adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Health Research. 23 (4), 311-320
Reed, KE., Wood, C., Pretty, JN., Cohen, D., Barton, JL. and Sandercock, G., (2013). A Repeated Measures Experiment of Green Exercise to Improve Self-Esteem in UK School Children.. PLoS ONE. 8 (7), 75-92
Barton, J., Griffin, M. and Pretty, J., (2012). Exercise-, nature- and socially interactive-based initiatives improve mood and self-esteem in the clinical population. Perspectives in Public Health. 132 (2), 89-96
Gladwell, VF., Brown, DK., Barton, JL., Tarvainen, MP., Kuoppa, P., Pretty, J., Suddaby, JM. and Sandercock, GRH., (2012). The effects of views of nature on autonomic control. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 112 (9), 3379-3386
Brown, DK., Barton, JL., Pretty, J. and Gladwell, VF., (2012). Walks4work: Rationale and study design to investigate walking at lunchtime in the workplace setting. BMC Public Health. 12 (1), 550-
Thomson, AJ., Giannopoulos, G., Pretty, J., Baggs, EM. and Richardson, DJ., (2012). Biological sources and sinks of nitrous oxide and strategies to mitigate emissions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 367 (1593), 1157-1168
Fortmann, L., (2012). Sustainable Intensification: Increasing Productivity in African Food and Agricultural Systems. Edited by J. Pretty, C. Toulmin and S. Williams. Oxford, UK: Earthscan (2011), pp. 289, £65.05. ISBN 978-1-8497-1332-0.. Experimental Agriculture. 48 (1), 153-153
Brown, DK., Barton, JL., Pretty, JN. and Gladwell, V., (2012). Walks4work: Rationale and study design to investigate walking at lunchtime in the workplace setting. BMC Public Health. 12 (1), creators-Gladwell=3AValerie=3A=3A
Ogunleye, AA., Voss, C., Barton, JL., Pretty, JN. and Sandercock, GRH., (2011). Contrasting physical activity patterns in children and adolescents living in differing environments in the UK. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. 39 (7), 696-703
Cullen-Unsworth, LC., Pretty, J. and Smith, DJ., (2011). Developing community-derived indicators of economic status in the coral triangle: A management support tool. Ocean & Coastal Management. 54 (6), 446-454
Sutherland, WJ., Fleishman, E., Mascia, MB., Pretty, J. and Rudd, MA., (2011). Methods for collaboratively identifying research priorities and emerging issues in science and policy. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 2 (3), 238-247
Godfray, HCJ., Pretty, J., Thomas, SM., Warham, EJ. and Beddington, JR., (2011). Linking Policy on Climate and Food. Science. 331 (6020), 1013-1014
Sutherland, WJ., Bardsley, S., Bennun, L., Clout, M., Côté, IM., Depledge, MH., Dicks, LV., Dobson, AP., Fellman, L. and Fleishman, E., (2011). Horizon scan of global conservation issues for 2011. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 26 (1), 10-16
Pretty, J., (2011). E
Pretty, J., Toulmin, C. and Williams, S., (2011). Sustainable intensification in African agriculture. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. 9 (1), 5-24
PRETTY, J., (2011). Interdisciplinary progress in approaches to address social-ecological and ecocultural systems. Environmental Conservation. 38 (2), 127-139
Pretty, JN., (2011). Interdisciplinary progress in approaches to address social-ecological and ecocultural systems. Environmental Conservation. 38 (2, SI), 127-139
Unsworth, RKF., Cullen, LC., Pretty, JN., Smith, DJ. and Bell, JJ., (2010). Economic and subsistence values of the standing stocks of seagrass fisheries: Potential benefits of no-fishing marine protected area management. Ocean & Coastal Management. 53 (5-6), 218-224
Farage, P., Ball, AS., McGenity, TJ., Whitby, C. and Pretty, JN., (2010). Reply to Comment on: `Burning management and carbon sequestration of upland heather moorland in the UK'. Australian Journal Of Soil Research. 48 (1), 104-104
Bunting, SW., Pretty, J. and Edwards, P., (2010). Wastewater‐fed aquaculture in the East Kolkata Wetlands, India: anachronism or archetype for resilient ecocultures?. Reviews in Aquaculture. 2 (3), 138-153
Sutherland, WJ., Clout, M., Côté, IM., Daszak, P., Depledge, MH., Fellman, L., Fleishman, E., Garthwaite, R., Gibbons, DW., De Lurio, J., Impey, AJ., Lickorish, F., Lindenmayer, D., Madgwick, J., Margerison, C., Maynard, T., Peck, LS., Pretty, J., Prior, S., Redford, KH., Scharlemann, JPW., Spalding, M. and Watkinson, AR., (2010). A horizon scan of global conservation issues for 2010. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 25 (1), 1-7
