Professor Francisco Sepulveda

Email -
+44 (0) 1206 874151
1NW.3.20, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
By appointment.
Member of the BCI -Neural engineering research group (main membership) Member of the Artificial Intelligence Group Member of the Computational Intelligence Centre Member of the Centre for Assisted Living Technologies Previous positions: 1999 - 2002: Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Center for Sensorimotor Interaction, Aalborg University, Denmark 1996 - 1998: FAPESP Postdoctoral Fellow, Biomedical Engineering Dept., Unicamp, Brazil (See also:staff research interests by category)
PhD Summa Cum Laude in Biomedical/Electrical Engineering, UNICAMP (Brazil), with a Fellowship at the Bioengineering Unit, University of Strathclyde
MSc (Dist) in Bioengineering, Clemson University
BSc in Nuclear Engineering, University of California - Santa Barbara (receiving the 'Outstanding Student' award)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Brain-computer interfaces
Neural prostheses and neuromuscular electrical stimulation
Rehabilitation engineering
Myoelectric operation of artificial limbs and robotic devices
Biomedical signal analysis
Computational neuroscience
Sensori-motor neurophysiology
Affective computing
Intelligent systems, both artificial and natural
Mathematical modelling of muscle and nerve
Current research
Brain-computer interfaces
Neural prostheses and neuromuscular electrical stimulation
Rehabilitation engineering
Myoelectric operation of artificial limbs and robotic devices
Biomedical signal analysis
Computational neuroscience
Affective computing
Intelligent systems, both artificial and natural
Mathematical modelling of muscle and nerve
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Foundations of Electronics I (CE163)
Foundations of Electronics II (CE164)
Brain-Computer Interfaces and Peripheral-Neural Interfaces (CE246)
Analysis and Classification of Neural Signals (CE345)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 14/12/2021

Degree subject: Electronic Systems Engineering
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 6/2/2020

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/12/2017

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/2/2014

Degree type: Master of Science
Awarded date: 8/11/2013
Journal articles (59)
Capllonch-Juan, M. and Sepulveda, F., (2020). Modelling the effects of ephaptic coupling on selectivity and response patterns during artificial stimulation of peripheral nerves. PLoS Computational Biology. 16 (6), e1007826-e1007826
Song, Y. and Sepulveda, F., (2020). Comparison between covert sound-production task (sound-imagery) vs. motor-imagery for onset detection in real-life online self-paced BCIs. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. 17 (1), 14-
Jahangiri, A. and Sepulveda, F., (2019). The Relative Contribution of High-Gamma Linguistic Processing Stages of Word Production, and Motor Imagery of Articulation in Class Separability of Covert Speech Tasks in EEG Data. Journal of Medical Systems. 43 (2), 20-20:1
Jahangiri, A. and Sepulveda, F., (2019). Correction to: The Relative Contribution of High-Gamma Linguistic Processing Stages of Word Production, and Motor Imagery of Articulation in Class Separability of Covert Speech Tasks in EEG Data. Journal of Medical Systems. 43 (8), 237-237:1
Song, Y. and Sepulveda, F., (2018). A Novel Technique for Selecting EMG-Contaminated EEG Channels in Self-Paced Brain-Computer Interface Task Onset. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 26 (7), 1353-1362
