Professor Prem Sikka

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Colchester Campus
BA (Hons) Open University,
MSc London,
PhD Sheffield,
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Accounting, crime and racism
Auditor regulation
Governance of the UK accountancy profession
Corporate governance
The accountancy profession and the state-profession relationship
Tax Havens
Corporate Social Responsibility
Teaching and supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/11/2017

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/11/2016

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/4/2016

Degree type: Master of Research
Awarded date: 5/12/2013
Journal articles (18)
Sikka, P. and Stittle, J., (2019). Debunking the myth of shareholder ownership of companies: Some implications for corporate governance and financial reporting. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 63, 101992-101992
Sikka, P., (2017). Accounting and taxation: Conjoined twins or separate siblings?. Accounting Forum. 41 (4), 390-405
Sikka, P., (2015). No Accounting for Tax Avoidance. The Political Quarterly. 86 (3), 427-433
Sikka, P. and Lehman, G., (2015). The supply-side of corruption and limits to preventing corruption within government procurement and constructing ethical subjects. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 28, 62-70
Sikka, P., (2015). The corrosive effects of neoliberalism on the UK financial crises and auditing practices: A dead-end for reforms. Accounting Forum. 39 (1), 1-18
Sikka, P., (2015). The hand of accounting and accountancy firms in deepening income and wealth inequalities and the economic crisis: Some evidence. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 30, 46-62
Sikka, P., (2013). Smoke and mirrors: Corporate social responsibility and tax avoidance?A reply to Hasseldine and Morris. Accounting Forum. 37 (1), 15-28
Sikka, P., (2011). Accounting for human rights: The challenge of globalization and foreign investment agreements. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 22 (8), 811-827
Sikka, P., (2010). Smoke and mirrors: Corporate social responsibility and tax avoidance. Accounting Forum. 34 (3-4), 153-168
Sikka, P., (2010). Using the media to hold accountants to account: some observations. Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management. 7 (3), 270-280
Sikka, P. and Willmott, H., (2010). The dark side of transfer pricing: Its role in tax avoidance and wealth retentiveness. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 21 (4), 342-356
Sikka, P., (2009). Commentary on Roy Suddaby, Yves Gendron and Helen Lam ?the organizational context of professionalism in accounting?. Accounting, Organizations and Society. 34 (3-4), 428-432
Sikka, P., (2009). Financial crisis and the silence of the auditors. Accounting, Organizations and Society. 34 (6-7), 868-873
Sikka, P., Filling, S. and Liew, PK., (2009). The audit crunch: reforming auditing. Managerial Auditing Journal. 24 (2), 135-155
Sikka, P., (2008). Enterprise culture and accountancy firms: new masters of the universe. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal. 21 (2), 268-295
Sikka, P., (2008). Globalization and its discontents: Accounting firms buy limited liability partnership legislation in Jersey. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal. 21 (3), 398-426
Sikka, P., (2008). The internet and potentialities of emancipatory change: The case of the institutions and politics of accounting. Critical Perspectives on International Business. 4 (1), 75-83
Sikka, P., Haslam, C., Kyriacou, O. and Agrizzi, D., (2007). Professionalizing Claims and the State of UK Professional Accounting Education: Some Evidence. Accounting Education. 16 (1), 3-21
Books (2)
Hadden, T., Ireland, P., Morgan, G., Parker, M., Pearson, G., Picciotto, S., Sikka, P. and Willmott, H., (2014). Fighting Corporate Abuse Beyond Predatory Capitalism. Pluto Press. 9780745335162
Mitchell, A. and Sikka, P., (2011). The Pin-Stripe Mafia: How Accountancy Firms Destroy Societies. Association for Accountancy & Business Affairs. 9781902384122
Book chapters (13)