Barton, J. and Pretty, J., (2010). What is the Best Dose of Nature and Green Exercise for Improving Mental Health? A Multi-Study Analysis. Environmental Science & Technology. 44 (10), 3947-3955
Singh, RK., Pretty, J. and Pilgrim, S., (2010). Traditional knowledge and biocultural diversity: learning from tribal communities for sustainable development in northeast India. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 53 (4), 511-533
Pretty, J., Sutherland, WJ., Ashby, J., Auburn, J., Baulcombe, D., Bell, M., Bentley, J., Bickersteth, S., Brown, K., Burke, J., Campbell, H., Chen, K., Crowley, E., Crute, I., Dobbelaere, D., Edwards-Jones, G., Funes-Monzote, F., Godfray, HCJ., Griffon, M., Gypmantisiri, P., Haddad, L., Halavatau, S., Herren, H., Holderness, M., Izac, A-M., Jones, M., Koohafkan, P., Lal, R., Lang, T., McNeely, J., Mueller, A., Nisbett, N., Noble, A., Pingali, P., Pinto, Y., Rabbinge, R., Ravindranath, NH., Rola, A., Roling, N., Sage, C., Settle, W., Sha, JM., Shiming, L., Simons, T., Smith, P., Strzepeck, K., Swaine, H., Terry, E., Tomich, TP., Toulmin, C., Trigo, E., Twomlow, S., Vis, JK., Wilson, J. and Pilgrim, S., (2010). The top 100 questions of importance to the future of global agriculture. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. 8 (4), 219-236
Bharucha, Z. and Pretty, J., (2010). The roles and values of wild foods in agricultural systems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 365 (1554), 2913-2926
Godfray, HCJ., Crute, IR., Haddad, L., Lawrence, D., Muir, JF., Nisbett, N., Pretty, J., Robinson, S., Toulmin, C. and Whiteley, R., (2010). The future of the global food system. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 365 (1554), 2769-2777
Godfray, HCJ., Beddington, JR., Crute, IR., Haddad, L., Lawrence, D., Muir, JF., Pretty, J., Robinson, S., Thomas, SM. and Toulmin, C., (2010). Food Security: The Challenge of Feeding 9 Billion People. Science. 327 (5967), 812-818
Pretty, J., (2010). Global agriculture has to change. Appropriate Technology. 37 (2), 38-39
Pretty, JN., (2010). Formation and function of social capital for forest resource management and the improved livelihoods of indigenous people in Bangladesh. Journal of Rural and Community Development. 5 (3), 104-122
Farage, P., Ball, A., McGenity, TJ., Whitby, C. and Pretty, J., (2009). Burning management and carbon sequestration of upland heather moorland in the UK. Soil Research. 47 (4), 351-351
Kassam, A., Friedrich, T., Shaxson, F. and Pretty, J., (2009). The spread of Conservation Agriculture: justification, sustainability and uptake. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. 7 (4), 292-320
Stobbelaar, DJ., Groot, JCJ., Bishop, C., Hall, J. and Pretty, J., (2009). Internalization of agri-environmental policies and the role of institutions. Journal of Environmental Management. 90 (SUPPL. 2), S175-S184
Pretty, J., (2009). Can Ecological Agriculture Feed Nine Billion People?. Monthly Review. 61 (6), 46-46
Barton, J., Hine, R. and Pretty, J., (2009). The health benefits of walking in greenspaces of high natural and heritage value. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences. 6 (4), 261-278
Pilgrim, S., Pretty, J., Adams, B., Berkes, F., de Athayde, SF., Dudley, N., Hunn, E., Maffi, L., Milton, K., Rapport, D., Robbins, P., Sterling, E., Stolton, S., Tsing, A. and Vintinnerk, E., (2009). The Intersections of Biological Diversity and Cultural Diversity: Towards Integration. Conservation and Society. 7 (2), 100-100
Pilgrim, S., Pretty, JN., Adams, B., Berkes, F., de Athayde, SF., Dudley, N., Hunn, E., Maffi, L., Milton, K., Rapport, D., Robbins, P., Sterling, E., Stolton, S., Tsing, A. and Vintinnerk, E., (2009). The Intersections of Biological Diversity and Cultural Diversity: Towards Integration. Conservation and Society. 7 (2), creators-Pretty=3AJules_N=3A=3A
Pilgrim, SE., Cullen, LC., Smith, DJ. and Pretty, J., (2008). Ecological Knowledge is Lost in Wealthier Communities and Countries. Environmental Science & Technology. 42 (4), 1004-1009
Williamson, S., Ball, A. and Pretty, J., (2008). Trends in pesticide use and drivers for safer pest management in four African countries. Crop Protection. 27 (10), 1327-1334
