Lucinda Robinson

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Colchester Campus
- Nature Based Solutions
- Salt marsh restoration
- Wetland creation
- Leaky dams for flood management
I am currently completing my PhD studying the ecological impacts of nature based solutions from Catchment to Coast. I will be assessing the ecological impacts of several nature based solutions which will be implemented across Southend-on-Sea, to address both tidal and fluvial flooding. The interventions include salt marsh restoration, wetland creation, greening a sea wall and installation of leaky dams. This project will be undertaken in partnership with Southend Council, Environment Agency and Anglian Water. Before I joined the University of Essex I completed a Masters in Marine Environmental Management at the University of York and my Undergraduate degree was at Loughborough University studying Geography. During these degrees and across several internships, I have studied historic plastic data sets along the Yorkshire coastline, microplastic accumulation along the coast of Oahu, coral bleaching in the Maldives and the Seychelles, the impacts of Brexit on UK fisheries and the impact of climate change knowledge on behaviour changes. I am passionate about science communication and have held several roles engaging with the public about the issues of plastic pollution and poor water quality with Surfers Against Sewage and Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii.
Geography (BSc) Loughborough University (2016)
Marine Environmental Management (MSc) University of York (2019)
Research and professional activities
Ecological impacts of Nature-Based-Solutions for flood-risk management from catchment to coast
Supervisor: Professor Graham J. C. Underwood , Professor Tom C Cameron