Dr Amit Singh

a.k.singh@essex.ac.uk -
1NW.3.19, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
During Autumn term, my Academic Support Hours will be 14:00-16:00 on Tuesday. If you want to join over Zoom, look for the zoom link on my CE151-NWU course MOODLE page and wait in the zoom waiting room until I can admit you. To meet outside these hours, please email me. Note: My office is 5A.529 **NOT** 1NW.3.19
Currently, a Reader at University of Essex, UK. He also serves as deputy academic lead for a joint program between University of Essex and Norwest University (NWU), China, and earlier served as Years 1 engineering lab manager. He has a post-doctoral research experience for over five years at several reputed universities. He received the B.Tech. degree in Electronics Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad, India, in 2006, and the Ph.D. degree from the School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, in 2013. He also worked in industry with HCL Technologies, India for a year and half until 2008. His current research interests are design and optimisation of intelligent computing systems for various application domains like multimedia, transportation, automotive, healthcare, cloud, etc. The design and optimisation principles can have inspirations from AI, Biology, Market, Heuristics, etc. to fulfil the application domain needs of security, reliability, energy-efficiency and/or performance. He has published over 130 papers in reputed journals/conferences, and received several notable recognitions, like most viewed (#1) article of future internet 2021, the most popular article of IEEE Access 2019, IEEE TC February 2018 Featured Paper, best paper awards at ICCES 2017, ISORC 2016, PDP 2015 and HiPEAC 2013, and GLSVLSI 2014 runner up. He has served on organising committees of ESWeek 2020-22 (Publication Chair), ICCAD ‘22 (Track Chair), CF'21 (Publicity co-chair) and created special sessions at CODES+ISSS ‘21 and MCSoC ‘21. He serves on editorial boards of IEEE ESL, Springer DAES and JLPEA, and on TPCs of prestigious conference like DAC, DATE, ICCAD, CASES and CODES+ISSS. He also served as external examiner for research students’ thesis of various countries like Norway, Brazil, Sweden and India. He is Associate College Member of Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and members of IEEE and ACM. Prospective students and post-doctorate researchers interested in pursuing research in the direction of computer architecture and system design for various application domains are encouraged to contact him by e-mail along with their CV.
PhD Nanyang Technological University, (2013)
B. Tech. Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines),
University of Essex
Reader, Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex (1/10/2023 - present)
Senior Lecturer, Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex (1/10/2020 - 30/9/2023)
Lecturer, Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex (14/9/2017 - 30/9/2020)
Other academic
Senior Research Fellow, School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton (1/9/2016 - 31/8/2017)
Research Associate, Department of Computer Science, University of York (1/9/2014 - 31/8/2016)
Research Fellow, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore (14/2/2012 - 27/8/2014)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Secure, Reliable, Low Power and High Performance Embedded Systems
Multi-/Many-core systems
Design Space Exploration
Resource Management
HPC Data centers and Cloud Computing
Embedded and Distributed AI
Using AI for small scale embedded systems. AI for connected embedded systems.
Current research
Understanding Commercialisation Potential of Embedded Machine Learning Technology to Help in Achieving Net Zero Emissions
Bringing a promising Machine learning based technology in smartphones and laptops that has potential to reduce energy consumption and improve reliability closer to market
More information about this project
Conferences and presentations
EdgeCoolingMode: An Agent Based Thermal Management Mechanism for DVFS Enabled Heterogeneous MPSoCs
IEEE International Conference on VLSI Design and Embedded Systems, New Delhi, India, 7/1/2019
Spectrum of Run-time Management for Modern and Next Generation Multi/Many-core Systems
IEEE/ACM Embedded Systems Week, Torino, Italy, 7/10/2018
Online Concurrent Workload Classification for Multi-core Energy Management
IEEE Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE), Dresden, Germany, 21/3/2018
Reliable Mapping and Partitioning of Performance-constrained OpenCL Applications on CPU-GPU MPSoCs
Invited presentation, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS),, Seoul, South Korea, 20/10/2017
