Professor Maurice Sunkin

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Academic Support Hours: Tuesday 16.00-17.00
Maurice Sunkin KC (Hon) is Professor of Public Law and Socio-Legal Studies in the School of Law; Co Director of the Law School's Constitutional and Administrative Justice Initiative (CAJI); and an Associate Member of Landmark Chambers, London. Maurice served as General Editor of the journal Public Law for ten years until December 2020 and continues to sit on its Advisory Board. He is a member of the ESRC's Peer Review College; the Academic Panel advising on the evaluation of the government's programme of court and tribunal reforms; and the Eastern Region's Advisory Group on Counter Terrorism. He has recently (autumn 2024) retired from membership of the Administrative Justice Council on which he served since it was established in 2018. He has been Legal Adviser to the House of Lords Select Committee on the Constitution; assisted the Equality and Human Rights Commission; and was a Trustee, and management committee member, of the Public Law Project between 2000-2011. Maurice currently chairs the Civil Justice Council's sub committee on reforming the Judicial Review Pre Action Protocol. Maurice's principal areas of research concern the use and effects of judicial review; the dynamics of public law and human rights litigation; the impact of litigation and judicial decisions on public bodies and the quality of public services; and wider issues of administrative justice. In this context with funding from the Nuffield Foundation he helped establish the UK Administrative Institute (UKAJI). His research with the Law Society of England and Wales informed its response to the government's programme of judicial review reform and the deliberations of the Independent Review of Administrative Law established in August 2020. Maurice also has research interests in big data and human rights and was Principal Investigator, and later Co Director, of the £6m ESRC project on Big Data and Human Rights based at Essex. His research on this project principally concerned oversight of surveillance. Maurice has also worked on the constitutional status and powers of the Victims' Commissioner for England and Wales. Maurice's past university posts include: Director of Research in the School of Law (2007-14); Dean of the School of Law (2006-07); Dean of the Faculty of Law and Management (2006-7); University of Essex Appeals Officer/Ombudsman (2002-04); and Head of the Department of Law (1997-2000). Before coming to Essex in 1989 he taught at the then Polytechnic of the South Bank where he was Head of School of Law (1981-3). In 2018 Queen Elizabeth 11 appointed him QC Honoris Causa in recognition of his "major contribution to the law of England and Wales outside of practice in the courts having in particular pioneered an empirical approach to the law and undertaken leading studies of the use, operation and effects of judicial review."
LLB London University,
LLM London University,
PhD Essex University,
Barrister Middle Temple,
Research and professional activities
Research interests
ERSC Peer Review College
Director of the UK Administrative Justice Institute
Administrative Justice, Public Law, Judicial Review, Human Rights, Social Justice
Constitutional and Administrative Justice Initiative
Administrative Justice, Constitutional and Public Law, Social Justice, Judicial Review.
Current research
Research to support consideration of the constitutional powers of the Victims’ Commissioner
The Victims’ Commissioner wants to develop an evidence base and robust proposals for the powers of the VC. The research considers the necessary constitutional, regulatory, legal and resource requirements for reviewing Code compliance. It aims to identify the powers that should be given to the VC to correct the current ‘oversight deficit’ and ensure good performance from the new Code. The review will provide an evidence base on how different public bodies are empowered to carry out their scrutiny functions.
Government reform of Judicial Review (JR): helping the Law Society and legal profession anticipate, evaluate and respond
The Government is committed to establish a Commission on the Constitution, Democracy and Rights to propose reforms, including to judicial review (JR) and the Human Rights Act. This timely and necessary research draws on the Law School’s expertise and its UK Administrative Justice Institute to assist The Law Society of England and Wales by enabling it to prepare for, evaluate, and respond to government reforms of JR.
