Professor David Sanders

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Colchester Campus
Author: Patterns of Political Instability (1981); Lawmaking and Co-operation in International Politics (1986); Losing an Empire; Finding a Role: British Foreign Policy Since 1945 (1990). Co-author: On Message (1998); Political Choice in Britain (2004); Performance Politics (2009). Current research: British Election Study; political participation; election forecasting; the politics of the UK public sector; measuring and assessing European citizenship.
BA Loughborough,
MA Essex,
PhD Essex,
Teaching and supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/10/2018

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/6/2018

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/11/2015

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 12/5/2015
Journal articles (79)
Sanders, D., (2023). One Man's Damage: The Consequences of Boris Johnson's Assault on the British Political System. The Political Quarterly. 94 (2), 166-174
J. Scotto, T., Sanders, D. and Reifler, J., (2018). The consequential Nationalist–Globalist policy divide in contemporary Britain: some initial analyses. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties. 28 (1), 38-58
Whiteley, P., Clarke, HD., Sanders, D. and Stewart, M., (2016). Why Do Voters Lose Trust in Governments? Public Perceptions of Government Honesty and Trustworthiness in Britain 2000–2013. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 18 (1), 234-254
Whiteley, P., Clarke, HD., Sanders, D. and Stewart, MC., (2016). Forecasting the 2015 British general election: The Seats-Votes model. Electoral Studies. 41, 269-273
Clarke, H., Whiteley, P., Borges, W., Sanders, D. and Stewart, M., (2016). Modelling the dynamics of support for a right-wing populist party: the case of UKIP. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties. 26 (2), 135-154
Whiteley, PF., Clarke, H., Sanders, D. and Stewart, MC., (2016). Hunting the Snark: A Reply to ?Re-Evaluating Valence Models of Political Choice?. Political Science Research and Methods. 4 (01), 221-240
Whiteley, P., Clarke, HD., Sanders, D. and Stewart, MC., (2015). The Economic and Electoral Consequences of Austerity Policies in Britain. Parliamentary Affairs. 68 (1), 4-24
Sobolewska, M., D. Fisher, S., Heath, AF. and Sanders, D., (2015). Understanding the effects of religious attendance on political participation among ethnic minorities of different religions. European Journal of Political Research. 54 (2), 271-287
Fisher, SD., Heath, AF., Sanders, D. and Sobolewska, M., (2015). Candidate Ethnicity and Vote Choice in Britain. British Journal of Political Science. 45 (4), 883-905
Reifler, J., Clarke, HD., Scotto, TJ., Sanders, D., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, P., (2014). Prudence, Principle and Minimal Heuristics: British Public Opinion toward the Use of Military Force in Afghanistan and Libya. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 16 (1), 28-55
Sanders, D., Heath, A., Fisher, S. and Sobolewska, M., (2014). The Calculus of Ethnic Minority Voting in Britain. Political Studies. 62 (2), 230-251
Sanders, D., Fisher, SD., Heath, A. and Sobolewska, M., (2014). The democratic engagement of Britain's ethnic minorities. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 37 (1), 120-139
Sanders, D., Heath, A., Fisher, S. and Sobolewska, M., (2014). The Calculus of Ethnic Minority Voting in Britain. Political Studies. 62 (2), 229-229
Clarke, HD., Sanders, D., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, P., (2013). Leader heuristics, political knowledge and voting in Britain's AV referendum. Electoral Studies. 32 (2), 224-235
Borges, W., Clarke, HD., Stewart, MC., Sanders, D. and Whiteley, P., (2013). The emerging political economy of austerity in Britain. Electoral Studies. 32 (3), 396-403
Sanders, D. and Toka, G., (2013). Is anyone listening? Mass and elite opinion cueing in the EU. Electoral Studies. 32 (1), 13-25
Whiteley, P., Clarke, HD., Sanders, D. and Stewart, MC., (2012). Britain Says NO: Voting in the AV Ballot Referendum. Parliamentary Affairs. 65 (2), 301-322
