Professor Anna Sergi

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Professor of Criminology (Critical studies on organised crime & mafia) Ethics Officer - Department of Sociology Anna Sergi holds a PhD in Sociology (2014), with specialisation in Criminology, from the Department of Sociology at the University of Essex. Her research specialism is in organised crime studies and comparative criminal justice. She has published extensively in renowned peer-review journals in criminology on topics related to Italian mafias both in Italy and abroad as well as on policing strategies against organised crime across states. She has authored 7 books. Since September 2015 she lectures in criminology at the University of Essex. In Autumn 2015 she worked as a consultant for the Australian Institute of Criminology, in Canberra and as a Research Fellow at Flinders Law School, in Adelaide. in 2017 she has visited the University of Montreal in Canada as Visiting Scholar and she is an Internaitonal Fellow at the University of Melbourne.In 2019 she was awarded an International Scholar Visiting Fellowship at the University of Turin. In 2021 she is Visiting Professor at the University of Pisa, in Italy and in 2023 at the Australian National University. Before joining Essex, she was a lecturer in Policing and Crime Sciences at the University of West London. In early 2014 she has contributed as a Research Assistant, seconded to the National Crime Agency in London, to a project of the University of Cambridge, within the RCUK Global Uncertainties Programme in early 2014. In this position Anna was looking at the requirements of the NCA for social and behaviorual sciences research in the fight against serious and organised crime. In Autumn 2013, Anna has visited the New York School of Law, Center for Research in Crime and Justice, as Program Affiliate Scholar, to work on a comparative project on criminal law and justice against organised crime groups in the USA and in England and Wales. Prior to starting her doctorate, Anna has completed her five-years degree in law in Italy, at the University of Bologna in 2009, majoring with honours (cum laude) in International and European Criminal Procedure, followed by a Master of Law (LL.M.) in Criminal Law, Criminology and Criminal Justice with merit at Kings College, in London. After completing her LL.M, Anna has worked in the private sector for one year, first as an Intern in the Forensics and Anti-Money Laundering Department of Pricewaterhouse Coopers in Milan, Italy and afterwards as Staigiare Paralegal in the Italian Desk and Litigation Department for Withers LLP in London. Since she has joined Essex in 2011 Anna has also been very committed to teaching. She has conducted lectures and seminars in various fields of criminology (among which Organised Crime modules at both UG and PG levels) at the University of Essex, University of West London, University of Roehampton, London Metropolitan University and abroad, University of Rotterdam, University of Bari and many others. Last but not least, Anna is Co-Chair of the Southern Branch Network of the British Society of Criminology, She joined the BSC Executive Committee in April 2013 as Co-Chair of the Post-graduate Committee. Between November 2012 and December 2015 she was Newsletter Editor, sitting in the Executive Committee of the ECPR Standing Group on Organised Crime. Anna is also the recipient of the 2017 Award Italy Made me for the Social Sciences category for Early Career Researchers of Italian nationality in the UK promoted by the Italian Embassy.She was also awarded the Talented Italian Award by the Italian Chamber of Commerce in London in 2018 and also in 2018 she won the ESRC Impact Award for Early Career Researchers at the University of Essex. In 2021 she has been awarded the Excellent Educator Award at the University of Essex. Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza, Università di Bologna, Italy, 2009 LL.M in Criminal Law, Criminology and Criminal Justice, King's College, London, UK 2009 Visiting Scholar, Center for Crime and Justice, New York University School of Law, USA, 2013 Ph.D. Sociology (Criminology) University of Essex, 2014 PG Cert - Associate Fellowship Higher Education Academy, 2014 Visiting Research Fellow Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra, Australia, 2015 Visiting Research Fellow Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia, 2015 Visiting International Fellow, University of Montreal, Canada, 2017 Visiting International Fellow, University of Melbourne, Australia, 2017 Visiting Scholar University of Turin, 2019 Visiting Professor University of Pisa 2021 Visiting Professor Australian National University 2023
Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza, Università di Bologna, Italy, 2009
LL.M in Criminal Law, Criminology and Criminal Justice, King's College, London, UK 2009
Ph.D. Sociology (Criminology) University of Essex, 2014
PG Cert - Fellowship Higher Education Academy, 2014 University of Essex,
Research and professional activities
Current research
Cultural differences or Cultural Bias? Policing the Calabrian 'ndrangheta across borders - British Academy/Leverhulme Trust Small Research Grant 2017/2018
Corruption and Organised Crime in Public Sector
Opportunities and Vulnerabilities for Organised Crime in Seaports
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Globalisation and Crime (SC304)
Organised Crime: Global and Local (SC556)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Criminology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 28/6/2022

Degree subject: Criminology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/3/2021
Journal articles (42)
Sergi, A., Mafia behaviours in "the world in between". Exploring criminological and legal constructions of the ‘Mafia Capitale’ case in Rome. European Journal of Criminal Policy and Research
Sergi, A., (2024). Mafia Borderland: Narratives, Traits, and Expectations of Italian-American Mafias in Ontario and the Niagara Region. Journal of Borderlands Studies. 39 (3), 545-567
Eski, Y. and Sergi, A., (2024). Ethnic profiling of organised crime? A tendency of mafia-cation in the Netherlands. Trends in Organized Crime. 27 (2), 120-139
Sergi, A., (2024). ‘Familiness’ diversification and recognition: intergenerational changes in mobile ‘ndrangheta families in Australia. Trends in Organized Crime
Sergi, A., (2024). Correction: ‘Familiness’ diversification and recognition: intergenerational changes in mobile ‘ndrangheta families in Australia. Trends in Organized Crime
Sergi, A., (2024). Ambiguity and uncertainty in mafia migrant settings: Social harms and intimate wounding by the ‘ndrangheta in Australia. Journal of Criminology
Sergi, A. and Vannucci, A., (2024). Capturing Calabria? ‘ndrangheta, corruption, and maladministration in local public institutions in Southern Italy. Small Wars & Insurgencies, 1-29
Sergi, A. and Lavorgna, A., (2024). Intergenerational and technological changes in mafia-type groups: a transcultural research agenda to study the ‘ndrangheta and its mobility. SN Social Sciences. 4 (11)
Sergi, A. and Vannucci, A., (2024). The Reputation of the Invisibles: The Society of Santa as a Para-Masonic Criminal Entity Above the Calabrian ’Ndrangheta. Deviant Behavior, 1-18
Sergi, A. and Rizzuti, A., (2023). Antimafia cross-border: conceptual and procedural asymmetries in the fight against Italian mafias in Europe. Policing. 17
Sergi, A., (2023). To become ‘ndrangheta in Calabria: organisational narrative criminology and the constitution of mafia organisations. Trends in Organized Crime. 27 (4), 389-411
Sergi, A. and Vannucci, A., (2023). Protection and Obedience Deviant Masonry, Corruption, and Mafia in Italy. Deviant Behavior. 44 (9), 1349-1367
Sergi, A., (2023). Cocaine and the port: Utopias of security, urban relations, and displacement of policing efforts in the port of Piraeus. European Journal of Criminology. 21 (3), 329-349
Sergi, A., (2022). Playing Pac-Man in Portville: Policing the dilution and fragmentation of drug importations through major seaports. European Journal of Criminology. 19 (4), 674-691
Sergi, A. and Vannucci, A., (2022). The Secret Nexus. A case study of deviant masons, mafia, and corruption in Italy. The British Journal of Criminology. 63 (5), 1165-1183
Sergi, A., (2021). Policing the port, watching the city. Manifestations of organised crime in the port of Genoa. Policing and Society. 31 (6), 639-655
Sergi, A. and Storti, L., (2021). Shaping space. A conceptual framework on the connections between organised crime groups and territories. Trends in Organized Crime. 24 (2), 137-151
Sergi, A., (2021). ‘ndrangheta e “ricerca del potere”: riflessioni su mafia e potere politico in Australia. Rivista di studi e ricerche sulla criminalità organizzata. 6 (4), 110-136
