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Dr Ian Roper

EBS - Organisation Studies and Human Resource Management
Dr Ian Roper


Ian researches and teaches in the subject of human resource management. He has research interests in a number of inter-related areas including: 'reforming' work in public services; the impact of employment regulation on equality-related issues; the 'professional' nature of HRM; the relationship between corporate social responsibility and HRM and relatedly, how these relate to the issue of 'Modern Slavery'. Most recently he is interested in the notion of 'Agile' working. He is Editorial Board member of the British Journal of Management and previously (2018-21) joint Editor-in-Chief of the journal Work Employment and Society. He is a member of Working Families' academic advisory board, member of the British Sociological Association, the British Universities Industrial Relations Association and Academic Member of the CIPD.


  • PhD University of Glasgow, (1998)

  • MPhil Northumbria University, (1994)

  • BA (Hons) Government and Public Policy Newcastle Polytechnic, (1991)


University of Essex

  • Head of Group, OSHRM Group, Essex Business School, University of Essex (1/11/2019 - present)

  • Associate Director of Education, OSHRM Group, Essex Business School, University of Essex (1/7/2021 - 30/9/2022)