Sanders, D., (2012). The Effects of Deliberative Polling in an EU-wide Experiment: Five Mechanisms in Search of an Explanation. British Journal of Political Science. 42 (3), 617-640
Sanders, D., Clarke, HD., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, P., (2011). Simulating the Effects of the Alternative Vote in the 2010 UK General Election. Parliamentary Affairs. 64 (1), 5-23
Sanders, D., Clarke, H., Stewart, M. and Whiteley, P., (2011). Response to David Hugh-Jones. Parliamentary Affairs. 64 (4), 767-768
Sanders, D., Clarke, HD., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, P., (2011). Downs, Stokes and the Dynamics of Electoral Choice. British Journal of Political Science. 41 (2), 287-314
Whiteley, P., Sanders, D., Stewart, M. and Clarke, H., (2011). Aggregate level forecasting of the 2010 general election in Britain: The Seats-Votes model. Electoral Studies. 30 (2), 278-283
Clarke, HD., Kornberg, A., Scotto, TJ., Reifler, J., Sanders, D., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, P., (2011). Yes we can! Valence politics and electoral choice in America, 2008. Electoral Studies. 30 (3), 450-461
Clarke, H., Sanders, D., Stewart, M. and Whiteley, P., (2011). Valence Politics and Electoral Choice in Britain, 2010. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties. 21 (2), 237-253
Heath, AF., Fisher, SD., Sanders, D. and Sobolewska, M., (2011). Ethnic Heterogeneity in the Social Bases of Voting at the 2010 British General Election. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties. 21 (2), 255-277
Sanders, D., Clarke, HD., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, PF., (2011). Downs, Stokes and the Dynamics of Electoral Choice. British Journal of Political Science. 41 (02), 287-314
Whiteley, P., Clarke, H., Sanders, D. and Stewart, M., (2010). Polling and forecasting the general election of 2010. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MARKET RESEARCH. 52 (5), 687-691
Whiteley, P., Stewart, M., Sanders, D. and Clarke, H., (2010). Do Institutions Really Influence Political Participation?. International Journal of Market Research. 52 (1), 21-42
Whiteley, P., Clarke, HD., Sanders, D. and Stewart, MC., (2010). Government Performance and Life Satisfaction in Contemporary Britain. The Journal of Politics. 72 (3), 733-746
Scotto, TJ., Clarke, HD., Kornberg, A., Reifler, J., Sanders, D., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, P., (2010). The dynamic political economy of support for Barack Obama during the 2008 presidential election campaign. Electoral Studies. 29 (4), 545-556
Clarke, HD., Sanders, D., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, P., (2009). The American voter's British cousin. Electoral Studies. 28 (4), 632-641
Sanders, D., Clarke, HD., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, PF., (2008). The Endogeneity of Preferences in Spatial Models: Evidence from the 2005 British Election Study. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties. 18 (4), 413-431
Clarke, HD., Sanders, D., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, PF., (2008). Internet Surveys and National Election Studies: A Symposium. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties. 18 (4), 327-330
Sanders, D., Clarke, HD., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, P., (2007). Does Mode Matter For Modeling Political Choice? Evidence From the 2005 British Election Study. Political Analysis. 15 (3), 257-285
Sanders, D. and Norris, P., (2006). The impact of political advertising in the 2001 UK general election (vol 58, pg 536, 2006). POLITICAL RESEARCH QUARTERLY. 59 (1), 167-169
Sanders, D., (2006). Reflections on the 2005 General Election: Some Speculations on How The Conservatives Can Win Next Time. British Politics. 1 (2), 170-194
Whiteley, P., (2005). The Issue Agenda and Voting in 2005. Parliamentary Affairs. 58 (4), 802-817
Sanders, D. and Norris, P., (2005). The Impact of Political Advertising in the 2001 U.K. General Election. Political Research Quarterly. 58 (4), 525-536
Sanders, D., (2005). Popularity Function Forecasts for the 2005 UK General Election. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 7 (2), 174-190
