
Dr Danny Taggart

Reader (R)
School of Health and Social Care
Dr Danny Taggart
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 874100

  • Location

    2S2.5.05, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday



I am the program director on the doctorate in clinical psychology, the divisional lead for psychological therapies, and a chartered psychologist. I worked at the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse from 2019-2022 where I was the principal psychologist and clinical lead for the Truth Project. I have worked as an advisor to the Northern Irish Historical Institutional Abuse Redress Board, the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry and Redress Scheme, the Jersey Care Inquiry Citizens Panel and the Mother and Baby, Magdalene Laundry and Workhouse Truth Recovery process in Northern Ireland. My current research is focused on survivor participation in non-recent institutional abuse inquiries, the ways that childhood trauma impacts engagement with public services, and what value survivor testimony has in both facilitating recovery from trauma and creating change in institutional practices. I also work in the area of family separation in the context of child removal, in both contemporary family justice settings and in cases of non-recent institutional abuse.


  • DClinPsy UEA

  • BSc Queens University Belfast


University of Essex

  • Service User Engagement Lead, School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex (8/2017 - 31/8/2019)

  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lead, University of Essex (1/11/2021 - present)

  • Public Voice Scholar, University of Essex (1/1/2024 - present)

Other academic

  • External Examiner, Trinity College Dublin (1/9/2017 - 1/9/2020)

  • External Examiner, University of East London (1/9/2018 - 1/9/2022)

  • Trustee and Board Member Healthwatch Essex, Healthwatch Essex (8/11/2022 - present)

  • External Examiner, Queens University Belfast (4/3/2025 - present)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Community Psychology

Open to supervise

Mad Studies

Open to supervise

Trauma based approaches to mental health care

Open to supervise

Evaluation of Social Care interventions

Open to supervise

Parent Infant Mental Health

Open to supervise

Impact of child abuse on adult functioning and engagement with public services

Current research

'Reducing recurrent care proceedings: innovative methods for service evaluationr' - ESRC/UoE Impact Acceleration Account Funding (£10,000)

Evaluation of the Norfolk PArent Infant Attachment Project- NSFT (£15,000)

Reducing recurrent care- Research in Practice

Co-investigator with colleagues at University of Essex and Lancaster University on disseminating research on recurrent care to local authorities nationally.

Service development and service evaluation- Reducing recurrent care services

Working with a number of recurrent care services nationally to develop evaluation tools and enhance service provision.

Conferences and presentations

The Truth Project- Learning from over 6,000 child sexual abuse survivors

Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Mental health nursing research conference, Mental health nursing research conference, Oxford, United Kingdom, 8/9/2022

'To think what we are doing'- Child Sexual Abuse and Disciplinary Trustworthiness

Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Tavistock External Trauma Lecture Series, 6/5/2021

Welfare reform, conditionality and sanctioning

Invited presentation, Department of Work and Pensions Area of Research Interest Workshop, Colchester, United Kingdom, 11/2/2019

Mental Health, Stigma and Participation

Social Work Activist Network Annual Conference, Southend-on-Sea, United Kingdom, 20/4/2018

Trauma, Ethics and the importance of listening to survivors

Invited presentation, Division of Clinical Psychology PGQ Annual Conference, Leeds, United Kingdom, 16/3/2018

Trauma and an Ethics of Responsibility

Critical Voices Network Ireland, Ireland, 17/11/2017

This research has implications for policy on... - Why nobody listens to psychologists

British Psychological Society Annual Conference, British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Brighton, United Kingdom, 4/5/2017

Taggart, D (2017) Working with survivors of childhood sexual abuse: An ethical undertaking. Seminar on BPS guidleines on disculosures of historicla sexual abuse. Division of Clincial Psychology Annual Conference, Liverpool.

Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2017

Walker, C., Speed, E. & Taggart, D. (2017) This research has policy implications for... why no one listens to psychologists. British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Brighton.

Brighton, United Kingdom, 2017

Taggart, D (2016) Multiple perspectives on childhood sexual abuse: An illuminating triptych? Launch of BPS guidelines on disclosures of historical abuse, Psychologists and Social Care, Oxford.

Oxford, United Kingdom, 2016

Taggart, D (2016) Anatomised. Panel discussion- Survivor research and Mad Studies- exploring connections. Disabilities conference, Lancaster University.

