Dr Joerg Schaub

jschaub@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 874768
5B.117, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Academic Support Hours during Autumn Term: Office: 5B.117 Email: jschaub@essex.ac.uk (in person or virtual): Wednesday 10-11am Friday 4-5pm I am happy to offer virtual/zoom academic support hours. Please just send me an email to arrange a zoom meeting https://essex-university.zoom.us/j/97564629310
Jörg is a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Essex and Director of Education of the School of Philosophical, Historical, and Interdisciplinary Studies (PHAIS). He studied Philosophy and Aesthetics as well as Theory of Art and Media at the Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe and Heidelberg University. He was a Fulbright Postgraduate Student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill taking classes in Philosophy, Comparative Literature, and Anthropology. He received a PhD scholarship from the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, was a visiting PhD student in Philosophy at Cambridge University, and was awarded his doctoral degree in Philosophy (Dr. phil.) from Goethe-University Frankfurt. Before joining the School of Philosophy and Art History, he taught and researched at Mannheim University and Goethe-University Frankfurt, he was a DAAD-Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy at Cambridge University and a Visiting Fellow at the University of Essex. His research focusses on social and political philosophy (esp. Rawls, justice, reconciliation, political realism, the methodology of contemporary political philosophy), critical theory (esp. Frankfurt School, Honneth, recognition, social pathology, the methodology of critical theory), aesthetics (especially, 18th Century to the present, aesthetic recognition, aesthetic injustice, aesthetic freedom), 18th and 19th Century German Philosophy (esp. Schiller and Hegel),), Philosophy of Art (including contemporary art), and medical ethics (esp. the ethics of enhancement). Jörg recently completed a book manuscript that systematically explores the role and relevance of the aesthetic in democratic life. As part of this project, he outlines: - a novel capacity-based account of modern aesthetics - offers a new interpretation of Hegel's "end of art" thesis - expands the range of recognition relationships familiar from Hegel with an account of aesthetic recognition - argues that aesthetic recognition is an integral part of democratic Sittlichkeit - and delineates a critical theory of aesthetics (that critiques forms of aesthetic mis-recognition)
M.A. (Karlsruhe)
Dr. phil. (Frankfurt)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Social and Political Philosophy (focus on contemporary theories and 19th century German authors)
Frankfurt School and Contemporary Critical Theory
Current research
Aesthetics and democratic/emancipatory politics
methodological foundations of contemporary political philosophy (ideal/non-ideal theory, activist political theory, political realism, Critical Theory, Cambridge School)
theories of justice (particularly Rawls)
social philosophy (particularly Hegel and Honneth)
social pathologies
Conferences and presentations
A Critical Theory of Aesthetics in a Recognition Theoretical Key
Invited presentation, 2025 APA Eastern Division Meeting: Symposuium Session on Contemporary Criitial Theory, 2025 Eastern Division Meeting, Newark, United States, 8/1/2025
Aesthetic Freedom and Democratic Life
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, I delivered the "Essex Lectures in Philosophy", University of Essex, COLCHESTER, United Kingdom, 5/2021
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Art and Ideas III (AR323)
Philosophy and Medical Ethics (PY428)
Philosophy and Aesthetics (PY954)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Philosophy
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/10/2023

Degree subject: Philosophy
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 12/6/2023

Degree subject: Philosophy
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/12/2020

Degree subject: Philosophy
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/7/2019

Degree subject: Philosophy
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 27/3/2019

Degree subject: Philosophy
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 19/11/2018

Degree subject: Philosophy
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/10/2017

Degree subject: Philosophy
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 24/11/2016