Sanders, D., (2004). Vote functions and popularity functions in British politics. Electoral Studies. 23 (2), 307-313
Sanders, D. and Gavin, N., (2004). Television News, Economic Perceptions and Political Preferences in Britain, 1997–2001. The Journal of Politics. 66 (4), 1245-1266
Sanders, D., Clarke, HD., Stewart, MC., Whiteley, PF. and Twyman, J., (2004). The 2001 British Election Study Internet Poll. Journal of Political Marketing. 3 (4), 29-55
D. Clarke, H., Sanders, D., C. Stewart, M. and F. Whiteley, P., (2003). Britain (Not) at the Polls, 2001. Political Science and Politics. 36 (01), 59-64
Gavin, NT. and Sanders, D., (2003). The Press and its Influence on British Political Attitudes under New Labour. Political Studies. 51 (3), 573-591
NORRIS, P. and SANDERS, D., (2003). Message or Medium? Campaign Learning During the 2001 British General Election. Political Communication. 20 (3), 233-262
Sanders, D., (2003). Pre-election polling in Britain, 1950–1997. Electoral Studies. 22 (1), 1-20
Sanders, D., (2003). The Dynamics of Protest in Britain, 2000-2002. Parliamentary Affairs. 56 (4), 687-699
Sanders, D., (2003). Party identification, economic perceptions, and voting in British General Elections, 1974–97. Electoral Studies. 22 (2), 239-263
Sanders, D., Burton, J. and Kneeshaw, J., (2002). Identifying the True Party Identifiers. Party Politics. 8 (2), 193-205
Sanders, D., (2001). The Economy and Voting. Parliamentary Affairs. 54 (4), 789-802
Norris, P. and Sanders, D., (2001). Knows Little, Learns Less? An Experimental Study of the Impact of the Media on Learning
Whiteley, P., (2001). Turnout. Parliamentary Affairs. 54 (4), 775-788
Sanders, D., (2000). The real economy and the perceived economy in popularity functions: how much do voters need to know?. Electoral Studies. 19 (2-3), 275-294
Sanders, D., (1999). Conservative incompetence, Labour responsibility and the feelgood factor: why the economy failed to save the Conservatives in 1997. Electoral Studies. 18 (2), 251-270
Pattie, C., Johnston, R. and Sanders, D., (1999). On Babies and Bathwater: A Comment on Evans' ‘Economics and Politics Revisited’. Political Studies. 47 (5), 918-932
Sanders, D. and Brynin, M., (1999). The Dynamics of Party Preference Change in Britain, 1991–1996. Political Studies. 47 (2), 219-239
Price, S. and Sanders, D., (1998). By-elections, changing fortunes, uncertainty and the mid-term blues. Public Choice. 95 (1/2), 131-148
GAVIN, NT. and SANDERS, D., (1997). The Economy and Voting. Parliamentary Affairs. 50 (4), 631-640
Price, S. and Sanders, D., (1997). Pooling Cross-Sections: A Response to Macdonald and Heath. Political Studies. 45 (5), 942-946
Brynin, M. and Sanders, D., (1997). Party Identification, Political Preferences and Material Conditions. Party Politics. 3 (1), 53-77
Sanders, D., (1996). Comparing nations: Concepts, strategies, substance - Dogan,M, Kazancigil,A. POLITICAL STUDIES. 44 (4), 780-781
Sanders, D., (1996). Economic Performance, Management Competence and the Outcome of the Next General Election. Political Studies. 44 (2), 203-231
Sanders, D., (1995). Forecasting political preferences and election outcomes in the UK: Experiences, problems and prospects for the next general election. Electoral Studies. 14 (3), 251-272
Price, S. and Sanders, D., (1995). Economic Expectations and Voting Intentions in the UK, 1979–87: A Pooled Cross-section Approach. Political Studies. 43 (3), 451-471
Sanders, D. and Edwards, G., (1994). Consensus and Diversity in Elite Opinion: The Views of the British Foreign Policy Elite in the Early 1990s. Political Studies. 42 (3), 413-440
Sanders, D. and Price, S., (1994). Party support and economic perceptions in the UK, 1979–87: A two‐level approach. British Elections and Parties Yearbook. 4 (1), 45-72
Price, S. and Sanders, D., (1993). Modeling Government Popularity in Postwar Britain: A Methodological Example. American Journal of Political Science. 37 (1), 317-317
Sanders, D., Marsh, D. and Ward, H., (1993). The Electoral Impact of Press Coverage of the British Economy, 1979–87. British Journal of Political Science. 23 (2), 175-210
