James Roberts

j.roberts@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 874635
ESA.3.32, Colchester Campus
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Applied Anatomy and Pathophysiology (SE117)
Physiotherapy Led Assessment (SE118)
Practice-Based Decision Making (SE119)
Understanding Self and Others (SE120)
Developing Self and Others (SE231)
Physiotherapy Led Interventions (SE232)
Promoting Health and Activity (SE233)
Research Methods (SE234)
Leadership of Self and Others (SE341)
Preparation for Professional Practice (SE342)
Research Project (SE343)
Applied Anatomy and Pathophysiology (SE751)
Physiotherapy Led Assessment & Treatment (SE753)
Promoting Health and Activity (SE755)
Critical Enquiry (SE756)
Leadership of Self and Others (SE758)
Preparation for Professional Practice (SE759)
Research Project (SE760)