Fadhilah Fitri Primandari

fadhilah.primandari@essex.ac.uk -
Colchester Campus
Fadhilah is a PhD candidate at the Department of Government. Her PhD project critiques the conceptualisations and theorisation of democratic consolidation from a feminist lens. In her first year, she worked on re-interpreting the processes of democratisation and democratic institutionalisation using a feminist poststructuralist reformulation of discursive institutionalism. Her study is funded by the ESRC through the South East Network for Social Sciences. Fadhilah is particularly interested in the ways that political knowledge and orientations, especially those related to democracy, are constructed through gendered perceptions, experiences and narratives. She obtained her Bachelor's degree in political science from Universitas Indonesia in August 2020 and has worked in various research roles before beginning her doctoral study. Fadhilah's analysis of Indonesian politics has appeared in the Australian Journal of Human Rights as well as platforms such as The Diplomat, New Mandala, East Asia Forum, and Policy Forum.
Bachelor of Political Science Universitas Indonesia (2020)
Research and professional activities
Consolidating Democracy or Men's Rule? A Feminist Critique of Democratic Consolidation
This project critiques the traditional conceptions and measurements of democratic consolidation from a feminist lens. It examines how the traditional tests of democratic consolidation are built on androcentric understandings of politics which exclude women - empirically and methodologically. By actively considering the gendered nature of politics, the study then asks whether the democracies that mainstream political science has commonly considered established and consolidated, such as those in t
Supervisor: Professor Moya Lloyd , Dr Laura Montanaro