Sanders, D., (1993). Forecasting the 1992 British general election outcome: The performance of an ?economic? model. British Elections and Parties Yearbook. 3 (1), 100-115
SANDERS, D., (1991). GOVERNMENT POPULARITY AND THE NEXT GENERAL ELECTION. The Political Quarterly. 62 (2), 235-261
Sanders, D., (1991). Voting behaviour in Britain. Contemporary Record. 4 (3), 2-6
Sanders, D., Marsh, D. and Ward, H., (1990). A Reply to Clarke, Mishler and Whiteley. British Journal of Political Science. 20 (1), 83-90
Sanders, D., Ward, H., Marsh, D. and Fletcher, T., (1987). Government Popularity and the Falklands War: A Reassessment. British Journal of Political Science. 17 (3), 281-313
SANDERS, D. and TANENBAUM, E., (1983). Direct Action and Political Culture: The Changing Political Consciousness of the British Public*. European Journal of Political Research. 11 (1), 45-61
Sanders, D., (1981). Teaching Social Science Data Analysis: A Political Scientist's View. Sociology. 15 (4), 578-585
Sanders, D., (1980). Path analysis/causal modelling. Quality and Quantity. 14 (1), 181-204
Sanders, D., (1978). Away from a general model of mass political violence: Evaluating Hibbs. Quality and Quantity. 12 (2), 103-129
Books (10)
(2020). Authoritarian Populism and Liberal Democracy. Springer International Publishing. 9783030179960
Crewe, I. and Sanders, D., (2019). PREFACE
Heath, A., Fisher, SD., Rosenblatt, G., Sanders, D. and Sobolewska, M., (2014). The Political Integration of Ethnic Minorities in Britain. Oxford University Press. 978-0-19-965663-9
Whiteley, P., Clarke, HD., Sanders, D. and Stewart, MC., (2013). Affluence, Austerity and Electoral Change in Britain. Cambridge University Press. 9781107024243
Magalhães, PC., Sanders, D. and Tóka, G., (2013). Introduction: Citizens and the European Polity. Oxford University Press (OUP). 9780199949908
(2012). Citizens and the European Polity. Oxford University Press. 9780199602339
Bellucci, P., Sanders, D., Tóka, G. and Torcal, M., (2012). Introduction: Antecedents and Consequences of European Citizenship. Oxford University Press. 9780199602346
Sanders, D., Bellucci, P., Tóka, G. and Torcal, M., (2012). The Europeanization of National Polities?Citizenship and Support in a Post-Enlargement Union. Oxford University Press. 9780199602346
Clarke, HD., Sanders, D., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, PF., (2009). Performance Politics and the British Voter. Cambridge University Press. 9780521874441
Clarke, HD., Sanders, D., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, P., (2004). Political Choice in Britain. Oxford University PressOxford. 019924488X. 9780199266548
Book chapters (21)
Sanders, D., Clarke, H., Stewart, M. and Whiteley, P., (2022). Public Attitudes towards Political Protest in Britain, 2000–02. In: British Elections & Parties Review. Routledge. 147- 167
Crewe, I. and Sanders, D., (2020). Conclusion. In: Authoritarian Populism and Liberal Democracy. Springer International Publishing. 289- 295. 9783030179960
Crewe, I. and Sanders, D., (2020). Introduction. In: Authoritarian Populism and Liberal Democracy. Springer International Publishing. 1- 12. 9783030179960
Sanders, D., (2015). The Reluctant Europeans: Britain and the EU 1953-2014. In: Drifting towards the Exit? Taking Stock of Britain?s EU Membership after 40 Years. Editors: Schweiger, C., . Wissner Verlag. 9- 36. 9783957860422
(2014). Corporate Accountability in the Context of Transitional Justice. In: Corporate Accountability in the Context of Transitional Justice. Editors: Michalowski, S., . Routledge. 52- 72
Sanders, D., (2014). The Importance of Economic Sunshine: the Economy and Voting. In: Sex, Lies and the Ballot Box. Editors: Cowley, P. and Ford, R., . Biteback. 45- 49. 9781849547550
Sanders, D., Clarke, H., Stewart, M. and Whiteley, PF., (2014). Output-oriented Legitimacy: Individual- and System-level Influences on Democracy Satisfaction. In: Elections and Democracy: Representation and Accountability. Editors: Thomassen, J., . Oxford University Press. 153- 180. 9780198716334
Clarke, HD., Borges, W., Stewart, MC., Sanders, D. and Whiteley, PF., (2013). The Politics of Austerity: Modeling British Attitudes Towards Public Spending Cuts. In: Advances in Political Economy. Editors: Schofield, N., Caballero, G. and Kselman, D., . Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 265- 287. 978-3-642-35238-6