Lancaster, United Kingdom, 2016

Taggart, D. (2015) An Evaluation of the Positive Choices and MPower interventions: working with adults who have previously had children removed from their care. Concurrent Care Conference, Adoption UK. Belfast.

Belfast, United Kingdom, 2015

Speed, E. and Taggart, D. (2013) Necessity as the Mother of Austerity, invited symposium paper at 9th European Congress of Community Psychology, Naples.

Naples, Italy, 2013

Taggart, D. & Define Normal Project Team (2011). Walk in my Shoes: An experiential training resource for teaching mental health professionals. Community Psychology: Critical Issues. 8th European Congress of Community Psychology. York St John University.

York, United Kingdom, 2011

Franks, W. & Taggart, D.(2010). Working with young people to develop training for mental health professionals. UK Community Psychology Conference, Plymouth University.

Plymouth, United Kingdom, 2010

Taggart, D. & GYRAP. (2007).The impact of stigma on young people who use mental health services: A service user led research study. UK Community Psychology Conference, York St John University.

York, United Kingdom, 2007

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Clinical Applications 1 (HS762)

  • Clinical Research 1 (HS763)

  • Personal and Professional Development 1 (HS764)

  • Clinical Interventions and Skills 1 (HS765)

  • Clinical Research 2 (HS773)

  • Personal and Professional Development 2 (HS774)

  • Clinical Interventions and Skills 2 (HS775)

  • Clinical Intervention and Skills 3 (HS785)

  • Personal and Professional Development 3 (HS784)

