Professor Róisín Ryan-Flood

Email -
+44 (0) 1206 873551
5A.338, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
13-14.00 on Tuesdays
I am Professor of Sociology and Director of the Centre for Intimate and Sexual Citizenship (CISC) at the University of Essex. My research interests include gender, sexuality, citizenship, kinship, migration and digital intimacy. I also have a longstanding interest in feminist epistemology and methodology. My research takes an intersectional feminist approach. My book Lesbian Motherhood: Gender, Families and Sexual Citizenship was published by Palgrave in 2009. I am co-editor of Silence and Secrecy in the Research Process: Feminist Reflections (Routledge, 2010) and Transnationalising Reproduction: Third Party Conception in a Globalised World (Routledge, 2018). I have edited several journal special issues on topics such as sexuality and social theory; visual culture; and feminist epistemology. Since 2012, I have been co-editor of the journal Sexualities: Studies in Culture and Society. My research has been funded by the ESRC, Brocher Foundation, the British Academy and UCU. I have given numerous presentations and papers at conferences and universities in the UK and abroad, including Ireland, Sweden, Italy, the US, Canada, Thailand, Vietnam, Mexico and Australia. I was a keynote speaker for conferences at Trinity College Dublin, Stockholm University, Sweden and LSE.
PhD London School of Economics and Political Science
MPhil Trinity College Dublin
BA University College Cork
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Gender, sexuality and citizenship, with particular reference to kinship, assisted reproduction and migration
feminist epistemology
research methodology
ESRC funded project about Sexuality, 'Citizenship and migration: the Irish Queer Diaspora in London'
Current research
Holding Hands: Experiences of Shame, Pride and Protest among LGBTQ Relationship Partners
This project explores the experiences of shame, pride or protest amongst lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer (LGBTQ) relationship partners around ‘holding hands’, or expressing physical affection, in public.
More information about this project
Conferences and presentations
Holding Hands: Physical affection among LGBTQ relationship partners in public
Lesbian Lives Conference, Lesbian Lives Conference, Cork, Ireland, 11/3/2022
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Sociology of Sexualities (SC291)
Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Theory (SC510)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Human Rights
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/6/2024

Degree subject: Criminology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/5/2024

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/2/2024

Degree subject: Human Rights and Research Methods
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/10/2023

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/10/2023

Degree subject: Refugee Care
Degree type: Master of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/6/2023

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/9/2021

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/11/2020

Degree subject: Sociological Research
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 19/10/2020