ITMD: Run-time Management of Concurrent Multi-Threaded Applications on Heterogeneous Multi-cores
IEEE Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE), Lausanne, Switzerland, 22/3/2017
Energy-aware Resource Allocation in Multi-mode Automotive Applications with Hard Real-Time Constraints
IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time Computing (ISORC), York, United Kingdom, 18/5/2016
Value and Energy Aware Adaptive Resource Allocation of Soft Real-time Jobs on Many-core HPC Data Centers
IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time Computing (ISORC), York, United Kingdom, 17/5/2016
Feedback-Based Admission Control for Hard Real-Time Task Allocation under Dynamic Workload on Many-core Systems
International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS), Nuremberg, Germany, 13/4/2016
Benchmarking, System Design and Case-studies for Multi-core based Embedded Automotive Systems
International Workshop on Dynamic Resource Allocation and Management in Embedded, High Performance and Cloud Computing (DreamCloud), co-located with the HiPEAC, Prague, Czech Republic, 12/1/2016
Value and Energy Optimizing Dynamic Resource Allocation in Many-core HPC Systems
IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), Vancouver, Canada, 15/12/2015
Market-inspired Dynamic Resource Allocation in Many-core High Performance Computing Systems
IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 21/7/2015
Exploiting Loop-Array Dependencies to Accelerate the Design Space Exploration in High Level Synthesis
IEEE Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE), Grenoble, France, 18/3/2015
Thermal-Aware Mapping of Streaming Applications on 3D Multi-Processor Systems
IEEE Symposium on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia (ESTIMedia), Montreal, Canada, 9/10/2013
Energy Optimization by Exploiting Execution Slacks in Streaming Applications on Multiprocessor Systems
ACM/EDA/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), Austin, United States, 27/6/2013
Mapping on Multi/Many-Core Systems: Survey of Current and Emerging Trends
ACM/EDA/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), Austin, United States, 25/6/2013
A Hybrid Strategy for Mapping Multiple Throughput-constrained Applications on MPSoCs
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Compilers, Architectures and Synthesis of Embedded Systems (CASES), Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China, 10/10/2011
A Design Space Exploration Methodology for Application Specific MPSoC Design
IEEE Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), Chennai, India, 12/7/2011
Preprocessing-based Run-time Mapping of Applications on NoC-based MPSoCs
IEEE Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), Chennai, India, 12/7/2011
Mapping Real-life Applications on Run-time Reconfigurable NoC-based MPSoC on FPGA
IEEE International Conference on Field Programmable Technology (FPT), Beijing, China, 10/12/2010
Efficient Task Mapping in Multi-tasking Heterogeneous MPSoC Platforms
IEE Asia-Pacific Embedded Systems Education and Research Conference (APESER), Singapore, Singapore, 10/12/2009
Mapping Algorithms for NoC-based Heterogeneous MPSoC Platforms
IEEE Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), Patras, Greece, 18/8/2009
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Team Project Challenge (CE101)
Introduction to Programming with C (CE150)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Electronic Systems Engineering
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 13/3/2024

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/5/2023
Journal articles (58)
Wang, X., Xu, M., Singh, AK., Jiang, Y. and Yang, M., On Optimizing Inter- and Intra-chiplet Interconnection Topologies for Robust Multi-chiplet Systems. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
Wang, X., Wang, Y., Jiang, Y., Singh, AK. and Yang, M., (2025). On Task Mapping in Multi-chiplet Based Many-core Systems to Optimize Inter- and Intra-chiplet Communications. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 74 (2), 510-525
Rahimi, P., Singh, AK., Wang, X. and Pourmoafi, S., (2025). Detection and Defence Against Thermal and Timing Covert Channel Attacks in Multicore Systems. Journal of Systems Architecture. 161, 103380-103380
Wang, S., Wang, X., Jiang, Y., Singh, AK., Yang, M. and Huang, L., (2023). Modeling and Analysis of Thermal Covert Channel Attacks in Many-core Systems. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 72 (2), 494-500
Wang, X., Huang, H., Chen, R., Jiang, Y., Singh, AK., Yang, M. and Huang, L., (2023). Detection of Thermal Covert Channel Attacks Based on Classification of Components of the Thermal Signal Features. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 72 (4), 971-983
