Dr Tom Quinn

tquinn@essex.ac.uk -
5.012, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
By appointment (please email me)
BSc (Econ) Queen Mary, London
MSc, PhD London School of Economics
Research and professional activities
Research interests
UK party leadership elections
the Labour Party, including links with trade unions
party organisation and intra-party democracy
strategic positioning of British political parties
UK party system
Current research
UK party leadership elections
UK party system change
plurality electoral system ('first-past-the-post') and accountability
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Parliamentary Studies (GV385)
Essex Challenge Project (GV830)
Journal articles (52)
Quinn, T., (2025). Book Review: Cross-Party Politics in Britain, 1945-2019. Party Politics. 31 (1), 200-201
Quinn, T., Allen, N. and Bartle, J., (2024). Why Was There a Hard Brexit? The British Legislative Party System, Divided Majorities and the Incentives for Factionalism. Political Studies. 72 (1), 227-248
Quinn, T., (2023). Parliamentarians versus Party Members? Leadership Selection Systems in the British Conservative and Labour Parties. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 26 (2), 569-596
Quinn, T., (2023). What Would the British Party System Look Like under Proportional Representation?. Political Quarterly. 94 (4), 653-661
Quinn, T., Jain, M. and Lee, M-T., (2020). An unusual headache: CSF negative APML relapse in the brain. Oxford Medical Case Reports. 2020 (9), 322-325
Klein, SL., Pekosz, A., Park, H-S., Ursin, RL., Shapiro, JR., Benner, SE., Littlefield, K., Kumar, S., Naik, HM., Betenbaugh, MJ., Shrestha, R., Wu, AA., Hughes, RM., Burgess, I., Caturegli, P., Laeyendecker, O., Quinn, TC., Sullivan, D., Shoham, S., Redd, AD., Bloch, EM., Casadevall, A. and Tobian, AAR., (2020). Sex, age, and hospitalization drive antibody responses in a COVID-19 convalescent plasma donor population. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 130 (11), 6141-6150
Clark, K., Rao, A., Chen, V., Mda, P., Piek, F., Irudeo, J., Maharaj, R., Wallis, L., Quinn, T. and Hansoti, B., (2020). We need to target trauma: A prospective observational study in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. SAMJ SOUTH AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL. 110 (1), 38-43
Quinn, T., (2019). The Conservative Party's Leadership Election of 2016: Choosing a Leader in Government. British Politics. 14 (1), 63-85
Quinn, T., (2018). From the Wembley Conference to the 'McDonnell Amendment': Labour’s Leadership Nomination Rules. Political Quarterly. 89 (3), 474-481
Chen, F., Ma, K., Benezra, M., Zhang, L., Cheal, SM., Phillips, E., Yoo, B., Pauliah, M., Overholtzer, M., Zanzonico, P., Sequeira, S., Gonen, M., Quinn, T., Wiesner, U. and Bradbury, MS., (2018). Correction to Cancer-Targeting Ultrasmall Silica Nanoparticles for Clinical Translation: Physicochemical Structure and Biological Property Correlations. Chemistry of Materials. 30 (20), 7322-7322
Quinn, T., (2017). Jean-Benoit Pilet and William P Cross (eds), The Selection of Political Party Leaders in Contemporary Parliamentary Democracies: A Comparative Study, reviewed by Thomas Quinn. Party Politics. 23 (1), 76-77
Quinn, T., (2017). Third-Party Strategy under Plurality Rule: The British Liberal Democrats and the New Zealand Social Credit Party. Political Studies. 65 (3), 740-763
