Dr Richard Strange

rstrange@essex.ac.uk -
Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Final Year Project students (3) Protein Bioinformatics (2 lectures, 3 Workshops) MSc research Project student PhD student
1992-2008 Daresbury Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory 2008-2015 Senior Lecturer, University of Liverpool Fellow, Institute of Physics Senior Associate, Royal Society of Medicine Visiting Scientist, RIKEN, SPring-8 (Harima), Japan Co-editor, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation Editorial Board member, Nature Scientific Reports
BSc(Hons) Physics & Philosophy
PhD Physics
Research and professional activities
Research interests
The overall theme of my research is based on reaching an understanding of structure-function relationship of proteins, enzymes and their complexes, including those involved in disease (e.g. ALS), via advanced computational and experimental approaches. This encompasses synchrotron radiation, protein crystallography, XAFS, SAXS, SAD phasing, catalysis, structure-based drug discovery, molecular dynamics and computational chemistry.
Current research
Dynamics of Electron and Proton Transfer Chemistry in Copper and Hybrid Copper-Haem Enzymes
Multiple Structures from One Crystal (MSOX) enzyme catalysis and variable temperature crystallography, allied to molecular dynamics and QM/MM simulations
Conferences and presentations
Q2XAFS2017, Q2XAFS2017, Didcot, United Kingdom, 14/8/2017
Solvent Accessibility and Ligand Binding in Native Achromobacter cycloclastes Copper Nitrite Reductase
19th IUPAB congress and 11th EBSA congress, 19th IUPAB congress and 11th EBSA congress, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 7/2017
The T2Cu active site in copper containing nitrite reductases: water accessibility and nitrite binding
Second CCPBioSim/CCP5 Multiscale Modelling Conference, Second CCPBioSim/CCP5 Multiscale Modelling Conference, Manchester, United Kingdom, 4/2016
British Biophysical Society conference on 'New Horizons and Emerging Biomedical Challenges for Biophysics', Liverpool July 2016
Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2016
23rd IUCR Congress, Montreal, Canada August 2014. Organiser and Chair, microsymposium on Electronic Structure and Chemical Bond Information by High Energy Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy
Montreal, Canada, 2014
38th International Conference on Vacuum Ultraviolet and X-ray Physics, Hefei, China July 2013
Hefei, China, 2013
Seminar series, School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, November 2012
Nanyang, China, 2012
10th International Consortium on SOD1 and ALS, Liverpool March 2012
Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2012
Teaching and supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Molecular Medicine
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 13/7/2022

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 26/1/2021

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 23/4/2019
Journal articles (118)
Adams, HR., Svistunenko, DA., Wilson, MT., Fujii, S., Strange, RW., Hardy, ZA., Vazquez, PA., Dabritz, T., Streblow, GJ., Andrew, CR. and Hough, MA., (2023). A heme pocket aromatic quadrupole modulates gas binding to cytochrome c'-β: Implications for NO sensors.. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 299 (6), 104742-104742
Moreno-Chicano, T., Carey, LM., Axford, D., Beale, JH., Doak, RB., Duyvesteyn, HME., Ebrahim, A., Henning, RW., Monteiro, DCF., Myles, DA., Owada, S., Sherrell, DA., Straw, ML., Šrajer, V., Sugimoto, H., Tono, K., Tosha, T., Tews, I., Trebbin, M., Strange, RW., Weiss, KL., Worrall, JAR., Meilleur, F., Owen, RL., Ghiladi, RA. and Hough, MA., (2022). Complementarity of neutron, XFEL and synchrotron crystallography for defining the structures of metalloenzymes at room temperature. IUCrJ. 9 (5), 610-624
Sen, K., Hough, MA., Strange, RW., Yong, C. and Keal, TW., (2021). QM/MM Simulations of Protein Crystal Reactivity Guided by MSOX Crystallography: A Copper Nitrite Reductase Case Study.. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B: Biophysical Chemistry, Biomaterials, Liquids, and Soft Matter. 125 (32), 9102-9114
Hough, MA., Conradie, J., Strange, RW., Antonyuk, SV., Eady, RR., Ghosh, A. and Hasnain, SS., (2020). Nature of the copper-nitrosyl intermediates of copper nitrite reductases during catalysis. Chemical Science. 11 (46), 12485-12492
Bielecki, M., Antonyuk, S., Strange, RW., Siemińska, K., Smalley, JW., Mackiewicz, P., Śmiga, M., Cowan, M., Capper, MJ., Ślęzak, P., Olczak, M. and Olczak, T., (2020). Prevotella intermedia produces two proteins homologous to Porphyromonas gingivalis HmuY but with different heme coordination mode. Biochemical Journal. 477 (2), 381-405