Damjanovic, L., Meyer, M. and Sepulveda, F., (2017). Raising the Alarm: Individual Differences in the Perceptual Awareness of Masked Facial Expressions. Brain and Cognition. 114, 1-10
Song, Y. and Sepulveda, F., (2017). A novel onset detection technique for brain?computer interfaces using sound-production related cognitive tasks in simulated-online system. Journal of Neural Engineering. 14 (1), 016019-016019
Al-Mulla, MR., Al-Bader, B., Ghaaedi, FK. and Sepulveda, F., (2017). Effects of Array Electrode Placement on Identifying Localised Muscle Fatigue. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Biomedical and Biological Engineering. 4
Al-Mulla, MR. and Sepulveda, F., (2017). A Comparison of sEMG and MMG signal Classification for automated muscle fatigue detection. Int. J. of Biomedical Engineering and Technology. 30 (3), 277-277
Alonso-Valerdi, LM., Gutiérrez-Begovich, DA., Argüello-García, J., Sepulveda, F. and Ramírez-Mendoza, RA., (2016). User Experience May be Producing Greater Heart Rate Variability than Motor Imagery Related Control Tasks during the User-System Adaptation in Brain-Computer Interfaces. Frontiers in Physiology. 7 (JUL)
Al-Mulla, MR. and Sepulveda, F., (2015). Super wavelet for sEMG signal extraction during dynamic fatiguing contractions. Journal of medical systems. 39 (1), 167-167
Al-Mulla, MR., Sepulveda, F. and Al-Bader, B., (2015). Optimal Elbow Angle for Extracting sEMG Signals During Fatiguing Dynamic Contraction. Computers. 4 (3), 251-264
Alonso-Valerdi, LM., Sepulveda, F. and Ramírez-Mendoza, RA., (2015). Perception and cognition of cues Used in synchronous Brain–computer interfaces Modify electroencephalographic Patterns of control Tasks. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 9 (NOV), 636-636
Alonso-Valerdi, LM. and Sepulveda, F., (2014). Development of a simulated living-environment platform: design of BCI assistive software and modeling of a virtual dwelling place. Computer-Aided Design. 54, 39-50
Al-Mulla, MR. and Sepulveda, F., (2014). Novel Pseudo-Wavelet function for MMG signal extraction during dynamic fatiguing contractions. Sensors. 14 (6), 9489-9504
Vučković, A. and Sepulveda, F., (2012). A two-stage four-class BCI based on imaginary movements of the left and the right wrist. Medical Engineering and Physics. 34 (7), 964-971
Poli, R., Cinel, C., Matran-Fernandez, A., Sepulveda, F. and Stoica, A., (2012). Some steps towards realtime control of a space-craft simulator via a brain-computer interface. University of Essex, Tech. Rep. CES-525
Khan, YU. and Sepulveda, F., (2012). EEG single-trial classification of different motor imagery tasks using measures of dispersion and power in frequency bands. International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology. 8 (4), 343-356
Wallace, D., Eltiti, S., Ridgewell, A., Garner, K., Russo, R., Sepulveda, F., Walker, S., Quinlan, T., Dudley, S., Maung, S. and others, (2011). Cognitive and physiological responses in humans exposed to a TETRA base station signal in relation to perceived electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Bioelectromagnetics. 33 (1), 23-39
Al-Mulla, MR., Sepulveda, F. and Colley, M., (2011). Evolved pseudo-wavelet function to optimally decompose sEMG for automated classification of localized muscle fatigue. Medical Engineering and Physics. 33 (4), 411-417
Al-Mulla, MR., Sepulveda, F. and Colley, MJ., (2011). A Review of Non-Invasive Techniques to Detect and Predict Localised Muscle Fatigue. Sensors. 2011 (11), 3545-3594
Al-Mulla, MR., Sepulveda, F. and Colley, M., (2011). An autonomous wearable system for predicting and detecting localised muscle fatigue. Sensors. 11 (2), 1542-1557
