Professor Gijsbert Stoet

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4.708, Colchester Campus
I do not keep a complete list of publications here. Instead, check for the latest:
MA University of Groningen, (1993)
PhD Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, (1998)
University of Essex
Professor, Psychology, University of Essex (1/12/2018 - present)
Research and professional activities
Conferences and presentations
Sex Differences in Educational Outcomes are More Profound Than Many People Think
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, BPS Psychology of Education Annulal Conference, BPS Psychology of Education Annulal Conference, 15/9/2022
Gender differences in STEM participation
Invited presentation, Women in Science Symposium, Women in Science Symposium, 4/3/2022
Gender Equality Paradox in Stem
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Swiss Gender and STEM conference, 10/10/2021
WoCaNet Goettingen
Invited presentation, WoCaNet Goettingen, WoCaNet Goettingen, Göttingen, Germany, 27/5/2021
Teaching and supervision
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Medicine
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 8/7/2024
Journal articles (55)
Stoet, G. and Holt, RIG., The Time in Tight Range for People With Type 1 Diabetes Debate Presents a False Dichotomy. Diabetes Care
Stoet, G. and Holt, RIG., (2025). Comment on Casteñeda et al. The Time in Tight Range for People With Type 1 Diabetes Debate Presents a False Dichotomy. Diabetes Care. 48 (3), e28-e28
Stoet, G., Foster, E., Kerr, C., Jiang, L., Thornhill, M-A., Cyranka, K., Matejko, B., Sarna-Palacz, D., Płonka-Stępień, M. and Klupa, T., (2024). Improving support for university students with type 1 diabetes. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. 12 (6), 378-379
Stoet, G., (2024). The Gender Equality Paradox in Intraindividual Academic Strengths: A Cross- Temporal Analysis. Psychological Science. 35 (11), 1246-1259
Oakley, CM., Pekrun, R. and Stoet, G., (2024). Sex differences of school grades in childhood and adolescence: A longitudinal analysis. Intelligence. 107, 101857-101857
Confino, D., Ghisletta, P., Stoet, G. and Falomir-Pichastor, JM., (2024). National gender equality and sex differences in Machiavellianism across countries. International Journal of Personality Psychology. 10, 105-115
Li, B., Li, X., Stoet, G. and Lages, M., (2023). Processing Speed Predicts Mean Performance in Task-Switching but Not Task-Switching Cost.. Psychological Reports. 126 (4), 1822-1846
Stoet, G. and Holt, RIG., (2023). Characteristics of People with Optimally-Managed Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes Epidemiology and Management. 12, 100153-100153
Stucke, NJ., Stoet, G. and Doebel, S., (2022). What are the kids doing? Exploring young children's activities at home and relations with externally cued executive function and child temperament. Developmental Science. 25 (5), e13226-
Tsegaye, A., Guo, C., Stoet, G., Cserjési, R., Kökönyei, G. and Logemann, HNA., (2022). The relationship between reward context and inhibitory control, does it depend on BMI, maladaptive eating, and negative affect?. BMC Psychology. 10 (1), 4-
Stoet, G. and Geary, DC., (2022). Sex differences in adolescents' occupational aspirations: Variations across time and place.. PLoS One. 17 (1), e0261438-e0261438
Shirdel Havar, E. and Stoet, G., (2022). Discrimination and psychopathology in gender dysphoria: a hormone therapy. Journal of Sexual Health Psychology. 1 (2), 30-38
Ceolini, E., Kock, R., Band, GPH., Stoet, G. and Gosh, A., (2022). Temporal clusters of age-related behavioral alterations captured in smartphone touchscreen interactions. iScience. 25 (8), 104791-104791
Tsegaye, A., Guo, C., Cserjési, R., Kenemans, L., Stoet, G., Kökönyei, G. and Logemann, A., (2021). Inhibitory Performance in Smokers Relative to Nonsmokers When Exposed to Neutral, Smoking- and Money-Related Pictures. Behavioral Sciences. 11 (10), 128-128