Pretty, J., Smith, G., Goulding, KWT., Groves, SJ., Henderson, I., Hine, RE., King, V., van Oostrum, J., Pendlington, DJ., Vis, JK. and Walter, C., (2008). Multi-year assessment of Unilever's progress towards agricultural sustainability II: outcomes for peas (UK), spinach (Germany, Italy), tomatoes (Australia, Brazil, Greece, USA), tea (Kenya, Tanzania, India) and oil palm (Ghana). International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. 6 (1), 63-88
Pretty, J., Smith, G., Goulding, KWT., Groves, SJ., Henderson, I., Hine, RE., King, V., van Oostrum, J., Pendlington, DJ., Vis, JK. and Walter, C., (2008). Multi-year assessment of Unilever's progress towards agricultural sustainability I: indicators, methodology and pilot farm results. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. 6 (1), 37-62
Pollock, C., Pretty, J., Crute, I., Leaver, C. and Dalton, H., (2008). Introduction. Sustainable agriculture II. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 363 (1492), 683-683
Pollock, C., Pretty, J., Crute, I., Leaver, C. and Dalton, H., (2008). Introduction. Sustainable agriculture. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 363 (1491), 445-446
Sutherland, WJ., Bailey, MJ., Bainbridge, IP., Brereton, T., Dick, JTA., Drewitt, J., Dulvy, NK., Dusic, NR., Freckleton, RP., Gaston, KJ., Gilder, PM., Green, RE., Heathwaite, AL., Johnson, SM., Macdonald, DW., Mitchell, R., Osborn, D., Owen, RP., Pretty, J., Prior, SV., Prosser, H., Pullin, AS., Rose, P., Stott, A., Tew, T., Thomas, CD., Thompson, DBA., Vickery, JA., Walker, M., Walmsley, C., Warrington, S., Watkinson, AR., Williams, RJ., Woodroffe, R. and Woodroof, HJ., (2008). Future novel threats and opportunities facing UK biodiversity identified by horizon scanning. Journal of Applied Ecology. 45 (3), 821-833
Dobbs, TL. and Pretty, J., (2008). Case study of agri-environmental payments: The United Kingdom. Ecological Economics. 65 (4), 765-775
Pretty, J., (2008). Agricultural sustainability: concepts, principles and evidence. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 363 (1491), 447-465
Hine, R., Peacock, J. and Pretty, J., (2008). Care farming in the UK: Contexts, benefits and links with therapeutic communities. Therapeutic Communities. 29 (3), 245-260
Pretty, J., (2008). Wild walking on the east coast. Ecos. 29 (1), 61-67
Hine, R., Peacock, J. and Pretty, J., (2008). Working the land.. Mental health today (Brighton, England), 23-26
Pretty, JN., (2008). Then and now: Norfolk farmers’ changing relationships and linkages with government agencies during transformations in land management. Journal of Farm Management. 13 (6), 393-418
FARAGE, P., ARDO, J., OLSSON, L., RIENZI, E., BALL, A. and PRETTY, J., (2007). The potential for soil carbon sequestration in three tropical dryland farming systems of Africa and Latin America: A modelling approach. Soil and Tillage Research. 94 (2), 457-472
Pretty, J., Peacock, J., Hine, R., Sellens, M., South, N. and Griffin, M., (2007). Green exercise in the UK countryside: Effects on health and psychological well-being, and implications for policy and planning. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 50 (2), 211-231
Pretty, J., Hine, RE., Morison, JIL., Noble, AD., Bossio, D., Dixon, J. and de Vries, FWTP., (2007). Response to Comment on “Resource-Conserving Agriculture Increases Yields in Developing Countries”. Environmental Science & Technology. 41 (3), 1056-1057
Pilgrim, S., Smith, D. and Pretty, J., (2007). A CROSS‐REGIONAL ASSESSMENT OF THE FACTORS AFFECTING ECOLITERACY: IMPLICATIONS FOR POLICY AND PRACTICE. Ecological Applications. 17 (6), 1742-1751
Cullen, LC., Pretty, J., Smith, D. and Pilgrim, SE., (2007). Links between local ecological knowledge and wealth in indigenous communities of Indonesia: Implications for conservation of marine resources. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. 2 (1), 289-299
Pretty, JN., (2007). Resource-conserving agriculture works, despite the scepticism. Environmental Science and Technology. 40 (4), 1114-1119
Pilgrim, S., Cullen, L., Smith, D. and Pretty, J., (2007). Hidden harvest or hidden revenue-A local resource use in a remote region of Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. 6 (1), 150-159
