
Dr Ian Roper

EBS - Organisation Studies and Human Resource Management
Dr Ian Roper



Ian researches and teaches in the subject of human resource management. He has research interests in a number of inter-related areas including: 'reforming' work in public services; the impact of employment regulation on equality-related issues; the 'professional' nature of HRM; the relationship between corporate social responsibility and HRM and relatedly, how these relate to the issue of 'Modern Slavery'. Most recently he is interested in the notion of 'Agile' working. He is Editorial Board member of the British Journal of Management and previously (2018-21) joint Editor-in-Chief of the journal Work Employment and Society. He is a member of Working Families' academic advisory board, member of the British Sociological Association, the British Universities Industrial Relations Association and Academic Member of the CIPD.


  • PhD University of Glasgow, (1998)

  • MPhil Northumbria University, (1994)

  • BA (Hons) Government and Public Policy Newcastle Polytechnic, (1991)


University of Essex

  • Head of Group, OSHRM Group, Essex Business School, University of Essex (1/11/2019 - present)

  • Associate Director of Education, OSHRM Group, Essex Business School, University of Essex (1/7/2021 - 30/9/2022)

Research and professional activities

Conferences and presentations

Evaluating the Agile Organisation Agenda

Invited presentation, Worlds of Work. Implications of Urbanisation, Technology and Sustainability. International Symposium, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 10/9/2019

Evaluating the agile organisation. towards a research agenda

British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA) Annual conference., Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 1/7/2019

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Principles and Practices in Human Resource Management (BE475)

  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (BE480)

  • People and Sustainable Organisations (BE865)

  • Foundations of Human Resource Management (BE708)


Journal articles (24)

Parsa, S., Roper, I., Maurer, I. and Mueller-Camen, M., (2025). Soft Law Regulation and Labour Rights Reporting: a Deficit in Moral Legitimacy?. Accounting Forum. 49 (1), 20-44

Higgins, P., Roper, I. and Zhao, L., (2024). Professionalisation and convergence-divergence of HRM: China, Hong Kong, and the United Kingdom compared. Human Resource Management Journal. 35 (1), 206-228

Hettiarachchi, C., Parsa, S. and Roper, I., (2024). Benevolent authoritarianism, paternalism and religious humanitarianism in Sri Lanka: a dependent or autonomous HR?. International Journal of Human Resource Management, The. 35 (20), 3475-3495

Higgins, P., Roper, I. and Lo, MF., (2024). Corporate professional stratification in human resource management: a sequential multi-method Hong Kong and United Kingdom analysis. Journal of Professions and Organization. 12 (1)

Roper, I., Prouska, R. and Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, U., (2022). The rhetorics of ‘agile’ and the practices of ‘Agile Working’: Consequences for the worker experience and uncertain implications for HR practice. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 33 (22), 4440-4467

Roper, I. and Higgins, P., (2020). Hidden in plain sight? The human resource management practitioner's role in dealing with workplace conflict as a source of organisational–professional power. Human Resource Management Journal. 30 (4), 508-524

Beauregard, A., Adamson, M., Kunter, A., Miles, L. and Roper, I., (2020). Diversity in the work-life interface: Introduction to the Special Issue. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal. 39 (5), 465-478

Adamson, M. and Roper, I., (2019). ‘Good’ Jobs and ‘Bad’ Jobs: Contemplating Job Quality in Different Contexts. Work, Employment and Society. 33 (4), 551-559

Parsa, S., Roper, I., Muller-Camen, M. and Szigetvari, E., (2018). Have labour practices and human rights disclosures enhanced corporate accountability? The case of the GRI framework. Accounting Forum. 42 (1), 47-64

Roper, I., Etherington, D. and Lewis, S., (2017). Hollowing out national agreements in the NHS? The case of “Improving Working Lives” under a “Turnaround” plan. Employee Relations. 39 (2), 145-159

Ehnert, I., Parsa, S., Roper, I., Wagner, M. and Muller-Camen, M., (2016). Reporting on sustainability and HRM: a comparative study of sustainability reporting practices by the world's largest companies. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 27 (1), 88-108

Freeman, T., Kunter, A., Douglas, C. and Roper, I., (2015). Ethics and spirituality in the workplace. Human Resource Management International Digest. 23 (5), 43-44

Harcourt, M., Wood, G. and Roper, I., (2007). The Importance of Legislated Employment Mark Harcourt, Protection for Worker Commitment in Geoffrey Wood Coordinated Market Economies. Journal of Economic Issues. 41 (4), 961-980

Roper, I., Higgins, P. and James, P., (2007). Shaping the bargaining agenda. The Audit Commission and public service reform in British local government. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 18 (9), 1589-1607

Higgins, P., James, P. and Roper, I., (2005). An investigation into the compatibility of consultation and performance comparison in the UK's policy of Best Value. International Journal of Consumer Studies. 29 (2), 148-158