Current supervision

Previous supervision

Alria Williams
Alria Williams
Thesis title: Caring for a Relative with Dementia: Navigating Racism and Cultural Expectations an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 28/2/2025
Hannah Griffin
Hannah Griffin
Thesis title: Survivors At the Centre? Learnings From Survivor Epistemology Operating in a Public Inquiry Into Child Sexual Abuse.
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 9/1/2025
Tamara Sancho
Tamara Sancho
Thesis title: “My Whole Training I’Ve Been Trained to Work with Diversity, No-One Has Taught Me How to Work with Similarity”: Exploring How Black Clinical Psychologists in the UK Experience Working with Racially Similar Clients
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 9/1/2025
Indiana Montaque
Indiana Montaque
Thesis title: Barriers and Facilitators Survivors of Sexual Abuse Experience in Oral Healthcare and Dental Professionals’ Perspectives.
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 4/11/2024
Blessing Adenrele Bakare
Blessing Adenrele Bakare
Thesis title: The Relationship Between Racial and Mental Health Outcomes in Young Adulthood: A UK Context
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 4/11/2024
Katie Sydney
Katie Sydney
Thesis title: Residential Care Staff’S Experiences of Supporting Adults with a Learning Disability Who Are Impacted By Trauma
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 4/11/2024
Georgia Gabriella-Pearl Fuller
Georgia Gabriella-Pearl Fuller
Thesis title: On Becoming Trauma Informed: Exploring the Narratives of Female Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2023
David Meechan
David Meechan
Thesis title: Trainee and Newly Qualified Social Workers’ Experience of Parental Trauma in Child Protection Work
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2023
Susanna Alyce
Susanna Alyce
Thesis title: Trust, Trusting and Trustworthiness in the Words of Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse.
Degree subject: Applied Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 30/8/2023
Krisztina Nemeth
Krisztina Nemeth
Thesis title: A Qualitative Study of the Transition From Unemployment and Benefits to Working Whilst Carrying the Label of Depression in England.
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 5/7/2022
Maria Olufunmilayo Shittu
Maria Olufunmilayo Shittu
Thesis title: A Qualitative Exploration of the Experiences of Service Users and Carers Involved in Health and Social Care Education
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 22/4/2022
Ilaria Tercelli
Ilaria Tercelli
Thesis title: Experiences of Working-Age Adults with Depression of Psychodynamic Couple Therapy: A Thematic Analysis Using a Phenomenological Approach
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 4/11/2021
Amy Louise Colla
Amy Louise Colla
Thesis title: Change Processes During Intensive Day Treatment for Anorexia: A Dyadic Interview Analysis of the Views of Adolescents and Parents.
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 9/6/2021
Ayse Akan
Ayse Akan
Thesis title: Understandings and Experiences of Common Mental Health Difficulties of Turkish-Speaking People in the UK
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 29/4/2021
Danielle Alexis Crane
Danielle Alexis Crane
Thesis title: The Relationship Between Social Support and Post-Traumatic Growth in Mothers Following Childbirth.
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 30/10/2020
Roupen Mouseg Baronian
Roupen Mouseg Baronian
Thesis title: Peer Support Groups for Unusual Beliefs: A Qualitative Analysis of Members' Experiences
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/5/2020
Sona Kaur
Sona Kaur
Thesis title: An Exploration of Undocumented Punjabi Migrants Experiences of Travelling to the UK
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 29/11/2019
Alice Johanna Harwood
Alice Johanna Harwood
Thesis title: 'You Don't Know What the Future Is Going to Hold': Experiences of Growing Older with an Autism Spectrum Condition - a Participatory Research Study
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2019
Alexandra Murray Thornton
Alexandra Murray Thornton
Thesis title: Women's Experiences of the Process of Recovery From Birth Trauma: A Grounded Theory
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2019
Kiera Emily Fitzsimons
Kiera Emily Fitzsimons
Thesis title: Exploring the Experience and Meaning of Therapeutic Relationships for Mothers in a Parent-Infant Mental Health Service with Infants Who Have Been At the Edge of Care: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2019
Jaimini Uresh Mehta
Jaimini Uresh Mehta
Thesis title: How Beneficial Is Work-Related Activity for Ones' Mental Health? A Thematic Analysis of Experiences of Conditionality in Receiving Employment and Support Allowance Among Disabled People Placed in the Work-Related Activity Group.
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 24/10/2018
Laura Emrich
Laura Emrich
Thesis title: Recovery From Psychosis: A Mental Health Inpatient Perspective.
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 24/10/2018
Catherine Elizabeth Douglas
Catherine Elizabeth Douglas
Thesis title: Factors That Promote Recovery: The Views of Service Users Experiencing Psychosis on an Acute Psychiatric Ward.
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 24/10/2018
Sarah Ann Sheryl Madders
Sarah Ann Sheryl Madders
Thesis title: A Discourse Analysis of Recovery Stories
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 6/7/2018
Mark Patrick Uzzell
Mark Patrick Uzzell
Thesis title: The Internal Conversations and Social Networks of Care Leavers At University
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 6/7/2018
Kirsty Ellis
Kirsty Ellis
Thesis title: The Experiences of Practitioners Implementing the Open Dialogue Approach Within the Nhs in the UK
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 18/4/2018
Ryan Thomas Wczasek
Ryan Thomas Wczasek
Thesis title: Food Insecurity in the Uk: A Critical Narrative Analysis
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 16/3/2018
Kerri Leanne Walster
Kerri Leanne Walster
Thesis title: Dementia Within the Marital Sphere - Discourse, Power and Knowledge
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 8/3/2017
Sian Rachel Granville
Sian Rachel Granville
Thesis title: A Qualitative Inquiry of Clinicians' Relational Experiences Within a Perinatal Infant Mental Health Service Contextualised with Quantitative Analysis of Outcome Measures
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 22/12/2016
Angeline Shobana Dharmaindra
Angeline Shobana Dharmaindra
Thesis title: Coping with Experiences of War in Sri Lanka: Perspectives From Tamil Immigrants Living in the UK
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 19/10/2016
Marta Sosnowska
Marta Sosnowska
Thesis title: Challenges Encountered By Frontline Healthcare Professionals in Care for Adolescents Who Engage in Self-Harm. a Qualitative Study Conducted on an Inpatient Unit Implementing Adolescent Mentalization-Based Integrative Therapy (Ambit)
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 10/5/2016
Stacy Earl
Stacy Earl
Thesis title: An Exploration of How Mental Health Service Users' Construct Meaning From the Work Capability Assessment Process - Using Foucauldian Discourse Analysis
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 31/3/2016
Louise Carol Nankivell
Louise Carol Nankivell
Thesis title: 'I Want Him to be a Better Person Than His Dad Was'. How Mothers Experience Their Relationship with Their Son Following Domestic Violence
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 24/11/2015
Jocelyne Eve Boston
Jocelyne Eve Boston
Thesis title: On Learning How to Mother: Marginalised Mothers' Narratives of Professional Parenting Advice and Programmes
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 20/5/2015
Toni Dora Beryl Miles
Toni Dora Beryl Miles
Thesis title: The Meaning of Acceptance for Individuals with Chronic Pain: A Qualitative Study
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 31/3/2015
Koveela Sawmynaden
Koveela Sawmynaden
Thesis title: 'It Might be for Some People But It Wasn't for Me': A Grounded Theory Account of How Older People Experience Step Two Interventions in a Primary Care Mental Health Service
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 26/3/2015
Hilary Anne Sporton
Hilary Anne Sporton
Thesis title: Rocking the Boat: A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Adopted Adults Making Contact with Their Birth Relatives
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 20/6/2014
Zoe Alderson
Zoe Alderson
Thesis title: Caring for Older Adults with Dementia: Managing Work Pressures
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 25/3/2014


