Professor Bruno Sultanum

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Colchester Campus
Bruno Sultanum is a Professor of Economics at the University of Essex, specializing in macroeconomics, banking, and financial economics. Prior to joining Essex, he was an Economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from The Pennsylvania State University and earned his bachelor's and master's degrees from the Getulio Vargas Foundation. Bruno's research has been featured in top-tier academic journals, including the Journal of Political Economy, the Review of Economic Studies, and the Journal of International Economics.
PhD Pennsylvania State University, (2015)
Master of Science (EPGE) Fundação Getulio Vargas, (2010)
Bachelor of Science (EPGE) Fundação Getulio Vargas, (2008)
University of Essex
Professor, University of Essex (1/8/2024 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Search and Matching
Financial Economics
International Finance
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Mathematical Methods in Economics (EC251)
Mathematical Economics (EC351)
Journal articles (11)
Salcedo, B., Sultanum, B. and Zhou, R., (2025). A Crises-Bailouts Game. European Economic Review, 104999-104999
Jiang, JH., Norman, P., Puzzello, D., Sultanum, B. and Wright, R., (2024). Is Money Essential? An Experimental Approach. Journal of Political Economy. 132 (9), 2972-2998
Chaumont, G., Gordon, G., Sultanum, B. and Tobin, E., (2024). Sovereign debt and credit default swaps. Journal of International Economics. 150, 103921-103921
Day, S., Nunes, E. and Sultanum, B., (2023). Is It Still an Economics Course? The Effect of a Standardized Personal Finance Test on the Learning of Economics. The American Economist. 68 (2), 277-294
Davis, D., Korenok, O., Norman, P., Sultanum, B. and Wright, R., (2022). Playing with money. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 200, 1221-1239
Sultanum, B., (2022). Discussion of “Currency Stability Using Blockchain Technology”. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 142, 104156-104156
Bethune, Z., Sultanum, B. and Trachter, N., (2022). An Information-based Theory of Financial Intermediation. The Review of Economic Studies. 89 (5), 2381-2444
Bethune, Z., Sultanum, B. and Trachter, N., (2019). Asset issuance in over-the-counter markets. Review of Economic Dynamics. 33, 4-29
Sultanum, B., (2018). Financial fragility and over-the-counter markets. Journal of Economic Theory. 177, 616-658
Andolfatto, D., Nosal, E. and Sultanum, B., (2017). Preventing bank runs. Theoretical Economics. 12 (3), 1003-1028
Sultanum, B., (2014). Optimal Diamond–Dybvig mechanism in large economies with aggregate uncertainty. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 40, 95-102
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