Alicia Smith

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2S2.3.11, Colchester Campus
Alicia joined the University of Essex as a lecturer in Occupational Therapy (OT) and currently supports the Occupational Therapy Degree Apprentice, BSc, and MSc OT pathways. She is an initiative-taking personal tutor and is passionate about supporting individuals to achieve their best during their learning journey. Prior to joining the University, Alicia taught Health and Social Care and Health Sciences at Level 3 within Further Education, covering a vast array of subjects that supported students to progress into healthcare. She has also taught and helped to develop Higher Degree Apprentices within Higher Education (HE) for Nursing Associates and Healthcare Assistant Practitioner apprentice pathways. After entering education Alicia completed her Master of Arts in Education in 2019 and successfully completed her Advanced HE Fellowship with the Higher Education Academy. Alicia Smith graduated with a BSc (HONS) in OT in 1999 from Brunel University. After completing a graduate rotation scheme, her interest in oncology, haematology, palliative care, and end of life care (EoLC) began when working within a local NHS Trust Hospital. She was instrumental in developing an OT service, promoting rehabilitation, across the Trust. Her enthusiasm and commitment for this clinical area continued after moving to St Elizabeth Hospice, where she developed the profile of OT, and the benefits palliative rehabilitation could offer to the quality of life of patients and their families. Alicia’s specialist clinical area is oncology, haematology, palliative care, and end of life care and has developed many clinical educational tools to support healthcare professionals support patients and their families at end of life. As an Occupational Therapist, she has a wealth of knowledge around reablement, rehabilitation and a holistic care approach to care provision. In 2010, Alicia was seconded to the National Gold Standards Framework Team (GSF) to deliver the nationally recognised EoLC education training programme across Suffolk. At the end of this secondment, Alicia worked with the Marie Curie Delivering Choice Program and the Department of Health’s National End of Life Care Program, to continue providing EoLC education to all staff groups across Suffolk. This led to her co-developing the ‘Yellow Folder’ which formed part of a patient’s EoLC pathway, to co-ordinate and communicate EoLC preferences across services in Suffolk. She remains enthusiastic about EoLC and the engagement of patients in their care to support a ‘good’ death.
MA in Education University of Suffolk, (2019)
PGcE University Campus Suffolk (Otley College Campus), (2014)
BSc in Occupational Therapy Brunel University London, (1999)
University of Essex
Lecturer in Occupational Therapy, University of Essex (20/2/2023 - present)
Other academic
Lecturer in Healthcare Apprenticeships, University of Suffolk (12/8/2019 - 30/1/2023)
Lecturer in Health and Social Care/Health Sciences, Suffolk New College (4/11/2013 - 26/7/2019)
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Introduction to Occupational Therapy (HS179)
Professional Enquiry (HS240)
Developing Professional Skills: Therapy and Occupation (HS274)
Collaboration and Leadership in Service Enhancement (HS276)
Developing Professional Skills: Therapy and Occupation (HS805)
Autonomous Practitioner (Occupational Therapy) (HS809)
Foundations for Occupational Therapy (HS892)
Professional Reasoning in Practice (HS801)
Advancing Professional Practice in Occupational Therapy (HS894)