Pretty, JN., Noble, AD., Bossio, D., Dixon, J., Hine, RE., Penning de Vries, FWT. and Morison, JIL., (2006). Resource-Conserving Agriculture Increases Yields in Developing Countries. Environmental Science & Technology. 40 (4), 1114-1119
Samson, C. and Pretty, J., (2006). Environmental and health benefits of hunting lifestyles and diets for the Innu of Labrador. Food Policy. 31 (6), 528-553
PRETTY, J., (2006). Physical activity in modern society: is there also an environmental benefit?. Environmental Conservation. 33 (2), 87-88
May, A., Hall, J. and Pretty, J., (2006). Managed retreat in Essex: Rewilding the coast at Abbots Hall. Ecos. 27 (3-4), 36-43
Pretty, J., Hine, R. and Peacock, J., (2006). Green exercise: The benefits of activities in green places. Biologist. 53 (3), 143-148
Pretty, J., Ashby, J., Bell, M., Lee, H., Sage, C., Toulmin, C., Twomlow, S. and Uphoff, N., (2006). Editorial. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. 4 (1), 1-1
Ashby, J. and Pretty, J., (2006). C
Pretty, J., Peacock, J., Sellens, M. and Griffin, M., (2005). The mental and physical health outcomes of green exercise. International Journal of Environmental Health Research. 15 (5), 319-337
Bossio, DA., Girvan, MS., Verchot, L., Bullimore, J., Borelli, T., Albrecht, A., Scow, KM., Ball, AS., Pretty, JN. and Osborn, AM., (2005). Soil Microbial Community Response to Land Use Change in an Agricultural Landscape of Western Kenya. Microbial Ecology. 49 (1), 50-62
Pretty, JN., Ball, AS., Lang, T. and Morison, JIL., (2005). Farm costs and food miles: An assessment of the full cost of the UK weekly food basket. Food Policy. 30 (1), 1-19
Westermann, O., Ashby, J. and Pretty, J., (2005). Gender and social capital: The importance of gender differences for the maturity and effectiveness of natural resource management groups. World Development. 33 (11), 1783-1799
Thorn, J. and Pretty, J., (2005). Truckloads of tuck [3] (multiple letter). New Scientist. 185 (2493), 28-
Morison, J., Hine, R. and Pretty, J., (2005). Survey and Analysis of Labour on Organic Farms in the UK and Republic of Ireland. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. 3 (1), 24-43
Pretty, JN., (2005). Sustainability in agriculture: recent progress and emergent challenges. Issues in Environmental Science and Technology. 21, 1-15
Pretty, J., Farage, P. and Ball, A., (2005). Economic constraints to the adoption of carbon farming. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE. 85 (4), 541-547
Girvan, MS., Bullimore, J., Ball, AS., Pretty, JN. and Osborn, AM., (2004). Responses of Active Bacterial and Fungal Communities in Soils under Winter Wheat to Different Fertilizer and Pesticide Regimens. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 70 (5), 2692-2701
Dobbs, TL. and Pretty, JN., (2004). Agri-Environmental Stewardship Schemes and "Multifunctionality". Review of Agricultural Economics. 26 (2), 220-237
Wu, B. and Pretty, J., (2004). Social connectedness in marginal rural China: The case of farmer innovation circles in Zhidan, north Shaanxi. Agriculture and Human Values. 21 (1), 81-92
PRETTY, J. and SMITH, D., (2004). Social Capital in Biodiversity Conservation and Management. Conservation Biology. 18 (3), 631-638
Pretty, J., (2004). We are what we eat. New Scientist. 184 (2468), 44-47
Pretty, J., (2004). How nature contributes to mental and physical health. Spirituality and Health International. 5 (2), 68-78
Pretty, JN., Mason, CF., Nedwell, DB., Hine, RE., Leaf, S. and Dils, R., (2003). Environmental Costs of Freshwater Eutrophication in England and Wales. Environmental Science & Technology. 37 (2), 201-208
Girvan, MS., Bullimore, J., Pretty, JN., Osborn, AM. and Ball, AS., (2003). Soil Type Is the Primary Determinant of the Composition of the Total and Active Bacterial Communities in Arable Soils. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 69 (3), 1800-1809
Stephens, PA., Pretty, JN. and Sutherland, WJ., (2003). Agriculture, transport policy and landscape heterogeneity. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 18 (11), 555-556
Pretty, JN., Morison, JIL. and Hine, RE., (2003). Reducing food poverty by increasing agricultural sustainability in developing countries. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 95 (1), 217-234
Pretty, J., Griffin, M. and Sellens, M., (2003). Is nature good for you?. Ecos. 24 (3-4), 2-9