Ostrowski, K., Małecki, K., Dziurzański, P. and Singh, AK., (2023). Mobility-aware fog computing in dynamic networks with mobile nodes: A survey. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 219, 103724-103724
Isuwa, S., Amos, D., Singh, AK., Al-Hashimi, BM. and Merrett, GV., (2023). Maximising mobile user experience through self-adaptive content- and ambient-aware display brightness scaling. Journal of Systems Architecture. 145, 103023-103023
Wen, S., Wang, X., Singh, A., Jiang, Y. and Yang, M., (2022). Performance Optimization of Many-core Systems by Exploiting Task Migration and Dark Core Allocation. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 71 (1), 92-106
Dey, S., Saha, S., Singh, AK. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2022). SmartNoshWaste: Using Blockchain, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing and QR Code to Reduce Food Waste in Decentralized Web 3.0 Enabled Smart Cities. Smart Cities. 5 (1), 162-176
Dey, S., Isuwa, S., Saha, S., Singh, AK. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2022). CPU-GPU-Memory DVFS for Power-Efficient MPSoC in Mobile Cyber Physical Systems. Future Internet. 14 (3), 91-91
Isuwa, S., Dey, S., Ortega, AP., Singh, AK., Al-Hashimi, BM. and Merrett, GV., (2022). QUAREM: Maximising QoE Through Adaptive Resource Management in Mobile MPSoC Platforms. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems. 21 (4), 1-29
Rahimi, P., Singh, AK. and Wang, X., (2022). Selective Noise Based Power-Efficient and Effective Countermeasure against Thermal Covert Channel Attacks in Multi-Core Systems. Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications. 12 (2), 25-25
Chen, C., Yin, J., Peng, Y., Palesi, M., Cao, W., Huang, L., Singh, AK., Zhi, H. and Wang, X., (2022). Design Challenges of Intra- and Inter- Chiplet Interconnection. IEEE Design and Test. 39 (6), 99-109
Xu, J., Wang, X., Jiang, Y., Singh, AK., Gu, C., Huang, L., Yang, M. and Li, S., (2022). Secured Data Transmission Over Insecure Networks-on-Chip by Modulating Inter-Packet Delays. IEEE Transactions on Computer - Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 41 (11), 4313-4324
Wang, X., Wang, S., Jiang, Y., Singh, AK., Yang, M. and Huang, L., (2022). Combating Stealthy Thermal Covert Channel Attack With Its Thermal Signal Transmitted in Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 41 (11), 4064-4075
Huang, H., Wang, X., Jiang, Y., Singh, AK., Yang, M. and Huang, L., (2022). Detection of and Countermeasure Against Thermal Covert Channel in Many-Core Systems. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 41 (2), 252-265
Wang, X-H., Li, S-B., Jiang, Y-T., Singh, AK., Ma, B-Y., Huang, L-T., Yang, M. and Guo, F., (2022). Inaudible sound covert channel with anti-jamming capability: Attacks vs. countermeasure. Journal of Electronic Science and Technology. 20 (4), 100181-100181
Gaffour, K., Benhaoua, MK., Benyamina, AEH. and Singh, AK., (2021). A new efficient multi‐task applications mapping for three‐dimensional Network‐on‐Chip based MPSoC. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 33 (10)
Xiao, S., Wang, X., Palesi, M., Singh, AK., Wang, L. and Mak, T., (2021). On Performance Optimization and Quality Control for Approximate-Communication-Enabled Networks-on-Chip. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 70 (11), 1817-1830
Dey, S., Saha, S., Singh, AK. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2021). FoodSQRBlock: Digitizing Food Production and the Supply Chain with Blockchain and QR Code in the Cloud. Sustainability. 13 (6), 3486-3486
Dey, S., Singh, AK. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2021). ThermalAttackNet: Are CNNs Making It Easy to Perform Temperature Side-Channel Attack in Mobile Edge Devices?. Future Internet. 13 (6), 146-146
Zhao, Y., Wang, X., Jiang, Y., Wang, L., Singh, AK., Huang, L. and Yang, M., (2021). An enhanced planned obsolescence attack by aging networks-on-chip. Journal of Systems Architecture. 117, 102093-102093
Rathore, V., Chaturvedi, V., Singh, AK., Srikanthan, T. and Shafique, M., (2021). Longevity Framework: Leveraging Online Integrated Aging-Aware Hierarchical Mapping and VF-Selection for Lifetime Reliability Optimization in Manycore Processors. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 70 (7), 1106-1119
Chen, W., Wang, X., Sun, Y., Hu, Q., Huang, L., Jiang, Y., Singh, AK., Mak, T. and Yang, M., (2021). Evolution of Publications, Subjects, and Co-Authorships in Network-on-Chip Research From a Complex Network Perspective. IEEE Access. 9, 149399-149422
