
Dr Johanna Romer

Department of Sociology and Criminology
Dr Johanna Romer



Johanna Römer is a lecturer in the Centre for Criminology and Department of Sociology at the University of Essex. She holds a Ph.D. in anthropology from New York University, and specializes in an anthropology of law and politics, postcolonial studies, linguistic anthropology, and studies of new media and technology. Funded by the Wenner-Gren Foundation, the Council for European Studies, the British Academy, and the Independent Foundation for Social Research, her work examines a moral politics of race and gender in legal and criminal justice contexts in the US, southern Europe and North Africa under conditions of late neoliberalism. Her current computational and ethnographic projects theorize the relationship between neoliberalism, race, and securitization within the networked media and face-to-face tech collectives that have shaped an emergent new right in the US and Europe.


  • PhD New York University,

  • BA University of Chicago,

Research and professional activities

Conferences and presentations

CommunityMapper: New Network Analytic Approaches to Understanding Ideological Communities on Social Media


Roundtable on 'Trading Life'

Invited presentation, Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, 29/5/2021

Enforcing Integration? Regulating and Constructing Legality in Catalan Prisons

Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC, United States, 1/6/2020

Epistemologies of the South

Invited presentation, Modern Language Association Presidential Roundtable, 10/1/2020

Rights, Regulation and Social Formations: New Directions in Legal Anthropology

American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 22/11/2019

Borders, Biomes and Biospheres: Policing Beyond the Urban

Invited presentation, European Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, European Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Ghent, Belgium, 12/9/2019

Meditations on Racial Justice

Invited presentation, Transitions Program, Engaged Pluralism Initiative, Vassar College, Vassar College, 31/7/2019

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Dangerous Ideas: Essays and Manifestos as Social Criticism Capstone (CS301)

  • Introduction to Crime, Law and Society (SC104)

  • Digital Society (SC224)

  • Crime, Policy and Social Justice (SC382)

Previous supervision

Yemisi Laura Sloane
Yemisi Laura Sloane
Thesis title: ‘I Will Not Leave Without My Passport’: Hostile Environment, Intimate Partner Violence and Resilience Among Migrant Nigerian Women in the Uk.
Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/8/2023


Journal articles (2)

Romer, J., (2024). Building a Coalition of Makers: Conceptualizing the Relationship Between Race and Producerist Politics in Trump’s Discourse. Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race. 21 (1), 77-95

Römer, J., (2019). Ambiguous publicities: Cultivating doubt at the intersection of competing genres of risk evaluation in Catalan Prisons. Punishment and Society. 21 (3), 342-363

Conferences (1)

Romer, J., (2007). La Semiótica del Discurso Jurídico

Grants and funding


Deciphering Violence: New Network Analytic Tools to Improve Hate Speech Detection Online

Independent Social Research Foundation


National Law, Transnational Justice? The Role of Legal Status in Parole Decision-Making in Catalonia, Spain

British Academy

+44 (0) 1206 872644


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