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Public Law (LW103)
Final Year Research Project (LW304)
Postgraduate research methods and professional development (LW987)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/3/2024

Degree subject: Human Rights
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 23/1/2018

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/7/2017

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/11/2014
Journal articles (19)
Cox, P., Lamont, R. and Sunkin, M., (2025). Constitutionalising regulatory governance: the case of the Victims’ Commissioner. Public Law. 2025 (Apr), 283-310
Murray, D., Fussey, P., McGregor, L. and Sunkin, M., (2021). Effective Oversight of Large-Scale Surveillance Activities: A Juman Rights Perspective. Journal of National Security Law and Policy. 11 (3)
McPherson, S. and Sunkin, M., (2020). The Dobson–Rawlins pact and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence: impact of political independence on scientific and legal accountability. The British Journal of Psychiatry. 216 (4), 231-234
Juss, S. and Sunkin, M., (2017). PREFACE. Landmark Cases in Public Law, vii-x
Nason, S. and Sunkin, M., (2013). The Regionalisation of Judicial Review: Constitutional Authority, Access to Justice and Specialisation of Legal Services in Public Law. Modern Law Review. 76 (2), 223-253
Platt, L., Sunkin, M. and Calvo, K., (2010). Judicial Review Litigation as an Incentive to Change in Local Authority Public Services in England and Wales. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 20 (Supp 2), i243-i260
Sunkin, M., Platt, L. and Calvo, K., (2010). The Positive Effect of Judicial Review on the Quality of Local Government. Judicial Review. 15 (4), 337-342
Nason, S., Hardy, D. and Sunkin, M., (2010). Regionalisation of the Administrative Court and Access to Justice. Judicial Review. 15 (3), 220-227
Platt, L., Sunkin, M. and Calvo, K., (2010). Judicial Review Litigation as an Incentive to Change in Local Authority Public Services in England and Wales. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 20 (Supplement 2), i243-i260
Sunkin, M. and Bondy, V., (2009). Settlement in Judicial Review proceedings. Public Law. 2009, 237-259
Bondy, V. and Sunkin, M., (2009). The Use of Statistics in Proposing Reforms to the Public Funding of Judicial Review Litigation: A Critical View. Judicial Review. 14 (4), 372-379
Sunkin, M. and Bondy, V., (2008). Accessing Judicial Review. Public Law. 2008, 647-667
Sunkin, M., Calvo, K., Platt, L. and Landman, T., (2007). Mapping the Impact of Judicial Review on the Quality of Local Authority Services in England & Wales. Public Law. Autumn, 545-567
Sunkin, M., (2001). Trends in Judicial Review and the Human Rights Act. Public Money and Management. 21 (3), 9-12
Sunkin, M., (1994). Judicialization of Politics in the United Kingdom. International Political Science Review. 15 (2), 125-133
Bright, S. and Sunkin, M., (1992). Investing in legal education. The Law Teacher. 26 (2), 118-129
BARNUM, DG., SULLIVAN, JL. and SUNKIN, M., (1992). Constitutional and Cultural Underpinnings of Political Freedom in Britain and the United States. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. 12 (3), 362-379
Sunkin, M., (1987). WHAT IS HAPPENING TO APPLICATIONS FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW?. The Modern Law Review. 50 (4), 432-467
Sunkin, M., (1983). Judicial Review: Rights and Discretion in Public Law. The Modern Law Review. 46 (5), 645-653
Books (9)
Le Sueur, A., Sunkin, M. and Khushal Murkens, JE., (2023). Public Law Text, Cases, and Materials (Fifth Edition). Oxford University Press. 0192870610. 9780192870612
Sunkin, M., Le Sueur, A. and Murkens, J., (2019). Public Law Text Cases and Materials, 4th edition
Juss, S. and Sunkin, M., (2017). Landmark Cases in Public Law. Hart Publishing. 9781849466035
Le Sueur, A., Sunkin, M. and Murkens, JEK., (2016). Public Law Text, Cases, and Materials (Third edition). Oxford University Press (OUP). 9780198735380
Bondy, V., Platt, L. and Sunkin, M., (2015). The Value and Effects of Judicial Review: The Nature of Claims, their Outcomes and Consequences. Public Law Project. 9781898421160
Le Sueur, A., Sunkin, M. and Murkens, J., (2013). Public Law: Text Cases and Materials (2nd edition). Oxford University Press. 978-0-19-964418-6
Le Sueur, A., Sunkin, M. and Murkens, J., (2010). Public Law: Text Cases and Materials. Oxford University Press. 0198820283. 9780199284191
Bondy, V. and Sunkin, M., (2009). The Dynamics of Judicial Review Litigation: The resolution of public law challenges before final hearing. Public Law Project
