Dr Anne Steinhoff

anne.steinhoff@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 874053
EBS.3.120B, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Student Support Hours spring term: Monday and Tuesday via https://calendly.com/as19552-essex/15min
Anne is Lecturer in Accounting, teaching the modules debates in public, social and environmental accounting and international management accounting. Anne also teaches workshops at undergraduate and graduate level on community-based organising, including Democracy in Action. Her research has been described as pioneering and groundbreaking by mentors and reviewers. Her award-winning PhD thesis (jointly won CMS AoM Best Thesis Award 2024) explores the impact of performance-based practices on employees living with the autoimmune disorder coeliac disease. The thesis draws on the lived experiences of employees and contextualises them through post-structuralist discourse theory taught by the Essex School of discourse analysis. Anne is interested in questioning and debating societal understandings of value and being a contributing or productive member of society. In her work, she brings together the areas of management, accounting, health, politics and post-structuralist discourse theory. Anne's research is published in leading peer-reviewed journals including Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Sociology of Health and Illness, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal as well as Financial Accountability and Management. She contributes to the work of two innovative KTP projects which explore the social return on investment (SROI) of two independent charities based locally in Colchester as well as London.
MSc Political Economy of the European Union London School of Economics,
University of Essex
Lecturer, Essex Business School, University of Essex (1/10/2022 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Accounting and health(care)
Accounting Education
Accounting in the third sector
Accountability and counter-accounts in organisations
Conferences and presentations
The power of transformative accountability: Holding the public sector to account through community organising
Online Workshop "Co-assessment of public services' performance", 11/11/2024
Understanding the role of social workplace activities on performance in intellectual labour: A case study of celiac disease
Academy of Management, Boston, USA, 7/8/2023
Understanding the role of social workplace activities on performance in intellectual labour: A case study of celiac disease
CPA conference, Universidad National de Colombia, Bogotá, 26/7/2023
The politics of accounting: A temporal analysis of the Lava Jato scandal At Petrobras
EGOS Colloquium 2023, 7/7/2023
Building agonistic solidarity: Violence against Women and girls campaign
Gender, Work and Organization, Stellenbosch Business School, South Africa, 28/6/2023
Building agonistic solidarity: campaigning against misogyny
Speaking truth to funders: Alternative accountabilities in the voluntary and community sector during the pandemic
Alternative Accounts Europe 2023, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 6/1/2023
Speaking truth to funders: Alternative accountabilities in the voluntary and community sector during the pandemic
Resilience and the Third Sector Conference at the University of Edinburgh Business School (UEBS), 10/11/2022
The Challenges of Celiac Disease at Work: A Research Agenda on Organizational Inclusion
Academy of Managment Annual Meeting, Seattle, 13/8/2022
Community Organising from a radical democratic point of view
Association for Social and Political Philosophy Annual Conference, 14/7/2022
Performance Measures and Coeliac Disease: An analysis of the lived experiences of employees in immaterial labour in the UK
Invited presentation, International Doctoral Consortium, Universidad EAFIT, Medellín, 15/6/2022
Coeliac disease and the British Equality Act 2010: an exclusionary experience in the workplace
Invited presentation, Social Policy Research Colloquium, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin, 8/5/2022
Capturing pandemic stories: (un)accountabilities for inequality in the Voluntary and Community Sector
Invited presentation, Research seminar with Dr Green, Dr Warren and Ms Woodward, University of Roehampton, History and Classics, 22/3/2022
Management accounting practices and long-term health conditions: Problematizing performance measures in the workplace
Qualitative Research and Accounting Conference (QRAC), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 17/11/2021
Management accounting practices and health: problematising the political nature of performance measures in the workplace
Invited presentation, Emerging Scholars Colloquium, University of Innsbruck, 6/7/2021
Management accounting practices and health: Problematizing chronic illness in the workplace
Alternative Accounts Europe Conference, Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom, 5/1/2021
Performance Measures and Coeliac Disease: An analysis of the lived experiences of employees in intellectual labour in the UK
PhD Consortium QRCA Latin America 2020, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 12/11/2020
Democracy in action – Extending Work-based learning to Community Action and Citizenship
Symposium Alternative Education/Educational Alternatives, Kaplan Singapore, Singapore, 29/7/2020
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Debates in Public, Social and Environmental Accounting (BE133)
International Management Accounting (BE154)
Research Project with a Community-based Organisation (BE944)
Research Project with a Community-based Organisation (BE970)
Student Success Tutorial (BE917)
Journal articles (4)
Steinhoff, A., Warren, R. and Carter, D., (2024). (Self-) accountability practices and the invisibilized non-able body: a case study of celiac disease. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 99, 102737-102737
Warren, R., Morales, J., Steinhoff, A. and Woodward, S., (2024). Speaking truth to funders: Alternative accountabilities in the voluntary and community sector during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Financial Accountability and Management. 40 (4), 573-591
Steinhoff, A., Warren, R., Carter, D. and Glynos, J., (2024). The challenges of coeliac disease at work: A contestation of the politics of inclusion. Sociology of Health and Illness. 47 (1), e13826-
Carter, D., Warren, R. and Steinhoff, A., (2023). The Anatomy of Tragedy: Starbucks as a Politics of Displacement. Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal. 36 (1), 146-176
Book chapters (1)
Warren, R., Steinhoff, A., Glynos, J. and Roussos, K., (2024). The Accountability Assembly as a Counter-Accounting Performance. In: Handbook of Accounting in Society. Editors: Vollmer, H., . Edward Elgar. 310- 327. 978 1 80392 199 0
Reports and Papers (1)
Warren, R., Glynos, J., Roussos, K., Jimena, V., Steinhoff, A. and Crippa, L., Democracy in Action - Building Better Communities And Organisations Through Collective Decision Making and Action - Project Evaluation
Thesis dissertation (1)
Steinhoff, A., (2023). Performance-based practices and coeliac disease: an analysis of the lived experiences of employees in intellectual labour in the UK
Grants and funding
Community360 KTP 22_23 R4
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Pursuing Independent Paths KTP
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Community and Residents Experience
North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group
Community and Residents Experience
North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group
Community and Residents Experience
North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group
Communities Responding to Crisis: Sharing, Celebrating and Collecting
University of Essex (ESRC IAA)
Academic support hours:
Student Support Hours spring term: Monday and Tuesday via https://calendly.com/as19552-essex/15min