
Dr Marius Radean

Senior Lecturer
Department of Government
Dr Marius Radean
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 872743

  • Location

    5.018, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Thursday 12:00-14:00



  • Ph.D. Political Science, Florida State University, 2013.

  • M.S. Political Science, Florida State University, 2009.

  • M.S. International Affairs, Florida State University, 2007.

  • B.A. International Studies & German, Summa Cum Laude, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2005.

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Comparative Politics.

Open to supervise

International Relations.

Open to supervise

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Games, Strategy and Politics (GV210)

  • Authoritarianism (GV313)

  • Career Portfolio (GV711)

Previous supervision

Huang-Ting Yan
Huang-Ting Yan
Thesis title: Authoritarian Regime Types, Political and Socio-Economic Outcomes, and Democratic Survival
Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 6/10/2020
Roman-Gabriel Olar
Roman-Gabriel Olar
Thesis title: Institutionalization, Repression and Political Instability in Authoritarian Regimes
Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/7/2018


Journal articles (8)

Radean, M. and Beger, A., Not-So-Average After All: Individual vs. Aggregate Effects in Substantive Research. Journal of Peace Research

Gleditsch, K., Radean, M. and Olar, RG., (2023). Going, Going, Gone? Varieties of Dissent and Leader Exit. Journal of Peace Research. 60 (5), 729-744

Radean, M., (2023). The Significance of Differences Interval: Assessing the Statistical or Substantive Difference between Two Quantities of Interest. The Journal of Politics. 85 (3), 969-983

Radean, M., (2023). ginteff: A Generalized Command for Computing Interaction Effects. The Stata Journal. 23 (2), 301-335

Radean, M., (2022). Perfect Timing: Leveraging the Timing of Defection to Assess the Effect of Electoral Rules on Party Switching. Party Politics. 28 (4), 666-679

Radean, M., (2021). Negotiations in the Shadow of Outside Alternatives: An Estimation Strategy. Sociological Methods and Research. 0 (2), 597-626

Radean, M., (2019). Sometimes You Cannot Have It All: Party Switching and Affiliation Motivations as Substitutes. Party Politics. 25 (2), 140-152

Reenock, C., Staton, JK. and Radean, M., (2013). Legal Institutions and Democratic Survival. Journal of Politics. 75 (2), 491-505

Other (4)

Radean, M., sdii

Radean, M., ginteff

Radean, M., ginteffplot

Radean, M., mmiwpo

Grants and funding


SDI: Software for Computing Significance of Differences Intervals

British Academy

+44 (0) 1206 872743


5.018, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

Thursday 12:00-14:00