Khan, YU. and Sepulveda, F., (2011). Wrist movement discrimination in single-trial EEG for Brain–Computer Interface using band powers. International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology. 6 (3), 272-285
Wallace, D., Eltiti, S., Ridgewell, A., Garner, K., Russo, R., Sepulveda, F., Walker, S., Quinlan, T., Dudley, SEM., Maung, S. and others, (2010). Do TETRA (Airwave) base station signals have a short-term impact on health and well-being? A randomized double-blind provocation study. Environmental Health Perspectives. 118 (6), 735-735
Poli, R., Citi, L., Salvaris, M., Cinel, C. and Sepulveda, F., (2010). Eigenbrains: the free vibrational modes of the brain as a new representation for EEG. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE. 2010, 6011-6014
Salvaris, M., Cinel, C., Poli, R., Citi, L. and Sepulveda, F., (2010). Exploring multiple protocols for a brain-computer interface mouse. 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology. 2010, 4189-4192
Dyson, M., Sepulveda, F. and Gan, JQ., (2010). Localisation of cognitive tasks used in EEG-based BCIs. Clinical Neurophysiology. 121 (9), 1481-1493
Poli, R., Cinel, C., Citi, L. and Sepulveda, F., (2010). Reaction-time binning: A simple method for increasing the resolving power of ERP averages. Psychophysiology. 47 (3), 467-485
Salvaris, M. and Sepulveda, F., (2010). Classification effects of real and imaginary movement selective attention tasks on a P300-based brain?computer interface. Journal of Neural Engineering. 7 (5), creators-Sepulveda=3AFrancisco=3A=3A
Al-Mulla, MR. and Sepulveda, F., (2010). Novel Feature Modelling the Prediction and Detection of sEMG Muscle Fatigue towards an Automated Wearable System. Sensors. 10 (5), 4838-4854
Khan, YU. and Sepulveda, F., (2010). Brain–computer interface for single-trial EEG classification for wrist movement imagery using spatial filtering in the gamma band. IET Signal Processing. 4 (5), 510-517
Poli, R., Citi, L., Sepulveda, F. and Cinel, C., (2009). Analogue evolutionary brain computer interfaces. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine. 4 (4), 27-31
Menon, C., de Negueruela, C., Millán, JDR., Tonet, O., Carpi, F., Broschart, M., Ferrez, P., Buttfield, A., Tecchio, F., Sepulveda, F., Citi, L., Laschi, C., Tombini, M., Dario, P., Maria Rossini, P. and De Rossi, D., (2009). Prospects of brain–machine interfaces for space system control. Acta Astronautica. 64 (4), 448-456
Eltiti, S., Wallace, D., Ridgewell, A., Zougkou, K., Russo, R., Sepulveda, F. and Fox, E., (2009). Short‐term exposure to mobile phone base station signals does not affect cognitive functioning or physiological measures in individuals who report sensitivity to electromagnetic fields and controls. Bioelectromagnetics. 30 (7), 556-563
Salvaris, M. and Sepulveda, F., (2009). Visual modifications on the P300 speller BCI paradigm. Journal of Neural Engineering. 6 (4), creators-Sepulveda=3AFrancisco=3A=3A
Gupta, CN., Khan, YU., Palaniappan, R. and Sepulveda, F., (2009). Wavelet framework for improved target detection in oddball paradigms using P300 and gamma band analysis. Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciences. 14, 61-67
Gupta, CN., Khan, YU., Palaniappan, R. and Sepulveda, F., (2009). Wavelet Framework for Improved Target Detection in Oddball Paradigms Using P300 and Gamma Band Analysis (< Special Issue> Biosensors: Data Acquisition, Processing and Control). International Journal of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciences: the official journal of the Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association. 14, 63-69
Citi, L., Poli, R., Cinel, C. and Sepulveda, F., (2008). P300-Based BCI Mouse With Genetically-Optimized Analogue Control. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 16 (1), 51-61
