Professor Andrew Radford

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Colchester Campus
He studied French, Italian, Romanian, Romance Philology and Linguistics at Cambridge and went on to do a PhD in syntax. He was formerly Research Fellow in Linguistics at Trinity College Cambridge, Lecturer in Linguistics at the universities of East Anglia and Oxford, Reader in Linguistics at Essex, and (for ten years) Professor and Head of the Department of Linguistics at University College Bangor. He returned to Essex in 1989, and subsequently served three spells as Head of Department and one as Dean of the School of Humanities and Comparative Studies. He retired in December 2013, and became an Emeritus Professor in January 2014 He is the author of a number of articles on the syntax of the Romance languages, and of a book on Italian Syntax (Cambridge University Press, 1977). He has published eight introductions to syntactic theory and English syntax, namely Transformational Syntax (CUP 1981), Transformational Grammar (CUP 1988), Syntax: A Minimalist Introduction (CUP 1997) Syntactic Theory and the Structure of English (CUP 1997), Minimalist Syntax: Exploring the Structure of English (CUP, 2004), English Syntax: An Introduction (CUP, 2006), Analysing English Sentences (CUP 2009) and Introduction to English Sentence Structure (CUP 2009). He has also written a number of articles on the acquisition of syntax by pre-school children, and a book on Syntactic Theory and the Acquisition of English Syntax (Blackwell, 1990).
BA (Modern Languages) Cambridge,
PhD (Linguistics) Cambridge,
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Minimalist Syntax and English Syntax
Current research
The syntax of present-day spoken English
Journal articles (7)
Collins, C. and Radford, A., (2015). Gaps, Ghosts and Gapless Relatives in Spoken English. Studia Linguistica. 69 (2), 191-235
Radford, A. and Iwasaki, E., (2015). On Swiping in English. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory. 33 (2), 703-744
Haegeman, L., Jiménez-Fernández, L. and Radford, A., (2014). Deconstructing the Subject Condition in terms of cumulative constraint violation. The Linguistic Review. 31 (1), 73-150
Radford, A. and Yokota, H., (2012). On the acquisition of universal and parameterised goal accessibility constraints by Japanese Learners of English. Second Language. 11, 59-94
Radford, A., Felser, C. and Boxell, O., (2012). Preposition copying and pruning in present-day English. English Language and Linguistics. 16 (03), 403-426
Vincent, M. and Radford, A., (2008). Arguing against obligatory feature inheritance: Evidence from French transitive participle agreement. Rivista di Grammatica Generativa. 33, 175-190
Radford, A., (2001). Comments on Peters. Journal of Child Language. 28 (1), 272-274
Books (5)
Radford, A., (2009). Analysing English Sentences: A Minimalist Approach. Cambridge University Press. 978-0-521-73191-1
Radford, A., (2009). An Introduction to English Sentence Structure. Cambridge University Press. 9780521731904
Radford, A., Atkinson, M., Britain, DJ., Clahsen, H. and Spencer, A., (2009). Linguistics: An Introduction [second edition]. Cambridge University Press. 978-0-521-61478-8
Radford, A., (2004). Minimalist Syntax: Exploring the structure of English. Cambridge University Press. 9780521542746
Radford, A., (2004). English Syntax: An Introduction. Cambridge University Press. 9780521542753
Book chapters (6)
Radford, A., (2013). The complementiser system in spoken English: Evidence from broadcast media. In: Information Structure and Agreement. Editors: Camacho-Taboada, V., Jim�nez -Fern�ndez, L., Mart�n-Gonz�lez, J. and Reyes-Tejedor, M., . John Benjamins. 11- 54. 9789027255808
Radford, A. and Vincent, M., (2012). On the feature composition of participial light verbs in French. In: Functional Heads: The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 7. Editors: Brug�, L., Cardinaletti, A., Giusti, G., Munaro, N. and Poletto, C., . Oxford University Press. 9780199746729
Radford, A. and Vincent, M., (2012). On the feature composition of participial light verbs in French. In: Functional Heads: The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 7. Editors: Brug�, L., Cardinaletti, A., Giusti, G., Munaro, N. and Poletto, C., . Oxford University Press. 208- 219. 9780199746736
Radford, A. and Markopoulou, V., (2010). The Role of Syntactic Complexity in the Production of Interrogative Sentences by Greek-speaking Children with Specific Language Impairment. In: Developmental Language Disorders: From Basic Research to Clinical Practice. Editors: Vogindroukas, I., Okalidou, A. and Stavrakaki, S., . Epikentro. 93- 118
Radford, A., (2008). Feature correlations in nominative case-marking by L1 and L2 learners of English. In: The Role of Formal Features in Second Language Acquisition. Editors: Liceras, JM., Zobl, H. and Goodluck, H., . Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 81- 102. 978-0-415-88218-7
Radford, A. and Vincent, M., (2008). On past participle agreement in transitive clauses in French. In: Proceedings of XXXIII Incontro di Grammatica Generativa. Editors: Bisetto, A. and Barbieri, FE., . University of Bologna
Reports and Papers (11)
Radford, A. and Felser, C., (2011). On Preposition Copying and Preposition Pruning in wh-clauses in English
Radford, A. and Yokota, H., (2011). On the Acquisition of Universal and Parameterised Goal Accessibility Constraints by Japanese Learners of English
Iwasaki, E. and Radford, A., (2009). Comparative Correlatives in English: A Minimalist-Cartographic Analysis
Radford, A., (2007). Split projections, percolation, syncretism and interrogative auxiliary inversion
Radford, A. and Ramos, E., (2001). Case, Agreement and EPP: Evidence from an English-speaking child
Radford, A., (2000). Children in search of perfection: Towards a minimalist model of acquisition
Radford, A., (2000). Minimalism: Descriptive perspectives
Radford, A. and Galasso, J., (1998). Children's possessive structures: a case study
Radford, A., (1998). Genitive subjects in child English
Radford, A., (1995). The morphosyntax of subjects and verbs in child Spanish: a case study
Radford, A., (1994). Clausal projections in early child grammar