Sikka, P., (2015). Transfer Pricing: How To Get a Rocket Launcher for the Price of a Ballpoint Pen. In: The Greatest Invention: Tax and the Campaign for a Just Society. Editors: Hind, D. and Christensen, J., . Commonwealth Publishing. 978-0993161636
Sikka, P., (2015). Accounting for Corruption in the 'Big 4' Accountancy Firms. In: How Corrupt is Britain?. Editors: Whyte, D., . Pluto Press. 157- 167. 0745335292
Sikka, P., (2015). Reform of the banks and the wider finance sector. In: What the three main parties aren't telling you: A radical way out of inequality and stagnation. Editors: Meacher, M., . Searching Finance
Sikka, P., (2015). Auditor Liability. In: Wiley Encyclopedia of Management Volume 1 Accounting. Editors: Clubb, C. and Imam, S., . Wiley. 9781118785317
Sikka, P., (2014). Tax evasion. In: Shades of Deviance: A Primer on Crime?, Deviance and Social Harm. Editors: Atkinson, R., . Routledge Taylor & Francis. 978-0-415-73322-9
Sikka, P., (2013). Foreword to The Routledge Companion to Accounting Communication. In: The Routledge Companion to Accounting Communication. Editors: Jack, L., Davison, J. and Craig, R., . Routledge. xii- xiii. 978-0-415-61714-7
Sikka, P., Willmott, H. and Lowe, T., (2013). Guardians of Knowledge and Public Interest: Evidence and Issues of Accountability in the UK Accountancy Profession. In: Accounting Ethics. Editors: McPhail, K., . Sage. 9781446254813
Sikka, P., Willmott, H. and Puxty, T., (2013). The Mountains are Still There: Accounting Academics and the Bearings of Intellectuals. In: Accounting Ethics. Editors: McPhail, K., . Sage. 9781446254813
Sikka, P. and Willmott, H., (2013). On the Commercialization of Accountancy Thesis: A Review Article. In: Accounting Ethics. Editors: McPhail, K., . Sage. 9781446254813
Sikka, P. and Willmott, H., (2013). The Power of 'Independence': Defending and Extending the Jurisdiction of Accounting in the UK. In: Accounting Ethics. Editors: McPhail, K., . SAGE Publications Ltd. 9781446254813
Sikka, P., (2012). Regulating the Casino. In: Building an economy for the people: An alternative economic and political strategy for 21st Century Britain. Editors: White, J., . Manifesto Press. 9781907464089
Sikka, P., (2012). Smoke and Mirrors: Corporate Social Responsibility and Tax Avoidance. In: Corporate Social REsponsibility: A Research Handbook. Editors: Haynes, K., Murray, A. and Dillard, J., . Routledge. 53- 84. 9780415781718
Sikka, P. and Willmott, H., (2009). All Offshore: The Sprat, the Mackerel, Accounting Firms, and the State in Globalization. In: Accounting, Organizations, and Institutions: essays in Honour of Anthony Hopwood. Editors: Chapman, CS., Cooper, DJ. and Miller, PB., . Oxford University Press. 396- 414. 9780199546350
Reports and Papers (12)
Sikka, P., (2014). Policy Paper - Banking in the public interest: Progressive reform of the financial sector
Sikka, P., (2014). The hand of accounting and accountancy firms in deepening income and wealth inequalities and the economic crisis: some evidence
Sikka, P. and Willmott, H., (2013). The Tax Avoidance Industry: Accountancy Firms on the Make
Sikka, P., (2013). Using freedom of information laws to frustrate accountability: Two case studies of UK banking frauds
Sikka, P., (2011). Accounting for Human Rights: The Challenge of Globalization and Foreign Investment Agreements
Sikka, P. and Willmott, H., (2010). The Dark Side of Transfer Pricing: Its Role in Tax Avoidance and Wealth Retentiveness
Sikka, P., (2010). Smoke and Mirrors: Corporate Social Responsibility and Tax Avoidance
Sikka, P. and Willmott, H., (2009). All Offshore - The Sprat, The Mackerel, Accounting Firms and the State in Globalization
Sikka, P., Filling, S. and Liew, PK., (2009). The Audit Crunch: Reforming Auditing
Sikka, P., (2009). Financial Crisis and the Silence of the Auditors
Sikka, P., (2008). Enterprise Culture and Accountancy Firms: New Masters of The Universe
Sikka, P., (2007). Corporate Governance: What about the workers?
Other (2)
Weeks, J., Lansley, S., Sawyer, M., Cumbers, A. and Sikka, P., (2015).Election 2015: What's at stake for the economy?,Centre for Labour and Social Studies (Class)
Sikka, P. and Hampton, M., (2005).The Role of Accountancy Firms in Tax Avoidance: Some Evidence and Issues,Working paper series