Legon, L. and Rallis, C., (2022). Genome-wide screens in yeast models towards understanding chronological lifespan regulation. Briefings in Functional Genomics. 21 (1), 4-12
Dabrowska, A., Kumar, J. and Rallis, C., (2022). Nutrient-Response Pathways in Healthspan and Lifespan Regulation. Cells. 11 (9), 1568-1568
Rallis, C., Mülleder, M., Smith, G., Au, YZ., Ralser, M. and Bähler, J., (2021). Amino acids whose intracellular levels change most during aging alter chronological lifespan of fission yeast. Journals of Gerontology - Series A. 76 (2), 205-210
Alao, J-P., Legon, L. and Rallis, C., (2021). Crosstalk between the mTOR and DNA Damage Response Pathways in Fission Yeast. Cells. 10 (2), 305-305
Martinez-Miguel, VE., Lujan, C., Espie--Caullet, T., Martinez-Martinez, D., Moore, S., Backes, C., Gonzalez, S., Galimov, ER., Brown, AEX., Halic, M., Tomita, K., Rallis, C., von der Haar, T., Cabreiro, F. and Bjedov, I., (2021). Increased fidelity of protein synthesis extends lifespan. Cell Metabolism. 33 (11), 2288-2300.e12
Rallis, C., Mülleder, M., Smith, G., Au, YZ., Ralser, M. and Bähler, J., (2021). Amino acids whose intracellular levels change most during aging alter chronological lifespan of fission yeast
Rodríguez-López, M., Gonzalez, S., Hillson, O., Tunnacliffe, E., Codlin, S., Tallada, VA., Bähler, J. and Rallis, C., (2020). The GATA Transcription Factor Gaf1 Represses tRNAs, Inhibits Growth, and Extends Chronological Lifespan Downstream of Fission Yeast TORC1. Cell Reports. 30 (10), 3240-3249.e4
Bjedov, I. and Rallis, C., (2020). The Target of Rapamycin Signalling Pathway in Ageing and Lifespan Regulation. Genes. 11 (9), 1043-1043
Alao, JP., Johansson-Sjölander, J., Rallis, C. and Sunnerhagen, P., (2020). Caffeine Stabilises Fission Yeast Wee1 in a Rad24-Dependent Manner but Attenuates Its Expression in Response to DNA Damage. Microorganisms. 8 (10), 1512-1512
Pai, C-C., Hsu, K-F., Durley, SC., Keszthelyi, A., Kearsey, SE., Rallis, C., Folkes, LK., Deegan, R., Wilkins, SE., Pfister, SX., De León, N., Schofield, CJ., Bähler, J., Carr, AM. and Humphrey, TC., (2019). An essential role for dNTP homeostasis following CDK-induced replication stress. Journal of Cell Science. 132 (6), jcs226969-
Rodriguez-Lopez, M., Gonzalez, S., Hillson, O., Tunnacliffe, E., Codlin, S., Tallada, V., Bahler, J. and Rallis, C., (2019). The GATA transcription factor Gaf1 represses tRNA genes, inhibits growth, and extends chronological lifespan downstream of fission yeast TORC1. bioarxiv
Pai, C-C., Hsu, K-F., Durley, SC., Keszthelyi, A., Kearsey, SE., Rallis, C., Folkes, LK., Deegan, R., Wilkins, SE., Pfister, SX., León, ND., Schofield, CJ., Bähler, J., Carr, AM. and Humphrey, TC., (2019). An essential role for dNTP homeostasis following CDK-induced replication stress
Hillson, O., Gonzalez, S. and Rallis, C., (2018). Prospects of Pharmacological Interventions to Organismal Aging. BioMolecular Concepts. 9 (1), 200-215
Ellis, DA., Mustonen, V., Rodríguez-López, M., Rallis, C., Malecki, M., Jeffares, DC. and Bähler, J., (2018). Uncovering Natural Longevity Alleles from Intercrossed Pools of Aging Fission Yeast Cells. Genetics. 210 (2), 733-744
Atkinson, SR., Marguerat, S., Bitton, DA., Rodríguez-López, M., Rallis, C., Lemay, J-F., Cotobal, C., Malecki, M., Smialowski, P., Mata, J., Korber, P., Bachand, F. and Bähler, J., (2018). Long noncoding RNA repertoire and targeting by nuclear exosome, cytoplasmic exonuclease, and RNAi in fission yeast. RNA. 24 (9), 1195-1213
Ellis, DA., Mustonen, V., Rodríguez-López, M., Rallis, C., Malecki, M., Jeffares, DC. and Bähler, J., (2018). Uncovering Natural Longevity Alleles from Intercrossed Pools of Aging Fission Yeast Cells
Hoyos-Manchado, R., Reyes-Martín, F., Rallis, C., Gamero-Estévez, E., Rodríguez-Gómez, P., Quintero-Blanco, J., Bähler, J., Jiménez, J. and Tallada, VA., (2017). RNA metabolism is the primary target of formamide in vivo. Scientific Reports. 7 (1), 15895-
