
Dr Stevphen Shukaitis

EBS - Management and Marketing
Dr Stevphen Shukaitis
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 874283

  • Location

    EBS.3.18, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    2024 Academic Year: Tuesdays 11-1, Thursdays 1-2



  • BA, Sociology & Journalism (East Stroudsburg University)

  • MA, Sociology (New School for Social Research)

  • PhD, Class Composition Analysis (Antonio Negri School of Business) Queen Mary University of London,

Research and professional activities

Research interests

cultural production and contemporary capitalism

Open to supervise

social theory

Open to supervise

artistic labour

Open to supervise

social and political imaginaries

Open to supervise

communication technologies

avant-gardes and aesthetics

Open to supervise

continental philosophy

social movements

Open to supervise

intellectual and social history

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Management and the Cultural Industries (BE418)

  • Social Economy Management: Putting the Social Economy Into Practice (BE496)

Previous supervision

James David Fox
James David Fox
Thesis title: Dis/Agreement in Participatory Organisations: Low Theory and Democratic Governance in Cybernetics
Degree subject: Management Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/12/2023
Ekaterina Tarnovskaya
Ekaterina Tarnovskaya
Thesis title: Class, Gender and Cultural Work in British Documentary Film Production: Experiences, Subjeactivities and Policy Discourses
Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 2/9/2021
Tyler James Hinson
Tyler James Hinson
Thesis title: From Affect to Value: Towards a Deleuzian Approach to Creative Production and Control in Late Capitalism
Degree subject: Management Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/6/2018
Amir Elmi Keshtiban
Amir Elmi Keshtiban
Thesis title: Leadership, Leaderlessness and Leaderless Groups. the Case of the Occupy London Movement
Degree subject: Management Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/3/2018
Christopher Collier
Christopher Collier
Thesis title: A Transformative Morphology of the Unique: Situating Psychogeography's 1990S Revival
Degree subject: Art History and Theory
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/6/2017


Journal articles (37)

Shukaitis, S., (2024). :Sun Ra’s Chicago: Afrofuturism and the City. American Journal of Sociology. 129 (4), 1306-1308

Shukaitis, S., (2024). Years of Untying Knots Gee Vaucher and Collaging the Politics of the Family between Ernst and Laing. Journal of Avant-Garde Studies. 5 (1), 57-77

Shukaitis, S. and Liew, S., (2023). Reimagining the Comic Form: History, Narrative, and the Work of Sonny Liew. Southeast of Now. 7 (1), 177-198

Shukaitis, S. and Rudolf, J., (2021). Introduction to the special issue on alternative education/educational alternatives. Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching. 4 (Special Issue 1), 6-8

Parker, M., Rudolph, J., Shukaitis, S. and Tan, S., (2021). Strategic utopianism and the avoidance of dualisms: an interview with Martin Parker. Journal of Applied Learning and Teaching. 4 (Special Issue 1), 60-73

Shukaitis, S. and Figiel, J., (2020). Knows no weekend: the psychological contract of cultural work in precarious times. Journal of Cultural Economy. 13 (3), 290-302

Shukaitis, S., (2019). Individuals Against Individualism: Art Collectives in Western Europe (1956-1969). ART HISTORY. 42 (1), 184-188

Shukaitis, S., (2019). Delirium and Resistance: Activist Art and the Crisis of Capitalism. ART HISTORY. 42 (1), 184-188

Shukaitis, S. and Figiel, J., (2019). Publishing to Find Comrades. Lateral. 8 (2)

(2019). The Play’s the Thing… an introduction to the Special Section on “Pedagogy & Play in Teaching Today”. Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching. 2 (2), 45-47

(2019). Learning inside the magic circle: An interview with Curious Chimeras. Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching. 2 (2), 56-62

Gilman-Opalsky, R. and Shukaitis, S., (2018). Spectral Compositions in a Time of Revolt. ASAP/Journal. 3 (2), 313-331

Shukaitis, S. and Figiel, J., (2015). The Factory of Individuation: Cultural Labor and Class Composition in the Metropolis. South Atlantic Quarterly. 114 (3), 535-552

Shukaitis, S., (2015). Spaces of Collaboration: An Interview with Ken Vandermark. Seisimopolite: A Journal of Art & Politics

Shukaitis, S., (2015). What Are You Reading For? Modes of Critique, Modes of Production. Cahiers de l?idiotie. 6, 266-277