Degree subject: Philosophy
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 13/2/2015
Journal articles (13)
Schaub, J., (2024). Ästhetische Missachtung. Zur Bedeutung der Ästhetik für die kritische Theorie der Anerkennung. WestEnd Neue Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung. 22 (1), 117-128
Schaub, J., (2024). Vom zwanglosen Zwang der besseren Praxis. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie. 72 (2), 282-287
Schaub, J., (2024). El reconocimiento estético: Un programa de investigación. Boletin de Estetica. 69 (69), 33-63
Schaub, J. and Odigbo, IM., (2019). Expanding the Taxonomy of (Mis-)Recognition in the Economic Sphere. European Journal of Social Theory. 22 (1), 103-122
Schaub, J., (2019). Aesthetic Freedom and Democratic Ethical Life: A Hegelian Account of the Relationship between Aesthetics and Democratic Politics. European Journal of Philosophy. 27 (1), 75-97
Schaub, J., (2016). Luftschloss Liberalismus Warum das Denken in Krisenzeiten keinen Halt indet. Mittelweg 36. 25 (2), 38-55
Schaub, J., (2015). Misdevelopments, Pathologies, and Normative Revolutions: Normative Reconstruction as Method of Critical Theory. Critical Horizons. 16 (2), 107-130
Schaub, J., (2014). The Incompleteness of Ideal Theory. Res Publica. 20 (4), 413-439
Schaub, J., (2012). Politische Theorie als angewandte Moralphilosophie. Die realistische Kritik [Political Theory as Applied Moral Philosophy: The Realist Critique]. Zeitschrift f�r Politische Theorie. 3 (1), 8-24
Schaub, J., (2012). Warum es einer von Idealtheorien unabhängigen politischen Theorie der Legitimität bedarf [Why We Need a Theory of Legitimacy that is Free-Standing from Ideal Theories], 436-452
Freyenhagen, F. and Schaub, J., (2010). Hat hier jemand gesagt, der Kaiser sei nackt? Eine Verteidigung der Geussschen Kritik an Rawls? idealtheoretischem Ansatz [?Did Somebody Just Say the Emperor is Naked? In Defence of Geuss's Objections to Rawls's Ideal-Theoretical Approach?]. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie. 58 (3), 457-477
Schaub, J., (2010). Ideale und/oder nicht-ideale Theorie ? oder weder noch? Ein Literaturbericht zum neuesten Methodenstreit in der politischen Philosophie [Ideal and/or Non-Ideal Theory ? or Neither Nor? A Review of the Most Recent Methodological Debates in Political Philosophy]. Zeitschrift f�r philosophische Forschung. 64 (3), 393-409
Schaub, J., (2010). Ideal and/or not ideal theory - or neither nor? A literary report about the latest debate over the methods in political philosophy. Zeitschrift fur Philosophische Forschung. 64 (3), 393-409
Books (1)
Schaub, J., (2009). Gerechtigkeit als Versöhnung: John Rawls' politischer Liberalismus [Justice as Reconciliation: John Rawls’ Political Liberalism]. Campus. 9783593390451
Book chapters (10)
Schaub, J., Sozialpathologie. In: Handbuch Kritische Theorie. Editors: Celikates, R., Jaeggi, R. and Saar, M., . J. B. Metzler
Schaub, J., (2023). Versöhnung. In: Rawls-Handbuch Leben - Werk - Wirkung. J.B. Metzler. 433- 438. 3476059278. 9783476059277
Schaub, J., (2023). Three Models of Aesthetic Recognition. In: The Philosophy of Recognition: Expanded Perspectives on a Fundamental Concept. Editors: Khurana, TS. and Congdon, M., . Routledge
Schaub, J., (2019). John Rawls' Projekt(e) der Versöhnung [John Rawls' Project(s) of Reconciliation]. In: John Rawls: Das Recht der Völker [John Rawls' Law of Peoples]. Editors: Höffe, O., Hahn, H. and Mosayebi, R., . DeGruyter. 177- 195. 978-3-11-065063-1
Schaub, J., (2019). Peter Sloterdijk. In: The Cambridge Habermas Lexicon. Editors: Mendieta, E. and Allen, A., . Cambridge University Press. 685- 688. 1107172020. 978-1107172029
Schaub, J., (2014). Pluralismus [Pluralism]. In: Religion und S�kularisierung. Ein interdisziplin�res Handbuch. Editors: Pitschmann, A. and Schmidt, TM., . J B Metzler. 9783476023667
Schaub, J., (2012). Gerechtigkeit, Pluralismus, Demokratie: Ein Problemaufriss im Anschluss an John Rawls [Justice, Pluralism and Democracy after Rawls]. In: Gerechtigkeit im Sozialstaat. Analysen und Vorschl�ge. Editors: Haerendel, U., . Nomos. 19- 34. 9783832962029
Schaub, J., (2011). Familie. In: Lexikon der politischen Theorie und Philosophie. Editors: Hartman, M. and Offe, C., . C H Beck. 181- 185. 9783406601576
Schaub, J., (2010). Rawls' politischer Liberalismus und die Kritik des Privaten [Rawls's Political Liberalism and the Critique of the Private]. In: Die Grenzen des Privaten. Editors: Niesen, P. and Seubert, S., . Nomos. 75- 88. 9783832952280
Schaub, J., (2002). Konzept, Körper, Einheit. Überlegungen zu einer Erkenntnistheorie des Bildes. In: Quel corps? Eine Frage der Repräsentation. Editors: Belting, H., Kamper, D. and Schulz, M., . Wilhelm Fink
Academic support hours:
Academic Support Hours during Autumn Term: Office: 5B.117 Email: jschaub@essex.ac.uk (in person or virtual): Wednesday 10-11am Friday 4-5pm I am happy to offer virtual/zoom academic support hours. Please just send me an email to arrange a zoom meeting https://essex-university.zoom.us/j/97564629310