Zhu, Z., Zhang, W., Chaturvedi, V. and Singh, AK., (2020). Energy Minimization for Multi-core Platforms through DVFS and VR Phase Scaling With Comprehensive Convex Model. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 39 (3), 4-4
Basireddy, KR., Singh, AK., Al-Hashimi, BM. and Merrett, GV., (2020). AdaMD: Adaptive Mapping and DVFS for Energy-efficient Heterogeneous Multi-cores. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 39 (10), 2206-2217
Zhao, Y., Wang, X., Jiang, Y., Wang, L., Yang, M., Singh, AK. and Mak, T., (2020). On hardware-trojan-assisted power budgeting system attack targeting many core systems. Journal of Systems Architecture. 109, 101757-101757
Singh, AK., Dey, S., Basireddy, KR., McDonald-Maier, K., Merrett, GV. and Al-Hashimi, BM., (2020). Dynamic Energy and Thermal Management of Multi-Core Mobile Platforms: A Survey. IEEE Design and Test. 37 (5), 25-33
Aroui, A., Benyamina, AE., Boulet, P., Benhaoua, K. and Singh, AK., (2020). Novel Metric for Load Balance and Congestion Reducing in Network on-Chip. Scalable Computing : Practice and Experience. 21 (2), 309-321
Dey, S., Singh, AK., Prasad, DK. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). IRON-MAN: An Approach To Perform Temporal Motionless Analysis of Video using CNN in MPSoC. IEEE Access. 8, 137101-137115
Mamun, SA., Gilday, A., Singh, AK., Ganguly, A., Merrett, GV., Wang, X. and Al-Hashimi, BM., (2020). Intra- and Inter-Server Smart Task Scheduling for Profit and Energy Optimization of HPC Data Centers. Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications. 10 (4), 32-32
Wang, J., Wang, X., Jiang, Y., Singh, AK., Huang, L. and Yang, M., (2020). Combating Enhanced Thermal Covert Channel in Multi-/Many-Core Systems With Channel-Aware Jamming. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 39 (11), 3276-3287
Huang, X., Wang, X., Jiang, Y., Singh, AK. and Yang, M., (2020). Dynamic Allocation/Reallocation of Dark Cores in Many-Core Systems for Improved System Performance. IEEE Access. 8, 165693-165707
Wachter, EW., de Bellefroid, C., Basireddy, KR., Singh, AK., Al-Hashimi, BM. and Merrett, G., (2019). Predictive Thermal Management for Energy-Efficient Execution of Concurrent Applications on Heterogeneous Multicores. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems. 27 (6), 1404-1415
Li, B., Wang, X., Singh, AK. and Mak, T., (2019). On Runtime Communication and Thermal-Aware Application Mapping and Defragmentation in 3D NoC Systems. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 30 (12), 2775-2789
Dey, S., Singh, AK. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). P-EdgeCoolingMode: An Agent Based Performance Aware Thermal Management Unit for DVFS Enabled Heterogeneous MPSoCs. IET Computers and Digital Techniques. 13 (6), 514-523
Singh, A., Basireddy, KR., Prakash, A., Merrett, G. and Al-Hashimi, BM., (2019). Collaborative Adaptation for Energy-Efficient Heterogeneous Mobile SoCs. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 69 (2), 185-197
Dey, S., Singh, AK., Prasad, DK. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). SoCodeCNN: Program Source Code for Visual CNN Classification Using Computer Vision Methodology. IEEE Access. 7, 157158-157172
Reddy, BK., Singh, AK., Biswas, D., Merrett, GV. and Al-Hashimi, BM., (2018). Inter-cluster Thread-to-core Mapping and DVFS on Heterogeneous Multi-cores. IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems. 4 (3), 369-382
Wang, X., Singh, AK., Li, B., Yang, Y., Li, H. and Mak, T., (2018). Bubble budgeting: throughput optimization for dynamic workloads by exploiting dark cores in many core systems. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 67 (2), 178-192
Dziurzanski, P. and Singh, A., (2018). Feedback-Based Admission Control for Firm Real-Time Task Allocation with Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling. Computers. 7 (2), 26-26
Zhang, L., Wang, X., Jiang, Y., Yang, M., Mak, T. and Singh, AK., (2018). Effectiveness of HT-assisted Sinkhole and Blackhole Denial of Service Attacks Targeting Mesh Networks-on-chip. Journal of Systems Architecture. 89, 84-94
Singh, AK., Prakash, A., Basireddy, KR., Merrett, G. and Al-Hashimi, B., (2017). Energy efficient run-time mapping and thread partitioning of concurrent OpenCL applications on CPU-GPU MPSoCs. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems. 16 (5S), 1-22
Singh, AK., Dziurzanski, P., Mendis, HR. and Indrusiak, LS., (2017). A Survey and Comparative Study of Hard and Soft Real-Time Dynamic Resource Allocation Strategies for Multi-/Many-Core Systems. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR). 50 (2), 1-40