Sanders, D. and Norris, P., (2013). Does negative news matter? The effect of television news on party images in the 1997 British General Election. In: British Elections and Parties Review: The General Election of 1997. 150- 170
Sanders, D., Magalhães, PC. and Tóka, G., (2012). Summary and Conclusions: Europe in Equilibrium—Unresponsive Inertia or Vibrant Resilience?. In: Citizens and the European Polity. Oxford University Press. 245- 269. 9780199602339
Sanders, D., Bellucci, P., T�ka, G. and Torcal, M., (2012). Conceptualising and Measuring European Citizenship and Engagement. In: The Europeanization of National Polities? Citizenship and Support in a Post-Enlargement Union. Editors: Sanders, D., Bellucci, P., T�ka, G. and Torcal, M., . Oxford University Press. 17- 38. 9780199602346
Bellucci, P., Sanders, D. and Serricchio, F., (2012). Explaining European Identity. In: The Europeanization of National Polities?Citizenship and Support in a Post-Enlargement Union. Oxford University Press. 61- 90. 9780199602346
Henjak, A., Tóka, G. and Sanders, D., (2012). Support for European Integration. In: Citizens and the European Polity. Oxford University Press. 169- 209. 9780199602339
Sanders, D., Bellucci, P., Tóka, G. and Torcal, M., (2012). Conclusions. In: The Europeanization of National Polities?Citizenship and Support in a Post-Enlargement Union. Oxford University Press. 217- 234. 9780199602346
Sanders, D. and Bellucci, P., (2012). Informal Political Engagement in Europe, 1975–2007. In: Citizens and the European Polity. Oxford University Press. 39- 64. 9780199602339
Sanders, D., Bellucci, P. and Tóka, G., (2012). Towards an Integrated Model of EU Citizenship and Support. In: The Europeanization of National Polities?Citizenship and Support in a Post-Enlargement Union. Oxford University Press. 187- 216. 9780199602346
Bellucci, P., Memoli, V. and Sanders, D., (2012). The Determinants of Democracy Satisfaction in Europe. In: Citizens and the European Polity Mass Attitudes Towards the European and National Polities. Editors: Sanders, D., Magalhaes, P. and T�ka, G., . Oxford University Press. 9780199602339
Clarke, HD., Sanders, D., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, PF., (2012). Downs, stokes and modified rational choice: Modelling Turnout in 2001. In: British Elections & Parties Review. 28- 47
Clarke, HD., Sanders, D., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, PF., (2008). Travel tips for students of electoral choice: The dynamics of partisanship in Britain and elsewhere. In: Political Parties and Partisanship: Social identity and individual attitudes. Editors: Bartle, J. and Bellucci, P., . Routledge. 88- 106. 9780415460965
Sanders, D. and Carey, S., (2003). Temporal variations in economic voting: a comparative cross-national analysis. In: Economic Voting. Editors: Dorussen, H. and Taylor, M., . Routledge. 200- 231. 9780415254335
Sanders, D. and Brynin, M., (1998). Ordinary Least Squares and Logistic Regression Analysis. In: Research Strategies in the Social Sciences: A Guide to New Approaches. Editors: Scarbrough, E. and Tanenbaum, E., . Oxford University Press. 978-0-19-829238-8
Conferences (1)
SANDERS, D., (1996). New Labour, New Machiavelli: A Cynic's Guide to Economic Policy
Reports and Papers (2)
Sanders, D. and Twyman, J., (2017). Authoritarian Populist Opinion in Europe
Scotto, T., Reifler, J., Clarke, HD., Lopez, JAD., Sanders, D., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, PF., (2011). Attitudes towards British Involvement in Afghanistan
Other (3)
Sanders, D., Scotto, T. and Reifler, J., (2016).The Consequences of Authoritarian Populism in Britain,University of Essex
Sanders, D., (2016).The UK's Changing Party System: the Prospects for a Party Realignment at Westminster,University of Essex
Whiteley, PF., Clarke, HD., Sanders, D. and Stewart, MC., (2014).The Economic and Electoral Consequences of Austerity Policies in Britain
Grants and funding
European Commission (FP7)
BES Ethnic Minority Study
Economic & Social Research Council
European Commission