
Dr Simon Quick

School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences
Dr Simon Quick



Simon is a Lecturer in Sport Coaching in the School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Science. Prior to working at Essex, Simon taught Physical Education in secondary schools for 12 years and was a Director of Physical Education and Performance Sport. After completing his PhD in Sport Coaching whilst working, Simon moved to Higher Education and teaches areas including sport pedagogy, coach development and sport coaching. Simon's academic experience is accompanied by a significant array of practical coaching roles. Notably, he is a level 4 tennis coach, and has 15 years experience of coaching rugby and tennis at all levels. He also has numerous coaching qualifications in different sports including: Basketball, Lacrosse, Swimming and Football. More recently, Simon was selected as the recipient of the 2024 NAKHE Engaged Scholar Program Award. He has presented his research at multiple international conferences (including USCCE and NAKHE) . Research Interests: Simon's research in sport coaching focuses on how coaches mentally operate in dynamic social settings. As part of his PhD, he employed an ethnographic approach to explore situated coaching cognitions in ice hockey. He is interested in the both the empirical and conceptual development of sport coaching and how these developments can be used to improve coaches' practice. Simon has experience of using a range of qualitative approaches to examine in situ coaching practice including ethnography, stimulated recall and think aloud protocol. Simon's current research is centred on exploring the tension between athletic performance and athlete welfare in high performance sport. He is open to supervising students in areas including sport coaching ethics, sport coaching practice, coach development and physical education. Additional roles: External Examiner for Bangor University: FdSc /BSc Sport Science (Sports Coaching); FdSc Sport Science (Outdoor Recreation) 2024-28 External Examiner for University College Birmingham: BSc (Hons)/FdSc Sports Coaching and Fitness 2024-28


  • PhD Leeds Beckett University, (2022)

  • Post Graduate Certificate of Secondary Education (PGCE) University of Sheffield, (2009)

  • MSc Sport Science University of Essex, (2008)

  • BSc (Hons) Lancaster University, (2007)


University of Essex

  • Lecturer, Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Science, University of Essex (18/9/2022 - present)

Other academic

  • Senior Lecturer, Sport and Exercise Science, University of Lincoln (1/1/2022 - 17/9/2022)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Developing coach education and coaching practice in Ice Hockey

The purpose of this agreement with England Ice Hockey is two fold: 1. To contribute and write the L1 and L2 coaching qualifications for England Ice Hockey. 2. To support and contribute to the on-going development of coach-education for ice hockey coaches

Key words: Coaching
Open to supervise

The ethics of sport coaching

To explore how coaches reconcile the demands of the high-performance environment and culture against the need to ensure the highest levels of athlete welfare.

Key words: Coaching
Open to supervise

Current research

Ethical coaching in high-performance gymnastics

The purpose of this research is examine how sport coaching in the high-performance domain reconcile the tension between athlete welfare and optimum athletic performance.

Conferences and presentations

An In Situ Exploration of Practicing Rugby Coaches’ Cognitions, Higher Psychological Functions, and Actions Using Think Aloud Protocol

United States Centre for Coaching Excellence Summit, 14/6/2024

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Professional Skills and Development 1 (SE101)

  • Introduction to Coaching (SE107)

  • Professional Skills 2 (SE201)

  • Applied Pedagogical Principles of Sports Coaching (SE209)

  • Research Project (SE309)

  • Research Project (SE318)

  • Contemporary Issues and Perspectives in the Sport Pedagogy Landscape (SE333)

  • Further Research Methods in Sport, Exercise and Health (SE738)

  • Research Project (SE740)

  • Coaching Practice Placement (SE765)

  • Developing Effective Coach Education programmes (SE767)

  • Developmental Sport and Exercise Psychology (SE737)


Journal articles (3)

Griffin, A., Baghurst, T. and Quick, S., (2025). Lived Experiences of Stress and the Coping Mechanisms of Assistant Coaches in the National Basketball Association (NBA). Quest, 1-21

Chapman, M., Quick, SN. and Freeman, P., (2024). An investigation of in situ cognitions of English premier league academy football coaches using stimulated recall and think aloud protocol. Journal of Coaching and Sports Science. 3 (2), 99-112

Quick, S. and Lyle, J., (2024). An In-situ Exploration of Practising Rugby Coaches’ Cognitions, Higher Psychological Functions and Actions Using Think Aloud Protocol. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. 43 (4), 717-726

Conferences (4)

Chapman, M. and Quick, S., Investigating in-situ cognitions of elite football coaches: exploring methodological mechanisms

Quick, S. and Lyle, J., An In-situ Exploration of Practising Rugby Coaches’ Cognitions, Higher Psychological Functions and Actions Using Think Aloud Protocol

Taylor, J., Quick, S., Morgan, C. and Harkness-Armstrong, A., An investigation of coach behaviours and practice structures during male academy football training sessions

Quick, S. and Baghurst, T., I Believed Therefore I Did: Lessons in Kinesiology Leadership from Coaching

+44 (0) 1206 872598


ESA.3.10, Colchester Campus

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