Bridges, L., Mészáros, G. and Sunkin, M., (1995). Judicial Review in Perspective. Routledge
Book chapters (15)
Sunkin, M., (2023). Exploring the real world: researching the impact of judicial review. In: A Research Agenda for Administrative Law. Editors: Harlow, C., . Edward Elgar Publishing. 21- 21. 1800883757. 9781800883758
Sunkin, M. and Marsons, L., (2022). An Administrative Justice Perspective. In: A Research Agenda for Social Welfare Law, Policy and Practice. Editors: Adler, M., . Edward Elgar Publishing. 79- 79. 1800886330. 9781800886339
Sunkin, M., (2021). Judges and Parliamentary Democracy: The lessons of Padfield v Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. In: Executive Decision-Making and the Courts Revisiting the Origins of Modern Judicial Review. Editors: Arvind, TT., Kirkham, R., Sithigh, DM. and Stirton, L., . Hart Publishing. 65- 84. 9781509930333
Sunkin, M. and Marsons, L., (2021). Directions for Future Research on Administrative Justice. In: The Oxford Handbook of Administrative Justice. Oxford University Press. 647- 672. 0190903090. 9780190903091
Sunkin, M., (2020). The use of empirically based information when reforming and evaluating judicial review. In: The Civil Procedure Rules At 20. Editors: Higgins, A., . Oxford University Press, UK. 183- 204. 0198863187. 9780198863182
(2018). Administrative Law. In: Administrative Law. Editors: Cane, P., . Routledge. 219- 243
Sunkin, M., (2017). Padfield v Ministry of Agriculture: significance and implications for the development of Public Law. In: Landmark Cases in Public Law. Editors: Juss, S. and Sunkin, M., . Hart Publishing. 9781849466035
Sunkin, M., (2017). Padfield v Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food [1968]: Judges and Parliamentary Democracy. In: Landmark Cases in Public Law. 43- 61
Sunkin, M. and Bondy, V., (2016). The Use and Effects of Judicial Review: Assumptions and the Empirical Evidence. In: Public Law Adjudication in Common Law Systems: Process and Substance. Editors: Bell, J., Elliott, M., Varuhas, JNE. and Murray, P., . Hart Publishing. 327- 351. 9781849469913
Sunkin, M., (2015). The impact of public law litigation. In: The Cambridge Companion to Public Law. Editors: Elliott, M. and Feldman, D., . Cambridge University Press. 236- 255. 9781107655096
Sunkin, M., (2009). Grounds for Judicial Review: Illegality in the Strict Sense. In: English Public Law (Second Edition ). Editors: Feldman, D., . Oxford University Press. 615- 665. 9780199227938
Sunkin, M., (2009). Remedies Available in Juducial Review Proceedings. In: English Public Law (Second Edition ). Editors: Feldman, D., . Oxford University Press. 793- 824. 9780199227938
Sunkin, M., (2008). The Crown. In: The New Oxford Companion to Law. Editors: Cane, P. and Conaghan, J., . Oxford University Press. 9780199290543
Sunkin, M., (2008). Judicial Review. In: The New Oxford Companion to Law. Editors: Cane, P. and Conaghan, J., . Oxford University Press. 9780199290543
Sunkin, M., (2004). Conceptual issues in researching the impact of judicial review on government bureaucracies. In: Judicial Review and Bureaucratic Impact. Cambridge University Press. 43- 75. 9780521839181
Reports and Papers (2)
Sunkin, MS., Doyle, M. and Bondy, V., (2018). A Research Roadmap for Administrative Justice
Doyle, M., (2018). Relationships, trust and learning to drive: A report on a discussion of young people's participation in SEND dispute resolution Report on a roundtable discussion for the project A Place at the Table
Grants and funding
Government reform of Judicial Review (JR): helping the Law Society and legal profession anticipate, evaluate and respond
University of Essex (ESRC IAA)
Study in support of consideration of the constitutional powers of the UK Victims� Commissioner
Office of the Victims Commissioner
Study in support of consideration of the constitutional powers of the UK Victims� Commissioner
Office of the Victims Commissioner
A place at the table: Children's and young people's participation in resolving disputes about special educational needs - Developing a toolkit for best practice
University of Essex
Human Rights and Information Technology in the Era of Big Data
Economic & Social Research Council
UK Administrative Initiative
Nuffield Foundation
EHRC Consultancy
Ehrc (Equality And Human Rights Commission)
The effect and value of judicial review in England and Wales
Nuffield Foundation
Regionalisation of the Administrative Court and Access
The British Academy
Academic support hours:
Academic Support Hours: Tuesday 16.00-17.00