Sergi, A., (2021). ‘Ndrangheta Dynasties: A Conceptual and Operational Framework for the Cross-Border Policing of the Calabrian Mafia. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. 15 (2), 1522-1536
Sergi, A., (2021). Stumbling upon places and cultures: an involuntary ethnography in researching the Australian ‘ndrangheta. Journal of Criminology. 54 (4), 448-465
Sergi, A., (2021). Lo Stato illegale. Mafia e politica da Portella della Ginestra a oggi, by Gian Carlo Caselli and Guido Lo Forte, Rome-Bari, Laterza, 2020, 208pp., €18.00 (paperback), ISBN 9788858136898. Modern Italy. 26 (4), 457-458
Sergi, A. and Storti, L., (2020). Survive or perish: Organised crime in the port of Montreal and the port of New York/New Jersey. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice. 63, 100424-100424
Sergi, A., (2020). Mafia organizations: the visible hand of criminal enterprise by Maurizio Catino. Trends in Organized Crime. 23 (2), 183-185
Sergi, A., (2020). Monica Massari and Vittorio Martone (2019) Mafia Violence: Political, Symbolic, and Economic Forms of Violence in Camorra Clans. Great Britain: Routledge. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy. 9 (4), 215-217
Sergi, A., (2019). Polycephalous ‘ndrangheta: Crimes, behaviours and organisation of the Calabrian mafia in Australia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology. 52 (1), 3-22
Sergi, A., (2019). Constructing the mafia concept on the bench. The legal battles in the ‘Mafia Capitale’ case in Rome. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice. 58, 100-112
Sergi, A., (2019). The 'Ndrangheta Down Under: Constructing the Italian Mafia in Australia. European Review of Organised Crime. 5 (1), 60-84
Sergi, A., (2018). Widening the Antimafia Net. Mafia Behaviour, Cultural Transmission and Children Protection in Calabrian mafia families. Youth Justice. 18 (2), 149-168
Sergi, A., (2018). What's in a Name? Shifting Identities of Traditional Organized Crime in Canada in the Transnational Fight against the Calabrian ‘Ndrangheta. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice. 60 (4), 427-454
Sergi, A., (2017). Countering the Australian 'ndrangheta: The criminalisation of mafia behaviour in Australia between national and comparative criminal law. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology. 50 (3), 321-340
Sergi, A., (2016). National Security vs Criminal law. Perspectives, Doubts and Concerns on the Criminalisation of Organised Crime in England and Wales. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. 22 (4), 713-729
Lavorgna, A. and Sergi, A., (2016). Serious, therefore organised? A critique of the emerging "cyber-organised crime" rhetoric in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 10 (2), 170-187
Sergi, A., (2016). The Italian Anti-Mafia System between Practice and Symbolism: Evaluating Contemporary Views on the Italian Structure Model against Organized Crime. Policing. 10 (3), 194-205
Sergi, A., (2016). A qualitative reading of the ecological (dis)organisation of criminal associations. The case of the ?Famiglia Basilischi? in Italy. Trends in Organized Crime. 19 (2), 149-174
Sergi, A., (2016). A proposito di Mafia Capitale. Spunti per tipizzare il fenomeno mafioso nei sistemi di common law. Rivista di Studi e Ricerche sulla criminalità organizzata. 2 (i), 96-116
Sergi, A., (2015). Organised crime in English criminal law: Lessons from the United States on conspiracy and criminal enterprise. Journal of Money Laundering Control. 18 (2), 182-201
Sergi, A., (2015). The evolution of the Australian ‘ndrangheta. An historical perspective. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology. 48 (2), 155-174
Sergi, A., (2015). Divergent mind-sets, convergent policies: Policing models against organized crime in Italy and in England within international frameworks. European Journal of Criminology. 12 (6), 658-680
Lavorgna, A. and Sergi, A., (2014). Types of organised crime in Italy. The multifaceted spectrum of Italian criminal associations and their different attitudes in the financial crisis and in the use of Internet technologies. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice. 42 (1), 16-32
Sergi, A., (2014). Structure versus Activity. Policing Organized Crime in Italy and in the UK, Distance and Convergence. Policing. 8 (1), 69-78
Sergi, A., (2014). Organised Crime in Criminal Law: Conspiracy and Membership Offences in Italian, English and International Frameworks. King's Law Journal. 25 (2), 185-200