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/6/2019

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 14/5/2018

Degree subject: Human Rights
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/3/2018
Journal articles (15)
Rohleder, P., Ryan-Flood, R. and Walsh, J., (2023). Holding hands: LGBTQ people’s experiences of public displays of affection with their partner(s). Psychology and Sexuality. 14 (3), 559-571
Ryan-Flood, R., (2023). On Ken Plummer. Sexualities. 26 (4), 515-516
Ryan-Flood, R. and Munt, SR., (2021). Interview with Sally R Munt, Sexualities journal. Sexualities. 24 (7), 957-971
Ryan-Flood, R., (2020). Interview with MJ Barker. Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics. 4 (1)
Beyer, C. and Ryan-Flood, R., (2019). Interview with Róisín Ryan-Flood. Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics. 3 (1-2)
Ryan-Flood, R., (2018). A tribute to Agnes Skamballis, the journal editorial administrator. Sexualities. 21 (8), 1214-1215
Ryan-Flood, R., (2018). Sexualities twentieth anniversary editorial introduction. Sexualities. 21 (8), 1201-1203
Attwood, F., Ryan-Flood, R. and Kong, TSK., (2013). Welcome from Feona Attwood, Roisin Ryan-Flood and Travis SK Kong. Sexualities. 16 (7), 764-771
Ryan-Flood, R., (2009). Putting Yourself On the Line: Pedagogy, Homophobia and the Elephant in the Classroom. Lesbian and Gay Psychology Review. 10 (1)
Porfido, G. and Ryan-Flood, R., (2009). Introduction - 'Intimate Visions: Sexuality, Representation and Visual Culture', special issue for the journal Sexualities: Studies in Culture and Society, 12(2). Sexualities. 12 (2), 131-135
Ryan-Flood, R. and Rooke, A., (2009). Que(e)rying Methodology: Lessons and Dilemmas from Lesbian Lives: An Introduction. Journal of Lesbian Studies. 13 (2), 115-121
Ryan-Flood, R., (2009). Queering Representation: Ethics and Visibility in Research. Journal of Lesbian Studies. 13 (2), 216-228
Gill, R. and Ryan-Flood, R., (2008). Editor's Introduction: Secrecy and Silence in Research: Opening up the Debates. Feminism and Psychology. 18 (3), 381-383
Ryan-Flood, R., (2005). Contested Heteronormativities: discourses of fatherhood among lesbian parents in Sweden and Ireland. Sexualities. 8 (2), 189-204
Ryan-Flood, R., (2003). Lesbian Parenting in Sweden and Ireland: The interaction between gender, sexuality and parenting. Lambda Nordica. 9 (1-2), 18-32
Books (8)
Ryan-Flood, R. and Murphy, AT., (2024). Queering Desire Lesbians, Gender and Subjectivity. 1032499036. 9781032499031
Ryan-Flood, R., Crowhurst, I. and James-Hawkins, L., (2023). Difficult Conversations A Feminist Dialogue. Routledge. 0367542609. 9781003088417
James-Hawkins, L. and Ryan-Flood, R., (2023). Consent. Routledge. 1003805108. 9781003805106
James-Hawkins, L. and Ryan-Flood, R., (2023). Introduction. Routledge
Ryan-Flood, R. and Rooke, A., (2022). Queering Methodology Lessons and Dilemmas from Lesbian Lives. Routledge. 1032298723. 9781032298726
Ryan-Flood, R. and Gunnarsson Payne, J., (2018). Transnationalising Reproduction: Third Party Conception in a Globalised World. Routledge Taylor & Francis. 1317555740. 978-1-13-884071-3
Ryan-Flood, R. and Gill, R., (2010). Secrecy and Silence in the Research Process: Feminist Reflections. Routledge. 9780415605175
Ryan-Flood, R., (2009). Lesbian Motherhood: Gender, Families and Sexual Citizenship. Palgrave Macmillan. 9780230545410
Book chapters (32)
Ryan-Flood, R. and Hewamanne, S., Feminism and Race in Academia: An interview with Sandya Hewamanne. In: Difficult Conversations: Feminist Dialogues. Editors: Ryan-Flood, R., Crowhurst, I. and James-Hawkins, L., . Routledge
Ryan-Flood, R., Crowhurst, I. and James-Hawkins, L., Difficult Conversations: Introduction. In: Difficult Conversations: Feminist Dialogues. Editors: Ryan-Flood, R., Crowhurst, I. and James-Hawkins, L., . Routledge
Tooth-Murphy, A. and Ryan-Flood, R., (2024). Introduction. In: Queering Desire: Lesbians, Gender and Subjectivity. Editors: Tooth-Murphy, A., . Routledge
Ryan-Flood, R., (2024). Queer lineage: On generational sexualities, LGBTQ identity and visibility. In: Queering Desire: Lesbians, Gender and Subjectivity. Editors: Ryan-Flood, R. and Tooth-Murphy, A., . Routledge
Ryan-Flood, R. and Gill, R., (2024). Gender, sexuality and visual culture – an interview with Rosalind Gill. In: Queering Desire: Lesbians, Gender and Subjectivity.. Editors: Ryan-Flood, R. and Tooth-Murphy, A., . Routledge. 81- 93
Ryan-Flood, R. and Stryker, S., (2024). Trans history and politics – an interview with Susan Stryker. In: Queering Desire: Lesbians, Gender and Subjectivity. Editors: Ryan-Flood, R. and Tooth-Murphy, A., . Routledge. 235- 240
Ryan-Flood, R., (2023). Queering the Academy. In: Difficult Conversations: Feminist Dialogues. Editors: Ryan-Flood, R., Crowhurst, I. and James-Hawkins, L., . Routledge. 9780367542603
Ryan-Flood, R. and Barker, MJ., (2023). The Gender Wars and Difficult Conversations about Trans: An interview with Meg-John Barker. In: Difficult Conversations: Feminist Dialogues. Editors: Ryan-Flood, R., Crowhurst, I. and James-Hawkins, L., . Routledge
Ryan-Flood, R. and Hewamanne, S., (2023). Feminism and Race in Academia: An interview with Sandya Hewamanne. In: Difficult Conversations: Feminist Dialogues. Editors: Ryan-Flood, R., Crowhurst, I. and James-Hawkins, L., . Routledge