Zhou, S-M., Gan, JQ. and Sepulveda, F., (2008). Classifying mental tasks based on features of higher-order statistics from EEG signals in brain–computer interface. Information Sciences. 178 (6), 1629-1640
Geng, T., Gan, JQ., Dyson, M., Tsui, CSL. and Sepulveda, F., (2008). A Novel Design of 4-Class BCI Using Two Binary Classifiers and Parallel Mental Tasks. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. 2008, 1-5
Zhou, S., Gan, JQ. and Sepulveda, F., (2008). Classifying mental tasks based on features of higher-order statistics from EEG signals in brain-computer interface. Information Sciences. 178 (6), 1639-1640
Vuckovic, A. and Sepulveda, F., (2008). Delta band contribution in cue based single trial classification of real and imaginary wrist movements. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. 46 (6), 529-539
Vuckovic, A. and Sepulveda, F., (2008). Quantification and visualisation of differences between two motor tasks based on energy density maps for brain?computer interface applications. Clinical Neurophysiology. 119 (2), 446-458
Geng, T., Gan, JQ., Dyson, M., Tui, SSL. and Sepulveda, F., (2008). A novel design of 4-class BCI using two binary classifiers and parallel mental tasks. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. 2008, creators-Sepulveda=3AFrancisco=3A=3A
Sepulveda, F., Dyson, M., Gan, JQ. and Tsui, CSL., (2007). A Comparison of Mental Task Combinations for Asynchronous EEG-Based BCIs. 2007 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2007, 5055-5058
Eltiti, S., Wallace, D., Ridgewell, A., Zougkou, K., Russo, R., Sepulveda, F., Mirshekar-Syahkal, D., Rasor, P., Deeble, R. and Fox, E., (2007). Does Short-Term Exposure to Mobile Phone Base Station Signals Increase Symptoms in Individuals Who Report Sensitivity to Electromagnetic Fields? A Double-Blind Randomized Provocation Study. Environmental Health Perspectives. 115 (11), 1603-1608
Leon, E., Clarke, G., Callaghan, V. and Sepulveda, F., (2007). A user-independent real-time emotion recognition system for software agents in domestic environments. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 20 (3), 337-345
Vučković, A. and Sepulveda, F., (2006). EEG single-trial classification of four classes of imaginary wrist movements based on Gabor coefficients
Vuckovic, A. and Sepulveda, F., (2006). EEG gamma band information in cue-based single trial classification of four movements about the right wrist
Leon, E., Clarke, G., Callaghan, V. and Sepulveda, F., (2004). Real-time detection of emotional changes for inhabited environments. Computers & Graphics. 28 (5), 635-642
Hansen, M., Haugland, MK. and Sepulveda, F., (2003). Feasibility of Using Peroneal Nerve Recordings for Deriving Stimulation Timing in a Foot Drop Correction System. Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface. 6 (1), 68-77
Jensen, W., Sinkjaer, T. and Sepulveda, F., (2002). Improving signal reliability for on-line joint angle estimation from nerve cuff recordings of muscle afferents. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 10 (3), 133-139
Micera, S., Jensen, W., Sepulveda, F., Riso, RR. and Sinkjaer, T., (2001). Neuro-fuzzy extraction of angular information from muscle afferents for ankle control during standing in paraplegic subjects: an animal model. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 48 (7), 787-794
Santa-Cruz, MC., Riso, RR. and Sepulveda, F., (2000). Evaluation of neural network parameters towards enhanced recognition of naturally evoked EMG for prosthetic hand grasp control. Proc. Congr. Int. FES Soc, 436-439