Quinn, T., BS, MF., von Heideken, J., Iannaccone, C., Shadick, NA., Weinblatt, M. and Iversen, MD., (2017). Validity of the Nurses’ health study physical activity questionnaire in estimating physical activity in adults with rheumatoid arthritis. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 18 (1), 234-
Zambrano, AI., Muñoz, BE., Mkocha, H., Dize, L., Gaydos, CA., Quinn, T. and West, SK., (2017). Measuring Trachomatous Inflammation-Intense (TI) When Prevalence Is Low Provides Data on Infection With Chlamydia trachomatis. Investigative Opthalmology & Visual Science. 58 (2), 997-997
Quinn, T., (2016). The British Labour Party’s leadership election of 2015. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 18 (4), 759-778
QUINN, T., (2016). Throwing the rascals out? Problems of accountability in two‐party systems. European Journal of Political Research. 55 (1), 120-137
Quinn, T., (2015). Paul ’t Hart and John Uhr (eds), How power changes hands: Transition and succession in government, reviewed by Thomas Quinn. Party Politics. 21 (3), 495-496
Quinn, T., (2015). Book Review: Britain and Ireland: The Blair Supremacy: A Study in the Politics of Labour's Party Management. Political Studies Review. 13 (4), 609-610
Quinn, T. and Heppell, T., (2015). Leaders of the opposition: From Churchill to Cameron. PARTY POLITICS. 21 (3), 495-496
West, SK., Munoz, BE., Mkocha, H., Gaydos, C. and Quinn, T., (2015). Risk of Infection withChlamydia trachomatisfrom Migrants to Communities Undergoing Mass Drug Administration for Trachoma Control. Ophthalmic Epidemiology. 22 (3), 170-175
Kang, W-Y., Yang, Q., Jiang, X-F., Chen, W., Zhang, L-Y., Wang, X-Y., Zhang, L-N., Quinn, TJ., Liu, J. and Chen, S-D., (2014). Salivary DJ-1 could be an indicator of Parkinson's disease progression. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 6, 102-
Zhao, B., Liao, Z., Chen, S., Yuan, Z., Yilin, C., Lee, KKH., Qi, X., Shen, X., Zheng, X., Quinn, T. and Cai, D., (2014). Intramyocardial transplantation of cardiac telocytes decreases myocardial infarction and improves post‐infarcted cardiac function in rats. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 18 (5), 780-789
Quinn, T., (2013). Book Review: Britain and Ireland: Cameron and the Conservatives: The Transition to Coalition Government. Political Studies Review. 11 (2), 287-287
Quinn, T., (2013). From Two-Partism to Alternating Predominance: The Changing UK Party System, 1950–2010. Political Studies. 61 (2), 378-400
Quinn, T., (2012). Spin doctors and political news management: A rational-choice ‘exchange’ analysis. British Politics. 7 (3), 272-300
Vriens, M., Quinn, T., Evans, D., Libutti, S. and Parangi, S., (2012). Pasireotide (SOM230) is effective for the treatment of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PNETs) in a multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) conditional knockout mouse model DISCUSSION. SURGERY. 152 (6), 1076-1077
El-Sadr, WM., Morrison, JS., Quinn, T. and Volberding, P., (2012). A Chronicle of Hope and Promise. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 60 (Supplement 3), S49-S50
Quinn, T., (2011). From New Labour to New Politics: The British General Election of 2010. West European Politics. 34 (2), 403-411
Quinn, T., (2011). Choosing the Labour Leader: Labour Party Leadership Elections from Wilson to Brown. POLITICAL STUDIES REVIEW. 9 (3), 426-426
Quinn, T., Bara, J. and Bartle, J., (2011). The UK Coalition Agreement of 2010: Who Won?. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties. 21 (2), 295-312
Munoz, B., Stare, D., Mkocha, H., Gaydos, C., Quinn, T. and West, SK., (2011). Can Clinical Signs of Trachoma Be Used after Multiple Rounds of Mass Antibiotic Treatment to Indicate Infection?. Investigative Opthalmology & Visual Science. 52 (12), 8806-8806
