Dr Charlie Smith

charlie.smith@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 874015
EBS.3.91, Colchester Campus
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Leading with Impact (BE875)
Organisational Research and Professional Development (BE966)
Journal articles (13)
Smith, C., Can mechanical doping be justified in professional cyclists' modern work environment?. puntOorg International Journal. 2 (1), 63-67
Smith, C., (2024). Book Review: Leo McCann, The Paramedic at Work: A Sociology of a New Profession. Sociology. 58 (3), 772-773
Esteban Salvador, ML., Fernandes, EP., Di Cimbrini, T., Smith, C. and Güngör Göksu, G., (2024). Female chairs on the boards of European National Sports Federations: a comparative study. Gender in Management: An International Journal. 39 (4), 497-515
Smith, C., (2024). Psychedelics, psychedelic-assisted therapy and employees’ well-being. Journal of Management Inquiry. 34 (1), 121-125
Smith, C., (2022). Book Review: Jenny Chan, Mark Selden and Pun Ngai, Dying for an iPhone: Apple, Foxconn, and the Lives of China’s Workers. Work, Employment and Society. 36 (4), 782-784
Smith, DCVL., (2022). Footballers' citizenship during COVID-19: A case study of Premier League players' community support.. International review for the sociology of sport. 57 (6), 980-997
Boncori, I. and Smith, C., (2020). Negotiating the doctorate as an academic professional: identity work and sense making through auto ethnographic methods. Teaching in Higher Education. 25 (3), 271-285
Smith, C. and Ulus, E., (2020). Who cares for academics? We need to talk about emotional well-being including what we avoid and intellectualise through macro-discourses. Organization. 27 (6), 840-857
Boncori, I. and Smith, C., (2019). I lost my baby today: Embodied writing and learning in organizations. Management Learning. 50 (1), 74-86
Boncori, I., Brewis, J., Sicca, LM. and Smith, C., (2019). Carne – flesh and organization. Culture and Organization. 25 (4), 249-252
Smith, C., (2017). Tour du dopage: Confessions of doping professional cyclists in a modern work environment. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 52 (1), 97-111
Smith, C. and Riach, K., (2016). Drug Taking and Employment: Exploring the Employable Citizen in UK Policy. Sociology. 50 (1), 24-42
Smith, C. and Land, C., (2014). Pharmacological routes to everyday exceptionality. Culture and Organization. 20 (4), 269-287
Books (1)
Esteban-Salvador, L., Di Cimbrini, T., Fernandes, E., Güngör, G. and Smith, C., GESPORT: Overview of sport governance and gender equality. 978-84-16723-80-5
Book chapters (2)
Smith, C., (2021). Not Feeling So Mega, but Still Being a Mega Star: Exploring Male Elite Athletes' Mental Health Accounts from a Gendered Perspective. In: Sport, Gender and Mega-Events. Emerald Group Publishing. 1839829370. 9781839829376
Smith, C., (2018). Doping in cycling: Past, present and future trends. In: Doping in Cycling Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Routledge. 1351103857. 9781351103855
Reports and Papers (1)
Esteban-Salvador, L., Di Cimbrini, T., Fernandes, E., Güngör, G. and Smith, C., Corporate governance in sports organizations: A gendered approach.
Dataset (2)
Esteban-Salvador, L., Di Cimbrini, T., Fernandes, E., Güngör, G. and Smith, C., Women on sports boards
Esteban-Salvador, L., Di Cimbrini, T., Fernandes, E., Güngör, G. and Smith, C., Data of Female members of National Federations Sport Governing Boards