Hewamanne, S. and Ryan-Flood, R., (2023). Feminism and race in academia. In: Difficult Conversations. Routledge. 39- 49
Ryan-Flood, R., Crowhurst, I. and James-Hawkins, L., (2023). Introduction. In: Difficult Conversations. Routledge. 1- 7
Hewamanne, S. and Ryan-Flood, R., (2023). Feminism and race in academia: An interview with Sandya Hewamanne. In: Difficult Conversations A Feminist Dialogue. Editors: Ryan-Flood, R., Crowhurst, I. and James-Hawkins, L., . Taylor & Francis. 9780367542603
Ryan-Flood, R., (2023). Whose Consent?. In: Consent. Routledge. 308- 318
Ryan-Flood, R., (2022). Queering Representation: Ethics and Visibility in Research. In: Queering Methodology Lessons and Dilemmas from Lesbian Lives. Editors: Ryan-Flood, R. and Rooke, A., . Taylor & Francis. 1000737578. 9781000737578
Ryan-Flood, R. and Rooke, A., (2022). Que(e)rying Methodology: Lessons and Dilemmas from Lesbian Lives: An Introduction. In: Queering Methodology: Lessons and Dilemmas from Lesbian Lives. Routledge
Ryan-Flood, R., (2018). Lesbians and Reproductive Healthcare. In: Transnationalising Reproduction Third Party Conception in a Globalised World. Editors: Ryan-Flood, R. and Gunnarsson-Payne, J., . Routledge. 162- 173. 9781138840713
Gunnarsson Payne, J. and Ryan-Flood, R., (2018). Introduction. In: Transnationalising Reproduction. Routledge. 1- 10
Ryan-Flood, R., (2015). Sexuality, Citizenship and Migration: The Irish Queer Diaspora in London. In: Sexuality, Citizenship and Belonging: Trans-National and Intersectional Perspectives. Editors: Stella, F., Taylor, Y., Reynolds, T. and Rogers, A., . Routledge Taylor & Francis. 37- 54. 978-1138805040
Ryan-Flood, R., (2014). Staying Connected: Irish lesbian and gay narratives of family. In: The 'Irish' Family. Editors: Connolly, L., . Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. 173- 187. 978-0-415-85532-7
Ryan-Flood, R., (2013). Keeping mum: Secrecy and silence in research on lesbian parenthood. In: Secrecy and Silence in the Research Process: Feminist Reflections. 188- 199
Ryan-Flood, R., (2011). Display work: lesbian parent couples and their families of origin negotiating new kin relationships - A Commentary. In: Displaying Families: A New Concept for the Sociology of Family Life. Editors: Dermott, E. and Seymour, J., . Palgrave Macmillan. 122- 124. 9780230246133
Ryan-Flood, R., (2011). Negotiating Sexual Citizenship: Lesbians and reproductive health care. In: New Femininities: Postfeminism, Neoliberalism and Subjectivity. Editors: Gill, R. and Scharff, C., . Palgrave Macmillan. 246- 262. 9780230223349
Ryan-Flood, R., (2011). Commentary on Almack’s Chapter. In: Displaying Families. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 122- 124. 9781349319312
Ryan-Flood, R. and Gill, R., (2009). Introduction. In: Secrecy and Silence in the Research Process: Feminist Reflections. Editors: Ryan-Flood, R. and Gill, R., . Routledge. 9780415452144
Ryan-Flood, R., (2009). Keeping Mum: Secrecy and Silence in Research on Lesbian Parenthood. In: Secrecy and Silence in the Research Process: Feminist Reflections. Editors: Ryan-Flood, R. and Gill, R., . Routledge. 188- 199. 9780415452144
Ryan-Flood, R., (2009). Negotiating the Biological ‘Tie’: Identity, Power and Difference Among Lesbian Parents. In: Lesbian Motherhood. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 110- 148. 9781349360895
Ryan-Flood, R., (2009). Challenging Heteronormativity?: Gender Flexibility and Lesbian Parenting. In: Lesbian Motherhood. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 149- 178. 9781349360895
Ryan-Flood, R., (2009). Gender, Families and Social Change. In: Lesbian Motherhood. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 18- 42. 9781349360895
Ryan-Flood, R., (2009). Introduction — Charting the Lesbian Baby Boom. In: Lesbian Motherhood. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 1- 17. 9781349360895
Ryan-Flood, R., (2009). Conclusions: Beyond Assimilation and Transgression. In: Lesbian Motherhood. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 179- 192. 9781349360895
Ryan-Flood, R., (2009). Queering ‘Public’ Space. In: Lesbian Motherhood. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 78- 109. 9781349360895
Ryan-Flood, R., (2009). In Search of Doctors, Donors and Daddies: Lesbian Reproductive Decision-Making. In: Lesbian Motherhood. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 43- 77. 9781349360895
Reports and Papers (1)
Ryan-Flood, R., Boyce, P. and Sundberg, T., (2021). LGBTQ experiences of working in Higher Education: A Pilot Study. Research Report (UCU).
Grants and funding
Donor Conception and Identity Disclosure: what happens when people trace their donor through social media or genetic testing?
British Academy
Holding Hands: Experiences of shame, pride and protest among LGBT relationship partners
British Academy
Holding Hands: Experiences of shame, pride and protest among LGBT relationship partners
British Academy
New Perspectives on Gamete and Embryo Donation: Ethics, Kinship and Citizenship in a Globalised World
European Science Foundation
Academic support hours:
13-14.00 on Tuesdays