Dr Jordan Savage

jksava@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 874135
5NW.4.4A, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
I'm a graduate of Essex and Cambridge, and I've been teaching at Essex since 2015. I work in the field of U.S. poetry, and I'm particularly focussed around contemporary poetry, The Western (and writings from the American South-West), and intersectional Marxist-Feminist criticism. I am always happy to answer queries from current and prospective students. I welcome applications for doctoral students working in any of these fields, and in U.S. literature more broadly.
I hold a PhD from the University of Essex. My thesis, which considered the relationship between poetry and place in modern and contemporary U.S. poetry, was supervised by Professor Richard Gray and Professor Peter Hulme.
My MA in Wlid Writing: Literature and Environmental Science is also from Essex, and I graduated in 2011.
I completed my undergraduate studies at the University of Cambridge, graduating with BA in English in 2008.
University of Essex
Lecturer in United States Literature, Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies, University of Essex (1/9/2015 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
avant-garde U.S. poetry
literatures of the American South-West
alternative knowledges
feminist reading and writing practices
environmental criticism
Current research
A monograph entitled Locating Possibility: Utopia and Transformation in Modern American Place-Poetics. This project posits a genealogy of place-concerned poets in the USA, working on an anti-colonial agenda.Poets addressed in this project (chronologically): Hart Crane, Muriel Rukeyser, William Carlos Williams, Frank O'Hara, Charles Olson, Gary Snyder, Edward Dorn, Diane di Prima, Anne Waldman, Juliana Spahr.
I have articles forthcoming with the European Journal of American Culture, the Journal of British and Irish Innovative Poetry, and Papers on Language and Literature.
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Contemporary Texts and Contexts (LT109)
Introduction to United States Literature (LT161)
Text Up Close: Reading for Criticism (LT182)
I, too, sing America: Identity, Diversity, and Voice in United States Literature (LT203)
Children's Fiction and the Turn to Young Adult Adventure (LT212)
The Story and Myth of the West (LT385)
Independent Literature Project (LT831)
The Modern City: From Modernism to Postmodernism (LT922)
Independent Creative Writing Project (LT832)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Film Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/6/2022

Degree subject: Literature
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/2/2021
Journal articles (7)
Savage, J., (2020). True Grit: Dirt, Subjectivity and the Female Body in Contemporary Westerns.. Zeitschrift fur Anglistik und Amerikanistik. 68 (1), 53-66
Savage, JK., (2020). Articulating a New Identity: Keywords for Today. The Cambridge Quarterly. 49 (1), 72-79
Savage, JK., (2018). "There Was a Veil Upon You, Pocahontas": The Pocahontas Story as a Myth of American Heterogeneity in the Liberal Western. Papers on Language and Literature. 54 (1), 7-24
Savage, JK., (2018). "I don't talk to the police except never": Anna Mendelssohn, Tom Raworth, and Anti-Confessional Life Writing. Journal of British and Irish Innovative Poetry. 10 (1), [no-pagination]
Savage, J., (2018). The Secret Lyric in Anna Mendelssohn's Implacable Art. Journal of British and Irish Innovative Poetry
Savage, J., (2016). 'Movement/ occurs at the split': Turning to Late Modernity in Edward Dorn's North Atlantic Turbine. European Journal of American Culture. 35 (3), 213-228
Savage, JK., (2012). 'What the Hell Is a Flowery Boundary Tree?' Gunslinger, All the Pretty Horses and the Postmodern Western. Journal of American Studies. 46 (04), 997-1008
Books (2)
Dikova, S., McMahon, W. and Savage, J., (2023). Love and the Politics of Intimacy Bodies, Boundaries, Liberation. Bloomsbury. 1501387383. 9781501387371
Dikova, S., McMahon, W. and Savage, J., (2022). Love and the Politics of Care. 1501387642. 9781501387647
Grants and funding
The Hungry Human Project Essex
School of Advanced Study, University of London (Funder)
Being Human Festival: The Hungry Human Project.
University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)
Academic support hours: