Dr Yassir Rabhi
yassir.rabhi@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 876293
2.524, Colchester Campus
PhD in statistics, McGill University, Canada, (2012)
University of Essex
Lecturer (Assistant Professor), Mathematical Sciences, University of Essex (1/4/2020 - present)
Other academic
Assistant Professor, Mathematics, State University of New York (1/9/2018 - 31/8/2020)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Mathematics, University of Sherbrooke (1/10/2015 - 10/8/2018)
Postdoctoral Fellow, ISBA, Université Catholique de Louvain (28/11/2014 - 1/10/2015)
Research Associate, Mathematics & Statistics, McGill University (4/1/2014 - 31/10/2014)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Mathematics & Statistics, University of Alberta (1/9/2012 - 1/9/2013)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Cure rate models
Nonparametric/Semiparametric methods for multivariate length-biased and censored data
Copulas and measures of dependence
Time series and spectral analysis
Conferences and presentations
Conditional dependence under selection bias
Invited presentation, Departmental Seminar Lectures, Sherbrooke, Canada, 20/7/2023
Nonparametric dependence modelling under length-biased sampling and informative censoring
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Royal Statistical Society International Conference, Aberdeen (UK), London, United Kingdom, 14/9/2022
Copula function and measures of dependence under length-biased sampling and informative censoring
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Statistics 2021 Canada Conference, Montreal, Canada, 16/7/2021
Copula function and measures of dependence under length-biased sampling and informative censoring
Invited presentation, Departmental Seminar Lectures, Sherbrooke, Canada, 18/5/2021
Copula function and measures of dependence under length-biased sampling and informative censoring
Invited presentation, Departmental Seminar Lectures, Colchester, United Kingdom, 1/12/2020
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Statistics I (MA108)
Statistics II (MA200)
Journal articles (6)
Rabhi, Y. and Asgharian, M., (2021). A semiparametric regression under biased sampling and random censoring, a local pseudo-likelihood approach. The Canadian Journal of Statistics. 49 (3), 637-658
Rabhi, Y. and Bouezmarni, T., (2020). Nonparametric Inference for Copulas and Measures of Dependence Under Length-Biased Sampling and Informative Censoring. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 115 (531), 1268-1278
Bouezmarni, T., Van Bellegem, S. and Rabhi, Y., (2020). Nonparametric Beta Kernel Estimator for Long and Short Memory Time Series. The Canadian Journal of Statistics. 48 (3), 582-595
Bouezmarni, T., Rabhi, Y. and Fontaine, C., (2020). A semiparametric copula-based estimation of the regression function for right-censored data. Statistics. 54 (1), 46-58
Rabhi, Y. and Asgharian, M., (2017). Inference under biased sampling and right censoring for a change point in the hazard function. Bernoulli. 23 (4A), 2720-2745
Rabhi, Y. and Wiens, D., (2016). Robust sampling designs for a possibly misspecified stochastic process. Statistica Sinica. 26 (4), 1525-1542
Grants and funding
Effects of the Pandemic on ECC workforce resilience
University of Essex (ESRC IAA)
Research Reboot / Research In Paris scheme 4
London Mathematical Society