Taylor Skevington

ts20825@essex.ac.uk -
Colchester Campus
- Stalking
- Cyberstalking
PhD Criminology student. Member of the Gender, Violence, and Abuse Research Group. Worked as a research assistant for the Understanding Domestic Abuse Perpetrators Project with the Home Office. Conducting research into how Stalking Protection Orders (SPOs) are being implemented across the criminal justice system in England and Wales. Research will explore the use of SPOs since they have been established and how they are currently being used by police and the CPS.
BSc (Hons) Criminology & Forensic Investigation University of Essex (2020)
MA Criminology University of Essex (2021)
Research and professional activities
Stalking in England and Wales: An exploratory investigation of the implementation of Stalking Protection Orders
Supervisor: Katerina Hadjimatheou , Ruth Weir
Research interests
Interested in all aspects of stalking, including perpetration, victimisation and motivation. Am also interested in the development of stalking online and the increase in reported cyberstalking cases before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Domestic abuse
Interested in the relationship between stalking and domestic abuse as well as other forms of interpersonal violence.