Roper, I., James, P. and Higgins, P., (2005). Workplace partnership and public service provision. Work, Employment and Society. 19 (3), 639-649

Higgins, P., James, P. and Roper, I., (2005). The Role of Competition in Best Value: How Far Does it Differ from CCT?. Local Government Studies. 31 (2), 219-235

Brookes, M., Hinks, T., Wood, G., Dibben, P. and Roper, I., (2004). “Pulled Apart, Pushed Together”. Relations industrielles. 59 (4), 769-792

Higgins, P., James, P. and Roper, I., (2004). Best Value: Is It Delivering?. Public Money & Management. 24 (4), 251-258

Higgins, P., James, P. and Roper, I., (2004). Compulsory or Not Compulsory? The Use of Competition in British Local Government. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration. 26 (2), 95-114

Roper, I., Cunningham, I. and James, P., (2003). Promoting family‐friendly policies. Personnel Review. 32 (2), 211-230

Higgins, P. and Roper, I., (2002). No room for manoeuvre: Does ‘best value’ provide a better deal for workers in UK local government?. Society in Transition. 33 (2), 266-277

Roper, I., (2000). Quality management and trade unions in local government – Demonstrating social partnership?. Employee Relations. 22 (5), 442-466

Roper, I., Prabhu, V. and Van Zwanenberg, N., (1997). (Only) Just-in-Time: Japanisation and the `Non-Learning' Firm. Work, Employment & Society. 11 (1), 27-46

Books (5)

Roper, I., Prouska, R. and Ayudhya, UCN., (2019). Critical Issues in Human Resource Management Contemporary Perspectives. Red Globe Press. 1137605413. 9781137605412

(2014). International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work. Edward Elgar Publishing. 9780857939302

Roper, I. and Ayudhya, UCN., (2010). Critical Issues in Human Resource Management. 1843982420. 9781843982425

Dibben, P., Wood, G., Roper, I. and James, P., (2007). Modernising Work in Public Services Redefining Roles and Relationships in Britain's Changing Workplace. Palgrave Macmillan. 1403998590. 9781403998590

Wood, GE., James, P., Roper, I. and Dibben, P., (2004). Contesting Public Sector Reforms Critical Perspectives, International Debates. Palgrave Macmillan. 1403904308. 9781403904300

Book chapters (9)

Roper, I., (2023). Agile working. In: Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management. Edward Elgar Publishing. 10- 11. 9781800378834

Roper, I., Miles, L. and James, P., (2020). Politics, the Regulatory Environment and HRM. In: Critical Issues in Human Resource Management Contemporary Perspectives. Editors: Roper, I., Prouska, R. and Chatrakul na Ayudhya, U., . Red Globe Press. 47- 64. 1137605413. 9781137605412

Roper, I., Prouska, R. and Chatrakul na Ayudhya, U., (2020). Introduction. In: Critical Issues in Human Resource Management Contemporary Perspectives. Editors: Roper, I., Prouska, R. and Chatrakul na Ayudhya, U., . Red Globe Press. 1- 8. 9781137605412

Moore, P., Piwek, L. and Roper, I., (2018). The Quantified Workplace: A Study in Self-Tracking, Agility and Change Management. In: Self-Tracking Empirical and Philosophical Investigations. Editors: Ajana, B., . Springer International Publishing. 93- 110. 9783319653785

Roper, I., (2017). Trade unions and democracy: can the ‘third way’ recast the link?. In: Trade Unions and Democracy. Routledge. 62- 81

Higgins, P., Roper, I. and Gamwell, S., (2016). HRM as an emerging new managerial profession. In: Perspectives on Contemporary Professional Work Challenges and Experiences. Editors: Wilkinson, A., Hislop, D. and Coupland, C., . Edward Elgar Publishing. 286- 312. 1783475587. 9781783475582

Klarsfeld, A., Booysen, LAE., Ng, E., Roper, I. and Tatli, A., (2014). Introduction: equality and diversity in 14 countries - analysis and summary. In: International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work. Edward Elgar Publishing. 1- 12. 9780857939302

Roper, I. and Tatli, A., (2014). Recent developments in the equality and diversity agenda in the UK: The 'big society' under austerity. In: International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work: Second Edition: Country Perspectives on Diversity and Equal Treatment. Editors: Klarsfeld, A., Booysen, LAE., Ng, E., Roper, I. and Tatli, A., . Edward Elgar. 266- 279. 9780857939302

Lewis, S. and Roper, I., (2009). Flexible Working Arrangements: From Work–Life to Gender Equity Policies. In: The Oxford Handbook of Personnel Psychology. Oxford University Press. 413- 437. 0199234736

Reports and Papers (1)

Parsa, S., Roper, I. and Hettiarachchi, C., (2022). Transparency and Disclosure in Supply Chains Modern Slavery and Worker Voice

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