Ebrahim, A., Appleby, MV., Axford, D., Beale, J., Moreno-Chicano, T., Sherrell, DA., Strange, RW., Hough, MA. and Owen, RL., (2019). Resolving polymorphs and radiation-driven effects in microcrystals using fixed-target serial synchrotron crystallography. Acta Crystallographica Section D Structural Biology. 75 (2), 151-159
Moreno-Chicano, T., Ebrahim, A., Axford, D., Appleby, MV., Beale, JH., Chaplin, AK., Duyvesteyn, HME., Ghiladi, RA., Owada, S., Sherrell, DA., Strange, RW., Sugimoto, H., Tono, K., Worrall, JAR., Owen, RL. and Hough, MA., (2019). High-throughput structures of protein–ligand complexes at room temperature using serial femtosecond crystallography. IUCrJ. 6 (6), 1074-1085
Ebrahim, A., Moreno-Chicano, T., Appleby, MV., Chaplin, AK., Beale, JH., Sherrell, DA., Duyvesteyn, HME., Owada, S., Tono, K., Sugimoto, H., Strange, RW., Worrall, JAR., Axford, D., Owen, RL. and Hough, MA., (2019). Dose-resolved serial synchrotron and XFEL structures of radiation-sensitive metalloproteins. IUCrJ. 6 (4), 543-551
Manjula, R., Wright, GSA., Strange, RW. and Padmanabhan, B., (2018). Assessment of ligand binding at a site relevant to
Horrell, S., Kekilli, D., Sen, K., Owen, RU., Dworkowski, FSN., Antonyuk, SV., Keal, TW., Yong, CW., Eady, RR., Hasnain, SS., Strange, RW. and Hough, MA., (2018). Enzyme catalysis captured using multiple structures from one crystal at varying temperatures. IUCrJ. 5 (3), 283-292
Diaz-Moreno, S. and Strange, RW., (2018). Third International Workshop on Improving Data Quality in XAFS Spectroscopy, Q2XAFS2017. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 25 (4), 918-919
Bielecki, M., Antonyuk, S., Strange, RW., Smalley, JW., Mackiewicz, P., Śmiga, M., Stępień, P., Olczak, M. and Olczak, T., (2018). Tannerella forsythia Tfo belongs to Porphyromonas gingivalis HmuY-like family of proteins but differs in heme-binding properties. Bioscience Reports. 38 (5), BSR20181325-
Sen, K., Hough, M., Strange, R., Yong, C. and Keal, T., (2018). A QM/MM Study of Nitrite Binding Modes in a Three-Domain Heme-Cu Nitrite Reductase. Molecules. 23 (11), 2997-2997
Bellini, D., Horrell, S., Hutchin, A., Phippen, CW., Strange, RW., Cai, Y., Wagner, A., Webb, JS., Tews, I. and Walsh, MA., (2017). Dimerisation induced formation of the active site and the identification of three metal sites in EAL-phosphodiesterases. Scientific Reports. 7 (1), 42166-
Kekilli, D., Petersen, CA., Pixton, DA., Ghafoor, DD., Abdullah, GH., Dworkowski, FSN., Wilson, MT., Heyes, DJ., Hardman, SJO., Murphy, LM., Strange, RW., Scrutton, NS., Andrew, CR. and Hough, MA., (2017). Engineering proximal vs. distal heme–NO coordination via dinitrosyl dynamics: implications for NO sensor design. Chemical Science. 8 (3), 1986-1994
Kekilli, D., Moreno-Chicano, T., Chaplin, AK., Horrell, S., Dworkowski, FSN., Worrall, JAR., Strange, RW. and Hough, MA., (2017). Photoreduction and validation of haem?ligand intermediate states in protein crystals by in situ single-crystal spectroscopy and diffraction. IUCrJ. 4 (3), 263-270
Sen, K., Horrell, S., Kekilli, D., Yong, CW., Keal, TW., Atakisi, H., Moreau, DW., Thorne, RE., Hough, MA. and Strange, RW., (2017). Active-site protein dynamics and solvent accessibility in nativeAchromobacter cycloclastescopper nitrite reductase. IUCrJ. 4 (4), 495-505
Horrell, S., Kekilli, D., Strange, RW. and Hough, MA., (2017). Recent structural insights into the function of copper nitrite reductases.. Metallomics. 9 (11), 1470-1482
Nilsson, ZN., Mandella, BL., Sen, K., Kekilli, D., Hough, MA., Moënne-Loccoz, P., Strange, RW. and Andrew, CR., (2017). Distinguishing Nitro vs Nitrito Coordination in Cytochrome c' Using Vibrational Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory.. Inorganic Chemistry. 56 (21), 13205-13213
Horrell, S., Antonyuk, SV., Eady, RR., Hasnain, SS., Hough, MA. and Strange, RW., (2016). Serial crystallography captures enzyme catalysis in copper nitrite reductase at atomic resolution from one crystal. IUCrJ. 3 (4), 271-281
Ghafoor, DD., Kekilli, D., Abdullah, GH., Dworkowski, FSN., Hassan, HG., Wilson, MT., Strange, RW. and Hough, MA., (2015). Hydrogen bonding of the dissociated histidine ligand is not required for formation of a proximal NO adduct in cytochrome c’. JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 20 (6), 949-956
Capper, MJ., O?Neill, PM., Fisher, N., Strange, RW., Moss, D., Ward, SA., Berry, NG., Lawrenson, AS., Hasnain, SS., Biagini, GA. and Antonyuk, SV., (2015). Antimalarial 4(1H)-pyridones bind to the Qisite of cytochromebc1. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 112 (3), 755-760
Kekilli, D., Dworkowski, FSN., Pompidor, G., Fuchs, MR., Andrew, CR., Antonyuk, S., Strange, RW., Eady, RR., Hasnain, SS. and Hough, MA., (2014). Fingerprinting redox and ligand states in haemprotein crystal structures using resonance Raman spectroscopy. Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography. 70 (5), 1289-1296
Chng, C. and Strange, RW., (2014). Lipid-associated aggregate formation of superoxide dismutase-1 is initiated by membrane-targeting loops. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. 82 (11), 3194-3209