Gonzalez, S. and Rallis, C., (2017). The TOR Signaling Pathway in Spatial and Temporal Control of Cell Size and Growth. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 5 (JUN), 61-
Rallis, C., Townsend, S. and Bähler, J., (2017). Genetic interactions and functional analyses of the fission yeast gsk3 and amk2 single and double mutants defective in TORC1-dependent processes. Scientific Reports. 7 (1), 44257-
Jeffares, DC., Jolly, C., Hoti, M., Speed, D., Shaw, L., Rallis, C., Balloux, F., Dessimoz, C., Bähler, J. and Sedlazeck, FJ., (2017). Transient structural variations have strong effects on quantitative traits and reproductive isolation in fission yeast. Nature Communications. 8 (1), 14061-
Atkinson, SR., Marguerat, S., Bitton, DA., Rodríguez-López, M., Rallis, C., Lemay, J-F., Cotobal, C., Malecki, M., Mata, J., Bachand, F. and Bähler, J., (2017). Long non-coding RNA repertoire and regulation by nuclear exosome, cytoplasmic exonuclease and RNAi in fission yeast
Malecki, M., Bitton, DA., Rodríguez-López, M., Rallis, C., Calavia, NG., Smith, GC. and Bähler, J., (2016). Functional and regulatory profiling of energy metabolism in fission yeast. Genome Biology. 17 (1), 240-
Brault, A., Rallis, C., Normant, V., Garant, J-M., Bähler, J. and Labbé, S., (2016). Php4 Is a Key Player for Iron Economy in Meiotic and Sporulating Cells. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 6 (10), 3077-3095
Rallis, C. and Bähler, J., (2016). Cell-based screens and phenomics with fission yeast.. Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 51 (2), 86-95
Tomalin, LE., Day, AM., Underwood, ZE., Smith, GR., Dalle Pezze, P., Rallis, C., Patel, W., Dickinson, BC., Bähler, J., Brewer, TF., Chang, CJ-L., Shanley, DP. and Veal, EA., (2016). Increasing extracellular H₂O₂ produces a bi-phasic response in intracellular H₂O₂, with peroxiredoxin hyperoxidation only triggered once the cellular H₂O₂-buffering capacity is overwhelmed. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 95, 333-348
Vishwanatha, A., Rallis, C., Bevkal Subramanyaswamy, S., D'Souza, CJM., Bähler, J. and Schweingruber, ME., (2016). Identification of nuclear genes affecting 2-Deoxyglucose resistance in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.. FEMS Yeast Research. 16 (6), fow061-fow061
Bischof, L., Převorovský, M., Rallis, C., Jeffares, DC., Arzhaeva, Y. and Bähler, J., (2016). Spotsizer: High-throughput quantitative analysis of microbial growth.. BioTechniques. 61 (4), 191-201
Jeffares, DC., Jolly, C., Hoti, M., Speed, D., Shaw, L., Rallis, C., Balloux, F., Dessimoz, C., Bähler, J. and Sedlazeck, FJ., (2016). Transient structural variations have strong effects on quantitative traits and reproductive isolation in fission yeast
Malecki, M., Bitton, DA., Rodriguez-Lopez, M., Rallis, C., Garcia Cavalia, N., Smith, GC. and Bahler, J., (2016). Functional and Regulatory Profiling of Energy Metabolism in Fission Yeast
Bond, M., Brown, R., Rallis, C., Bahler, J. and Mole, S., (2015). A central role for TOR signalling in a yeast model for juvenile CLN3 disease. Microbial Cell. 2 (12), 466-480
Jeffares, DC., Rallis, C., Rieux, A., Speed, D., Převorovský, M., Mourier, T., Marsellach, FX., Iqbal, Z., Lau, W., Cheng, TMK., Pracana, R., Mülleder, M., Lawson, JLD., Chessel, A., Bala, S., Hellenthal, G., O'Fallon, B., Keane, T., Simpson, JT., Bischof, L., Tomiczek, B., Bitton, DA., Sideri, T., Codlin, S., Hellberg, JEEU., van Trigt, L., Jeffery, L., Li, J-J., Atkinson, S., Thodberg, M., Febrer, M., McLay, K., Drou, N., Brown, W., Hayles, J., Carazo Salas, RE., Ralser, M., Maniatis, N., Balding, DJ., Balloux, F., Durbin, R. and Bähler, J., (2015). The genomic and phenotypic diversity of Schizosaccharomyces pombe.. Nature Genetics. 47 (3), 235-241
Bitton, DA., Atkinson, SR., Rallis, C., Smith, GC., Ellis, DA., Chen, YYC., Malecki, M., Codlin, S., Lemay, J-F., Cotobal, C., Bachand, F., Marguerat, S., Mata, J. and Bähler, J., (2015). Widespread exon skipping triggers degradation by nuclear RNA surveillance in fission yeast.. Genome Research. 25 (6), 884-896