Ward, H., Norval, A., Landman, T. and Pretty, J., (2003). Open Citizens' Juries and the Politics of Sustainability. Political Studies. 51 (2), 282-299
Pretty, J., (2003). Social Capital and the Collective Management of Resources. Science. 302 (5652), 1912-1914
Pretty, J., (2003). Agroecology in Developing Countries: The Promise of a Sustainable Harvest. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development. 45 (9), 8-20
Pretty, J., (2003). The Externalities and Multifunctionality of Agriculture. EuroChoices. 2 (3), 40-45
Pretty, JN., (2003). The environmental damage costs of eutrophication of fresh waters in England and Wales. Environmental Science and Technology. 37 (2), 201-208
Pretty, J., Ashby, J., Ball, A., Morison, J. and Uphoff, N., (2003). Editorial. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. 1 (1), 1-2
Pretty, JN., Ball, AS., Xiaoyun, L. and Ravindranath, NH., (2002). The role of sustainable agriculture and renewable–resource management in reducing greenhouse–gas emissions and increasing sinks in China and India. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 360 (1797), 1741-1761
Renwick, A., Ball, AS. and Pretty, JN., (2002). Economic, biological and policy constraints on the adoption of carbon farming in temperate regions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 360 (1797), 1721-1740
Niles, JO., Brown, S., Pretty, J., Ball, AS. and Fay, J., (2002). Potential carbon mitigation and income in developing countries from changes in use and management of agricultural and forest lands. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 360 (1797), 1621-1639
Pretty, J. and Ward, H., (2001). Social Capital and the Environment. World Development. 29 (2), 209-227
Pretty, J., (2001). The rapid emergence of genetic modification in world agriculture: Contested risks and benefits. Environmental Conservation. 28 (3), 248-262
Pretty, J. and Hine, R., (2001). Sustainable agriculture delivers real results. Appropriate Technology. 28 (2), 24-27
Pretty, J., (2001). The rapid emergence of genetic modification in world agriculture: contested risks and benefits. Environmental Conservation. 28 (3), 248-262
Pretty, JN., (2001). Policy reforms and the external costs of agriculture. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 44 (2), 263-283
Pretty, JN., Brett, C., Gee, D., Hine, RE., Mason, CF., Morison, JIL., Raven, H., Rayment, MD. and van der Bijl, G., (2000). An assessment of the total external costs of UK agriculture. Agricultural Systems. 65 (2), 113-136
Pretty, J. and Hine, R., (2000). The promising spread of sustainable agriculture in Asia. Natural Resources Forum. 24 (2), 107-121
Pretty, J., (2000). Towards sustainable food and farming systems in industrialised countries. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology. 1 (1), 77-77
Pretty, J., (1999). Can sustainable agriculture feed africa? New evidence on progress, processes and impacts. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 1 (3/4), 253-274
Pretty, JN., (1997). The sustainable intensification of agriculture. Natural Resources Forum. 21 (4), 247-256
Pretty, JN., (1997). Sustainable Agriculture, People and the Resource Base: Impacts on Food Production. Forum for Development Studies. 24 (1), 7-32
Thompson, J. and Pretty, JN., (1996). Sustainability indicators and soil conservation: A participatory impact study and self-evaluation of the Catchment Approach of the Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 51 (4), 265-273
Pretty, JN., (1996). Could sustainable agriculture feed the world?. Biologist. 43 (3), 130-133
Thompson, J. and Pretty, JN., (1996). Sustainability indicators and soil conservation: The catchment approach in Kenya. JOURNAL OF SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION. 51 (4), 265-273
Pretty, JN., (1996). Participation, learning and sustainability:Emerging challenges for agricultural development. Social Change. 26 (1), 7-33
Pretty, JN., (1995). Participatory learning for sustainable agriculture. World Development. 23 (8), 1247-1263
Pretty, JN. and Pimbert, MP., (1995). Beyond conservation ideology and the wilderness. Natural Resources Forum. 19 (1), 5-14
Pimbert, MP. and Pretty, JN., (1995). Parks, people and professionals: putting "participation' into protected area management. Discussion Paper - United Nations Research Institute for Social Development. 57