Journal articles (40)

Taggart, D., Wright, K., Griffin, H., Duckworth, L., Baxter-Thornton, M., Coates, S., Lewis, E., Maxted, F., Shellam, K., Tuck, C. and Ford, S., (2025). Lived experience consultants to a child sexual abuse inquiry: Survivor epistemology as a counterweight to legal and administrative proceduralism. Child Abuse & Neglect. 159, 107147-107147

Richards, N. and Taggart, D., (2025). The Department of Work and Pensions- a retraumatisation machine. Aslyum magazine- the radical mental health magazine. 32 (1), 16-17

Bromboszcz, D. and Taggart, D., (2024). Working with and learning from survivors of child sexual abuse as part of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse. The New Psychotherapist. 85 (Sprin), 26-30

Alyce, S., Taggart, D. and Turton, J., (2024). Trust, entrusting and the role of trustworthiness for adult survivors of child sexual abuse. Journal of Mental Health, 1-10

Nankivell, L. and Taggart, D., (2023). How mothers talk about their relationship with their young sons following intimate partner violence and the implications for intergenerational prevention and systemic intervention. Human Systems: Therapy, Culture and Attachments. 3 (2), 75-91

Stubley, J. and Taggart, D., (2023). Contemporary Developments in the Area of Non‐recent Child Sexual Abuse: Moving from What Is Wrong with You and What Happened to You, to What Are We Going To Do About It Now?. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 39 (3), 419-424

Barker, C., Ford, S., Eglinton, R., Quail, S. and Taggart, D., (2023). The truth project paper one—how did victims and survivors experience participation? Addressing epistemic relational inequality in the field of child sexual abuse. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 14, 1128451-

Alyce, S., Taggart, D. and Sweeney, A., (2023). Centring the voices of survivors of child sexual abuse in research: an act of hermeneutic justice.. Frontiers in Psychology. 14, 1178141-

Varese, F., White, C., Longden, E., Charalambous, C., Meehan, K., Partington, I., Ashman, E., Marsh, L., Yule, E., Mohamed, L., Chevous, J., Harewood, E., Gronlund, T., Jones, A-M., Malik, S., Maxwell, C., Perot, C., Sephton, S., Taggart, D., Tooze, L. and Majeed-Ariss, R., (2023). Top 10 priorities for Sexual Violence and Abuse Research: Findings of the James Lind Alliance Sexual Violence Priority Setting Partnership. BMJ Open. 13 (2), e062961-e062961

Barker, C., Taggart, D., Gonzalez, M., Quail, S., Eglinton, R., Ford, S. and Tantam, W., (2023). The truth project- paper two- using staff training and consultation to inculcate a testimonial sensibility in non-specialist staff teams working with survivors of child sexual abuse. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 14, 1177622-

Douglas, C., Wood, L. and Taggart, D., (2022). Recovery priorities of people with psychosis in acute mental health in-patient settings: a Q-methodology study.. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy. 50 (1), 1-14

Hisham, IN., Sin, J., Rouf, K., Taggart, D., Townsend, G. and Sweeney, A., (2022). Domestic abuse and mental health: the amplified risks created during the pandemic. BJPsych Advances. 28 (5), 316-327

Taggart, D. and Chown, J., (2022). It's an unusual type of therapy- Procession Review. The Psychologist. 35, 68-69

