Dr Vikki-Jo Scott

v.j.scott@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 874487
2S2.3.25, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
CPD students (potential or current) can contact me via the cpd@essex.ac.uk email address or v.j.scott@essex.ac.uk to arrange a telephone/ zoom/ face to face appointment to discuss their pathways, CPD studies or general career advice.
Vikki-Jo was a Dean of School for Health & Social Care (formerly Health & Human Sciences) and Head of Department since 2013 until January 2020. She is a Registered Nurse with experience working as a Senior staff Nurse in Critical Care and returned to work in Critical Care during the Covid-19 crisis. Since working in academia she has focused on Continuing Professional Development for Health and Social Care professionals. This includes leading the MSc in Health Care Practice, MSc Advanced Clinical Practice and the MSc Advanced Clinical Practice Apprenticeship which provide a flexible, modular route for health professionals undertaking post-registration education in their field of clinical practice. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy with a Masters in Learning and Teaching. She completed her PhD focussed on Advanced Clinical Practice and contributes to the development of this field through her membership of regional and national Advanced Practice forums, committees and events.
PhD Health Studies University of Essex,
MA Learning & Teaching Anglia Ruskin University,
BSc (Hons) Specialist Nursing Practice (Adult) Anglia Polytechnic University, (1998)
University of Essex
Dean of School, Health & Social Care, University of Essex (1/8/2018 - 31/12/2019)
Head of School, Health & Social Care, University of Essex (30/9/2013 - 31/7/2019)
Deputy Head, Health & Human Sciences, University of Essex (1/4/2013 - 30/9/2013)
Continuing Professional Development Lead, Health & Human Sciences, University of Essex (2011 - 2017)
Director of Teaching & Learning, School of Health & Human Sciences, University of Essex (1/8/2010 - 30/9/2013)
Other academic
Advanced Practice Group member, Council of Deans of health (14/7/2022 - present)
Reviewer, Centre for Advancing Practice, Health Education England (25/9/2020 - present)
External Examiner, Health & Social Care, University of East Anglia (1/2/2021 - present)
Stakeholder Governor, East Suffolk & North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (1/10/2018 - 30/9/2021)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Advanced Clinical Practice
The study of advanced clinical practice and Advanced Clinical Practitioners as defined by the national multi-professional framework for ACP in England https://www.hee.nhs.uk/our-work/advanced-clinical-practice/multi-professional-framework
Continuing Professional Development
Training and education of health and social care professionals post qualification/ registration.
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Applying and Using Learning in Practice (HS619)
Applying and Using Learning in Practice (HS620)
Advanced Clinical Practice Development Portfolio (HS768)
Advanced Clinical Practice Dissertation (HS979)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 20/3/2024
Journal articles (7)
Scott, V-J. and Addison, E., Advanced Clinical Practitioner’s untapped potential to become managers. A mixed method narrative literature review.. British Journal of Nursing
Addison, E., Scott, V-J. and Scott, V-J., (2025). Advanced Clinical Practitioner’s untapped potential to become managers.. British Journal of Nursing. 34 (3), 140-193
Scott, V-J., (2024). What are advanced clinical practitioners' expectations of the benefits of pursuing the role, and are these being realised?. International Journal for Advancing Practice. 2 (4), 164-171
Scott, V-J., (2024). Assessing the benefits of advanced clinical practice for key stakeholders. British Journal of Nursing. 33 (6), 300-305
Scott, V., (2023). Centre for Advancing Practice Conference 2022 Abstracts. International Journal for Advancing Practice. 1, 13-13
Scott, V-J., (2022). Evaluating the effectiveness of octenidine-containing wash mitts in reducing infections in intensive care. British Journal of Nursing. 31 (16), 838-843
Scott, V-J., (2021). Advanced Clinical Practice-Is it worth the bureaucracy?. British Journal of Nursing. 30 (2), 109-109
Book chapters (6)