Lavorgna, A., Lombardo, R. and Sergi, A., (2013). Organized crime in three regions: comparing the Veneto, Liverpool, and Chicago. Trends in Organized Crime. 16 (3), 265-285
Books (11)
Sergi, A. and Vannucci, A., (2023). Mafia, Deviant Masons and Corruption Shifty Brotherhoods in Italy. Routledge. 1032117877. 9781032117881
Sergi, A., (2022). Chasing the Mafia 'Ndrangheta, Memories and Journeys. Policy Press. 152922246X. 9781529222463
Sergi, A., Reid, A., Storti, L. and Easton, M., (2021). Ports, Crime and Security Governing and Policing Seaports in a Changing World. Bristol University Press. 1529217717. 9781529217711
Sergi, A. and Sergi, P., (2021). La Santa 'ndrangheta. Da 'Violenta' a 'Contesa'. Pellegrini Editore. 978-88-6822-985-6
Carrabine, E., Cox, P., Cox, A., Crowhurst, I., Di Ronco, A., Fussey, P., Sergi, A., South, N., Thiel, D. and Turton, J., (2020). Criminology. A Sociological Introduction (Fourth edition). Routledge
Sergi, A., (2020). The Port-Crime Interface A Report on Organised Crime and Corruption in Seaports. University of Essex. 9798645606084
Testa, A. and Sergi, A., (2018). Corruption, Mafia Power and Italian Soccer. Routledge. 1138289930. 9781138289932
Sergi, A., (2017). From Mafia to Organised Crime: a comparative analysis of policing models. Palgrave Macmillan. 9783319535678
Sergi, A., (2017). From Mafia to Organised Crime. Springer International Publishing. 9783319535678
Sergi, A. and Lavorgna, A., (2016). 'Ndrangheta. The Glocal Dimension of the most powerful Italian mafia. Palgrave Macmillan. 978-3-319-32584-2
Sergi, A. and Lavorgna, A., (2016). 'Ndrangheta. Springer International Publishing. 9783319325842
Book chapters (28)
Sergi, A. and Orsini, G., The emergency business. Informality and Grey Area in a EU Borderland. Migrant detentions, mafia interests and glocal governance in Lampedusa. In: The Janus-faces of cross-border crime in Europe.Comparative Perspectives of Europe’s Human Rights Deficit. Editors: Van Duyne, P., Von Lampe, K. and Stremy, T., . Eleven International Publishing
Sergi, A., (2024). Organized Crime. In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Crime and Criminal Justice. Edward Elgar Publishing. p811- p824. 9781789902983
Sergi, A., (2023). Organised crime and power in the modern world. In: A Research Agenda for Organised Crime. Edward Elgar Publishing. 57- 75. 9781802201352
Storti, L., Sergi, A. and Zabyelina, Y., (2022). Private Port Authorities and Organized Crime. In: The Private Sector and Organized Crime. Routledge. 55- 69
Sergi, A., (2020). Cultural differences or cultural bias? Reflections on the policing of the Calabrian ‘ndrangheta abroad. In: Policing Transnational Crime Law Enforcement of Criminal Flows. Editors: Hufnagel, S. and Moiseienko, A., . Routledge. 114- 132. 9781351132251
Sergi, A., (2019). Meet the Inbetweeners : Exploring the Quality and Stregth in the Mafia Capitale network in Rome. In: Criminal Networks and Law Enforcement: Global Perspectives On Illegal Enterprise. Editors: Hufnagel, S. and Moiseienko, A., . Routledge. 139- 161
Sergi, A., (2019). The Calabrian ‘Ndrangheta: Between Tradition and Mobility. In: Organized Crime: Causes and Consequences. Editors: Lombardo, R., . 115- 132
Sergi, A., (2019). Traditional Organised Crime on the Move: Exploring the Globalisation of the Calabrian ‘ndrangheta’. In: International Political Economy Series. Editors: Talani, L. and Roccu, R., . Palgrave Macmillan. 123- 145. 9783030051167
Di Ronco, A. and Sergi, A., (2019). From harmless incivilities to not-so serious organised crime activities: The expanded realm of European crime prevention and some suggestions on how to limit it. In: Constructing and Organising Crime in Europe. Editors: van Duyne, P., Serdyuk, A., Antonopoulos, G., Harvey, J. and von Lampe, K., . Eleven International Publishing. 149- 178. 978-94-6236-955-9
Sergi, A., (2017). Case Study 2: United States of America and the Enterprise Model. In: Critical Criminological Perspectives. Springer International Publishing. 101- 140. 9783319535678
Sergi, A., (2017). Conclusion: A Socio-behavioural Approach in Policing the Mafia–Organised Crime Spectrum. In: Critical Criminological Perspectives. Springer International Publishing. 289- 307. 9783319535678
Sergi, A., (2017). National Models and International Frameworks. In: Critical Criminological Perspectives. Springer International Publishing. 265- 288. 9783319535678
