Dr Laura Sudulich

l.sudulich@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 876574
5B.314, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Thursday 9-10 and 12-13
PhD Trinity College Dublin, (2010)
University of Essex
SeNSS Lead for Government, University of Essex (1/9/2019 - 30/9/2023)
SeNSS - Politics Pathway Chair, University of Essex (24/10/2019 - 30/9/2022)
Director of Communication, Department of Government, University of Essex (1/7/2019 - 12/5/2022)
Director of Partnerships, Government, University of Essex (12/5/2022 - present)
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Parliamentary Studies (GV385)
Journal articles (20)
Sudulich, L., Trumm, S. and Makropoulos, I., (2024). Running uphill: A comparative analysis of the gender gap in campaign financing. European Journal of Political Research
Sudulich, M. and Trumm, S., (2022). A longitudinal study of online campaigning in the most digitally advanced society in the world. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties. 32 (4), 960-979
Morgan-Jones, E., Sudulich, L., Loizides, N., Popp, R. and Baykiz, T., (2022). Citizens and Peace Mediations in Divided Societies: Identifying Zones of Agreement through a Conjoint Survey Experiment. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 66 (9), 1619-1649
Cardi, V., Albano, G., Gentili, C. and Sudulich, L., (2021). The impact of emotion regulation and mental health difficulties on health behaviours during COVID19. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 143, 409-415
Morgan-Jones, E., Sudulich, L., Cochrane, F. and Neopythos, L., (2020). Citizen Preferences about Border Arrangements in Divided Societies: Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment in Northern Ireland. Research and Politics. 7 (3), 205316802092992-205316802092992
Sudulich, L., Trumm, S. and Bridgewater, J., (2020). Parliamentary Representation: A Cross-national Study of Candidates’ Views. Parliamentary Affairs. 73 (3), 522-542
Sudulich, L. and Trumm, S., (2019). A Comparative Study of the Effects of Electoral Institutions on Campaigns. British Journal of Political Science. 49 (1), 381-399
Trumm, S. and Sudulich, L., (2018). What does it take to make it to the polling station? The effects of campaign activities on electoral participation. Party Politics. 24 (2), 168-184
Trumm, S., Sudulich, L. and Townsley, J., (2017). Information effect on voter turnout: How campaign spending mobilises voters. Acta Politica. 52 (4), 461-478
Baccini, L., Sudulich, L. and Wall, M., (2016). Internet Effects in Times of Political Crisis. Public Opinion Quarterly. 80 (2), 411-436
Sudulich, L., Wall, M. and Baccini, L., (2015). Wired Voters: The Effects of Internet Use on Voters’ Electoral Uncertainty. British Journal of Political Science. 45 (4), 853-881
Sudulich, ML., Wall, M. and Farrell, DM., (2013). Why bother campaigning? Campaign effectiveness in the 2009 European Parliament elections. Electoral Studies. 32 (4), 768-778
Wall, M., Sudulich, ML. and Cunningham, K., (2012). What are the Odds? Using Constituency-level Betting Markets to Forecast Seat Shares in the 2010 UK General Elections. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties. 22 (1), 3-26
Sudulich, ML., (2011). Can the Internet Reinvent Democracy?. Irish Political Studies. 26 (4), 563-577
Sudulich, ML. and Wall, M., (2011). How do candidates spend their money? Objects of campaign spending and the effectiveness of diversification. Electoral Studies. 30 (1), 91-101
Wall, M. and Sudulich, ML., (2010). MATRIX REVOLUTIONS?. Information, Communication & Society. 13 (4), 574-591