Quinn, T., (2011). Entitled to a Defense. NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW, 6-6
Barnes, R., Greenberg, R., Quinn, TR., McArthur, BE. and Benedict, GF., (2011). ORIGIN AND DYNAMICS OF THE MUTUALLY INCLINED ORBITS OF υ ANDROMEDAE c AND d. The Astrophysical Journal. 726 (2), 71-71
Quinn, T., (2010). Ten years of New Labour. British Politics. 5 (3), 386-387
Quinn, T., (2010). MEMBERSHIP BALLOTS IN PARTY LEADERSHIP ELECTIONS IN BRITAIN. Representation. 46 (1), 101-117
Quinn, T., (2010). New Labour and the Trade Unions in Britain. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties. 20 (3), 357-380
Quinn, T., (2009). Book Review: Will Leggett, After New Labour: Social Theory and Centre-Left Politics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. £16.99 (pbk), viii + 196 pp. ISBN 1 4039 4659 0. David Coates, Prolonged Labour: The Slow Birth of New Labour Britain. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. £17.99 (pbk), xii + 255 pp. ISBN 1 4039 9360 2. Meg Russell, Building New Labour: The Politics of Party Organisation. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. £18.99 (pbk), xiv + 323 pp. ISBN 1 4039 3994 2. Party Politics. 15 (2), 243-247
Quinn, T., (2009). Choosing the Tory Leader: Conservative Party Leadership Elections from Heath to Cameron. POLITICAL STUDIES REVIEW. 7 (1), 145-145
Quinn, T., (2009). After New Labour: Social Theory and Centre-Left Politics. PARTY POLITICS. 15 (2), 243-247
Quinn, T., (2009). Building New Labour: The Politics of Party Organisation. PARTY POLITICS. 15 (2), 243-247
Kaib, NA., Becker, AC., Jones, RL., Puckett, AW., Bizyaev, D., Dilday, B., Frieman, JA., Oravetz, DJ., Pan, K., Quinn, T., Schneider, DP. and Watters, S., (2009). 2006 SQ372: A LIKELY LONG-PERIOD COMET FROM THE INNER OORT CLOUD. The Astrophysical Journal. 695 (1), 268-275
Quinn, T., (2008). The Cost of Democracy: Party Funding in Modern British Politics. POLITICAL STUDIES REVIEW. 6 (2), 224-225
Quinn, T., (2008). The Conservative Party and the ?Centre Ground? of British Politics. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties. 18 (2), 179-199
Caudle, WM., Pan, S., Shi, M., Quinn, T., Hoekstra, J., Beyer, RP., Montine, TJ. and Zhang, J., (2008). Proteomic identification of proteins in the human brain: Towards a more comprehensive understanding of neurodegenerative disease. PROTEOMICS – Clinical Applications. 2 (10-11), 1484-1497
West, SK., Munoz, B., Mkocha, H., Gaydos, C. and Quinn, T., (2007). Trachoma and OcularChlamydia trachomatisWere Not Eliminated Three Years after Two Rounds of Mass Treatment in a Trachoma Hyperendemic Village. Investigative Opthalmology & Visual Science. 48 (4), 1492-1492
Quinn, T., (2006). Choosing the least-worst government: The British general election of 2005. West European Politics. 29 (1), 169-178
Quinn, T., (2005). Leasehold or Freehold? Leader-Eviction Rules in the British Conservative and Labour Parties. Political Studies. 53 (4), 793-815
Quinn, T., (2002). Block Voting in the Labour Party. Party Politics. 8 (2), 207-226
Strauss, MA., Weinberg, DH., Lupton, RH., Narayanan, VK., Annis, J., Bernardi, M., Blanton, M., Burles, S., Connolly, AJ., Dalcanton, J., Doi, M., Eisenstein, D., Frieman, JA., Fukugita, M., Gunn, JE., Ivezić, Ž., Kent, S., Kim, RSJ., Knapp, GR., Kron, RG., Munn, JA., Newberg, HJ., Nichol, RC., Okamura, S., Quinn, TR., Richmond, MW., Schlegel, DJ., Shimasaku, K., SubbaRao, M., Szalay, AS., Vanden Berk, D., Vogeley, MS., Yanny, B., Yasuda, N., York, DG. and Zehavi, I., (2002). Spectroscopic Target Selection in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: The Main Galaxy Sample. The Astronomical Journal. 124 (3), 1810-1824