Antonyuk, SV., Olczak, M., Olczak, T., Ciuraszkiewicz, J. and Strange, RW., (2014). The structure of a purple acid phosphatase involved in plant growth and pathogen defence exhibits a novel immunoglobulin-like fold. IUCrJ. 1 (2), 101-109
Kershaw, NM., Wright, GSA., Sharma, R., Antonyuk, SV., Strange, RW., Berry, NG., O'Neill, PM. and Hasnain, SS., (2013). X-ray Crystallography and Computational Docking for the Detection and Development of Protein–Ligand Interactions. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 20 (4), 569-575
Wright, GSA., Antonyuk, SV., Kershaw, NM., Strange, RW. and Samar Hasnain, S., (2013). Ligand binding and aggregation of pathogenic SOD1. Nature Communications. 4 (1), 1758-
Padmanabhan, B., Nakamura, Y., Antonyuk, SV., Strange, RW., Hasnain, SS., Yokoyama, S. and Bessho, Y., (2013). Structure of the hypothetical DUF1811-family protein GK0453 fromGeobacillus kaustophilusHTA426. Acta Crystallographica Section F Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications. 69 (4), 342-345
Wright, GSA., Lee, HC., Schulze-Briese, C., Grossmann, JG., Strange, RW. and Hasnain, SS., (2013). The application of hybrid pixel detectors for in-house SAXS instrumentation with a view to combined chromatographic operation.. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 20 (Pt 2), 383-385
Strange, RW., Hough, MA., Antonyuk, SV. and Hasnain, SS., (2012). Structural Evidence for a Copper-Bound Carbonate Intermediate in the Peroxidase and Dismutase Activities of Superoxide Dismutase. PLoS ONE. 7 (9), e44811-e44811
Doutch, J., Hough, MA., Hasnain, SS. and Strange, RW., (2012). Challenges of sulfur SAD phasing as a routine method in macromolecular crystallography. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 19 (1), 19-29
Antonyuk, S., Strange, RW. and Hasnain, SS., (2010). Structural Discovery of Small Molecule Binding Sites in Cu−Zn Human Superoxide Dismutase Familial Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Mutants Provides Insights for Lead Optimization. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 53 (3), 1402-1406
Galaleldeen, A., Strange, RW., Whitson, LJ., Antonyuk, SV., Narayana, N., Taylor, AB., Schuermann, JP., Holloway, SP., Hasnain, SS. and Hart, PJ., (2009). Structural and biophysical properties of metal-free pathogenic SOD1 mutants A4V and G93A. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 492 (1-2), 40-47
Yong, CW., Glab, J., Strange, RW., Smith, W., Hasnain, SS. and Grossmann, JG., (2009). Assessment of long-term molecular dynamics calculations with experimental information on protein shape from X-ray scattering – SOD1 as a case study. Chemical Physics Letters. 481 (1-3), 112-117
Hearnshaw, S., West, C., Singleton, C., Zhou, L., Kihlken, MA., Strange, RW., Le Brun, NE. and Hemmings, AM., (2009). A Tetranuclear Cu(I) Cluster in the Metallochaperone Protein CopZ. Biochemistry. 48 (40), 9324-9326
Antonyuk, SV., Strange, RW., Marklund, SL. and Hasnain, SS., (2009). The Structure of Human Extracellular Copper–Zinc Superoxide Dismutase at 1.7 Å Resolution: Insights into Heparin and Collagen Binding. Journal of Molecular Biology. 388 (2), 310-326
Antonyuk, SV., Trevitt, CR., Strange, RW., Jackson, GS., Sangar, D., Batchelor, M., Cooper, S., Fraser, C., Jones, S., Georgiou, T., Khalili-Shirazi, A., Clarke, AR., Hasnain, SS. and Collinge, J., (2009). Crystal structure of human prion protein bound to a therapeutic antibody. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 106 (8), 2554-2558
Padmanabhan, B., Bessho, Y., Ebihara, A., Antonyuk, SV., Ellis, MJ., Strange, RW., Kuramitsu, S., Watanabe, N., Hasnain, SS. and Yokoyama, S., (2009). Structure of putative 4-amino-4-deoxychorismate lyase fromThermus thermophilusHB8. Acta Crystallographica Section F Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications. 65 (12), 1234-1239
Antonyuk, SV., Strange, RW., Ellis, MJ., Bessho, Y., Kuramitsu, S., Shinkai, A., Yokoyama, S. and Hasnain, SS., (2009). Structure of hypothetical Mo-cofactor biosynthesis protein B (ST2315) fromSulfolobus tokodaii. Acta Crystallographica Section F Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications. 65 (12), 1200-1203
Strange, RW., Antonyuk, SV., Ellis, MJ., Bessho, Y., Kuramitsu, S., Shinkai, A., Yokoyama, S. and Hasnain, SS., (2009). Structure of a putative β-phosphoglucomutase (TM1254) fromThermotoga maritima. Acta Crystallographica Section F Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications. 65 (12), 1218-1221
Antonyuk, SV., Ellis, MJ., Strange, RW., Bessho, Y., Kuramitsu, S., Shinkai, A., Yokoyama, S. and Hasnain, SS., (2009). Structure of SurE protein fromAquifex aeolicusVF5 at 1.5 Å resolution. Acta Crystallographica Section F Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications. 65 (12), 1204-1208