Pretty, JN., Thompson, J. and Kiara, JK., (1995). Agricultural regeneration in Kenya: The catchment approach to soil and water conservation. Ambio. 24 (1), 7-15
Pretty, JN., (1994). Alternative Systems of Inquiry for a Sustainable Agriculture. IDS Bulletin. 25 (2), 37-49
Pretty, JN. and Chambers, R., (1993). Towards a learning paradigm: new professionalism and institutions for agriculture. IDS Discussion Paper. 334
Pretty, JN. and Guijt, I., (1992). Primary environmental care: an alternative paradigm for development assistance. Environment and Urbanization. 4 (1), 22-36
Pretty, JN., (1991). Farmers' extension practice and technology adaptation: Agricultural revolution in 17–19th century Britain. Agriculture and Human Values. 8 (1-2), 132-148
Scoones, I. and Pretty, J., (1990). Rapid rural appraisal for economics: exploring incentives to tree management in Sudan. Agroforestry for sustainable production, 147-184
Pretty, JN., (1990). Sustainable agriculture in the Middle Ages: the English manor. Agricultural History Review. 38 (1), 1-19
Conway, GR. and Pretty, JN., (1988). Fertilizer risks in the developing countries. Nature. 334 (6179), 207-208
Books (28)
Pretty, J., (2022). The Low-Carbon Good Life. Routledge
Pretty, J., (2022). Sea Sagas of the North: Travels and Tales at Warming Waters. Hawthorn Press
Singh, RK., Turner, NJ., Reyes-Garcia, V. and Pretty, J., (2021). Social-Ecological Diversity and Traditional Food Systems. CRC Press
Singh, RK., Turner, NJ., Reyes-Garcia, V. and Pretty, J., (2021). Preface
Singh, RK., Turner, NJ., Reyes-Garcia, V. and Pretty, J., (2021). Introduction: Social-Ecological Diversity and Traditional Food Systems: Opportunities from the Biocultural World
Pretty, J. and Bharucha, ZP., (2018). Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture. Routledge
Pretty, J., (2017). The East Country Almanac Tales of Valley and Shore. Comstock Publishing Associates. 150170933X. 9781501709333
Barton, JL., Bragg, R., Wood, C. and Pretty, JN., (2016). Green Exercise Linking Nature, Health and Well-being. Routledge. 9781138807648
Barton, J. and Pretty, J., (2016). Preface
Boehm, S., Bharucha, ZP. and Pretty, JN., (2015). Ecocultures: Blueprints for Sustainable Communities. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 978-0-415-81285-6
Pretty, J., (2014). The Edge of Extinction Travels with Enduring People in Vanishing Lands. Cornell University Press. 0801455030. 9780801455032
Pretty, J., (2014). This Luminous Coast Walking England’s Eastern Edge. Cornell University Press. 0801455316. 9780801455315
Singh, RK., Turner, N., Reyes-Garcia, V. and Pretty, JN., (2014). Social-Ecological Diversity and Traditional Food Systems. New India Publishing Agency. 9789383305360
Pretty, J., (2013). Agri-Culture. Routledge. 1136572112. 9781136572111
Obe, JP., (2013). The Living Land. Routledge. 185383517X. 9781853835179
Conway, GR. and Pretty, JN., (2013). Unwelcome Harvest Agriculture and Pollution. Routledge. 113406358X. 9781134063581
Pretty, JN., (2013). Regenerating Agriculture. Routledge
(2012). The Pesticide Detox. Routledge
Pretty, J., (2012). The Earth Only Endures. Routledge. 1849772967. 9781849772969
(2011). Urban Agriculture. Routledge
(2010). Nature and Culture. Routledge
Pilgrim, S. and Pretty, JN., (2010). Nature and culture: rebuilding lost connections. Earthscan. 9781844078219
Pilgrim, S. and Pretty, J., (2010). Preface
Pretty, JN., (2008). Sustainable Agriculture and Food. Earthscan
Pretty, J., Ball, A., Benton, T., Guivant, J., Lee, DR., Orr, D., Pfeffer, M. and Ward, PH., (2007). The SAGE Handbook of Environment and Society. SAGE. 1446250083. 9781446250082
Pretty, JN., Sellens, MH., South, N. and Wilson, M., (2006). Guide to a healthy planet. University of Essex. 1904059422
Pretty, JN., (2005). The Earthscan Reader in Sustainable Agriculture. Earthscan. 1844072355. 9781844072354
Pretty, JN., (1995). Regenerating Agriculture Policies and Practice for Sustainability and Self-reliance. Earthscan. 1853832278. 9781853832277
Book chapters (37)
Pretty, J., Guijt, I., Scoones, I. and Thompson, J., (2023). ■ Regenerating Agriculture: The Agroecology of Low-External Input and Community-Based Development. In: The Earthscan Reader in Sustainable Development. Routledge. 125- 144
