Norman Riley

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Colchester Campus
- Consumption, Veganism, Class and Masculinity
- Non-human Animals and Speciesism
- Football (soccer) and social class
I am interested in perceptions of veganism and Nonhuman animals in working-class communities. I am from such a community. I have a multi-disciplinary background in languages, international relations, human rights, and sociology. My MSc dissertation explored Thatcherite social housing policy through a human rights framework and my MA dissertation looked at representations of vegans/veganism in UK national newspapers. An edited version of the MA dissertation has subsequently been published as an article in the Journal for Critical Animal Studies. I have worked in a voluntary capacity with The Refugee Council, Helen Bamber Foundation, Community Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers, and Detention Action. I give cookery demos and talks on veganism at state comprehensive schools for Animal Aid and produce the Football and Society podcast. Publications: McLaughlin, D., Jafet Quintero Venegas, G., Riley, N. and Ward, N. (2023) Veganism, Archives and Animals: Geographies of a Multispecies World, Social & Cultural Geography, DOI: 10.1080/14649365.2023.2269741 Riley NG (2022) PC-ravaged clowns or plant-powered pioneers? UK newspaper portrayals of veganism in 2020. Journal for Critical Animal Studies. 19(2): 53-83. Teaching and Lecturing: SC104 Introduction to Crime, Law and Society (Assistant Lecturer) SC204 Sociology of Crime and Control (Assistant Lecturer) SC209 Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change (Guest Lecturer - Should We All Go Vegan Now?) Veganism for Consistent Pro-liberation at The University of Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities Race and Resistance Programme (Guest Lecturer, June 2023)
MA Sociological Research Methods University of Essex (2021)
MSc Human Rights London School of Economics and Political Sciences (2018)
Postgraduate Certificate International Relations Staffordshire University (2012)
BA (Hons) Modern Languages University of Essex (2005)
Research and professional activities
Potentialities for vegan transitions in a UK working-class community [working title]
A transition to a plant-based diet has been described by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as major opportunity for reducing the severity of and adapting to climate change. I explore to what extent such statements resonate in a working-class community in the United Kingdom and whether there is an appetite for and realistic chance of such demands being met.
Supervisor: Dr Katy Wheeler , Professor Sean Nixon