Padmanabhan, B., Strange, RW., Antonyuk, SV., Ellis, MJ., Hasnain, SS., Iino, H., Agari, Y., Bessho, Y. and Yokoyama, S., (2009). Structure of dihydrodipicolinate synthase fromMethanocaldococcus jannaschii. Acta Crystallographica Section F Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications. 65 (12), 1222-1226
Malay, AD., Bessho, Y., Ellis, MJ., Antonyuk, SV., Strange, RW., Hasnain, SS., Shinkai, A., Padmanabhan, B. and Yokoyama, S., (2009). Structure of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from the archaeal hyperthermophileMethanocaldococcus jannaschii. Acta Crystallographica Section F Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications. 65 (12), 1227-1233
Strange, RW., Antonyuk, SV., Ellis, MJ., Bessho, Y., Kuramitsu, S., Yokoyama, S. and Hasnain, SS., (2009). The structure of an archaeal ribose-5-phosphate isomerase fromMethanocaldococcus jannaschii(MJ1603). Acta Crystallographica Section F Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications. 65 (12), 1214-1217
Antonyuk, SV., Strange, RW., Ellis, MJ., Bessho, Y., Kuramitsu, S., Inoue, Y., Yokoyama, S. and Hasnain, SS., (2009). Structure of
Ascone, I. and Strange, R., (2009). Biological X-ray absorption spectroscopy and metalloproteomics. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 16 (3), 413-421
Hough, MA., Antonyuk, SV., Strange, RW., Eady, RR. and Hasnain, SS., (2008). Crystallography with Online Optical and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopies Demonstrates an Ordered Mechanism in Copper Nitrite Reductase. Journal of Molecular Biology. 378 (2), 353-361
Strange, RW. and Feiters, MC., (2008). Biological X-ray absorption spectroscopy (BioXAS): a valuable tool for the study of trace elements in the life sciences. Current Opinion in Structural Biology. 18 (5), 609-616
Cao, X., Antonyuk, SV., Seetharaman, SV., Whitson, LJ., Taylor, AB., Holloway, SP., Strange, RW., Doucette, PA., Valentine, JS., Tiwari, A., Hayward, LJ., Padua, S., Cohlberg, JA., Hasnain, SS. and Hart, PJ., (2008). Structures of the G85R Variant of SOD1 in Familial Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 283 (23), 16169-16177
Strange, RW., Yong, CW., Smith, W. and Hasnain, SS., (2007). Molecular dynamics using atomic-resolution structure reveal structural fluctuations that may lead to polymerization of human Cu–Zn superoxide dismutase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 104 (24), 10040-10044
Arcovito, A., Benfatto, M., Cianci, M., Hasnain, SS., Nienhaus, K., Nienhaus, GU., Savino, C., Strange, RW., Vallone, B. and Della Longa, S., (2007). X-ray structure analysis of a metalloprotein with enhanced active-site resolution using in situ x-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 104 (15), 6211-6216
Rosenblum, G., Van den Steen, PE., Cohen, SR., Grossmann, JG., Frenkel, J., Sertchook, R., Slack, N., Strange, RW., Opdenakker, G. and Sagi, I., (2007). Insights into the Structure and Domain Flexibility of Full-Length Pro-Matrix Metalloproteinase-9/Gelatinase B. Structure. 15 (10), 1227-1236
Barrett, ML., Harvey, I., Sundararajan, M., Surendran, R., Hall, JF., Ellis, MJ., Hough, MA., Strange, RW., Hillier, IH. and Hasnain, SS., (2006). Atomic Resolution Crystal Structures, EXAFS, and Quantum Chemical Studies of Rusticyanin and Its Two Mutants Provide Insight into Its Unusual Properties,. Biochemistry. 45 (9), 2927-2939
Strange, RW., Antonyuk, SV., Hough, MA., Doucette, PA., Valentine, JS. and Hasnain, SS., (2006). Variable Metallation of Human Superoxide Dismutase: Atomic Resolution Crystal Structures of Cu–Zn, Zn–Zn and As-isolated Wild-type Enzymes. Journal of Molecular Biology. 356 (5), 1152-1162
Yong, CW., Smith, W., Strange, RW. and Hasnain, SS., (2006). Structural investigation of human wild-type Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase – a biomolecular case study using DL_POLY_3. Molecular Simulation. 32 (12-13), 963-969
Antonyuk, S., Elam, JS., Hough, MA., Strange, RW., Doucette, PA., Rodriguez, JA., Hayward, LJ., Valentine, JS., Hart, PJ. and Hasnain, SS., (2005). Structural consequences of the familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis SOD1 mutant His46Arg. Protein Science. 14 (5), 1201-1213
Hough, MA., Ellis, MJ., Antonyuk, S., Strange, RW., Sawers, G., Eady, RR. and Samar Hasnain, S., (2005). High Resolution Structural Studies of Mutants Provide Insights into Catalysis and Electron Transfer Processes in Copper Nitrite Reductase. Journal of Molecular Biology. 350 (2), 300-309
Strange, RW., Ellis, M. and Hasnain, SS., (2005). Atomic resolution crystallography and XAFS. Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 249 (1-2), 197-208
Antonyuk, SV., Strange, RW., Sawers, G., Eady, RR. and Hasnain, SS., (2005). Atomic resolution structures of resting-state, substrate- and product-complexed Cu-nitrite reductase provide insight into catalytic mechanism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 102 (34), 12041-12046