Scott, V., CPD, Appraisal & Revalidation. In: Acute, Emergency and Critical Care (AECC) for the Advanced Practitioner. Editors: Stone, S., McCrea, C., Gardner, N., Roberts, A., Diamond-Fox, S., Hill, B. and Peate, I., . John Wiley & Sons
Scott, VJ., (2024). Continuing Professional Development, appraisal, and revalidation. In: The Advanced Practitioner in Acute, Emergency and Critical Care. Editors: Diamond-Fox, S., Hill, B., Stone, S., McCrea, C., Gardner, N. and Roberts, A., . John Wiley & Sons. 19- 35. 1119908280. 9781119908289
Scott, V-J. and Diamond-Fox, S., (2023). Core Principles of Advanced Practice. In: The Advanced Practitioner: A Framework for Clinical Practice. Editors: Diamond-Fox, S., Hill, B. and Peate, I., . Wiley Publishing. 1- 8
Scott, V-J. and Clift, E., (2023). Professional Development and Transition. In: The Advanced Practitioner: A Framework for Clinical Practic. Editors: Diamond-Fox, S., Hill, B. and Peate, I., . Wiley Publishing
Scott, V-J. and Fazzini, B., (2022). Advanced Clinical Practice-At A Glance- Quality Improvement. In: Advanced Clinical Practice- At A Glance. Editors: Hill, B. and Diamond-Fox, S., . Wiley. 1119833280. 978-1119833284
Porteous-Butler, V. and Janet Holt, (2010). Ethical Dilemmas in Assessment. In: Contemporary Issues in Assessment in Health Sciences and Practice Education. Editors: Hammick, M. and Reid, C., . Higher Education Academy. 0955634350. 9780955634352
Conferences (14)
Scott, VJ., Research, Brew, Discuss
Scott, V-J., Advanced Clinical Practitioners expectations of the benefits in pursuing this role, and whether these are being realised.
Scott, V-J., Advanced Practice Supervision
Scott, V-J., Leadership in Advanced Practice- 'Why does leadership matter?', 'Compassionate, Inclusive Leadership' and 'Leaders as Role Models'.
SCOTT, V-J., (2024). What are Advanced Clinical Practitioners expectations of the benefits in pursuing this role, and are these being realised? A mixed method study
SCOTT, V-J., (2024). Advanced Clinical Practitioners’ expectations of the benefits in pursuing this role and whether these are being realised.”
SCOTT, V-J., (2024). Understanding the expectations and reality of the ACP role
SCOTT, V-J., (2023). Advanced Clinical Practitioners expectations of the benefits in pursuing this role and whether these are being realised’
SCOTT, V-J., (2023). Advanced Clinical Practitioners expectations of the benefits in pursuing this role and whether these are being realised’
Scott, V., (2022). PROTOCOL: What are Advanced Clinical Practitioners expectations of the benefits in pursuing this role, and are they being realised?
Scott, V-J., (2021). 'Advanced Clinical Practice- is it worth it?'
Scott, V-J., (2021). PROTOCOL: What are Advanced Clinical Practitioners expectations of the benefits in pursuing this role, and are they being realised?
Scott, V., (2020). Advancing Practice - Taking Centre Stage (Health Education England 2020 Advanced practice Conference)
Reports and Papers (6)
Scott, V., Post-registration consultation; Building on our ambitions for community and public health nursing.
SCOTT, V-J., (2024). Public Accounts Committee for the inquiry ‘NHS England’s modelling for the Long-Term Workforce Plan'.
Scott, V-J., (2023). REPORT TO RESPONDENTS OF RESULTS FROM THE RESEARCH STUDY: “What are Advanced Clinical Practitioners expectations of the benefits in pursuing this role, and are these being realised?”
Scott, V-J., (2023). Executive Summary ACP research results
Scott, V-J., (2022). Submission of evidence to the parliamentary inquiry: Workforce: recruitment, training and retention in health and social care
Scott, VJ., (2020). Health and social care system and COVID-19: What are experts concerned about?
Media (1)
Burton, A., Collen, L. and Scott, V-J., Newcomers presents: Eco theatre and naturalism; Sharing of sexual health information; Advanced clinical practice - it is worth it?. Video
Other (2)
Scott, V. and Reid, D., (2022).ePortfolio (supported) route for Advanced Practice webinar,Suffolk and North East Essex Training Hub
Scott, V-J., (2020).Advanced Clinical Practice Blog
Academic support hours:
CPD students (potential or current) can contact me via the cpd@essex.ac.uk email address or v.j.scott@essex.ac.uk to arrange a telephone/ zoom/ face to face appointment to discuss their pathways, CPD studies or general career advice.