Professor Marcus Stephenson

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+44 (0) 1206 872680
JT6, Colchester Campus
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Sociology of Tourism and Hospitality
1. Sustainable Tourism and Citizenship: rights and responsibilities of hosts and guests; cultural and cosmopolitan rights; politics of tourism mobility, passports, borders and visas; and civic forms of tourism citizenship. 2. Cultural Encounters and Social Constraints in the Hospitality Environment: Islamic hospitality; and the indigenization of the hospitality workforce. 3. Sustainable Tourism and the Sociocultural Environment: culturally sustainable tourism experiences - roots tourism and diasporic communities; racialized movements, experiences and encounters; and tourism and Islamophobia. 4. Sustainable Tourism and the Physical Environment: tourism, culture and sustainability; smart and sustainable tourism cities in Southeast Asia; and tourism and environmental impacts. 5. Food and Culinary Studies: halal food production and consumption; street food businesses; and food and ethnicity. 6. Tourism and Small States (Area Studies): tourism development challenges and opportunities in Gulf Cooperation Council states and in the cultural context of the Arabian Peninsula; and tourism development and mobility in small island states in the Pacific. 7. Heritage Industry: strategic management initiatives and developments in cultural heritage tourism; heritage re-imagined in the Commonwealth; and cultural nationalism and the heritage industries.
Journal articles (28)
Anton, TS., Trupp, A., Stephenson, ML. and Chong, KL., (2024). Post-pandemic Challenges Impeding Operators’ Efforts to Sustain Foodservice Microbusinesses. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences. 20 (2)
Salman, A., Trupp, A., Stephenson, ML. and Chan, LF., (2024). Beyond fear and safety: revenge travel and international tourists’ intentions in the post-crisis era. International Journal of Tourism Cities
Trupp, A., Salman, A., Stephenson, ML., Chan, L-F. and Gan, J-E., (2024). A Systematic Review of Challenges Faced by Micro and Small Enterprises in Tourism Destinations: Producing Solutions through Resilience Building and Sustainable Development. Tourism Planning & Development, 1-23
Rostami, A., Stephenson, ML. and Trupp, A., (2024). Female Solo Travel Experiences: An autoethnography on social and emotional challenges with tourism industry stakeholders. Advances in Southeast Asian Studies. 17 (2), 201-212
Anton, TS., Trupp, A., Stephenson, ML. and Chong, KL., (2023). The Technology Adoption Model Canvas (TAMC): A Smart Framework to Guide the Advancement of Microbusinesses in Emerging Economies. Smart Cities. 6 (6), 3297-3318
Abang Brian, C., Stephenson, ML. and Tan, AL., (2023). Recent research patterns and factors influencing eating behaviour amongst Malaysian youths: a scoping review. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 7
Shah, C., Trupp, A. and Stephenson, ML., (2023). Conceptualising local perceptions of research‐related tourism in an indigenous village in Fiji. International Journal of Tourism Research. 25 (4), 416-428
Chaichi, K., Stephenson, ML., Fouad Salem, S. and Leong, MK., (2023). A Sequential Mixed Method Study of Employee Job Satisfaction in Upscale Restaurants, Malaysia. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism, 1-32
Trupp, A., Pratt, S., Stephenson, ML., Matatolu, I. and Gibson, D., (2022). Representing and evaluating the travel motivations of Pacific islanders. International Journal of Tourism Research. 24 (5), 653-666
Shah, C., Trupp, A. and Stephenson, ML., (2022). Deciphering tourism and the acquisition of knowledge: Advancing a new typology of ‘Research-related Tourism (RrT)’. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. 50, 21-30
Loh, EGY. and Stephenson, ML., (2021). Deciphering Tourist Shoppers’ U-commerce Readiness: Current Challenges and Post-pandemic Concerns. Journal of Management Research. 21 (1), 3-17
Loh, EGY., Stephenson, ML. and Nezakati, H., (2021). Constructing a Methodological Approach to examine the Determinants Affecting Purchase Intention through Perceived Risk in the Hotel Context. Journal of Marketing Management and Consumer Behavior. 3 (2), 17-34
Stephenson, ML. and Dobson, GJ., (2020). Deciphering the development of smart and sustainable tourism cities in Southeast Asia: A call for research. Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies. 13 (1), 143-153
Chong, KL. and Stephenson, ML., (2020). Deciphering Food Hawkerpreneurship: Challenges and success factors in franchising street food businesses in Malaysia. Tourism and Hospitality Research. 20 (4), 493-509
Bianchi, RV., Stephenson, ML. and Hannam, K., (2020). The contradictory politics of the right to travel: mobilities, borders & tourism. Mobilities. 15 (2), 290-306
Stephenson, ML. and Al-Hamarneh, A., (2017). International tourism development and the Gulf Cooperation Council States: Challenges and opportunities. International Tourism Development and the Gulf Cooperation Council States: Challenges and Opportunities, 1-270
Paris, CM., Stephenson, ML. and Hyland, L., (2016). Emerging topics in niche tourism, the hospitality industry, and online consumer behaviour. Anatolia. 27 (3), 325-326
Stephenson, ML., (2014). Tourism, development and ‘destination Dubai’: cultural dilemmas and future challenges. Current Issues in Tourism. 17 (8), 723-738