Sepulveda, F., Granat, MH. and Cliquet, A., (1998). Gait restoration in a spinal cord injured subject via neuromuscular electrical stimulation controlled by an artificial neural network. The International Journal of Artificial Organs. 21 (1), 49-62
Sepulveda, F., Granat, MH. and Cliquet, A., (1997). Two artificial neural systems for generation of gait swing by means of neuromuscular electrical stimulation. Medical Engineering & Physics. 19 (1), 21-28
Sepulveda, F. and Cliquet, A., (1995). An Artificial Neural System for Closed Loop Control of Locomotion Produced via Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation. Artificial Organs. 19 (3), 231-237
Sepulveda, F. and Cliquet, A., (1994). Simple auto-adaptive neural circuit for control of human gait: a simulation based on back-propagation. Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering - Proceedings (ANNIE'94). 4, 585-590
Sepulveda, F., Wells, DM. and Vaughan, CL., (1993). A neural network representation of electromyography and joint dynamics in human gait. Journal of Biomechanics. 26 (2), 101-109
Book chapters (8)
Alonso-Valerdi, LM. and Sepulveda, FA., (2018). EEG pattern differences in motor imagery based control tasks used for brain-computer interfacing: From training sessions to online control. In: Brain-machine Interfaces Uses and Developments. Editors: Bryan, C. and Rios, I., . Nova Science Publishers. 43- 68. 1536133698. 9781536133691
Zhang, Q. and Sepulveda, F., (2017). Entropy-based Axon-to-Axon Mutual Interaction Characterization via Iterative Learning Identification. In: EMBEC & NBC 2017. Editors: Eskola, H., Väisänen, O., Viik, J. and Hyttinen, J., . Springer. 691- 694. 978-981-10-5121-0
Zhang, Q. and Sepulveda, F., (2017). Modelling and Control Design for Membrane Potential Conduction Along Nerve Fibre Using B-spline Neural Network. In: Advanced Computational Methods in Life System Modeling and Simulation. Editors: Fei, M., Ma, S., Li, X., Sun, X., Jia, L. and Su, Z., . Springer. 53- 62. 978-981-10-6369-5
Capllonch-Juan, M. and Sepulveda, F., (2017). Conduction velocity effects due to ephaptic interactions between myelinated axons. In: EMBEC & NBC 2017. Springer, Singapore. 659- 662. 9789811051210
Al-Mulla, MR., Sepulveda, F. and Suoud, M., (2015). Optimal Elbow Angle for MMG Signal Classification of Biceps Brachii during Dynamic Fatiguing Contraction. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer International Publishing. 303- 314. 9783319164823
Al-Mulla, MR., Sepulveda, F. and Colley, MJ., (2011). sEMG based Techniques to Detect and Predict Localised Muscle Fatigue. InTech. 9789533077932
Sepulveda, F., (2009). Chapter 7 An Overview of BMIs. In: International Review of Neurobiology. Elsevier. 93- 106. 978-0-12-374821-8
Sepulveda, F., (2003). Artificial Neural Network Techniques in Human Mobility Rehabilitation. In: Computational Methods in Biophysics, Biomaterials, Biotechnology and Medical Systems. Springer US. 327- 362
Conferences (82)
Achanccaray, D., Chau, JM., Pirca, J., Sepulveda, F. and Hayashibe, M., (2019). Assistive Robot Arm Controlled by a P300-based Brain Machine Interface for Daily Activities
Capllonch-Juan, M. and Sepulveda, F., (2019). Evaluation of a Resistor Network for Solving Electrical Problems on Ohmic Media
Jahangiri, A., Achanccaray, D. and Sepulveda, F., (2019). A Novel EEG-Based Four-Class Linguistic BCI*
Jahangiri, A., Chau, JM., Achanccaray, DR. and Sepulveda, F., (2018). Covert Speech vs. Motor Imagery: a comparative study of class separability in identical environments
Iacob, A., Morosan, M., Sepulveda, F. and Poli, R., (2018). Genetic optimisation of BCI systems for identifying games related cognitive states