Quinn, T., (2001). Labour's first century. POLITICAL STUDIES. 49 (1), 153-154
UPCHURCH, DM., RAY, P., REICHART, C., CELENTANO, DD., QUINN, T. and HOOK, EW., (1992). Prevalence and Patterns of Condom Use Among Patients Attending a Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 19 (3), 175-180
Midthun, K., Garrison, L., Clements, ML., Farzadegan, H., Fernie, B. and Quinn, T., (1990). Frequency of Indeterminate Western Blot Tests in Healthy Adults at Low Risk for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 162 (6), 1379-1382
Books (1)
Quinn, T., (2012). Electing and Ejecting Party Leaders in Britain. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 9781349305056
Book chapters (4)
Bartle, J., Allen, N. and Quinn, T., (2024). The United Kingdom Party System. In: Political Parties and the Crisis of Democracy. Oxford University PressOxford. 33- 57. 0198888732
Quinn, T., (2021). The Conservative Party: the victory of the Eurosceptics. In: Breaking the Deadlock Britain at the Polls 2019. Editors: Allen, N. and Bartle, J., . Manchester University Press. 9781526152367
Quinn, T., (2018). Revolt on the Left: Labour in Opposition. In: None past the post Britain at the polls, 2017. Editors: Allen, NJ. and Bartle, J., . Manchester University Press. 34- 57. 978-1-5261-3006-8
Quinn, T. and Clements, B., (2011). Realignment in the Centre: The Liberal Democrats. In: Britain at the Polls 2010. SAGE Publications Ltd. 63- 88
Conferences (62)
Rold, T., Okoye, N., Devanny, E., Berendzen, A., Dresser, T., Quinn, T. and Hoffman, T., (2020). Pb-203/Pb-212 Evaluation as Theranostic Pair for Prostate Cancer Detection, Monitoring, and Treatment
Gambini, J., Silvera, E., Krygier, G., Amarillo, D., Alonso, O., Tassano, M., Cabrera, M., Deutscher, S., Quinn, T. and Cabral, P., (2020). 99mTc-HYNIC-Aoc-cycMSH as a melanoma imaging agent: first patient experience
Schlotman, K., Quinn, T., Basapur, S., Glover, C. and Greenberg, JA., (2020). A Nursing Assessment of Intensive Care Unit Rounding Summaries
Muehlschlegel, S., Hwang, D., Flahive, J., Quinn, T., Lee, C., Moskowitz, J., Goostrey, K., Jones, K., Pach, JJ., Pach, AK., Shutter, L., Goldberg, R. and Mazor, KM., (2020). Goals-Of-Care Decision Aid for Critically Ill TBI Patients: Development and Feasibility Testing
Junqueira, H., Quinn, T., Biringer, R., Hussein, M., Smeriglio, C., Barrueto, L., Finizio, J. and Huang, M., (2019). Accuracy of Canine Scent Detection of Lung Cancer in Blood Serum
Salman, R., Robson, J. and Quinn, T., (2019). The role of Radiological follow-up protocol in patients with surgically resected Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Torelli, W., Ross, J., Quinn, T., Erickson, K., Soliman, A. and Harit, A., (2019). Screening and Treating Hyperlipidemia in Patient's on Tofacitinib, Tocilizumab, Sarilumab, and Baricitinib
Feodorova, V., Zaitsev, S., Saltykov, Y., Grashkina, I., Gaydos, C., Quinn, T. and Motin, V., (2019). P480 Enhanced prevalence ofChlamydia trachomatisDNA in clinical samples of patients with STIs co-infection
Gambini, J., Silvera, E., Musetti, M., Quinn, T., Yang, GZ., Matalonga, S., Hermida, J., Alonso, O. and Cabral, P., (2019). nornTc nanocollynd mdtcyamne green. An hybrid tracer for breast sentinel node procedures
