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Dr Charalampos (Babis) Rallis

Honorary Senior Lecturer
School of Life Sciences
Dr Charalampos (Babis) Rallis


The Rallis Lab uses Systems Biology approaches in fission yeast and human tissue culture systems to investigate the molecular basis of cellular fitness, cancer and ageing with a focus on the nutrient-responsive signalling pathway Target of Rapamycin (TOR). The aim is to elucidate the molecular mechanisms and principles behind senescence and lifespan and apply this knowledge for the amelioration of age-related diseases. Finally, the group performs quantitative fitness profiling of microbiomes and mycobiomes and explore the effects of nutrition on biome physiology and subsequent effects on human healthy ageing. Self-funded students, or candidates interested in applying for fellowships to undertake research on cellular ageing and mechanisms underlying age-related disease in my laboratory, are welcome to contact Babis ( at any time. LABORATORY WEBSITE and further information on our work: CURRENT GROUP MEMBERS Charalampos (Babis) Rallis: Group Leader Julie Arvidson: Departmental Technician and Laboratory Manager Lynwen James: Laboratory Technician and Tissue Culture Manager Aleksandra (Ola) Dabrowska: Postdoctoral Research Associate Juhi Kumar: Postdoctoral Research Associate (Specialist Technician) Rowshan Islam: Postdoctoral Research Associate (Specialist Technician) John-Patrick Alao: Postdoctoral Research Associate Luc Legon: PhD Student Riaz Somji: PhD Student (Shared with Giotis Lab) Anne-Marie Tricolici: MSD Student Babis is a Principal Investigator and Reader in Molecular Genetics of Ageing at University of Essex, Associate Lecturer in Cell and Molecular Biology at Birkbeck College, University of London and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES: -BBSRC Pool of Experts and Committee Membership -Executive Agency for Higher Education Research Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) committee PED Committee / Panel membership -National Science Centre, Poland-Panel NZ3: Cellular and developmental biology Committee / Panel membership -Biochemical Society Research Area I: genes Committee / Panel membership -Israel Science Foundation Pool of Experts Membership. -Greek Foundation of Research and Innovation, pool of experts Membership -Scientific Reports, Editorial Board Membership -British Society for Cell Biology, Professional Membership -British Society for Developmental Biology, Professional Membership -External Examiner, MSc in Genetics and Genomics, Oxford Brookes University


  • PhD in Genetics and Developmental Biology National Institute for Medical Research,

  • MRes in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine University of Crete,

  • BSc in Biology University of Crete,

  • Fellow Higher Education Academy,


University of Essex

  • Reader in Molecular Genetics of Ageing, School of Life Sciences, University of Essex (1/10/2022 - present)

  • Lecturer (R) in Molecular Genetics of Ageing, School of Life Sciences, University of Essex (20/4/2020 - 30/9/2022)

Other academic

  • Honorary Lecturer, Genetics, Evolution and Environment, University College London (4/1/2016 - 4/1/2022)

  • Associate Lecturer, Biological Sciences, Birkbeck College, University of London (4/2/2008 - present)

  • Research Committee Area I: Genes Member, Biochemical Society (1/2/2021 - present)

  • External Examiner, MSc in Genetics and Genomics, Oxford Brookes University (1/10/2020 - present)

  • Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry, Biosciences, University of East London (4/1/2016 - 19/4/2020)

  • Research Associate, University College London (19/4/2009 - 3/1/2016)