Al-Mulla, MR. and Sepulveda, F., (2018). Separation of Fatigue Content in sEMG Signals Using High Definition Electrodes
AlQattan, D. and Sepulveda, F., (2017). Towards Sign Language Recognitionusing EEG-Based Motor Imagery Brain Computer Interface
Song, YJ. and Sepulveda, F., (2017). An Online Self-Paced Brain-Computer Interface Onset Detection Based on Sound-Production Imagery Applied to Real-Life Scenarios
Zhang, Q. and Sepulveda, F., (2017). RBFNN-based Modelling and Analysis for the Signal Reconstruction of Peripheral Nerve Tissue
Sepulveda, FA. and Zhang, Q., (2017). A model study of the neural interaction via mutual coupling factor identification
Jahangiri, A. and Sepulveda, FA., (2017). The contribution of different frequency bands in class separability of covert speech tasks for BCIs
Capllonch-Juan, M., Kolbl, F. and Sepulveda, FA., (2017). Unidirectional ephaptic stimulation between two myelinated axons
Zhang, Q. and Sepulveda, F., (2017). A Statistical Description of Pairwise Interaction Between Nerve Fibres
Zhang, Q. and Sepulveda, F., (2017). On the Conduction of Nerve Signals along Coupled Axons Using a Pairwise Statistical Description
Iacob, A., Sepulveda, F. and Grierson, M., (2016). Identifying the State of Cognitive Flow Using EEG and Other Physiological Signals
Kolbl, F., Capllonch-Juan, M. and Sepulveda, F., (2016). Impact of the angle of implantation of Transverse Intrafascicular Multichannel Electrodes on axon activation
Kolbl, F., Capllonch-Juan, M. and Sepulveda, F., (2016). An Open Source Framework for Simulation of the Mechanisms of Neural Activation and Propagation
Juan, MC., Kölbl, F. and Sepulveda, F., (2016). Optimisation of the spatial discretisation of myelinated axon models
Alonso-Valerdi, LM., Gutierrez-Begovich, DA., Sepulveda, F. and Ramirez-Mendoza, RA., (2016). Exploratory Study of the Heart Rate Variability during the User-System Adaptation in a BCI
Song, Y. and Sepulveda, F., (2015). Classifying siren-sound mental rehearsal and covert production vs. idle state towards onset detection in brain-computer interfaces
Alonso-Valerdi, LM. and Sepulveda, F., (2015). Implementation of a Motor Imagery Based BCI System Using Python Programming Language
Al-mulla, M., Sepulveda, F. and Al-Bader, B., (2015). Optimal Elbow Angle for Extraction of sEMG and MMG Signals During Dynamic Fatiguing Contractions
Song, Y. and Sepulveda, F., (2014). Classifying speech related vs. idle state towards onset detection in brain-computer interfaces overt, inhibited overt, and covert speech sound production vs. idle state
Poli, R., Cinel, C., Sepulveda, F. and Stoica, A., (2013). Improving decision-making based on visual perception via a collaborative brain-computer interface
Poli, R., Cinel, C., Matran-Fernandez, A., Sepulveda, F. and Stoica, A., (2013). Towards cooperative brain-computer interfaces for space navigation
Pavel, D., Callaghan, V., Sepulveda, F., Gardner, M. and Dey, AK., (2012). The story of our lives: From sensors to stories in self-monitoring systems
Alonso-Valerdi, LM. and Sepulveda, F., (2011). Python in brain-computer interfaces (BCI): development of a BCI based on motor imagery
Alonso-Valerdi, LM. and Sepulveda, F., (2011). Programming an offline-analyzer of motor imagery signals via python language
Al-Mulla, MR. and Sepulveda, F., (2010). A novel feature assisting in the prediction of sEMG muscle fatigue towards a wearable autonomous system
Al-Mulla, MR. and Sepulveda, F., (2010). Predicting the time to localized muscle fatigue using ANN and evolved sEMG feature
Kattan, A., Al-Mulla, MR., Sepulveda, F. and Poli, R., (2009). Detecting Localised Muscle Fatigue during Isometric Contraction using Genetic Programming.