Stoet, G. and Geary, DC., (2020). Sex-specific academic ability and attitude patterns in students across developed countries. Intelligence. 81, 101453-101453
Stoet, G. and Geary, DC., (2020). Gender differences in the pathways to higher education. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 117 (25), 14073-14076
Stoet, G. and Geary, DC., (2020). The Gender-Equality Paradox Is Part of a Bigger Phenomenon: Reply to Richardson and Colleagues (2020). Psychological Science. 31 (3), 342-344
Yu, Y. and Stoet, G., (2020). Encountering non-Christian Chinese international students: cross-cultural adaptive practices of local Christian organisations in the UK. Journal of Beliefs & Values. 41 (3), 305-321
(2020). Corrigendum: The Gender-Equality Paradox in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education. Psychological Science. 31 (1), 110-111
Li, X., Li, B., Liu, X., Lages, M. and Stoet, G., (2019). Task-switching costs disappear if non-Chinese participants respond to Chinese characters. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 45 (11), 2051-2071
Gray-Burrows, K., Taylor, N., O’Connor, D., Sutherland, E., Stoet, G. and Conner, M., (2019). A systematic review and meta-analysis of the executive function-health behaviour relationship. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine. 7 (1), 253-268
Li, B., Li, X., Stoet, G. and Lages, M., (2019). Exploring individual differences in task switching. Acta Psychologica. 193, 80-95
Li, B., Li, X., Liu, X., Lages, M. and Stoet, G., (2019). Target-Response Associations Can Produce Response-Congruency Effects Without Task-Switching Costs. Frontiers in Psychology. 10 (FEB), 40-
Stoet, G. and Geary, DC., (2019). A simplified approach to measuring national gender inequality.. PLoS One. 14 (1), e0205349-e0205349
Stoet, G. and Geary, DC., (2018). The Gender-Equality Paradox in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education. Psychological Science. 29 (4), 581-593
Stoet, G. and Geary, DC., (2017). Students in countries with higher levels of religiosity perform lower in science and mathematics. Intelligence. 62, 71-78
Stoet, G., (2017). Multiple choices on assessment. Psychologist. 30 (1), 5-5
Alharbi, AA. and Stoet, G., (2017). Achievement flourishes in larger classes: Secondary school students in most countries achieved better literacy in larger classes. International Education Journal. 16 (2), 16-32
Li, X., Li, B., Lages, M. and Stoet, G., (2017). Commentary: Task-Switching in Pigeons: Associative Learning or Executive Control?. Frontiers in Psychology. 8 (AUG), 1420-
Stoet, G., (2017). Sex differences in the Simon task help to interpret sex differences in selective attention.. Psychological Research. 81 (3), 571-581
Stoet, G., (2017). PsyToolkit: A Novel Web-Based Method for Running Online Questionnaires and Reaction-Time Experiments. Teaching of Psychology. 44 (1), 24-31
Stoet, G., Bailey, DH., Moore, AM. and Geary, DC., (2016). Countries with Higher Levels of Gender Equality Show Larger National Sex Differences in Mathematics Anxiety and Relatively Lower Parental Mathematics Valuation for Girls. PLoS ONE. 11 (4), e0153857-e0153857
Stoet, G. and Geary, DC., (2016). Challenges for determining the causal effects between social behavior and testosterone. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 113 (5), E499-E499
Stoet, G. and Geary, DC., (2015). Sex differences in academic achievement are not related to political, economic, or social equality. Intelligence. 48, 137-151
Mushtaq, F., Stoet, G., Bland, AR. and Schaefer, A., (2014). Correction: Relative Changes from Prior Reward Contingencies Can Constrain Brain Correlates of Outcome Monitoring. PLoS ONE. 9 (1)
Stoet, G. and Geary, DC., (2013). Sex Differences in Mathematics and Reading Achievement Are Inversely Related: Within- and Across-Nation Assessment of 10 Years of PISA Data. PLoS ONE. 8 (3), e57988-e57988
Mushtaq, F., Stoet, G., Bland, AR. and Schaefer, A., (2013). Relative Changes from Prior Reward Contingencies Can Constrain Brain Correlates of Outcome Monitoring. PLoS ONE. 8 (6), e66350-e66350
