Dr Mark Saban

msaban@essex.ac.uk -
5A.204, Colchester Campus
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Jungian psychology's contributions to the psychosocial
Jungian psychology has historically highlighted interiority and downplayed the outer-facing dimensions of psyche. I am interested in making efforts to counteract this one-sidedness.
Jung and Simondon
I am interested in researching the fertile links between French philosopher Gilbert Simondon, who wrote extensively about individuation and C G Jung for whom individuation was a central notion.
Affect in Analytical Psychology
Affect is an underesearched arena within Analytical Psychology. My sense is that it can provide an important lens for the examination of the trans-individual dimension of psychic existence.
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Current Debates in Psychosocial Studies (PA407)
Key Texts of C G Jung (PA971)
Jung in Contexts: Historical, Philosophical, Cultural (PA972)
Key Concepts in Jungian and Post-Jungian Analytical Psychology (PA973)
Selected Applications of Analytical Psychology (PA974)
Research Methods and Dissertation (PA981)
Current supervision
Journal articles (5)
Saban, M., (2022). Two Jungs: Two Sciences?. International Journal of Jungian Studies. 15 (1), 52-72
Saban, M., (2016). Jung, Winnicott and the divided psyche. Journal of Analytical Psychology. 61 (3), 329-349
Saban, M., (2015). Two in one or one in two? Pushing off from Jung with Wolfgang Giegerich. Journal of Analytical Psychology. 60 (5), 679-697
Saban, M., (2015). Another serious misunderstanding: Jung, Giegerich and a premature requiem. Journal of Analytical Psychology. 60 (1), 94-113
Saban, M., (2011). Entertaining the stranger. Journal of Analytical Psychology. 56 (1), 92-108
Books (1)
Kiehl, E., Saban, M. and Samuels, A., (2016). Analysis and Activism: Social and Political Contributions of Jungian Psychology. Routledge. 978-1138948099
Book chapters (2)
Saban, M., (2014). Ambiguating Jung. In: How and why we still read Jung. Editors: Kirsch, J., . Routledge
Saban, M., (2013). Science Friction: Jung, Goethe and Scientific Objectivity. In: Jung and the Question of Science. Editors: Jones, R., . Routledge. 1317932692. 9781317932697
Thesis dissertation (1)
Saban, M., (2020). ‘Two Souls Alas…’: Jung’s two personalities and the making of analytical psychology