Singh, AK., Leech, C., Basireddy, KR., Al-Hashimi, B. and Merrett, GV., (2017). Learning-based run-time power and energy management of multi/many-core systems: current and future trends. Journal of Low Power Electronics. 13 (3), 310-325
Dziurzanski, P., Singh, AK. and Indrusiak, LS., (2017). Multi-criteria resource allocation in modal hard real-time systems. EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems. 2017 (1)
Singh, AK., Dziurzanski, P., Mendis, HR. and Indrusiak, LS., (2017). A survey and comparative study of hard and soft real-time dynamic resource allocation strategies for multi-/many-core systems. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR). 50, 24-24
Singh, AK., Shafique, M., Kumar, A. and Henkel, J., (2016). Resource and Throughput Aware Execution Trace Analysis for Efficient Run-time Mapping on MPSoCs. IEEE Transactions on Computer - Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 35 (1), 72-85
Ng, J., Wang, X., Singh, AK. and Mak, T., (2016). Defragmentation for Efficient Runtime Resource Management in NoC-Based Many-Core Systems. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems. 24 (11), 3359-3372
Singh, AK., Shafique, M., Kumar, A. and Henkel, J., (2016). Analysis and Mapping for Thermal and Energy Efficiency of 3-D Video Processing on 3-D Multicore Processors. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (TVLSI) Systems
Pham, NK., Kumar, A., Singh, AK. and Khin, MMA., (2016). Leakage aware resource management approach with machine learning optimization framework for partially reconfigurable architectures. Microprocessors and Microsystems. 47, 231-243
Benhaoua, MK., Singh, A., Benyamina, AEH. and Boulet, P., (2015). DynMapNoCSIM: A Dynamic Mapping SIMULATOR for Network on Chip based MPSoC.. Journal of Digital Information Management. 13 (1)
Benhaoua, MK. and Singh, AK., (2015). Dynamic communications mapping in multi-tasks NoC-based heterogeneous MPSoCs platform. International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture. 5 (4), 240-251
Das, A., Singh, AK. and Kumar, A., (2015). Execution trace--driven energy-reliability optimization for multimedia MPSoCs. ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS). 8 (3), 18-
Benhaoua, MK., Singh, A., Kumar, A. and Boulet, P., (2014). Heuristic for Accelerating Run-Time Task Mapping in NoC-based Heterogeneous MPSoCs. Journal of Digital Information Management (JDIM). 12 (5), 292-302
SINGH, AK., KUMAR, A. and SRIKANTHAN, T., (2013). Accelerating Throughput-aware Runtime Mapping for Heterogeneous MPSoCs. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES). 18 (1), 1-29
Singh, AK., Kumar, A., Wu, J. and Srikanthan, T., (2013). CADSE: communication aware design space exploration for efficient run-time MPSoC management. Frontiers of Computer Science. 7 (3), 416-430
Singh, AK., Srikanthan, T., Kumar, A. and Jigang, W., (2010). Communication-aware heuristics for run-time task mapping on NoC-based MPSoC platforms. Journal of Systems Architecture. 56 (7), 242-255
Books (1)
Soares Indrusiak, L., Dziurzanski, P. and Singh, AK., (2016). Dynamic Resource Allocation in Embedded, High-Performance and Cloud Computing. River Publishers. 8793519079
Book chapters (2)
Ranjbar, B., Singh, AK., Sahoo, SS., Dziurzanski, P. and Kumar, A., (2023). Power Management of Multicore Systems. In: Handbook of Computer Architecture. Springer. 1- 33. 9789811564017
Singh, AK., Dziurzanski, P., Merrett, GV. and Al-Hashimi, BM., (2019). Tools and Workloads for Many-Core Computing. In: Many Core Computing: Hardware and Software. IET. 117- 140. 9781785615825
Conferences (84)
Benhaoua, MK., Singh, AK., Benyamina, AEH. and Boulet, P., Algorithms for Run-Time Task Mapping in NoC-Based Heterogeneous MPSoCs
Kumar, A. and Singh, AK., A key node for Electronics
Achari, V., Khanam, Z., Singh, A., Jindal, A., Prakash, A. and Kumar, N., I2UTS: An IoT Based Intelligent Urban Traffic System
El-Fatyany, A., Wang, X., Duggirala, PS., Chakraborty, S., Pasricha, S. and Singh, AK., Emerging Architecture Design, Control, and Security Challenges in Software Defined Vehicles
Zhang, Y., Wang, X., Jiang, Y. and Singh, AK., On Design Space Exploration of Cache System in Multi-Chiplet Systems
Xun, L., Hu, M., Zhao, H., Singh, AK., Hare, J. and Merrett, GV., (2024). Fluid dynamic DNNs for reliable and adaptive distributed inference on edge devices
Khanam, Z., Achari, VPS., Boukhennoufa, I., Jindal, A. and Singh, AK., (2024). A Multi-Modal Distributed Real-Time IoT system for Urban Traffic Control
El-Fatyany, A., Wang, X., Duggirala, PS., Chakraborty, S., Pasricha, S. and Singh, AK., (2024). Special Session: Emerging Architecture Design, Control, and Security Challenges in Software Defined Vehicles
