Jessica Rhodes

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Colchester Campus
- Chalk Reefs & Underwater Ecosystem Monitoring
- UK Diving
- Citizen Science
I graduated from the University of Essex, in 2021, with a BSc Honours in Marine Biology, where my research project explored the repeatability of startle responses across different taxa and the differing effects on survival behaviours. Following this, I graduated University of Essex again, in 2022, with a distinction MSc in Tropical Marine Biology, where my thesis investigated the ecological assemblages of the Norfolk coast chalk beds, which was pioneering research into the composition of such an under-researched, yet valuable, habitat. Outside of my studies, I have completed multiple internships, developing my fieldwork experience. In 2022, I took on the role of conservation field coordinator for an NGO in Costa Rica, followed by coral reef monitoring lead scientist for Operation Wallacea in the summer of 2023, in Indonesia. In addition to the coral reef monitoring lead scientist role in Indonesia, I was responsible for teaching the research techniques course to volunteers, providing them with the fundamental skills to participate in the renowned research that Operation Wallacea conducts. My passion for conservation and active management of our oceans (specifically within the tropics) was intensified during these roles. Throughout the next chapter of my studies, I aspire to partake in further extracurricular adventures that draw me back to the tropics.
BSc Marine Biology University of Essex (2021)
MSc Tropical Marine Biology University of Essex (2022)
Research and professional activities
The Ecological Significance of the Cromer Shoal Chalk Reef.
Pioneering research at UoE, involving data modelling and state-of-the-art 3D photogrammetric surveying, has highlighted that the Norfolk chalk reefs have a high level of topographic complexity and may harbour 10- fold higher species richness than local soft sediment sites. However, no systematic analysis of ecosystem services of this habitat has been conducted. For my PhD research, I aim to address this gap in our knowledge, with digital reconstructions of reef topography and eDNA analysis.
Supervisor: Dr. Boyd McKew , Dr. Jon Chamberlain