Oram, S., Fisher, HL., Minnis, H., Seedat, S., Walby, S., Hegarty, K., Rouf, K., Angénieux, C., Callard, F., Chandra, PS., Fazel, S., Garcia-Moreno, C., Henderson, M., Howarth, E., MacMillan, HL., Murray, LK., Othman, S., Robotham, D., Rondon, MB., Sweeney, A., Taggart, D. and Howard, LM., (2022). The Lancet Psychiatry Commission on intimate partner violence and mental health: advancing mental health services, research, and policy. The Lancet Psychiatry. 9 (6), 487-524

Pratt, R. and Taggart, D., (2022). Literary Idioms of Distress. Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling, and Psychotherapy. 21 (4), 15-23

Alyce, S., Taggart, D., Montaque, I. and Turton, J., (2022). Avoiding Psychological (Re)Traumatisation in Dentistry when working with Patients who are Adult Survivors of Child Sex Abuse. British Dental Journal (BDJ). 233 (8), 666-670

Mehta, J., Taggart, D., Clifford, E. and Speed, E., (2021). “They say jump, we say how high?” conditionality, sanctioning and incentivising disabled people into the UK labour market. Disability and Society. 36 (5), 681-701

Taggart, D., Rouf, K., Hisham, IBI., Duckworth, L. and Sweeney, A., (2021). Trauma, mental health and the COVID-19 crisis: are we really all in it together?. Journal of Mental Health. 30 (4), 401-404

Emrich, L., Wood, L. and Taggart, D., (2021). The subjective experience of recovery from psychosis in an acute mental health inpatient setting. Psychosis: Psychological, Social and Integrative Approaches. 13 (2), 154-166

Mason, C., Taggart, D. and Broadhurst, K., (2020). Parental Non-Engagement within Child Protection Services—How Can Understandings of Complex Trauma and Epistemic Trust Help?. Societies. 10 (4), 93-93

Speed, E. and Taggart, D., (2019). Stigma and Mental Health: Exploring Potential Models to Enhance Opportunities for a Parity of Participation. Journal of Ethics in Mental Health. 10 (VI)

Taggart, D., (2018). Trauma and an Ethics of Responsibility. Clinical Psychology Forum (302), 4-4

Taggart, D., (2018). Community psychology as a process of citizen participation in health policy: Comment on “the rise of post-truth populism in pluralist liberal democracies: Challenges for health policy”. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 7 (2), 180-182

Walker, C., Speed, E. and Taggart, D., (2018). Overrated- Our capacity to impact policy Underrated- Psychological expertise in informal settings. The Psychologist. 31 (6), 40-45

Walker, C., Speed, E. and Taggart, D., (2018). The psychological expertise in informal settings. Psychologist. 31 (6), 43-44

Conway, A., Pilgrim, D., Rouf, K. and Taggart, D., (2018). False memories - A call for clarity. Psychologist. 31 (6), 4-4

McPherson, S., Andrews, L., Taggart, D., Cox, P., Pratt, R., Smith, V. and Thandi, J., (2018). Evaluating integrative services in edge-of-care work. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law. 40 (3), 299-320

Walker, C., Speed, E. and Taggart, D., (2018). Turning psychology into policy: a case of square pegs and round holes?. Palgrave Communications. 4 (1), 108-108

Taggart, D., (2018). Introduction to special feature on welfare rights: Austerity from above, resistance from below. Asylum- Magazine for Democratic Psychiatry. 25 (3), 4-5

Sweeney, A. and Taggart, D., (2018). (Mis)understanding trauma informed approaches in mental health. Journal of Mental Health. 27 (5), 383-387

Mehta, J., Clifford, E., Taggart, D. and Speed, E., (2018). When your mental health disappears overnight: Constant anxiety of benefit sanctions is toxic for mental health of disabled people. Clinical Psychology Forum. 312 (312), 4-6

Taggart, D., (2018). Community Psychology as a Process of Citizen Participation in Health Policy; Comment on “The Rise of Post-truth Populism in Pluralist Liberal Democracies: Challenges for Health Policy. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 6 (2), 180-182

Taggart, D., (2018). Ethics column Trauma and an ethics of responsibility. Clinical Psychology Forum. 1 (302), 4-7

Cox, P., Barratt, C., Blumenfeld, F., Rahemtulla, Z., Taggart, D. and Turton, J., (2017). Reducing recurrent care proceedings: initial evidence from new interventions. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law. 39 (3), 332-349