Sideri, T., Rallis, C., Bitton, DA., Lages, BM., Suo, F., Rodríguez-López, M., Du, L-L. and Bähler, J., (2015). Parallel profiling of fission yeast deletion mutants for proliferation and for lifespan during long-term quiescence.. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 5 (1), 145-155
Bitton, DA., Rallis, C., Jeffares, DC., Smith, GC., Chen, YYC., Codlin, S., Marguerat, S. and Bähler, J., (2014). LaSSO, a strategy for genome-wide mapping of intronic lariats and branch points using RNA-seq.. Genome Research. 24 (7), 1169-1179
Sofola-Adesakin, O., Castillo-Quan, JI., Rallis, C., Tain, LS., Bjedov, I., Rogers, I., Li, L., Martinez, P., Khericha, M., Cabecinha, M., Bähler, J. and Partridge, L., (2014). Lithium suppresses Aβ pathology by inhibiting translation in an adult Drosophila model of Alzheimer's disease.. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 6 (JUL), 190-
Rallis, C., López-Maury, L., Georgescu, T., Pancaldi, V. and Bähler, J., (2014). Systematic screen for mutants resistant to TORC1 inhibition in fission yeast reveals genes involved in cellular ageing and growth.. Biology Open. 3 (2), 161-171
Bitton, DA., Atkinson, SR., Rallis, C., Smith, GC., Ellis, DA., Jeffares, DC., Chen, YYC., Malecki, M., Codlin, S., Lubas, M., Lemay, J-F., Bachand, F., Cotobal, C., Marguerat, S., Mata, J., Heick Jensen, T. and Bähler, J., (2014). Skip and bin: pervasive alternative splicing triggers degradation by nuclear RNA surveillance in fission yeast
Rallis, C. and Bähler, J., (2013). Inhibition of TORC1 signaling and increased lifespan: gained in translation?. Aging. 5 (5), 335-336
Rallis, C., Codlin, S. and Bähler, J., (2013). TORC1 signaling inhibition by rapamycin and caffeine affect lifespan, global gene expression, and cell proliferation of fission yeast.. Aging Cell. 12 (4), 563-573
Pancaldi, V., Saraç, OS., Rallis, C., McLean, JR., Převorovský, M., Gould, K., Beyer, A. and Bähler, J., (2012). Predicting the fission yeast protein interaction network.. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 2 (4), 453-467
Převorovský, M. and Rallis, C., (2011). Bright days for yeast research. Genome Biology. 12 (5), 305-305
Rallis, C., Pinchin, SM. and Ish-Horowicz, D., (2010). Cell-autonomous integrin control of Wnt and Notch signalling during somitogenesis. Development. 137 (21), 3591-3601
Maydan, M., McDonald, PC., Sanghera, J., Yan, J., Rallis, C., Pinchin, S., Hannigan, GE., Foster, LJ., Ish-Horowicz, D., Walsh, MP. and Dedhar, S., (2010). Integrin-linked kinase is a functional Mn²⁺-dependent protein kinase that regulates glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK-3beta) phosphorylation.. PLoS One. 5 (8), e12356-e12356
Rallis, C., (2009). New tricks for an old-favorite model. Genome Biology. 10 (9), 315-315
Hanisch, A., Vezzaro, A. and Rallis, C., (2008). Elucidating developmental gene networks. Genome Biology. 9 (6), 310-310
Bazigou, E. and Rallis, C., (2007). Cell signaling and cancer. Genome Biology. 8 (7), 310-310
Rallis, C., (2007). Chickens get their place in the sun. Genome Biology. 8 (5), 306-306
Rallis, C., (2006). Developmental genomics reaches new heights.. Genome Biology. 7 (10), 329-329
Rallis, C., Del Buono, J. and Logan, MPO., (2005). Tbx3 can alter limb position along the rostrocaudal axis of the developing embryo.. Development. 132 (8), 1961-1970
Rallis, C., Bruneau, BG., Del Buono, J., Seidman, CE., Seidman, JG., Nissim, S., Tabin, CJ. and Logan, MPO., (2003). Tbx5 is required for forelimb bud formation and continued outgrowth. Development. 130 (12), 2741-2751
Rallis, CP. and Burand, JP., (2002). Pathology and ultrastructure of Hz-2V infection in the agonadal female corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 81 (1), 33-44
Rallis, C., Stamataki, D., Pontikakis, S., Mankoo, BS. and Karagogeos, D., (2001). Isolation of the avian homologue of the homeobox gene Mox2 and analysis of its expression pattern in developing somites and limbs.. Mechanisms of Development. 104 (1-2), 121-124