Dyson, M., Sepulveda, F., Gan, JQ. and Roberts, SJ., (2009). Sequential classification of mental tasks vs. idle state for EEG based BCIs
Al-Mulla, MR., Sepulveda, F., Colley, MJ. and Kattan, A., (2009). Classification of localized muscle fatigue with Genetic Programming on sEMG during isometric contraction
Al-Mulla, MR., Sepulveda, F., Colley, MJ. and Al-Mulla, F., (2009). Statistical Class Separation Using sEMG Features Towards Automated Muscle Fatigue Detection and Prediction
Salvaris, M. and Sepulveda, F., (2009). Wavelets and ensemble of FLDs for P300 classification
Salvaris, M. and Sepulveda, F., (2009). Perceptual errors in the Farwell and Donchin matrix speller
Salvaris, M. and Sepulveda, F., (2009). Wavelets and Ensemble of FLDs for P300 Classification
Salvaris, M. and Sepulveda, F., (2009). Perceptual Errors in the Farwell and Donchin Matrix Speller
Al-Mulla, MR., Sepulveda, F., Colley, M. and Al-Mulla, F., (2009). Statistical Class Separation using sEMG Features Towards Automated Muscle Fatigue Detection and Prediction
Dyson, M., Sepulveda, F., Gan, JQ. and Roberts, SJ., (2009). Sequential Classification of Mental Tasks vs. Idle State for EEG Based BCIs
Dyson, M., Sepulveda, F. and Gan, JQ., (2008). Mental task classification against the idle state: A preliminary investigation
Agapitos, A., Dyson, M., Lucas, SM. and Sepulveda, F., (2008). Learning to recognise mental activities: genetic programming of stateful classifiers for brain-computer interfacing
Dyson, M., Balli, T., Gan, JQ., Sepulveda, F. and Palaniappan, R., (2008). Approximate entropy for EEG-based movement detection
Agapitos, A., Dyson, M., Lucas, SM. and Sepulveda, F., (2008). Learning to recognise mental activities
Salvaris, M. and Sepulveda, F., (2008). Classifying P300 paradigm data with Fisher linear discriminant and discrete wavelet transform
Vuckovic, A. and Sepulveda, F., (2008). A four-class BCI based on motor imagination of the right and the left hand wrist
Poli, R., Cinel, C., Citi, L. and Sepulveda, F., (2007). Evolutionary Brain Computer Interfaces
Salvaris, MS. and Sepulveda, F., (2007). Robustness of the Farwell & Donchin BCI protocol to visual stimulus parameter changes
Menon, C., De Negueruela, C., Millán, JDR., Tonet, O., Carpi, F., Broschart, M., Ferrez, P., Buttfield, A., Dario, P., Citi, L., Laschi, C., Tombini, M., Seplveda, F., Poli, R., Palaniappan, R., Tecchio, F., Rossini, PM. and De Rossi, D., (2006). Prospects of brain-machine interfaces for space system control
Tsui, CSL., Vučković, A., Palaniappan, R., Sepulveda, F. and Gan, JQ., (2006). Narrow band spectral analysis for movement onset detection in asynchronous BCI
Vuckovic, A. and Sepulveda, F., (2006). EEG-based eight class, single trial classification of imaginary wrist movements
Hubais, B., Sepulveda, F. and Navarro, I., (2006). Crossectional Investigation of Wrist Movement Intention Classification in EEG Signals
Tsui, CSL., Vuckovic, A., Palaniappan, R., Sepulveda, F. and Gan, JQ., (2006). Narrow band spectral analysis for onset detection in asynchronous BCI
Navarro, I., Hubais, B. and Sepulveda, F., (2005). A Comparison of Time, Frequency and ICA Based Features and Five Classifiers for Wrist Movement Classification in EEG Signals
Leon, E., Clarke, G., Sepulveda, F. and Callaghan, V., (2005). Real-time Physiological Emotion Detection Mechanisms: Effects of Exercise and Affect Intensity
Citi, L., Poli, R. and Sepulveda, F., (2004). An evolutionary approach to feature selection and classification in P300-based BCI
Leon, E., Clarke, G., Sepulveda, F. and Callaghan, V., (2004). Neural network-based improvement in class separation of physiological signals for emotion classification
Zhou, S-M., Gan, JQ. and Sepulveda, F., (2004). Using higher-order statistics from EEG signals for developing brain-computer interface (BCI) systems
Meckes, MP., Sepulveda, F. and Conway, BA., (2004). 1st order class separability using EEG-based features for classification of wrist movements with direction selectivity
Sepulveda, F. and Huber, JB., (2004). Descriptive vs. machine-learning models of vastus lateralis in FES-induced knee extension