Liu, J., Robson, M., Quinn, T. and Kulkarni, M., (2019). Efficient GPU tree walks for effective distributed n-body simulations
Muehlschlegel, S., Lee, CM., Quinn, T., Moskowitz, J., Shutter, L., Col, N., Goldberg, R. and Mazor, K., (2018). Employing Shared Decision Making in the NeuroICU: Derivation and Feasibility Trial of a Pilot Decision Aid for Goals-of-care Decisions in Critically-Ill TBI Patients
Muehlschlegel, S., Quinn, T., Moskowitz, J., Lee, C., Shutter, L., Goldberg, R., Col, N. and Mazor, K., (2018). Derivation of a Pilot Decision Aid for Goals-of-Care Discussions in Critically-Ill Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Patients and Interim Feasibility Trial Results
Muehlschlegel, S., Lee, CM., Quinn, T., Moskowitz, J., Shutter, L., Col, N., Goldberg, R. and Mazor, K., (2018). Employing Shared Decision Making in the NeuroICU: Derivation and Feasibility Trial of a Pilot Decision Aid for Goals-of-care Decisions in Critically-Ill TBI Patients
Ratmann, O., Grabowski, MK., Hall, M., Golubchik, T., Wymant, C., Kagaayi, J., Kigozi, G., Quinn, T., Wawer, M., Laeyendecker, O., Serwadda, D., Gray, R. and Fraser, C., (2018). High prevalence fishing communities are not a major source of new HIV infections to the inland populations in Rakai District, Uganda: implications for geo-spatially targeted HIV prevention interventions
Quinn, T., (2018). H-104 The HIV pandemic in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges, successes and leadership
Madajewski, B., Chen, F., Ma, K., Zhang, X., Zhang, L., Zanzonico, P., Wiesner, U., Quinn, T. and Bradbury, M., (2018). Dual Modality Imaging of Melanoma Using Clinically-translated Ultrasmall Silica Nanoparticles Targeting Integrin and Melanocortin-1 Receptor Expressing Melanoma Models
Chen, F., Madajewski, B., Ma, K., Zhang, L., Zanzonico, P., Quinn, T., Wiesner, U. and Bradbury, M., (2018). Renally Clearable PSMA Inhibitors Conjugated Ultrasmall Silica Nanoparticles Enhance the Specific Detection of Prostate Cancer In Vivo
Gambini, J., Quinn, T., Vila, R., Matalonga, S., Hermida, J., Alonso, O., Cossa, J., Hughes, M., Leff, D., Yang, GZ. and Cabral, P., (2017). Upgraded portable Indocyanine Green (ICG) detection system - towards Image Guided Cancer Surgery
Okoye, N., Rold, T., Berendzen, A., Zhang, X., White, R., Schultz, M., Li, M., Dresser, T., Jurisson, S., Quinn, T. and Hoffman, T., (2017). Targeting the BB2 receptor in prostate cancer using a Pb-203 labeled peptide.
Zhang, X., Shah, M., Rossin, R., Robillard, M., Bueltmann, T. and Quinn, T., (2017). Cycloaddition chemistry pretargeted alpha particle radiotherapy
Quinn, T., Morell, M., Garachtchenko, T., Lee, L., Fong, M., Haugwitz, M. and Farmer, A., (2016). 313. Gesicle Mediated Delivery of a Cas9-sgRNA Protein Complex
West, SK., Munoz, BE., Weaver, J., Mrango, Z., Dize, L., Gaydos, C., Quinn, T., Martin, D. and Zambrano, A., (2015). Once Trachoma is gone, what tools can we use for surveillance?
Zambrano, AI., Munoz, BE., Dize, L., Mkocha, H., Gaydos, C., Quinn, T. and West, SK., (2015). Measuring Severe Inflammatory Trachoma (TI) when prevalence is low provides indirect data on infection with C. trachomatis in endemic communities
Gambini, J., Zamora, A., Deutscher, S., Quinn, T., Cabral, P., Camacho, X., Fernandez, M. and Calzada, V., (2015). 67Ga DOTA -GSG-KCCYSL as molecular imaging agent of HER2 expression
Gambini, J., Tassano, M., Vila, R., Font, M., Queijo, R., Laza, S., Quinn, T., Hermida, J., Alonso, O. and Cabral, P., (2015). Novel Mobile handheld and laptop based Indocyanine Green Detection Systems: report of first experience.