Isuwa, S., Amos, D., Singh, AK., Al-Hashimi, BM. and Merrett, GV., (2023). Content- and Lighting-Aware Adaptive Brightness Scaling for Improved Mobile User Experience
Rahimi, P., Singh, AK. and Wang, X., (2022). Fan Speed Control Based Defence for Thermal Covert Channel Attacks in Multi-Core Systems
Wang, J., Wang, X., Jiang, Y., Singh, AK., Huang, L. and Yang, M., (2022). On Evaluation of On-chip Thermal Covert Channel Attacks
Sahoo, SS., Kumar, A., Decky, M., Wong, SCB., Merrett, GV., Zhao, Y., Wang, J., Wang, X. and Singh, AK., (2021). Emergent design challenges for embedded systems and paths forward
Zhi, H., Xu, X., Han, W., Gao, Z., Wang, X., Palesi, M., Singh, AK. and Huang, L., (2021). A Methodology for Simulating Multi-chiplet Systems Using Open-source Simulators
Suresh Achari, VP., Khanam, Z., Singh, AK., Jindal, A., Prakash, A. and Kumar, N., (2021). I2UTS: An IoT based Intelligent Urban Traffic System
Dey, S., Saha, S., Singh, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2021). Asynchronous Hybrid Deep Learning (AHDL): A Deep Learning Based Resource Mapping in DVFS Enabled Mobile MPSoCs
Hou, X., Wang, X., Palesi, M., Singh, AK., Jiang, Y., Yang, M., Huang, L. and Chen, J., (2021). On Pareto-frontier Approximate Computing for Many-core Systems
Rahimi, P., Singh, AK., Wang, X. and Prakash, A., (2021). Trends and Challenges in Ensuring Security for Low-Power and High-Performance Embedded SoCs
Dey, S., Singh, A., Wang, X. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). User Interaction Aware Reinforcement Learning for Power and Thermal Efficiency of CPU-GPU Mobile MPSoCs
Dey, S., Singh, AK., Prasad, DK. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). Temporal Motionless Analysis of Video using CNN in MPSoC
Gaffour, K., Benhaoua, MK., Dey, S., Singh, AK. and Benyamina, AEH., (2020). Dynamic clustering approach for run-time applications mapping on NoC-based multi/many-core systems
Huang, H., Wang, X., Jiang, Y., Singh, AK., Yang, M. and Huang, L., (2020). On Countermeasures Against the Thermal Covert Channel Attacks Targeting Many-core Systems
Dey, S., Saha, S., Singh, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). FruitVegCNN: Power- and Memory-Efficient Classification of Fruits & Vegetables Using CNN in Mobile MPSoC
Zhao, Y., Wang, X., Jiang, Y., Mei, Y., Singh, AK. and Mak, T., (2019). On a New Hardware Trojan Attack on Power Budgeting of Many Core Systems
Rathore, V., Chaturvedi, V., Singh, AK., Srikanthan, T. and Shafique, M., (2019). Towards Scalable Lifetime Reliability Management for Dark Silicon Manycore Systems
Rathore, V., Chaturvedi, V., Singh, AK., Srikanthan, T. and Shafique, M., (2019). LifeGuard
Dey, S., Singh, AK., Saha, S., Wang, X. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). RewardProfiler: A Reward Based Design Space Profiler on DVFS Enabled MPSoCs
Dey, S., Singh, AK., Wang, X. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). DeadPool: Performance Deadline Based Frequency Pooling and Thermal Management Agent in DVFS Enabled MPSoCs
Isuwa, S., Dey, S., Singh, AK. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). TEEM: Online Thermal- and Energy-Efficiency Management on CPU-GPU MPSoCs
Xiao, S., Wang, X., Palesi, M., Singh, AK. and Mak, T., (2019). ACDC: An Accuracy- and Congestion-aware Dynamic Traffic Control Method for Networks-on-Chip
Dey, S., Guajardo, EZ., Basireddy, KR., Wang, X., Singh, AK. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2019). EdgeCoolingMode: An Agent Based Thermal Management Mechanism for DVFS Enabled Heterogeneous MPSoCs
Basireddy, KR., Singh, A., Merrett, G. and Al-Hashimi, B., (2018). Online concurrent workload classification for multi-core energy management
Rohith, R., Rathore, V., Chaturvedi, V., Singh, AK., Thambipillai, S. and Lam, S-K., (2018). LifeSim: A lifetime reliability simulator for manycore systems
Rathore, V., Chaturvedi, V., Singh, AK., Srikanthan, T., Rohith, R., Lam, S-K. and Shaflque, M., (2018). HiMap: A hierarchical mapping approach for enhancing lifetime reliability of dark silicon manycore systems
Dey, S., Kalliatakis, G., Saha, S., Singh, AK., Ehsan, S. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2018). MAT-CNN-SOPC: Motionless Analysis of Traffic Using Convolutional Neural Networks on System-On-a-Programmable-Chip
Wang, X., Singh, AK. and Wen, S., (2018). Exploiting Dark Cores for Performance Optimization via Patterning for Many-core Chips in the Dark Silicon Era
Singh, AK., Merrett, G., Rahmani, A. and Kumar, A., (2018). Spectrum of Run-time Management for Modern and Next Generation Multi/Many-core Systems