Sergi, A., (2017). Case Study 1: Italy and the Structure Model. In: Critical Criminological Perspectives. Springer International Publishing. 61- 100. 9783319535678
Sergi, A., (2017). Case Study 3: Australia and the Visibility Model. In: Critical Criminological Perspectives. Springer International Publishing. 141- 176. 9783319535678
Sergi, A., (2017). Convergences and Divergences Across the Four Models. In: Critical Criminological Perspectives. Springer International Publishing. 215- 263. 9783319535678
Sergi, A., (2017). Introduction: The aims of this comparative research. In: Critical Criminological Perspectives. Springer International Publishing. 1- 20. 9783319535678
Sergi, A., (2017). Case Study 4: United Kingdom and the Activity Model. In: Critical Criminological Perspectives. Springer International Publishing. 177- 213. 9783319535678
Sergi, A., (2017). Mafia and Organised Crime: The Spectrum and the Models. In: Critical Criminological Perspectives. Springer International Publishing. 21- 59. 9783319535678
Sergi, A. and South, N., (2016). 'Earth, Water, Air, and Fire': Environmental Crimes, Mafia Power and Political Negligence in Calabria. In: Illegal Entrepreneurship, Organized Crime and Social Control Essays in Honor of Professor Dick Hobbs. Editors: Antonopoulos, GA., . Springer. 85- 100. 9783319316062
Sergi, A., (2016). "Three Tales / Two Threats". Prosecutors in Italy, England and the United States narrate national and transnational organised crime. In: Narratives on Organised Crime in Europe: Criminals, Corrupters & Policy. Editors: Van Duyne, PC., Sheinost, M., Antonopoulos, GA., Harvey, J. and Von Lampe, K., . Wolf Legal Publishers. 978-9462403161
Sergi, A. and Lavorgna, A., (2016). ‘Ndrangheta Movements in the Centre and North of Italy. In: 'Ndrangheta. Springer International Publishing. 33- 52. 9783319325842
Sergi, A. and Lavorgna, A., (2016). Calabria and the ‘Ndrangheta. In: 'Ndrangheta. Springer International Publishing. 13- 32. 9783319325842
Sergi, A. and Lavorgna, A., (2016). Drug Trafficking and Investments. In: 'Ndrangheta. Springer International Publishing. 73- 89. 9783319325842
Sergi, A. and Lavorgna, A., (2016). ‘Ndrangheta Movements Around the World. In: 'Ndrangheta. Springer International Publishing. 53- 70. 9783319325842
Sergi, A. and Lavorgna, A., (2016). Poly-crime ‘Ndrangheta. In: 'Ndrangheta. Springer International Publishing. 91- 109. 9783319325842
Sergi, A. and Lavorgna, A., (2016). Conclusion. In: 'Ndrangheta. Springer International Publishing. 111- 118. 9783319325842
Sergi, A., (2015). Mafia and politics as concurrent governance actors. Revisiting political power and crime in Southern Italy. In: The relativity of wrongdoing: Corruption, organised crime, fraud and money laundering in perspective,. Editors: van Duyne, PC., Maljevi?, A., Antonopoulos, GA., Harvey, J. and von Lampe, K., . Wolf Legal Publishers. 43- 70
Lavorgna, A. and Sergi, A., (2014). Different manifestations of organised crime and corruption in Italy: a socio-legal analysis. In: Corruption, Greed and Crime Money: Sleaze and shady economy in Europe and beyond. Editors: van Duyne, PC., Harvey, J., Antonopoulos, GA., von Lampe, K., Maljevic, A. and Markovska, A., . Wolf Legal Publishers. 978-9462401280
Other (2)
Sergi, A., (2021).Georgios A. Antonopolous and Georgios Papanicolaou (2018). Organized Crime: A Very Short Introduction. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. 14(4),Oxford University Press (OUP)
Sergi, A., (2020).Neil Boister, Introduction To Transnational Criminal Law (2nd edition). Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. 14(3),Oxford University Press (OUP)
Grants and funding
HONOUR DYNASTIES (HO.ST.) Intergenerational changes, recognition, and reputation in cross-border (organised crime) families
University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)
DEMISTIFY: taking mafia and its intergenerational mobility between Australia and Italy seriously
University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)
HONOUR DYNASTIES (HO.ST.): intergenerational changes, recognition, and reputation in cross-border organised crime families.
British Academy
C.R.I.M.E: Countering Regional Italian Mafia Expansion
University of Essex (ESRC IAA)
SECURPORTS: Opportunities for Organised Crime in Seaports between Vulnerabilities and Informality
British Academy
University of Essex
Cultural differences or cultural bias? Policing the Calabrian 'ndrangheta around the world
The British Academy
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