Pilgrim-Morrison, S. and Pretty, J., (2021). The Loss of Local Livelihoods and Local Knowledge: Implications for Local Food Systems. In: Social-Ecological Diversity and Traditional Food Systems. CRC Press. 65- 89
Pretty, J., (2021). Foreword. In: Introduction to Agroecology. vii- ix
Rogerson, M., Barton, J., Gladwell, V. and Pretty, J., (2019). The Green Exercise Concept: Two intertwining pathways to health and wellbeing. In: Physical Activity in Natural Settings: Green Exercise & Blue Mind. Editors: MacIntyre, T. and Aoife, D., . Routledge. 75- 94. 9781315180144
Rogerson, M., Kelly, S., Coetzee, S., Barton, J. and Pretty, J., (2019). ‘Doing’ Adventure: The Mental Health Benefits of using Occupational Therapy Approaches in Adventure Therapy Settings. Editors: MacIntyre, T. and Aoife, D., . Routledge
(2019). The Routledge Companion to Rural Planning. In: The Routledge Companion to Rural Planning. Editors: Scott, M., Gallent, N. and Gkartzios, M., . Routledge. 495- 507
Pretty, J., (2019). Agri-Culture: Some Principles and Lessons for Sustainability. In: Ethics, Law and Society. Routledge. 115- 121
Mepham, B., (2019). Food Ethics. In: Ethics, Law and Society. Routledge. 141- 151
Pretty, JN. and Barton, JL., (2016). The Benefits of Greener and Healthier Economies. In: Green Exercise Linking Nature, Health and Well-being. Editors: Barton, JL., Bragg, R., Wood, C. and Pretty, JN., . Routledge. 161- 166. 9781138807648
Wood, C., Bragg, R. and Pretty, JN., (2016). Children's Connections to Nature and Green Exercise. In: Green Exercise Linking Nature, Health and Well-being. Editors: Barton, JL., Bragg, R., Wood, C. and Pretty, JN., . Routledge. 9781138807648
Barton, JL., Wood, C., Pretty, JN. and Rogerson, M., (2016). Green Exercise, Health and a Dose of Nature. In: Green Exercise Linking Nature, Health and Well-being. Editors: Barton, JL., Bragg, R., Wood, C. and Pretty, JN., . Routledge. 26- 36. 9781138807648
Pretty, JN. and Pencheon, D., (2016). The Seven Heresies of Asclepius: Behaviours that Affect Well-being. In: Green Exercise Linking Nature, Health and Well-being. Editors: Barton, JL., Bragg, R., Wood, C. and Pretty, JN., . Routledge. 9781138807648
Barton, J., Wood, C., Pretty, J. and Rogerson, M., (2016). Green Exercise for Health: A Dose of Nature. In: Green Exercise Linking Nature, Health and Well-Being. Editors: Barton, J., Bragg, R., Wood, C. and Pretty, J., . Routledge. 1138807656. 9781138807655
Wood, C., Bragg, R. and Pretty, J., (2016). The benefits of green exercise for children. In: Green Exercise: Linking Nature, Health and Well-being. 46- 52
Pretty, J. and Pencheon, D., (2016). The seven heresies of Asclepius: How environmental and social context shapes health and well-being. In: Green Exercise: Linking Nature, Health and Well-being. 1- 16
Boehm, S., Bharucha, ZP. and Pretty, JN., (2015). Ecocultures: Lesson Learnt and Paths into the Future. In: Ecocultures: Blueprints for Sustainable Communities. Editors: Boehm, S., Bharucha, ZP. and Pretty, JN., . Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 239- 261. 978-0-415-81285-6
Boehm, S., Bharucha, ZP. and Pretty, JN., (2015). Ecocultures: Towards Sustainable Ways of Living. In: Ecocultures: Blueprints for Sustainable Communities. Editors: Boehm, S., Bharucha, ZP. and Pretty, JN., . Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 3- 26. 978-0-415-81285-6
Lu, KK., (2014). Foreword. In: Analytical Psychology: Its Theory and Practice. Editors: . Routledge. x- xvii. 9780470656860
Pretty, J., (2014). Saving our small farms and rural communities. In: The Case against the Global Economy: And for a Turn Towards Localization. 275- 288
Pretty, J., Vorley, W. and Keeney, D., (2014). Pesticides in world agriculture: Causes, consequences and alternative courses. In: Bugs in the System: Redesigning the Pesticide Industry for Sustainable Agriculture. 17- 49
(2013). Capturing Carbon and Conserving Biodiversity. In: Capturing Carbon and Conserving Biodiversity: The Market Approach. Editors: Swingland, IR., . Routledge. 195- 217
(2013). Social Change and Conservation. In: Social Change and Conservation. Editors: Ghimire, KB. and Pimbert, MP., . Routledge. 297- 330
(2013). Food Systems Failure. In: Food Systems Failure: The Global Food Crisis and the Future of Agriculture. Editors: Rosin, C., Stock, P. and Campbell, H., . Routledge. 17- 29
Barton, J. and Pretty, J., (2013). The beneficial effects of green exercise on health. In: Forest Medicine. 201- 219