Dey, S., Singh, AK. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2018). Energy Efficiency and Reliability of Computer Vision Applications on Heterogeneous Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chips (MPSoCs)
Zhao, Y., Wang, X., Jiang, Y., Mei, Y., Singh, AK. and Mak, T., (2018). On a New Hardware Trojan Attack on Power Budgeting of Many Core Systems
Singh, AK., Merrett, G. and Al-Hashimi, B., (2018). Adaptation in heterogeneous multi-core SoCs
Weber Wachter, E., Singh, AK., Merrett, GV. and Al-Hashimi, B., (2017). Reliable mapping and partitioning of performance-constrained OpenCL Applications on CPU-GPU MPSoCs
Zhu, Z., Chaturvedi, V., Singh, AK., Zhang, W. and Cui, Y., (2017). Two-stage thermal-aware scheduling of task graphs on 3D multi-cores exploiting application and architecture characteristics
Basireddy, KR., Singh, AK., Merrett, GV. and Al-Hashimi, BM., (2017). ITMD: run-time management of concurrent multi-threaded applications on heterogeneous multi-cores
Li, B., Wang, X., Singh, AK. and Mak, T., (2017). On Runtime Communication-and Thermal-aware Application Mapping in 3D NoC
Sugiarto, I., Shang, D., Singh, AK., Ouni, B., Merrett, G., Al-Hashimi, B. and Furber, S., (2017). Software-defined PMC for Runtime Power Management of a Many-core Neuromorphic Platform
Gaffour, K., Benhaoua, MK., Benyamina, AEH., Boulet, P., DjeradiÞ, T. and Singh, AK., (2017). Survey of Network-on-Chip simulators
Reddy, BK., Singh, AK., Merrett, GV. and Al-Hashimi, BM., (2017). Itmd: Run-time management of concurrent multi-threaded applications on heterogeneous multi-cores
Wachter, EW., Merrett, GV., Al-Hashimi, BM. and Singh, AK., (2017). Reliable mapping and partitioning of performance-constrained OpenCL applications on CPU-GPU MPSoCs
Dziurzanski, P., Singh, AK. and Indrusiak, LS., (2016). Benchmarking, System Design and Case-studies for Multi-core based Embedded Automotive Systems
Dziurzanski, P., Singh, AK. and Indrusiak, LS., (2016). Feedback-based admission control for hard real-time task allocation under dynamic workload on many-core systems
Singh, AK., Dziurzanski, P. and Indrusiak, LS., (2016). Value and Energy Aware Adaptive Resource Allocation of Soft Real-time Jobs on Many-core HPC Data Centers
Dziurzanski, P., Singh, AK. and Indrusiak, LS., (2016). Energy-aware Resource Allocation in Multi-mode Automotive Applications with Hard Real-Time Constraints
Ng, J., Wang, X., Singh, AK. and Mak, T., (2015). DeFrag: Defragmentation for Efficient Runtime Resource Allocation in NoC-based Many-core Systems
Pham, NK., Singh, AK., Kumar, A. and Khin, MMA., (2015). Exploiting Loop-Array Dependencies to Accelerate the Design Space Exploration in High Level Synthesis
Singh, AK., Dziurzanski, P. and Indrusiak, LS., (2015). Market-inspired dynamic resource allocation in many-core high performance computing systems
Dziurzanski, P., Singh, AK., Indrusiak, LS. and Saballus, B., (2015). Hard real-time guarantee of automotive applications during mode changes
Singh, AK., Dziurzanski, P. and Indrusiak, LS., (2015). Value and Energy Optimizing Dynamic Resource Allocation in Many-core HPC Systems
Benhaoua, MK., Singh, AK. and Benyamina, AEH., (2015). Dynamic Communications Mapping in NoC-Based Heterogeneous MPSoCs
Pham, NK., Singh, AK. and Kumar, A., (2014). A multi-stage leakage aware resource management technique for reconfigurable architectures
Wang, S., Pham, NK., Singh, AK. and Kumar, A., (2014). Leakage and Performance Aware Resource Management for 2D Dynamically Reconfigurable FPGA Architectures
Chaturvedi, V., Singh, AK., Zhang, W. and Srikanthan, T., (2014). Thermal-Aware Task Scheduling for Peak Temperature Minimization under Periodic Constraint for 3D-MPSoCs
Suresh, D., Singh, AK. and Kumar, A., (2014). A Multi-stage Thermal Management Strategy for 3D Multicores
M. K. Benhaoua, Amit Kumar Singh, A. E. H. Benyamina, Akash Kumar, P. Boulet, (2014). Heuristic for Accelerating Run-time Task Mapping in NoC-based Heterogeneous MPSoCs
Indrusiak, LS., Audsley, N., Dziurzanski, P. and Singh, AK., (2014). DreamCloud: Dynamic Resource Allocation in Many-core Embedded and High Performance Systems
Pham, NK., Singh, AK., Kumar, A. and Aung, KMM., (2014). Design Space Exploration to Accelerate Nelder-Mead Algorithm Using FPGA
Singh, AK., Das, A. and Kumar, A., (2013). Energy optimization by exploiting execution slacks in streaming applications on multiprocessor systems
Singh, AK., Shafique, M., Kumar, A. and Henkel, J., (2013). Mapping on multi/many-core systems: survey of current and emerging trends
Das, A., Singh, AK. and Kumar, A., (2013). Energy-aware dynamic reconfiguration of communication-centric applications for reliable MPSoCs
Khanh, PN., Singh, AK., Kumar, A. and Aung, KMM., (2013). Incorporating energy and throughput awareness in design space exploration and run-time mapping for heterogeneous MPSoCs