Hough, MA., Grossmann, JG., Antonyuk, SV., Strange, RW., Doucette, PA., Rodriguez, JA., Whitson, LJ., Hart, PJ., Hayward, LJ., Valentine, JS. and Hasnain, SS., (2004). Dimer destabilization in superoxide dismutase may result in disease-causing properties: Structures of motor neuron disease mutants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 101 (16), 5976-5981
Ellis, MJ., Antonyuk, SV., Strange, RW., Sawers, G., Eady, RR. and Hasnain, SS., (2004). Observation of an Unprecedented Cu Bis-His Site: Crystal Structure of the H129V Mutant of Nitrite Reductase. Inorganic Chemistry. 43 (24), 7591-7593
Strange, RW., Antonyuk, S., Hough, MA., Doucette, PA., Rodriguez, JA., Hart, PJ., Hayward, LJ., Valentine, JS. and Hasnain, SS., (2003). The Structure of Holo and Metal-deficient Wild-type Human Cu, Zn Superoxide Dismutase and its Relevance to Familial Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Journal of Molecular Biology. 328 (4), 877-891
Strange, RW., Eady, RR., Lawson, D. and Hasnain, SS., (2003). XAFS studies of nitrogenase: the MoFe and VFe proteins and the use of crystallographic coordinates in three-dimensional EXAFS data analysis. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 10 (1), 71-75
Hasnain, SS. and Strange, RW., (2003). Marriage of XAFS and crystallography for structure–function studies of metalloproteins. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 10 (1), 9-15
Elam, JS., Taylor, AB., Strange, R., Antonyuk, S., Doucette, PA., Rodriguez, JA., Hasnain, SS., Hayward, LJ., Valentine, JS., Yeates, TO. and Hart, PJ., (2003). Amyloid-like filaments and water-filled nanotubes formed by SOD1 mutant proteins linked to familial ALS. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. 10 (6), 461-467
Antonyuk, SV., Eady, RR., Strange, RW. and Hasnain, SS., (2003). The structure of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase fromAlcaligenes xylosoxidansat 1.7 Å resolution. Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography. 59 (5), 835-842
Haynes, A., Maitlis, PM., Quyoum, R., Pulling, C., Adams, H., Spey, SE. and Strange, RW., (2002). Structure and reactivity of polymer-supported carbonylation catalysts. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions (12), 2565-2565
Ellis, MJ., Prudêncio, M., Dodd, FE., Strange, RW., Sawers, G., Eady, RR. and Hasnain, SS., (2002). Biochemical and crystallographic studies of the Met144Ala, Asp92Asn and His254Phe mutants of the nitrite reductase from Alcaligenes xylosoxidans provide insight into the enzyme mechanism. Journal of Molecular Biology. 316 (1), 51-64
Kuser, P., Hall, DR., Haw, ML., Neu, M., Evans, RW. and Lindley, PF., (2002). The mechanism of iron uptake by transferrins: the X-ray structures of the 18 kDa NII domain fragment of duck ovotransferrin and its nitrilotriacetate complex. Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography. 58 (5), 777-783
Hasnain, SS., Murphy, LM., Strange, RW., Grossmann, JG., Clarke, AR., Jackson, GS. and Collinge, J., (2001). XAFS study of the high-affinity copper-binding site of human PrP 91–231 and its low-resolution structure in solution 1 1Edited by I. A. Wilson. Journal of Molecular Biology. 311 (3), 467-473
Ellis, MJ., Dodd, FE., Strange, RW., Prudêncio, M., Sawers, G., Eady, RR. and Hasnain, SS., (2001). X-ray structure of a blue copper nitrite reductase at high pH and in copper-free form at 1.9 Å resolution. Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography. 57 (8), 1110-1118
Hough, MA., Strange, RW. and Hasnain, SS., (2000). Conformational variability of the Cu site in one subunit of bovine CuZn superoxide dismutase: the importance of mobility in the Glu119-Leu142 loop region for catalytic function. Journal of Molecular Biology. 304 (2), 231-241
Cheung, K-C., Strange, RW. and Hasnain, SS., (2000). 3D EXAFS refinement of the Cu site of azurin sheds light on the nature of structural change at the metal centre in an oxidation–reduction process: an integrated approach combining EXAFS and crystallography. Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography. 56 (6), 697-704
Meyer-klaucke, W. and Strange, RW., (2000). X-ray absorption spectroscopy in biology – present and future. Synchrotron Radiation News. 13 (5), 17-21
Strange, RW., Murphy, LM., Dodd, FE., Abraham, ZHL., Eady, RR., Smith, BE. and Hasnain, SS., (1999). Structural and kinetic evidence for an ordered mechanism of copper nitrite reductase. Journal of Molecular Biology. 287 (5), 1001-1009
Miyatake, H., Mukai, M., Adachi, S-I., Nakamura, H., Tamura, K., Iizuka, T., Shiro, Y., Strange, RW. and Hasnain, SS., (1999). Iron Coordination Structures of Oxygen Sensor FixL Characterized by Fe K-edge Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure and Resonance Raman Spectroscopy. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 274 (33), 23176-23184
