
Dr Emmanouil Pyrgiotakis

EBS - Finance
Dr Emmanouil Pyrgiotakis

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Corporate Finance

Open to supervise

Mergers and Acquisitions

Open to supervise

Initial Public Offerings

Open to supervise

Textual Analysis

Open to supervise

Conferences and presentations

Market concentration and bank M&As: Evidence from the European sovereign debt crisis

25th International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance, Heraklion, Greece, 29/7/2021

Market concentration and bank M&As: Evidence from the European sovereign debt crisis

EFiC 2021 Conference in Banking and Corporate Finance, Colchester, United Kingdom, 8/7/2021

National culture of secrecy and stock price synchronicity: cross country evidence

37th International Conference of the French Finance Association, Nantes, France, 27/5/2021

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Portfolio Analysis (BE313)

  • Risk Management (BE361)

  • Risk Management and Financial Institutions (BE631)

  • Finance Research Project (BE937)

  • Dissertation (BE982)

  • Dissertation in Finance (BE989)


Journal articles (5)

Katsafados, AG., Leledakis, GN., Pyrgiotakis, EG., Androutsopoulos, I. and Fergadiotis, M., (2024). Machine learning in bank merger prediction: A text-based approach. European Journal of Operational Research. 312 (2), 783-797

Pyrgiotakis, E., Leledakis, G., Gkoumas, N. and Androutsopoulos, I., (2024). Bank Competition, Loan PortfolioConcentration and Stock Price Crash Risk: TheRole of Tone Ambiguity. British Journal of Management

Drousia, A., Episcopos, A., Leledakis, GN. and Pyrgiotakis, EG., (2023). EU Regulation and open market share repurchases: new evidence. The European Journal of Finance. 29 (9), 1022-1042

Leledakis, GN. and Pyrgiotakis, EG., (2022). U.S. bank M&As in the post-Dodd–Frank Act era: Do they create value?. Journal of Banking & Finance. Online, 105576-105576

Leledakis, G., Mamatzakis, E., Pyrgiotakis, E. and Travlos, N., (2020). Does it pay to acquire private firms? Evidence from the U.S. banking industry. The European Journal of Finance. 27 (10), 1029-1051

+44 (0) 1206 874463


EBS.3.88, Colchester Campus

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