
Siân Savage

Postgraduate Research Student
Essex Business School
Academic Services Administrator
EBS - Academic Services
 Siân Savage


Ask me about
  • The MBA at Essex Business School.


I joined the University of Essex in 2009 and my first role was as the Administrator for the Centre for Theoretical Studies (now the Centre for Ideology and Discourse Analysis - cIDA). I joined Essex Business School in 2011 and I have held a variety of administrative roles mainly supporting postgraduate courses. In 2023, I completed a 6 month secondment working as a Governance Officer in the Office of the Vice-Chancellor. My current role is as the Academic Administrator for the MBA Course in Essex Business School. I am also a part-time PhD Student in Management in Essex Business School.


  • BA (Hons) Business Studies (Hospitality Management) Anglia Polytechnic University (1998)

  • MA Management and Organisational Dynamics University of Essex (2021)

Research and professional activities


An ethonographic study of the Neighbourhood Planning process in the UK from a poststructuralist perspective

An ethnographic study of the Neighbourhood Planning process in the UK, identifying its limits and possibilities as a collaborative and empowering community project. The project will be approached from a poststructuralist perspective and it will consider themes of hegemony, discourse, subjectivity, and Diverse Economies theory.

Supervisor: Dr Rebecca Warren and Dr Nicolas Beuret

+44 (0) 1206 874573


EBS.2.26, Colchester Campus