Hall, JF., Kanbi, LD., Strange, RW. and Hasnain, SS., (1999). Role of the Axial Ligand in Type 1 Cu Centers Studied by Point Mutations of Met148 in Rusticyanin. Biochemistry. 38 (39), 12675-12680
Cheung, K-C., Strange, R., Harvey, I., Dobson, B., Derbyshire, G., Kay, J., Binsted, N., Linford, R. and Hasnain, SS., (1999). Conversion of the oldest XAFS station at the first dedicated SR source to a state-of-the-art XAFS facility. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 6 (3), 161-163
Harvey, I., Strange, RW., Schneider, R., Gormal, CA., David Garner, C., Samar Hasnain, S., Richards, RL. and Smith, BE., (1998). X-ray absorption spectroscopic studies of the binding of ligands to FeMoco of nitrogenase from Klebsiella pneumoniae. Inorganica Chimica Acta. 275-276, 150-158
Grossmann, JG., Crawley, JB., Strange, RW., Patel, KJ., Murphy, LM., Neu, M., Evans, RW. and Hasnain, SS., (1998). The nature of ligand-induced conformational change in transferrin in solution. an investigation using X-ray scattering, XAFS and site-directed mutants. Journal of Molecular Biology. 279 (2), 461-472
Murphy, LM., Strange, RW. and Hasnain, SS., (1997). A critical assessment of the evidence from XAFS and crystallography for the breakage of the imidazolate bridge during catalysis in CuZn superoxide dismutase. Structure. 5 (3), 371-379
Eady, RR., Smith, BE., Abraham, ZHL., Dodd, FE., Grossmann, JG., Murphy, LM., Strange, RW. and Hasnain, SS., (1997). Difference EXAFS Studies of Nitrogenase and Nitrite Reductase Enzymes of the Nitrogen Cycle. Le Journal de Physique IV. 7 (C2)
Murphy, LM., Strange, RW. and Hasnain, SS., (1997). Does the Imidazole Bridge Break During Catalysis in Cu, Zn Superoxide Dismutase ? Judgement from XAFS and Crystallography. Le Journal de Physique IV. 7 (C2)
Strange, RW., Murphy, LM., Karlsson, BG., Reinhammar, B. and Hasnain, SS., (1996). Effect of pH and Ligand Binding on the Structure of the Cu Site of the Met121Glu Mutant of Azurin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Biochemistry. 35 (50), 16391-16398
Roach, PL., Clifton, IJ., Hensgens, CMH., Shibata, N., Long, AJ., Strange, RW., Hasnain, SS., Schofield, CJ., Baldwin, JE. and Hajdu, J., (1996). Anaerobic Crystallisation of an Isopenicillin N Synthase · Fe(II) · Substrate Complex Demonstrated by X‐Ray Studies. European Journal of Biochemistry. 242 (3), 736-740
Strange, RW., Reinhammar, B., Murphy, LM. and Hasnain, SS., (1995). Structural and spectroscopic studies of the copper site of stellacyanin. Biochemistry. 34 (1), 220-231
Strange, RW., Dodd, FE., Abraham, ZHL., Grossmann, JG., Brüser, T., Eady, RR., Smith, BE. and Hasnain, SS., (1995). The substrate-binding site in Cu nitrite reductase and its similarity to Zn carbonic anhydrase. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. 2 (4), 287-292
Murphy, LM., Dobson, BR., Neu, M., Ramsdale, CA., Strange, RW. and Hasnain, SS., (1995). Quick Fluorescence-EXAFS: an Improved Method for Collection of Conventional XAFS Data, an Improved Method for Collection of Conventional XAFS Data and for Studying Reaction Intermediates in Dilute Systems. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 2 (1), 64-69
Grossmann, JG., Strange, RW., Murphy, LM., Hasnain, SS., Haldane, SAT., Eady, RR., Eldridge, ME. and Smith, BE., (1995). X-ray structural studies in solution of component 1 proteins from nitrogenase. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 59 (2-3), 338-338
Grossmann, JG., Strange, RW., Hasnain, SS., Harvey, I. and Ingledew, WJ., (1995). Modelling the Cu site in Rusticyanin-x-ray absorption studies and sequence homology to other copper proteins. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 59 (2-3), 710-710
Grossmann, JG., Ingledew, WJ., Harvey, I., Strange, RW. and Hasnain, SS., (1995). X-ray absorption studies and homology modeling define the structural features that specify the nature of the copper site in rusticyanin. Biochemistry. 34 (26), 8406-8414
Strange, RW., Murphy, L., Karlsson, BG., Lindley, PF., Lundberg, LG., Reinhammar, B. and Hasnain, SS., (1994). Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic data for the azurin mutant End-121 fromPseudomonas aeruginosa. Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography. 50 (1), 37-39
Strange, R., Morante, S., Stefanini, S., Chiancone, E. and Desideri, A., (1993). Nucleation of the iron core occurs at the three-fold channels of horse spleen apoferritin: an EXAFS study on the native and chemically-modified protein. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology. 1164 (3), 331-334
Sanyal, I., Karlin, KD., Strange, RW. and Blackburn, NJ., (1993). Chemistry and structural studies on the dioxygen-binding copper-1,2-dimethylimidazole system. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 115 (24), 11259-11270
Murphy, LM., Strange, RW., Karlsson, BG., Lundberg, LG., Pascher, T., Reinhammar, B. and Hasnain, SS., (1993). Structural characterization of azurin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and some of its methionine-121 mutants. Biochemistry. 32 (8), 1965-1975
