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Dr Owen Robinson

Senior Lecturer
Department of Literature Film and Theatre Studies (LiFTS)
Dr Owen Robinson
  • Email

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    +44 (0) 1206 872617

  • Location

    5NW.4.11, Colchester Campus


Owen Robinson is Senior Lecturer in U.S. Literature at the University of Essex. He is the author of Creating Yoknapatawpha: Readers and Writers in Faulkner’s Fiction (Routledge, 2006), as well as several journal articles and book chapters on Faulkner. With Richard Gray, he has co-edited A Companion to the Literature and Culture of the American South (Blackwell, 2004). He is currently working on writing centred on New Orleans, as part of the AHRC-funded project American Tropics: Towards a Literary Geography, and co-edited Surveying the American Tropics: A Literary Geography from New York to Rio (Liverpool University Press, 2013), as well as further articles and book chapters on New Orleans writing including contributions to The Oxford Handbook of the Literature of the U.S. South (ed. Hobson and Ladd, OUP 2016) and Tropical Gothic in Literature and Culture: The Americas (ed. Edwards and Vasconcelos, Routledge, 2016). Owen teaches a variety of modules at undergraduate and MA levels, including survey modules on U.S. literature and more specialised modules on Southern literature and culture, post-war U.S. fiction, African American literature, and writing centred on New Orleans. Owen would welcome research proposals on any aspect of U.S. literature, but particularly Southern writing, William Faulkner, New Orleans, African American writing, and post-war U.S. fiction; he is also interested in literary geography, and Bakhtinian and reader-response theory.


  • BA Essex

  • PhD Essex