Hughes, J., Pretty, J. and Macdonald, DW., (2013). Nature as a source of health and well‐being. In: Key Topics in Conservation Biology 2. Wiley. 143- 160. 9780470658765
Pretty, J., (2013). Social and human capital for sustainable agriculture. In: Agroecological Innovations: Increasing Food Production with Participatory Development. 47- 57
Pretty, J., Ruben, R. and Thrupp, LA., (2013). Institutional changes and policy reforms. In: Agroecological Innovations: Increasing Food Production with Participatory Development. 251- 260
Pretty, J. and Uphoff, N., (2013). Human dimensions of agroecological development. In: Agroecological Innovations: Increasing Food Production with Participatory Development. 243- 250
Pretty, J., Wood, C., Hine, R. and Barton, J., (2013). Nature for Rehabilitating Offenders and Facilitating Therapeutic Outcomes for Youth at Risk. In: Routledge International Handbook of Green Criminology. Routledge. 1317809009. 9781317809005
Barton, J. and Pretty, J., (2012). The beneficial effects of green exercise on health. In: Forest Medicine. 201- 219
Pretty, JN., Barton, JL., Colbeck, I., Hine, R., Mourato, S., Mackerron, G. and Wood, C., (2011). Health Values from Ecosystems. In: The UK National Ecosystem Assessment Technical Report. UNEP-WCMC. 1153- 1181
Wood, C., Barton, J., Colbeck, I., Hine, R., Mourato, S., MacKerron, G. and Pretty, J., (2011). Health Values from Ecosystems. In: UK National Ecosystem Assessment Technical Report
Pilgrim, S., Samson, C. and Pretty, JN., (2010). EcoCultural Revitalisation: Replenishing Community Connections to the Land. In: Nature and Culture: Rebuilding Lost Connections. Editors: Pilgrim, S. and Pretty, JN., . Earthscan. 235- 256. 9781844078219
Pretty, JN. and Chambers, R., (2009). Toward a learning paradigm: New professionalism and institutions for agriculture. In: Rethinking Sustainability: Power, Knowledge, and Institutions. 189- 227
Bossio, D., Noble, A., Aloysius, N., Pretty, J. and De Vries, FP., (2008). Ecosystem benefits of 'bright' spots. In: Conserving Land, Protecting Water. 205- 224
Noble, A., Bossio, D., Pretty, J. and De Vries, FP., (2008). Bright spots: Pathways to ensuring food security and environmental integrity. In: Conserving Land, Protecting Water. 191- 204
Pretty, J., (2008). Investments in collective capacity and social capital. In: Conserving Land, Protecting Water. 178- 190
Conferences (2)
Barton, J., Rogerson, M., Gladwell, V., Pretty, J. and Higgins, D., (2018). Nature-based programmes for health and wellbeing in vulnerable groups: findings from evaluative research
Pretty, J., Farage, P. and Ball, A., (2005). Economic constraints to the adoption of carbon farming
Media (1)
Pretty, J., Dixon, M., Tearne, R., Oliver, S., Shaheed, A. and Lichtenstein, J., Louder than Words Podcast: Migration. Audio
Grants and funding
Ariston: The Road to Sustainability
Ariston UK Ltd
Chapter lead on report on farming in Andhra Pradesh, India
GIST Advisory Switzerland S.A.
External Advisory Board Chair: Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Sustainable Intensification (SIIL)
Kansas State University
Enhancing productivity in a Changing Climate
Alliance of Crop, Soil and Environmental Science Societies
Kansas State University
Study with African Union - Sustainable Intensification..
BIS Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Reducing the incidence of cardiac events
British Heart Foundation
Testing a Novel Method for Integrating Research, Policy
Economic & Social Research Council
Determining the Mental & Social Health Benefits YOE
Suffolk Wildlife Trust
100 Questions for Agriculture & Food
DIUS - Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills
Wild Foods Project
DIUS - Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills
Success Stories in Africa
DIUS - Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills
Tackling Health Through Childrens Outdoor Play
Heart Research UK
Green Exercise: Environment & Exercise
Economic & Social Research Council
General Healthy Living Project
Mid Essex Primary Care Trust
Social Benefits Project
The Wilderness Foundation Uk
Visiting Leaf Farms
Evaluation of Traumatic Stress: Vauxhall City Farm
South London & Maudsley Nhs Foundation Trust
General Healthy Living Project
Mid Essex Primary Care Trust
Ecominds Evaluation Process
Mind Association