Leon, E., Clarke, G., Sepulveda, F. and Callaghan, V., (2004). Optimised attribute selection for emotion classification using physiological signals
Sepulveda, F., Meckes, M. and Conway, BA., (2004). Cluster separation index suggests usefulness of non-motor EEG channels in detecting wrist movement direction intention
Leon, E., Clarke, G., Sepulveda, F. and Callaghan, V., (2004). Neural network-based improvement in class separation of physiological signals for emotion classification
Sepulveda, F. and Huber, JB., (2004). Descriptive vs. machine-learning models of vastus lateralis in FES-induced knee extension
Sepulveda, F., Meckes, M. and Conway, BA., (2004). Cluster separation index suggests usefulness of non-motor EEC channels in detecting wRist movement direction intention
Sepulveda, F., Buskgaard, A., Fjorback, MV., Huber, JB., Jensen, K. and Saigal, R., (2001). Wavelet packet analysis for angular data extraction from muscle afferent cuff electrode signals
Sepulveda, F., Jensen, W. and Sinkjær, T., (2001). Using nerve signals from muscle afferent electrodes to control FES-based ankle motion in a rabbit
Sepulveda, F., Jensen, W. and Sinkjær, T., (2001). First insights on muscle afferent nerve signals for closed-loop control of FES-generated rabbit ankle movements
Santa-Cruz, MC., Riso, R. and Sepulveda, F., (2001). Optimal selection of time series coefficients for wrist myoelectric control based on intramuscular recordings
Jensen, W., Riso, R. and Sepulveda, F., (2000). On-line joint angle estimation based on nerve cuff recordings from muscle afferents
Sepulveda, F., (2000). Nonparametric artificial neural network models for control of FES-based gait: a simulation approach
Sepulveda, F., (2000). Simulating FES gait: radial basis function networks vs. neuro-fuzzy inference and recurrent neural networks with plant wear factors
Patla, A., Sepulveda, F., Quevedo, A., Hollands, M. and Sorensen, K., (2000). Visual sampling characteristics during quiet standing and walking in an individual with peripheral neuropathy
Santa-Cruz, MC., Riso, RR., Sepulveda, F. and Lange, B., (1999). Natural control of wrist movements for myoelectric prostheses
Micera, S., Jensen, W., Sepulveda, F., Riso, RR. and Sinkjær, T., (1999). A fuzzy model for extraction of angular position information from whole nerve cuff muscle afferent recordings: Preliminary results
Santa-Cruz, MC., Riso, RR., Lange, B. and Sepulveda, F., (1999). Natural control of key grip and precision grip movements for a myoelectric prostheses
Sepulveda, F., (1999). Current technology is the limiting factor in FES-based gait rehabilitation: the case for increased research on implanted electrodes
Sepulveda, F., (1999). The little neural network that could-or, could it?: a critical view of neural networks in human locomotion studies
Quevedo, AAF., Sepulveda, F., Castro, MCF., Sovi, FX., Nohama, P. and Cliquet, A., (1997). Development of control strategies for restoring function to paralyzed upper and lower limbs
Sepulveda, F. and Cliquet Jr, A., (1994). A neural algorithm for closed-loop control of NMES-generated gait
Reports and Papers (4)
Poli, R., Cinel, C., Sepulveda, F. and Stoica, A., (2012). A preliminary study of a collaborative brain-computer interface in a visual matching task
Fox, E., Eltiti, S., Russo, R., Mirshekar, D., Sepulveda, F., Wallace, D., Zougkou, K., Ridgewell, A., Deeble, R., Joseph, S. and others, (2007). Hypersensitivity Symptoms Associated with Electromagnetic Field Exposure
Citi, L., Poli, R., Cinel, C. and Sepulveda, F., (2006). P300-based brain computer interface mouse with genetically-optimised analogue control
Wolkotte, P., Sepulveda, F., Sinkjaer, T. and Grey, M., (2003). Modelling Human Locomotion
Thesis dissertation (1)
Sepulveda, FA., (1990). A neural network representation of human gait. PhD Thesis
Grants and funding
Control of an assistant robot through a brain-computer interface for motor-disabled people
Pontificia Universidad Catolica Del Peru (PUCP)
Enabling Technologies for Sensory Feedback in Next-Generation Assistive Devices
Engineering & Physical Sciences Res.Council
Analogue Revolutionary Brain Computer In
Engineering & Physical Sciences Res.Council
Academic support hours:
By appointment.