Anthony Smith

Email -
+44 (0) 1206 872886
ESA.3.24, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
SE714 - Soft Tissue and Joint Injection Therapy
Having worked in the NHS for almost 20 years, Anthony has gained expansive knowledge and experience working within Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy. He now works as a part time lecturer at Essex University teaching on the post graduate musculoskeletal pathway were he is able to bring his knowledge and skills to the forefront of academia. Anthony has accreditation to the Fellowship of Higher Education Academy and is passionate about leading student education and supporting students to develop advanced clinical practice skills across the 4 pillars of advancing practice. Anthony works as a part-time First Contact Physiotherapist within primary care, working as part of diverse and multifaceted service dealing with complex musculoskeletal presentations. Anthony had a pivotal role is designing and leading this successfully pilot service in his local authority and has expansive experience in clinical governance surrounding First Contact roles. Anthony is a trained roadmap supervisor for First Contact Practitioner roles and is able to guide students through the challenges of completing roadmap supervision. Anthony has developed vast experience working as an musculoskeletal injection therapist and non-medical prescriber and also holds CASE accredited qualifications in musculoskeletal sonography. Anthony also works in his local Radiology department as an MSK Sonographer where he frequently supports students with the MSc Ultrasound pathway supervision. Registered Chartered Physiotherapist (072550) Registered with the Health Care and Professions Council (PH70032)
BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy Brunel University London, (2004)
MSc Advanced Musculoskeletal Assessment and Practice University of Essex, (2022)
University of Essex
MSK Lecturer, University of Essex (5/11/2021 - present)
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Practice-Based Decision Making (SE119)
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Guided Injections (SE710)
Soft Tissue and Joint Injection Therapy (SE714)
Introduction to Musculoskeletal Ultrasound (SE715)
Advanced Musculoskeletal Assessment (SE717)
Skill Extension for MSK Injection Practitioners: Ultrasound Guidance (SE718)
Current Concepts in Upper Limb Rehabilitation (SE783)
Medication Use in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation (SE784)
Academic support hours:
SE714 - Soft Tissue and Joint Injection Therapy