Chang, L., Grabowski, MK., Ssekubugu, R., Nalugoda, F., Reynolds, S., Lessler, J., Moore, S., Quinn, T., Gray, R., Serwadda, D. and Wawer, M., (2015). Heterogeneity of the HIV epidemic in rural Africa: findings from a geospatially informed study of HIV epidemiology in fishing, trading, and agrarian communities in Rakai, Uganda
Capoferri, A., Sievers, M., Redd, A., Cash, A., Xu, D., Porcella, SF., Quinn, T., Siliciano, RF., Levis, M., Ambinder, RF. and Durand, CM., (2015). HIV rebound and meningoencephalitis following ART interruption after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant: an investigation of the source of HIV rebound
Calzada, V., Fernández, M., González, J., Moreno, M., Chabalgoity, A., Cerecetto, H., Cabral, P. and Quinn, T., (2014). Aptamer-HYNIC-99mTc: A molecular imaging agent of PTK7
Texeira, V., Fernandez, M., Moreno, M., Porcal, W., Quinn, T., Gambini, J. and Cabral, P., (2014). 99mTc-labeled lactam bridge-cyclized α-melanocyte stimulating hormone peptide analogue as a specific melanoma imaging agent
Gambini, J., Tassano, M., Vila, R., Font, M., Queijo, P., Laza, S., Quinn, T., Hermida, J., Alonso, O. and Cabral, P., (2014). Development of a portable Indocyanine Green (ICG) detection system to be used in ICG guided surgical procedures
Pebet, F., Garcia, M., Fernandez, M., Moreno, M., Alonso, O., Quinn, T., Gambini, J. and Cabral, P., (2014). 67GaDOTA-α-MSH: Specific melanoma molecular imaging agent
Wesolowski, L., Venkataraman, R., Gupta, A., Yeom, J-S., Bisset, K., Sun, Y., Jetley, P., Quinn, TR. and Kale, LV., (2014). TRAM: Optimizing Fine-Grained Communication with Topological Routing and Aggregation of Messages
Hsieh, Y., Beck, K., Kelen, G., Shahan, J., Kraus, C., Laeyendecker, O., Quinn, T. and Rothman, R., (2013). P5.027 High Prevalence of Undiagnosed HIV Infection in Patients Who Were Not Offered Screening and Patients Who Declined Screening: Evaluation of a Rapid HIV Screening Programme in a U.S. Urban Emergency Department
Laeyendecker, O., Brookmeyer, R., Cousins, M., Mullis, C., Konikoff, J., Donnell, D., Celum, C., Buchbinder, S., Seage, G., Kirk, G., Mehta, S., Astemborski, J., Jacobson, L., Margolick, J., Brown, J., Quinn, T. and Eshleman, S., (2012). HIV incidence determination in clade B epidemics: a multi-assay approach
Iversen, MD., Quinn, T. and Frits, MA., (2012). Validity of the Nurses Health Study II Physical Activity Questionnaire (NHSPAQ) in Estimating Physical Activity in Adults with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA).
Etemad, B., Redd, A., Serwadda, D., Lutalo, T., Reynolds, S., Gray, R., Quinn, T. and Sagar, M., (2012). Envelopes found early after acquisition compared to those in the chronically infected partner do not have enhanced alpha4 beta7 binding or utilization
Camacho, X., Calzada, V., Fernanda Garcia, M., Fernadez, M., Deutscher, S., Quinn, T., Alonso, O., Pablo Gambini, J. and Cabral, P., (2012). Radiolabeling and preliminary biological evaluation of 99mTc(CO)3-labeled bevacizumab
Camacho, X., Calzada, V., Garcia, MF., Fernadez, M., Quinn, T., Deutscher, S., Alonso, O., Gambini, JP. and Cabral, P., (2012). 177Lu-Bevacizumab a potential melanoma theragnostic agent
Roskar, R., Debattista, VP., Loebman, SR., Ivezic, Z. and Quinn, TR., (2012). Implications of Radial Migration for Stellar Population Studies
Zhang, X., Calzada, V., Deutscher, S. and Quinn, T., (2011). In vitro and in vivo evaluation of 177Lu-radiolabeled ErbB-2-avid peptide for breast cancer
