Professor Nigel Pye

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Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
You can find details of Academic Support hours on the EBS UG and PG information page on Moodle or by calling EBS Student Services on 01206873911
Nigel is Emeritus Professor at Essex Business School (EBS) at the University of Essex. He supports the Essex MBA Programme, which has a strong focus on developing socially responsible entrepreneurs who can start up and grow thriving businesses. Nigel’s academic interests are in the field of supply chains, with a focus on inter-organisational relationships. Before joining Essex, Nigel held academic posts at Warwick Business School and Cranfield University. Prior to joining academia in 2008, he was Client Service Director in Ernst and Young’s Government Services Practice. He has previously held similar positions at KPMG and EDS.
MSc Design of Information Systems, Cranfield University, 1990
BSc Civil Engineering, Royal Military College of Science (CNAA) 1982
Other academic
Emeritus Professor, University of Essex (10/7/2018 - present)
MBA Director, Essex Business School, University of Essex (17/8/2015 - 27/7/2018)
Assistant Dean, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick (4/7/2013 - 31/7/2015)
Lecturer, Cranfield University (1/5/2008 - 1/6/2013)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Supply Chains
Inter-organizational relationships
Conferences and presentations
Pye, N (2015) Delivering Assurance of Learning in World Leading Distance Learning Master Programs AACSB Assessment Conference: Driving Accountability and Innovation 9-11 March, Austin Texas.
Austin, United States, 2015
Journal articles (1)
Dunn, M., Egginton, B., Pye, N., Taylor, T. and Watters, B., (2011). From Defence Reform to Defence Transformation. The RUSI Journal. 156 (5), 14-19
Academic support hours:
You can find details of Academic Support hours on the EBS UG and PG information page on Moodle or by calling EBS Student Services on 01206873911