Shukaitis, S., (2014). ‘Theories are made only to die in the war of time’: Guy Debord and the Situationist International as strategic thinkers. Culture and Organization. 20 (4), 251-268

Shukaitis, S., (2014). Learning Not to Labor. Rethinking Marxism. 26 (2), 193-205

McKenzie, J., Edkins, T. and Shukaitis, S., (2014). Revisiting Jon McKenzie?s Perform or else: Performance, labour and pedagogy. ephemera theory & politics in organization. 14 (3), 525-543

Figiel, J., Shukaitis, S. and Walker, A., (2014). The politics of workers' inquiry. ephemera theory & politics in organization. 14 (3), 307-314

Shukaitis, S. and Figiel, J., (2013). Metropolitan Strategies, Psychogeographic Investigations. Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies. 13 (6), 536-543

Shukaitis, S., (2013). We hate the users. An Interview with UBERMORGEN. Mute Magazine

Shukaitis, S., (2013). Can the object be a comrade?. ephemera: theory & politics in organization. 13 (2), 437-444

Shukaitis, S., (2013). Recomposing precarity: Notes on the laboured politics of class composition. ephemera theory & politics in organization. 13 (3), 641-658

Feigenbaum, A., Shukaitis, S., Barbagallo, C., Brekke, JK., Buck, M., Heckert, J., Kanuga, M., Rekret, P. and Stephens, J., (2013). Writing in a movement: a roundtable on radical publishing and autonomous infrastructure. Interface: a journal for and about social movements. 5 (1), 253-271

Lim, M. and Shukaitis, S., (2012). Editorial. Culture and Organization. 18 (5), 341-343

Shukaitis, S., (2012). Symphony of the Surplus/Value : Notes on labour, valorization and sabotage in the metropolitan factory. Performance Research. 17 (6), 48-55

Shukaitis, S., (2012). Below the Perceptible, the Political?. Rethinking Marxism. 24 (3), 424-427

Shukaitis, S., (2011). Fascists as Much as Painters: Imagination, Overidentification, and Strategies of Intervention. The Sociological Review. 59 (3), 597-615

Shukaitis, S., (2011). In, Against, and Beyond the Empire Trilogy. Journal of Communication Inquiry. 35 (4), 328-334

Shukaitis, S., (2011). Fascists as much as painters: imagination, overidentification, and strategies of intervention. The Sociological Review. 59 (3), 597-615

Shukaitis, S., (2010). Affective Labor and Social Movements. Przeglad Anarchistyczny - The Anarchist Review. 11

Shukaitis, S., (2010). Sisyphus & the Labor of Imagination: Autonomy, Cultural Production and the Antinomies of Worker Self-Management. Affinities: A Journal of Radical Theory, Culture and Action. 4 (1)

Shukaitis, S., (2009). Space is the (Non)Place: Martians, Marxists, and the Outer Space of the Radical Imagination. The Sociological Review. 57 (1_suppl), 98-113

Shukaitis, S. and Graeber, D., (2009). Practice as a form of knowledge, knowledge as a form of action. The Anarchist Review. 9

Shukaitis, S., (2009). Space is the (non)place: Martians, Marxists, and the outer space of the radical imagination. The Sociological Review. 57 (S1), 98-113

Shukaitis, S., (2008). Dancing Amidst the Flames: Imagination and Self-Organization in a Minor Key. Organization. 15 (5), 743-764

Shukaitis, S. and Lichtenfeld, R., (2002). Tragedy of the common: Markedness and the creation of mundane tragedy. Journal of Mundane Behavior. 3 (3)

Books (7)

Shukaitis, S. and Figiel, J., (2024). The Wages of Dreamwork Class Composition & the Social Reproduction of Cultural Labor. Minor Compositions. 157027407X. 9781570274077

Allepuz, P., Borja-Villel, M. and Fokianaki, I., (2023). Machinations Exposition, Reina Sofia, Du 21 Juin Au 28 Août. 8480266465. 9788480266468

Sollier, P., (2022). Kicks, Spits, and Headers The Autobiographical Reflections of an Accidental Footballer. Minor Compositions. 1570273936. 9781570273933

Shukaitis, S., (2019). Combination Acts. Notes on Collective Practice in the Undercommons. Autonomedia. 9781570273551

Shukaitis, S., (2016). The Composition of Movements to Come: Aesthetics & Cultural Labor After the Avant-Garde. Rowman & Littlefield International. 9781783481736