Singh, AK., Das, A. and Kumar, A., (2013). RAPIDITAS: Rapid design-space-exploration incorporating trace-based analysis and simulation
Cox, M., Singh, AK., Kumar, A. and Corporaal, H., (2013). Thermal-aware mapping of streaming applications on 3D Multi-Processor Systems
Singh, AK., (2012). Run-time Mapping Techniques for NoC-based Heterogeneous MPSoC Platforms
Singh, AK., Kumar, A. and Srikanthan, T., (2011). A hybrid strategy for mapping multiple throughput-constrained applications on MPSoCs
Kaushik, S., Singh, AK. and Srikanthan, T., (2011). Preprocessing-based run-time mapping of applications on NoC-based MPSoCs
Kaushik, S., Singh, AK. and Srikanthan, T., (2011). Computation and communication aware run-time mapping for NoC-based MPSoC platforms
Singh, AK., Kumar, A. and Srikanthan, T., (2011). A design space exploration methodology for application specific MPSoC design
Singh, AK., Kumar, A., Jigang, W. and Srikanthan, T., (2011). Communication-Aware Design Space Exploration for Efficient Run-Time MPSoC Management
Kaushik, S., Singh, AK., Jigang, W. and Srikanthan, T., (2011). Run-time computation and communication aware mapping heuristic for NoC-based heterogeneous MPSoC platforms
Singh, AK., Kumar, A., Srikanthan, T. and Ha, Y., (2010). Mapping real-life applications on run-time reconfigurable NoC-based MPSoC on FPGA
Singh, AK., Jigang, W., Kumar, A. and Srikanthan, T., (2010). Run-time mapping of multiple communicating tasks on MPSoC platforms
Prakash, A., Lam, SK., Singh, AK. and Srikanthan, T., (2010). Architecture-Aware Custom Instruction Generation for Reconfigurable Processors.
Singh, AK., Jigang, W., Prakash, A. and Srikanthan, T., (2009). Efficient heuristics for minimizing communication overhead in noc-based heterogeneous mpsoc platforms
Singh, AK., Jigang, W., Prakash, A. and Srikanthan, T., (2009). Mapping algorithms for noc-based heterogeneous mpsoc platforms
Singh, AK., Jigang, W., Prakash, A., Srikanthan, T. and Maskell, D., (2009). Efficient Task Mapping in Multi-tasking Heterogeneous MPSoC Platforms
Prakash, A., Lam, S., Singh, AK. and Srikanthan, T., (2009). Rapid design exploration framework for application-aware customization of soft core processors
Reports and Papers (4)
Dey, S., Singh, AK. and Mcdonald-Maier, KD., (2020). New approaches to DVFS in mobile MPSoC for power-, thermal-efficiency and reliability
Dey, S., Saha, S., Singh, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). FruitVegCNN: Power- and Memory-Efficient Classification of Fruits & Vegetables Using CNN in Mobile MPSoC
Dey, S., Singh, AK., Wang, X. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2020). DATE: Defense Against TEmperature Side-Channel Attacks in DVFS Enabled MPSoCs.
Dey, S., Singh, AK., Prasad, DK. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2019). TMAV: Temporal Motionless Analysis of Video using CNN in MPSoC
Patents (1)
Dey, S., Singh, A. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2020). ThermalAttackNet: Are CNNs Making It Easy To Perform Temperature Side-Channel Attack In Mobile Edge Devices?
Thesis dissertation (1)
Singh, AK., (2013). Run-time Mapping Techniques for NoC-based Heterogeneous MPSoC Platforms
Grants and funding
EcoRoutePlanner: Dynamic Daily Route Planning and Scheduling for Crew Transfer Vessels in Offshore Wind Farms
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
To develop a novel State of Charge and fire prevention prediction system for High Voltage Battery Management Systems.
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Allpress Farms Ltd KTP application
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Feasibility assessment for the design and build of a GPS-enabled Turbine Warning System (TWS) for offshore transfer vessels.
Njord Offshore Ltd
Njord Offshore KTP
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
An IoT-based Medical Emergency Transportation System for Enhancing Citizens Well-being
University of Essex (GCRF)
Hardware design and theory support for a KTP Associate
ADC Bioscientific Ltd
Develop Ethernet-based software to control reference designs for networked microphones and active loudspeakers
Profusion PLC
To develop Ethernet based software control of reference designs for networked microphones.
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Academic support hours:
During Autumn term, my Academic Support Hours will be 14:00-16:00 on Tuesday. If you want to join over Zoom, look for the zoom link on my CE151-NWU course MOODLE page and wait in the zoom waiting room until I can admit you. To meet outside these hours, please email me. Note: My office is 5A.529 **NOT** 1NW.3.19