Dr Elena Sherstoboeva

es22751@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 874926
4SB.6.8, Colchester Campus
Elena Sherstoboeva is a media and communication scholar and legal practitioner. Her most recent research and expert projects examine digital speech and privacy regulation in non-Westen contexts from an international legal perspective and other standpoints. Before joining the Essex Law School, she had a joint appointment with the School of Creative Media and School of Law at the City University of Hong Kong. Elena has two Ph.D. degrees from Ramon Llull University in Spain and Moscow State University in Russia. She was a visiting fellow at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Leeds. Since 2011, Elena has collaborated as an independent legal expert with international human rights organisations, such as UNESCO, OSCE and the Council of Europe, and various NGOs, including the BBC World Trust Service. She provided reports and consultations on media, broadcasting and transparency laws and regulations. Elena was a general legal counsel specialising in media and entertainment law and dealmaking issues. She helped celebrities and enterprises negotiate and revise contracts with Universal Companies, Sony Group Corporation, Warner Media and other global entertainment and media companies.
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Freedom of expression
Media Law
Counteracting misinformation
Copyright law
Protection of privacy
Conferences and presentations
The role of law in contemporary Russia: Conditional truth and adaptation of Soviet roots by judicial mythmaking
Invited presentation, International Conference “Resistance, adaptation and circumvention in Russia, Russian-speaking areas and Post- Soviet space: forms, strategies, actors and practices.”, Saint-Martin-d'Hères, France, 8/11/2024
Analysing “fake news laws” in the post-truth era: Russia’s judicial mythmaking and methodological insights in legal scholarship
Invited presentation, 115th Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, Bristol, United Kingdom, 3/9/2024
Russian Bans on 'Fake News' about the War in Ukraine: Conditional Truth and Unconditional Loyalty
Invited presentation, Resistances, adaptations and circumventions in contemporary Russian society, literature and culture, Saint-Martin-d'Hères, France, 7/6/2024
Russia's Bans on Fake News about the War in Ukraine
Invited presentation, o Roundtable ‘How the conflict in Ukraine could transform global information, communication, and security’, Oxford,, United Kingdom, 26/9/2023
Disinformation and its regulation in Russia: Origins and outcomes for media information
Invited presentation, IAMCR 2023, France, 10/7/2023
The Right to Truthfulness: Counteracting Fake News in Post-Soviet Russia
Invited presentation, IAMCR 2022, IAMCR 2022, Beijing, China, 11/7/2022
'Disinfodemic': Asian responses to “fake news” in times of COVID-19
Invited presentation, 72nd Annual ICA Conference 2022, Paris, France, 29/5/2022
New approach to teaching law to Creative Media and Art students in the digital era
Invited presentation, ALSA Symposium, Hong Kong, HKSAR, 27/4/2021
Artistic freedom in Russia and Ukraine after the Crimea’s Annexation
Invited presentation, 2021 Annual Convention, Storrs, United States, 8/4/2021
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Advanced Media Law and Ethics (LT237)
Comparative Media Law and Regulation (LT431)
Final Year Research Project (LW304)
Media Law (LT133)
Journal articles (5)
Sherstoboeva, E., (2024). Russian Bans on 'Fake News' about the War in Ukraine: Conditional Truth and Unconditional Loyalty. The International Communication Gazette. 86 (1), 36-54
Sherstoboeva, E. and Pavlenko, V., (2021). Trends in East Asian policies on digital surveillance tools during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Digital Media & Policy. 12 (1), 47-65
Sherstoboeva, E., (2019). Audiovisual Regulation in Russia in the Context of Council of Europe Standards. Review of Central and East European Law. 44 (3), 366-405
Kiriya, I. and Sherstoboeva, E., (2015). Russian media piracy in the context of censoring practices. International Journal of Communication. 9 (1), 839-851
Sherstoboeva, E., (2014). Media Law Reform in Post-Soviet Turkmenistan The Illusion of Democratization. PROBLEMS OF POST-COMMUNISM. 61 (5), 32-45
Books (1)
(2017). Speech and Society in Turbulent Times. Cambridge University Press. 9781107190122
Book chapters (2)
Sherstoboeva, E., (2020). Regulation of Online Freedom of Expression in Russia in the Context of the Council of Europe Standards. In: Societies and Political Orders in Transition. Springer International Publishing. 83- 100. 9783030330156
Sherstoboeva, E., (2017). The evolution of a Russian concept of free speech. In: Speech and Society in Turbulent Times: Freedom of Expression in Comparative Perspective. 213- 234
Conferences (1)
Sherstoboeva, E. and Pavlenko, V., (2018). Freedom of Expression and Regulation of Extremism in Russia in the Context of the Council of Europe Standards
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