Stephenson, ML., (2014). Deciphering ‘Islamic hospitality’: Developments, challenges and opportunities. Tourism Management. 40, 155-164
Paris, CM. and Stephenson, ML., (2013). Editorial. International Journal of Tourism Policy. 5 (1-2), 1-3
Bianchi, RV. and Stephenson, ML., (2013). Deciphering tourism and citizenship in a globalized world. Tourism Management. 39, 10-20
Stephenson, ML. and Ali-Knight, J., (2010). Dubai's tourism industry and its societal impact: social implications and sustainable challenges. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change. 8 (4), 278-292
Stephenson, ML. and Ali, N., (2010). Chapter 15 Tourism and Islamophobia. Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice. 2, 235-251
Stephenson, ML., Russell, KA. and Edgar, D., (2010). Islamic hospitality in the UAE: indigenization of products and human capital. Journal of Islamic Marketing. 1 (1), 9-24
Stephenson, ML., (2006). Travel and the ‘Freedom of Movement’: Racialised Encounters and Experiences Amongst Ethnic Minority Tourists in the EU. Mobilities. 1 (2), 285-306
STEPHENSON, ML. and HUGHES, HL., (2005). Racialised boundaries in tourism and travel: a case study of the UK black Caribbean community. Leisure Studies. 24 (2), 137-160
Stephenson, ML., (2002). Travelling to the Ancestral Homelands: The Aspirations and Experiences of a UK Caribbean Community. Current Issues in Tourism. 5 (5), 378-425
Stephenson, ML. and Hughes, HL., (1995). Holidays and the UK Afro-Caribbean community. Tourism Management. 16 (6), 429-435
Books (2)
Stephenson, ML., (2022). Routledge Handbook on Tourism and Small Island States in the Pacific. Routledge
Bianchi, R. and Stephenson, M., (2014). Tourism and Citizenship. Routledge
Book chapters (19)
Loh, EGY. and Stephenson, ML., (2024). Deciphering the impact of tourism-related crises in small Pacific Island states: Challenges and responses. In: Handbook on Crisis and Disaster Management in Tourism. 129- 146
Stephenson, ML., Trupp, A. and Shah, C., (2022). Understanding tourism development in the Federated States of Micronesia. In: Routledge Handbook on Tourism and Small Island States in the Pacific. Routledge. 295- 310
Noor, FAM., Patovaki, J. and Stephenson, ML., (2022). Tourism development in the Solomon Islands. In: Routledge Handbook on Tourism and Small Island States in the Pacific. Routledge. 154- 164
Vyas, A. and Stephenson, ML., (2022). Deciphering the environmental challenges and advancements of tourism development in Palau. In: Routledge Handbook on Tourism and Small Island States in the Pacific. Routledge. 257- 268
Chong, DKL. and Stephenson, ML., (2022). Deciphering tourism's auspicious and inauspicious relationships with food and agriculture in Pacific Island states. In: Routledge Handbook on Tourism and Small Island States in the Pacific. Routledge. 126- 140
Stephenson, ML. and Timothy, DJ., (2022). Future research trajectories. In: Routledge Handbook on Tourism and Small Island States in the Pacific. Routledge. 381- 392
Ali, N. and Stephenson, ML., (2022). Deciphering Nauru as a non-tourism destination. In: Routledge Handbook on Tourism and Small Island States in the Pacific. Routledge. 282- 294
Stephenson, ML., (2022). Introduction. In: Routledge Handbook on Tourism and Small Island States in the Pacific. Routledge. 3- 27
Movono, A. and Stephenson, ML., (2022). Tourism policy and planning in Fiji. In: Routledge Handbook on Tourism and Small Island States in the Pacific. Routledge. 165- 176
Bianchi, RV. and Stephenson, ML., (2022). Tourism, Citizenship and Border Governance. In: Routledge Handbook of Borders and Tourism. Routledge. 73- 86
Stephenson, ML. and Goldfinch, S., (2020). Post-Brexit Tourism and the Commonwealth Reimagined. In: Tourism and Brexit: Travel, Borders and Identity. 141- 156
Stephenson, ML. and Ali, N., (2018). Deciphering 'Arab hospitality': Identifying key characteristics and concerns. In: Routledge Handbook on Tourism in the Middle East and North Africa. 71- 82
Bianchi, RV. and Stephenson, ML., (2018). Tourism, border politics, and the fault lines of mobility. In: Borderless Worlds for Whom?. Routledge. 121- 138
Stephenson, ML., (2017). Travelling to the ancestral homelands: The aspirations and experiences of a UK caribbean community. In: The Heritage Tourist Experience: Critical Essays, Volume Two. 419- 466
(2017). International Tourism Development and the Gulf Cooperation Council States. In: International Tourism Development and the Gulf Cooperation Council States: Challenges and Opportunities. Editors: Stephenson, ML. and Al-Hamarneh, A., . Routledge. 124- 139. 978-1-138-02327-7
Stephenson, ML. and Vyas, A., (2017). Deciphering the environmental impact of tourism development in Dubai: Developing sustainable directives and a citizenship agenda. In: International Tourism Development and the Gulf Cooperation Council States: Challenges and Opportunities. 204- 221. 978-1-138-02327-7
Bätzner, AN. and Stephenson, ML., (2017). Towards an integrated transport network in the GCC region: Fostering tourism and regional cooperation. In: International Tourism Development and the Gulf Cooperation Council States: Challenges and Opportunities. 76- 91. 978-1-138-02327-7
(2014). Tourism, Diasporas and Space. In: Tourism, Diasporas and Space. Editors: Coles, T. and Timothy, DJ., . Routledge. 62- 77
(2007). Developments in Tourism Research. In: Developments in Tourism Research. Editors: Airey, D. and Tribe, J., . Routledge. 171- 184