Shukaitis, S., (2016). Gee Vaucher: An Introspective. Minor Compositions. 0948252464. 978-1570273155

Shukaitis, S., (2009). Imaginal Machines: Autonomy & Self-Organization in the Revolutions of Everyday Life. Autonomedia. 9781570272080

Book chapters (11)

Shukaitis, S., (2022). Minor compositions: Notes towards a publishing resonance. In: Transacting as Art, Design and Architecture: A Non-Commercial Market. 223- 226

Shukaitis, S., (2021). Class Composition and the (Non)Emergence of the Multitude. In: Politics of the Many Contemporary Radical Thought and the Crisis of Agency. Editors: Halligan, B., Penzin, A., Pippa, S. and Carson, R., . Bloomsbury Publishing. 103- 113. 9781350105645

Shukaitis, S., (2017). Pedagogical Labour in an Age of Devalued Reproduction. In: Mass Intellectuality and Democratic Leadership in Higher Education. 19- 26

Shukaitis, S., (2015). Icons of Futures Past: IRWIN, Neue Slowenische Kunst, and the Spiritual Politics of Artistic Provocation. In: NSK from Kapital to Capital: Neue Slowenische Kunst - The Event of the Final Decade of Yugoslavia. Editors: Badovinac, Z., Čufer, E. and Gardner, A., . MIT Press. 9780262029957

Shukaitis, S., (2015). Power, Knowledge, Hatred: Notes on Antagonism & Autonomist Epistemology. In: Bad Feelings. Editors: Art Against Cuts and Power, N., . Bookworks. 978-1906012588

Shukaitis, S., (2014). Art Strike. In: Truth is Concrete - a Handbook for Artistic Strategies in Real Politics. Editors: Malzacher, F. and Herbst, S., . Sternberg Press. 978-3943365849

Shukaitis, S. and Figiel, J., (2013). Politics, Arts and Markets. In: The Routledge Companion to Arts Marketing. Editors: O'Reilly, D., Rentschler, R. and Kirchner, T., . Routledge. 20- 28. 978-0-415-78350-7

Shukaitis, S. and Figiel, J., (2013). Art, politics, and markets. In: The Routledge Companion to Arts Marketing. 20- 28

(2011). Anarchism & Sexuality. In: Anarchism and Sexuality: Ethics, Relationships and Power. Editors: Heckert, J. and Cleminson, R., . Routledge. 45- 66. 9780203828441

Shukaitis, S. and Kanngieser, A., (2010). Cultural Workers, Throw Down Your Tools, The Metropolis Is On Strike. In: Critical Cities: Ideas, Knowledge and Agitation from Emerging Urbanists vol. 2. Editors: Naik, D. and Oldfield, T., . Myrdle Court Press,. 64- 75. 978-0-9563539-1-7

(2009). Contemporary Anarchist Studies. In: Contemporary Anarchist Studies: An Introductory Anthology of Anarchy in the Academy. Editors: Amster, R., DeLeon, A., Fernandez, L., Nocella, II. and Shannon, D., . Routledge. 166- 174. 9780203891735

Exhibitions (3)

Vaucher, G. and Shukaitis, S., Gee Vaucher: Introspective. Collage, painting, video, sculpture, archival materials

Shukaitis, S., #WorldsUpsideDown. Painting, video, participatory installation

Shukaitis, S., Stop the City… Revisited. Archival materials, installation, live event

Media (1)

Shukaitis, S., Harney, S., Moten, F. and Lee, Z., Refusing Completion

Other (3)

Shukaitis, S., (2015).No Stars, no Solos ? just Sound, Motion, and Energy: an Interview with John Gruntfest,Mute Magazine

Shukaitis, S., (2015).From Nation Time to management time,The Wire

Shukaitis, S., (2015).Cognitive Capitalism & the Limits of Sabotage,Frisk Flugt: Sabotage (OVO Press)

Grants and funding


Promoting Commons Presents and Futures

University of Essex (ESRC IAA)

Augmented Engagement in Sustainable Cooperative Music Production

University of Essex (ESRC IAA)


Firstsite Industrial Challenge

University of Essex


The Metropolitan Factory: The Labour of Self-Management in Creative Clusters

The British Academy

+44 (0) 1206 874283


EBS.3.18, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

2024 Academic Year: Tuesdays 11-1, Thursdays 1-2