Stoet, G. and Snyder, LH., (2012). The role of executive control in tool use. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 35 (4), 240-241
Stoet, G. and Geary, DC., (2012). Can Stereotype Threat Explain the Gender Gap in Mathematics Performance and Achievement?. Review of General Psychology. 16 (1), 93-102
Stoet, G., (2011). Sex differences in search and gathering skills. Evolution and Human Behavior. 32 (6), 416-422
Stoet, G. and López, B., (2011). Task-switching abilities in children with autism spectrum disorder. European Journal of Developmental Psychology. 8 (2), 244-260
Stoet, G., (2010). PsyToolkit: A software package for programming psychological experiments using Linux. Behavior Research Methods. 42 (4), 1096-1104
Stoet, G., (2010). Sex differences in the processing of flankers. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 63 (4), 633-638
Stoet, G. and Snyder, LH., (2010). Task preparation in monkeys. Journal of Vision. 1 (3), 17-17
Stoet, G. and Snyder, LH., (2009). Neural correlates of executive control functions in the monkey. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 13 (5), 228-234
Stoet, G., Ruge, H. and Snyder, LH., (2008). Modification of response time variability in a decision-making task. NeuroReport. 19 (13), 1321-1324
Stoet, G., Markey, H. and López, B., (2007). Dyslexia and attentional shifting. Neuroscience Letters. 427 (1), 61-65
Stoet, G. and Snyder, LH., (2007). Extensive practice does not eliminate human switch costs. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience. 7 (3), 192-197
Stoet, G. and Snyder, LH., (2007). Correlates of Stimulus-Response Congruence in the Posterior Parietal Cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 19 (2), 194-203
Stoet, G. and Snyder, LH., (2006). Effects of the NMDA Antagonist Ketamine on Task-Switching Performance: Evidence for Specific Impairments of Executive Control. Neuropsychopharmacology. 31 (8), 1675-1681
Ruge, H., Stoet, G. and Naumann, E., (2006). Attentional set mixing: Effects on target selection and selective response activation. Psychophysiology. 43 (4), 413-421
Stoet, G. and Snyder, LH., (2004). Single Neurons in Posterior Parietal Cortex of Monkeys Encode Cognitive Set. Neuron. 42 (6), 1003-1012
Stoet, G. and Snyder, LH., (2003). Task preparation in macaque monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Animal Cognition. 6 (2), 121-130
Stoet, G. and Snyder, LH., (2003). Executive control and task-switching in monkeys. Neuropsychologia. 41 (10), 1357-1364
Stoet, G. and Hommel, B., (1999). Action planning and the temporal binding of response codes.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 25 (6), 1625-1640
Book chapters (1)
Geary, DC. and Stoet, G., (2020). Ideological Blinders in the Study of Sex Differences in Participation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Fields. In: Groupthink in Science. Springer International Publishing. 175- 183. 9783030368210
Conferences (2)
Abebe, A., Guo, C., Stoet, G., Cserjesi, R., Kokonyei, G. and Logemann, A., (2022). The relation between BMI and inhibitory control in a context of anticipated reward
Hansen, S., Stoet, G., Archer, J., Judge, J. and Carre, JM., (2016). Administering testosterone reduces distractibility for visual selective attention in healthy human males
Reports and Papers (2)
Doebel, S., Stucke, N. and Stoet, G., (2021). What Are the Kids Doing? Exploring Young Children’s Activities at Home and Relations with Externally Cued Executive Function and Child Temperament
Stoet, G. and Geary, DC., (2021). Sex Differences in Adolescents’ Occupational Aspirations: Variations Across Time and Place
Other (1)
Kerr, C. and Stoet, G., The ADAPT approach to improving support for university students with diabetes (submitted Nov 23 to Diabetes UK Conference)
Grants and funding
A novel integrated care approach to supporting students with diabetes in Central and Eastern Europe
University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)