Dr Louise Rolland

l.rolland@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872207
3.308, Colchester Campus
I am currently co-organising an international academic writing programme for Early Career Researchers in Kenya, funded by the British Academy until 2026, with colleagues at the University of Essex, Kenyatta University and Birkbeck. My research interests centre on the holistic study of multilingualism, from a range of interdisciplinary perspectives (inc. psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic), and in particular how improved awareness and equity of multilingualism across society is essential to social justice, building on my doctoral research on multilingualism in psychotherapy. I also write about the linguistic dimension of researcher reflexivity and the ethics of researching multilingually.
PhD in Applied Linguistics Birkbeck, University of London,
MA in Applied Linguistics Birkbeck, University of London,
MSci Mathematics University College London,
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
MA Dissertation (LG981)
Journal articles (5)
Rolland, L., King, HM. and Lorette, P., (2023). Methodological implications of participant and researcher multilingualism: making language dynamics visible. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. 44 (8), 645-656
Rolland, L., (2023). ‘I’m sure at some point we’ll be switching’: planning and enacting an interview language policy with multilingual participants. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. 44 (8), 702-717
Rolland, L., Costa, B. and Dewaele, J., (2021). Negotiating the language(s) for psychotherapy talk: A mixed methods study from the perspective of multilingual clients. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. 21 (1), 107-117
Dewaele, J., Lorette, P., Rolland, L. and Mavrou, I., (2021). Differences in emotional reactions of Greek, Hungarian, and British users of English when watching television in English. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. 31 (3), 345-361
Rolland, L., Dewaele, J-M. and Costa, B., (2017). Multilingualism and psychotherapy: exploring multilingual clients' experiences of language practices in psychotherapy. International Journal of Multilingualism. 14 (1), 69-85
Book chapters (2)
Dewaele, J-M., Rolland, L., Cook, S. and Costa, B., (2022). Mixed Methods When Researching Sensitive Topics. In: Supporting Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy. Springer International Publishing. 247- 266. 9783031139413
Rolland, L., Dewaele, JM. and Costa, B., (2019). Planning and conducting ethical interviews: Power, language and emotions. In: The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in Applied Linguistics. 279- 289
Other (1)
Rolland, L., Dewaele, J. and Costa, B., (2017).M. T.Prior (2016) Emotion and discourse in L2 narrative research. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. 280 pages. ISBN: 9781783094424. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. 27(2),Wiley
Grants and funding
Building capacity to publish in high-impact journals through mentorship and interdisciplinary training for Kenya-based early career researchers in Applied Linguistics and Psychology
British Academy