Siân Savage

Email -
+44 (0) 1206 874573
EBS.2.26, Colchester Campus
- The MBA at Essex Business School.
I joined the University of Essex in 2009 and my first role was as the Administrator for the Centre for Theoretical Studies (now the Centre for Ideology and Discourse Analysis - cIDA). I joined Essex Business School in 2011 and I have held a variety of administrative roles mainly supporting postgraduate courses. In 2023, I completed a 6 month secondment working as a Governance Officer in the Office of the Vice-Chancellor. My current role is as the Academic Administrator for the MBA Course in Essex Business School. I am also a part-time PhD Student in Management in Essex Business School.
BA (Hons) Business Studies (Hospitality Management) Anglia Polytechnic University (1998)
MA Management and Organisational Dynamics University of Essex (2021)
Research and professional activities
An ethonographic study of the Neighbourhood Planning process in the UK from a poststructuralist perspective
An ethnographic study of the Neighbourhood Planning process in the UK, identifying its limits and possibilities as a collaborative and empowering community project. The project will be approached from a poststructuralist perspective and it will consider themes of hegemony, discourse, subjectivity, and Diverse Economies theory.
Supervisor: Dr Rebecca Warren and Dr Nicolas Beuret