Murphy, LM., Strange, RW., Karlsson, BG., Lundberg, LG., Pascher, T., Reinhammar, B. and Hasnain, SS., (1993). Structural Characterisation of Azurin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and some of Its Methionine-121 Mutants. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 32 (S2), 561-561
MacLachlan, DJ., Hallahan, BJ., Ruffle, SV., Nugent, JHA., Evans, MCW., Strange, RW. and Hasnain, SS., (1992). An e.x.a.f.s. study of the manganese O2-evolving complex in purified Photosystem II membrane fractions. The S1 and S2 states. Biochemical Journal. 285 (2), 569-576
Blackburn, NJ., Strange, RW., Carr, RT. and Benkovic, SJ., (1992). X-ray absorption studies of the copper-dependent phenylalanine hydroxylase from Chromobacterium violaceum. Comparison of the copper coordination in oxidized and dithionite-reduced enzymes. Biochemistry. 31 (23), 5298-5303
Binsted, N., Strange, RW. and Hasnain, SS., (1992). Constrained and restrained refinement in EXAFS data analysis with curved wave theory. Biochemistry. 31 (48), 12117-12125
Berry, FJ., Greaves, C., Lobo, RC. and Strange, R., (1992). Structural implications of oxygen stoichiometry in Eu1.3Sr1.7Cu2O6-δ. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 189 (2), 235-240
Berry, RJ., Greaves, C., Lobo, RC. and Strange, R., (1992). The local coordination of copper in Sr2CuO3 and Sr2CuO4−xx ∼ 0.1: A study by extended x-ray absorption fine structure. Polyhedron. 11 (18), 2331-2333
Sanyal, I., Strange, RW., Blackburn, NJ. and Karlin, KD., (1991). Formation of a copper-dioxygen complex (Cu2-O2) using simple imidazole ligands. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 113 (12), 4692-4693
Pettingill,, TM., Strange, RW. and Blackburn, NJ., (1991). Carbonmonoxy dopamine β-hydroxylase. Structural characterization by Fourier transform infrared, fluorescence, and x-ray absorption spectroscopy. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 266 (26), 16996-17003
Blackburn, NJ., Hasnain, SS., Pettingiill, TM. and Strange, RW., (1991). Copper K-extended x-ray absorption fine structure studies of oxidized and reduced dopamine beta-hydroxylase. Confirmation of a sulfur ligand to copper(I) in the reduced enzyme. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 266 (34), 23120-23127
Berry, FJ., Greaves, C., Lobo, RC. and Strange, R., (1991). Lanthanum L3-, europium L3- and copper K-edge EXAFS investigation of lanthanum copper oxides. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions. 87 (9), 1405-1405
Strange, RW., Alagna, L., Durham, P. and Hasnain, SS., (1990). An understanding of the x-ray absorption near-edge structure of copper(II) imidazole complexes. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 112 (11), 4265-4268
Berry, FJ., Jobson, S., Liwu, L., Strange, R. and Changhai, X., (1990). An iron-57 Mössbauer spectroscopy and EXAFS study of the hydrogen pretreatment of titania-supported iron-ruthenium catalysts. Hyperfine Interactions. 57 (1-4), 1753-1758
Battle, PD., Jones, CW., Lightfoot, P. and Strange, R., (1990). High-pressure phase transitions in the 6H perovskitesBa3MSb2O9(M =Mg, Ni, Zn). Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 85 (1), 144-150
Navaratnam, S., Myles, GM., Strange, RW. and Sancar, A., (1989). Evidence from extended X-ray absorption fine structure and site-specific mutagenesis for zinc fingers in UvrA protein of Escherichia coli. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 264 (27), 16067-16071
Knowles, PF., Strange, RW., Blackburn, NJ. and Hasnain, SS., (1989). EXAFS studies on pig plasma amine oxidase. A detailed structural analysis using the curved wave multiple scattering approach. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 111 (1), 102-107
Blackburn, NJ., Strange, RW., Reedijk, J., Volbeda, A., Farooq, A., Karlin, KD. and Zubieta, J., (1989). X-ray absorption edge spectroscopy of copper(I) complexes. Coordination geometry of copper(I) in the reduced forms of copper proteins and their derivatives with carbon monoxide. Inorganic Chemistry. 28 (7), 1349-1357
Berry, FJ., Changhai, X., Jobson, S. and Strange, R., (1989). EXAFS investigation of structural changes induces during the pretreatment of a titania-supported iron–ruthenium catalyst. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases. 85 (11), 3891-3891
Battle, PD., Gibb, TC. and Strange, R., (1989). A study of a new incommensurate phase in the system SrMn1−xCoxO3−y. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 81 (2), 217-229
Karlin, KD., Ghosh, P., Cruse, RW., Farooq, A., Gultneh, Y., Jacobson, RR., Blackburn, NJ., Strange, RW. and Zubieta, J., (1988). Dioxygen-copper reactivity: generation, characterization, and reactivity of a hydroperoxodicopper(II) complex. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 110 (20), 6769-6780