Sudulich, ML. and Wall, M., (2010). ‘Rewarding the Wealthy’ versus ‘Looking After the Poor’: Affective Perception of ‘Right’ and ‘Left’ by Candidates in the 2007 Irish General Elections. Irish Political Studies. 25 (1), 95-106
Sudulich, ML. and Wall, M., (2010). “Every Little Helps”: Cyber-Campaigning in the 2007 Irish General Election. Journal of Information Technology & Politics. 7 (4), 340-355
Sudulich, ML. and Wall, M., (2009). Keeping Up with the Murphys? Candidate Cyber-campaigning in the 2007 Irish General Election. Parliamentary Affairs. 62 (3), 456-475
Wall, M., Sudulich, ML., Costello, R. and Leon, E., (2009). Picking your party online – An investigation of Ireland's first online voting advice application. Information Polity. 14 (3), 203-218
Book chapters (5)
Berkhout, J., Van Der Brugh, W. and Sudulich, M., (2015). The Politicisation of Immigration In the Netherlands. In: The Politicisation of Migration. Routledge. 1138852791. 9781138852792
Garzia, D., Trechsel, A., Vassil, K. and Sudulich, M., (2014). Matching Voters with Parties and Candidates: Voting Advice Applications in Comparative Perspective. In: Matching Voters with Parties and Candidates Voting Advice Applications in Comparative Perspective. ECPR Press. 1907301739. 9781907301735
Nixon, P., (2013). Politics and the Internet in Comparative Context. In: Politics and the Internet in Comparative Context: Views from the Cloud. Routledge. 75- 94
(2011). How Ireland Voted 2011. In: How Ireland Voted 2011: The Full Story of Ireland's Earthquake Election. Editors: Gallagher, M. and Marsh, M., . Palgrave Macmillan UK. 89- 106. 9780230348820
Wall, M., Little, C. and Sudulich, M., (2010). The 2009 Elections to the European Parliament: Ireland
Conferences (1)
Sudulich, ML., (2007). Irish parties in cyberspace: An analysis of political parties' websites and online campaigning in the context of the 2007 general elections
Reports and Papers (5)
Sudulich, M., Loizides, N., Morgan-Jones, E., Popp, R., Kusku, I. and Psaltis, C., UN Mediations and Peace Settlement Preferences in Cyprus and the Cypriot Transnational Diaspora
Sudulich, M., Trumm, S. and Makropoulos, I., Running uphill: The gender resource gap in comparative perspective
Sudulich, M., Morgan-Johns, E., Popp, R., Loizides, N., Psaltis, C. and Colchrane, F., Citizens’ perspectives in peace settlement design.
Sudulich, ML., Morgan-Jones, E., Loizides, N., Psaltis, C., Kume, A., Kusku, I. and Cakal, H., Research Note: Survey-based Approaches in Estimating the Size of Diasporic Communities
Morgan- Jones, E., Cochrane, F., Sudulich, L., Psaltis, C., Popp, R. and Loizides, N., (2024). Incorporating Citizen Preferences into the Design of Effective Peace Settlements
Dataset (4)
Sudulich, M., Berkhout, J., Ruedin, D., Meyer, S., Peintinger, T., Vangoidsenhoven, G., Cunningham, K. and Ros, V., (2013).Political Claims Analysis: Support and Opposition to Migration
Sudulich, M., Ros, V., Berkhout;, J., Morales, L., Ruedin, D., Peintinger, T., Vangoidsenhoven, G., Wunderlich, D. and Meyer, S., (2012).Political Opportunity Structures
Sudulich, M., Morales, L., Berkhout, J., Ruedin, D., Cunningham;, K., Peintinger, T., Vangoidsenhoven, G., Ros, V., Wunderlich, D. and Meyer;, S., (2012).Political Opportunity Structures - Parties
Sudulich, M., Morales, L., Ros, V., Berkhout;, J., Cunningham, K., Peintinger;, T., Ruedin, D., Vangoidsenhoven, G. and Wunderlich, D., (2012).Comparative Data Set of Immigration-Related Statistics 1995-2009
Grants and funding
Citizen Inclusion in Power-Sharing Settlements
Economic and Social Research Council
Academic support hours:
Thursday 9-10 and 12-13