Kumar, SR., Quinn, T. and Deutscher, S., (2011). Abstract 5286: Evaluation of 64Cu-labeled peptide for in vivo imaging of Thomsen-Friedenreich antigen expressing breast carcinomas
Zhang, X., Gallazzi, F., Deutscher, S. and Quinn, T., (2010). Pb-212-labeled α-MSH analogue modified with a nuclear localization sequence for melanoma targeting
Yue, Z., Lu, B-Y., Vazquez-Flores, G., Yuen, J., Zhang, X., Quinn, T. and Lacy, J., (2010). A new 62Cu generator for high specific activity peptide PET imaging
Schulman-Green, D., Ercolano, E., McCorkle, R., Bradley, E., Prigerson, H., Knobf, T., DiGiovanna, M., Quinn, T. and Dixon, J., (2010). Initial Development and Content Validation of the Knowledge of Care Options (KOCO) Instrument (744)
Zhang, X., Gallazzi, F., Schibli, R. and Quinn, T., (2009). 99mTc(CO)3 radiolabeled Re(Arg11)CCMSH for melanoma SPECT imaging
Zhang, X., Miao, Y., Figueroa, S., Fisher, D., Hoffman, T., Moore, H., Testa, R. and Quinn, T., (2009). Matched pair imaging for peptide targeted melanoma alpha-particle therapy
Kumar, S., Gallazzi, F., Ferdani, R., Anderson, C., Quinn, T. and Deutscher, S., (2009). Evaluation of 64Cu-DOTA-KCCYSL and 64Cu-CB-TE2A-KCCYSL peptides as PET imaging agents for ErbB-2 expressing breast carcinomas
Gandlur, S., Garachtchenko, T., Nourzaie, O., Mello, C., Quinn, T., Haugwitz, M. and Sagawa, H., (2009). Monitoring dynamic cellular events by rapidly regulating the amount of a protein via a membrane permeant ligand
Eller, L., Ouma, B., Oballah, P., Eller, MA., de Souza, MS., Wabwire-Mangen, F., Laeyendecker, O., Quinn, T., Kiwanuka, N., Serwadda, D., Sewankambo, N., Wawer, M., Gray, R., Michael, NL., Robb, ML., Montefiori, D., Brown, BK. and Polonis, VR., (2009). P04-28. Breadth and magnitude of neutralizing antibody responses in subjects infected with HIV-1 subtype D or recombinants in Rakai district, Uganda
Johnson, K., Sherman, M., Duggan, M., Kigozi, G., Serwadda, D., Laeyendeker, O., Quinn, T., Wawer, M., Gray, R. and Rabkin, C., (2008). HIV infection predicts foreskin inflammation among asymptomatic Ugandan men
Quinn, T., (2007). COMP 425-Petascale computational cosmology
Lutwama, F., Serwadda, R., Nanyonjo, A., Shihab, H., Kikawa, C., Kamya, M., Quinn, T., Spacek, L. and Mayanja, H., (2006). Low-cost dynabead and cytospheres compared to FACSCount to monitor patients on antiretroviral therapy at a public clinic in Kampala, Uganda
Reed, D., Governato, F., Verde, L., Gardner, J., Quinn, T., Stadel, J., Merritt, D. and Lake, G., (2004). Evolution of Dark Matter Halo Density Profiles and Substructure from $\Lambda$CDM Simulations
Sacktor, NC., Wong, M., Nakasujja, N., Skolasky, R., Robertson, K., Musisi, S., Katabira, E., McArthur, J., Quinn, T. and Ronald, A., (2004). Risk factors for HIV dementia in sub-saharan Africa
Ghigna, S., Moore, B., Governato, F., Lake, G., Quinn, T. and Stadel, J., (2001). The mass distribution in galaxies and clusters
Quinn, T., (2001). N-body simulations of the Solar System, planet formation, and galaxy clusters
Ghigna, S., Moore, B., Governato, F., Lake, G., Quinn, T. and Stadel, J., (1999). The dark matter substructure of clusters and galaxies
Moore, B., Ghigna, S., Governato, F., Lake, G., Quinn, T. and Stadel, J., (1998). The structure of cold dark matter halos
Moore, B., Ghigna, S., Governato, F., Lake, G., Quinn, T. and Stadel, J., (1998). The structure of cold dark matter halos
Grants and funding
Mandates, Manifestos and Coalitions: UK Party Politics after 2010
The Constitution Society
Academic support hours:
By appointment (please email me)