Professor Iggy Roca

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+44 (0) 1206 872187
4.201, Colchester Campus
He holds undergraduate degrees in Law and Romance Philology, and postgraduate qualifications in Linguistics. His main research activity lies in the areas of phonology and morphology, and he has published a number of papers dealing with such matters as stress, syllables and grammatical gender. He is author of Generative Phonology (Routledge 1994), co-author of Foundations of General Linguistics (Unwin Hyman 1988), and editor of Logical Issues in Language Acquisition (Foris 1990), and Thematic Structure: Its role in Grammar (Foris 1992). He has spent several periods as a visiting scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and is currently a member of an international team investigating the typology of European languages, sponsored by the European Science Foundation.
Lic. en. Der. Santiago, Lic. en Fil. Rom. Barcelona,
MA Essex,
PhD Essex,
Teaching and supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/3/2015
Journal articles (2)
Roca, I., (2010). Theme vowel allomorphy in Spanish verb inflection: An autosegmental optimality account. Lingua. 120 (2), 408-434
Roca, I., (2009). Todas las vascas son vascos, y muchos vascos también vascas. Género y sexo en el castellano. Bolet�n de la Real Academia Espa�ola. 89 (299), 77-117
Reports and Papers (3)
Ahmad, Z. and Roca, I., (1999). High Vowel Syllabilification in Malay Vowel Sequences: An Optimality-Theoretic Account
Al-Ageli, HM. and Roca, I., (1999). Word Edges in Modern Standard Arabic: A stratum-based Reinterpreation
Roca, I., (1995). Learnability under Optimality Theory