Dr Wali Ur Rehman

+44 (0) 1702 328439
GB.3.13, Southend Campus
Wali holds PhD in Management Sciences in the field of human resource management, organizational behavior and organizational psychology and also conducting research in the field of entrepreneurship, institutional development, institutional theory, social cognitive and social exchange theories. Currently, working as Lecturer at the Essex Business School and involved in teaching and supervision in the UG and PGT modules. Before that he worked in the University of Kent, UK and worked closely with the central student success teams in improving the students’ achievements and supported the interventions to foster the EDI and to implement the framework of Athena SWAN at the KBS at university of Kent, which involves communication with different internal as well as external stakeholders. Prior to that he worked at HEIs in Pakistan i.e., SZABIST, Islamabad Pakistan and Bahria University, Islamabad Pakistan. He has experience of working with the Departmental Board of Studies and Corporate advisory Council in the Management Sciences Department. He also worked as a Project Manager in Higher Education Commission-Pakistan and managed the human resource development component of the development project. He has published in well reputed journals including CABS 3-Star, 2-Star, 1-star research journals. He is very flexible and worked with different collaborators from Pakistan and UK universities. He is an active member of GLOBELICS-The global research network, International society for development and sustainability and International economics development research center. He has attended and presented research at different academic conferences in Pakistan, UK, Greece, and Hong Kong. He has a good working knowledge of different analytical software which could be used for different types of research / statistical models in examining the relationships between different constructs. These software programs include, SPSS, R-Programming, SmartPLS, HLM7 for multilevel models, MS Excel, DEA (Data envelopment analysis), IBM-AMOS and Structural Topic Modelling.
University of Essex
Lecturer, Essex Business School, University of Essex, Southend on Sea (1/1/2022 - present)
Undergraduate Selector, Essex Business School, University of Essex (1/1/2024 - present)