Blackburn, NJ., Strange, RW., Farooq, A., Haka, MS. and Karlin, KD., (1988). X-ray absorption studies of three-coordinate dicopper(I) complexes and their dioxygen adducts. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 110 (13), 4263-4272
Strange, RW., Blackburn, NJ., Knowles, PF. and Hasnain, SS., (1987). X-ray absorption spectroscopy of metal-histidine coordination in metalloproteins. Exact simulation of the EXAFS of tetrabis(imidazole)copper(II) nitrate and other copper-imidazole complexes by the use of a multiple-scattering treatment. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 109 (23), 7157-7162
Blackburn, NJ., Strange, RW., McFadden, LM. and Hasnain, SS., (1987). Anion binding to bovine erythrocyte superoxide dismutase studied by x-ray absorption spectroscopy. A detailed structural analysis of the native enzyme and the azido and cyano derivatives using a multiple-scattering approach. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 109 (23), 7162-7170
Blackburn, NJ., Strange, RW., Cruse, RW. and Karlin, KD., (1987). Dioxygen-copper reactivity: EXAFS studies of a peroxo-dicopper(II) complex. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 109 (4), 1235-1237
Book chapters (1)
Strange, RW. and Hasnain, SS., (2005). Combined Use of XAFS and Crystallography for Studying Protein-Ligand Interactions in Metalloproteins. In: Methods in Molecular Biology. Humana Press. 167- 196. 9781588293725
Conferences (8)
Bielecki, M., Antonyuk, S., Strange, RW., Smalley, JW., Smiga, M., Stepien, P., Mackiewicz, P., Nocen, P., Olczak, M. and Olczak, T., (2018). Prevotella intermedia produces two homologous proteins to Porphyromonas gingivalis HmuY with different heme-binding properties
Bielecki, M., Antonyuk, S., Strange, RW., Smalley, JW., Smiga, M., Stepien, P., Mackiewicz, P., Nocen, P., Olczak, M. and Olczak, T., (2018). Porphyromonas gingivalis HmuY and Tannerella forsythia Tfo - two homologous proteins with different heme-binding properties
Horrell, S., Kekilli, D., Sen, K., Yong, CW., Keal, TW., Hough, MA. and Strange, RW., (2017). Multiple structures from one crystal serial crystallography (MSOX): variable temperature movies
Sen, K., Hough, MA., Yong, CW., Keal, TW. and Strange, RW., (2017). Solvent accessibility and ligand binding in AcNiR, a two domain copper nitrite reductase
Hough, MA., Kekilli, D., Horrell, S., Sen, K., Yong, C., Keal, TWK., Antonyuk, SV., Eady, RR., Hasnain, SS. and Strange, RW., (2017). MSOX crystallography and simulations to capture redox enzyme catalysis
Hough, M., Kekilli, D., Horrell, S., Dworkowski, FSN., Owen, RL., Antonyuk, SV., Eady, RR., Hasnain, S. and Strange, RW., (2016). Single-crystal serial crystallography to capture redox enzyme catalysis and dynamics
Hough, MA., Kekilli, D., Horrell, S., Sen, K., Yong, C., Keal, TWK., Antonyuk, SV., Eady, RR., Hasnain, SS. and Strange, RW., (2014). MSOX crystallography and simulations to capture redox enzyme catalysis
Binsted, N., Strange, RW. and Hasnain, SS., (1993). Constrained and Restrained Refinement in EXAFS Data Analysis with Curved Wave Theory
Reports and Papers (1)
Murphy, LM., Strange, RW., Karlsson, BG., Lundberg, LG., Pascher, T., Reinhammar, B. and Hasnam, SS., (1993). Structural characterization of Azurin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and some of its methionine-121 mutants
Grants and funding
BEORHN: Biological Enzymatic Oxidation of Reactive Hydroxylamine in Nitrification via Combined Structural Biology and Molecular Simulation
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Breaking the Cage: Transformative Time-resolved Crystallography using Fixed Targets at Synchrotrons and XFELs
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Breaking the Cage: Transformative Time-resolved Crystallography using Fixed Targets at Synchrotrons and XFELs
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Breaking the Cage: Transformative Time-resolved Crystallography using Fixed Targets at Synchrotrons and XFELs
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Replacement EPR spectrometer to the multiuser Biomedical EPR Facility at the University of Essex
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
High hit-rate, high-throughput serial protein crystallography at SACLA using fixed target silicon nitride chips
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Transition metal controlled nitrogen chemistry in zeolite and protein environments using a unified quantum embedding model
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Dynamics of Electron and Proton Transfer Chemistry and Hybrid Copper-Haem Enzymes
Biotechnology & Biology Science Res.Council
Enzyme Catalysis in Action: 3D Movies of X-ray Induced Chemical Reactions in Protein Crystals
Leverhulme Trust
Academic support hours:
Final Year Project students (3) Protein Bioinformatics (2 lectures, 3 Workshops) MSc research Project student PhD student