Taggart, D., (2017). Are we part of a rigged system?. Psychologist. 30 (2), 78-79

Taggart, D., McCauley, C. and Smithhurst, S., (2017). ‘I’m paying for my son’s upbringing with other people’s wages’. Community psychology praxis in a Sure Start Children’s Centre: The Great Yarmouth Father’s Project. Clinical Psychology Forum (293), 46-50

Taggart, D., (2017). Anatomised. Asylum magazine for democratic psychiatry. 24 (1), 29-31

Taggart, D., (2016). Notes from the underground: Some reflections on clinical psychology's role in responding to historical and institutional child sexual abuse. Clinical Psychology Forum (286), 6-9

Taggart, D., Franks, W., Osborne, O. and Collins, S., (2013). We are the ones asking the questions': The experiences of young mental health service users conducting research into stigma. Educational and Child Psychology. 30 (1), 61-71

Taggart, D. and Speed, E., (2012). It’s your problem but you need us to help you fix it: The paradox at the heart of the IAPT agenda. , Asylum Magazine for Democratic Psychiatry-Special Issue on Anti-Capitalism and Mental Health,. 19 (3), 23-24

Book chapters (6)

Taggart, D., (2023). The shadow side of boarding schools. In: The Psychological Impact of Boarding School. Routledge. 101- 117

Taggart, D., Nye, C., Taylor, J., Solstice, J., Harrison, M., Bryant, R., Clark, S. and Franks, W., (2022). The Define Normal Project. In: New ideas for new times: A handbook of innovative community and clinical psychologies. Palgrave Macmillan. 239- 257. 9783030711894

Barker, C. and Taggart, D., (2022). Victimology and Rehabilitation. In: Best Practice in Sex Offender Assessment and Management. Editors: Singh, J. and Bohall, G., . Springer

Taggart, D., (2021). “Are you experienced?”- The use of experiential knowledge in mental health and its contribution to Mad Studies. In: Routledge Handbook of Mad Studies- Critical International perspectives on doing Mad Studies. Routledge. 154- 165

Rouf, K. and Taggart, D., (2021). “Do no harm”?. In: Trauma and Memory. Routledge. 142- 164

Taggart, D., Thomas, C., Pratt, R. and Smith, V., (2017). Norfolk Parent-Infant Mental Health Attachment Project (PRIMAP): working towards integration in attachment, mental health and social care. In: Transforming Infant Wellbeing Research, Policy and Practice for the First 1001 Critical Days. Editors: Leach, P., . Routledge. 261- 271. 9781138689534

Conferences (6)

Taggart, D., The Truth Project- learning from over 6,000 survivors of child sexual abuse

Taggart, D., Mental health provision for adult survivors in the wake of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse

Shellam, K. and Taggart, D., Our differently wired brains need the right holistic support after trauma- IICSA and disability

Taggart, D., Survivor Activism, Identity and Therapeutic Approaches to Participation in Child Abuse Inquiries

Reports and Papers (7)

Mehta, J., Clifford, E., Taggart, D. and Speed, E., "Where your mental health disappears overnight: Disabled people's experiences of the Employment and Support Allowance Work Related Activity Group

Westfield De Cortez, S., Hills, D., Moore, K., Wills, J., Montaque, I. and Taggart, D., Healthwatch Essex trauma card- Pilot evaluation

Wright, K., Taggart, D., Griffin, H., Baxter-Thornton, M., Coates, S., Duckworth, L., Lewis, E., Maxted, F., Shellam, K., Tuck, C. and Ford, S., (2023). Lived experience panels consulting to inquiries: maximising benefits and minimising harms

Lomani, J., Alyce, S., Aves, W., Chevous, J., Clayton, E., Conway, D., Donaldson, R., Elilison, J., Jee, Jordan, D., Kitson, S., Perot, C., Richmond, L., Rose, E., Sweeney, A., Taggart, D., Targaryen, Y., Turner, K., Waddingham, R. and Walker, T., (2022). New ways of supporting child abuse and sexual violence survivors- a social justice call for an innovative commissioning pathway

Healey, J. and Taggart, D., (2022). Media tips for interviewing survivors of sexual abuse

Sweeney, A. and Taggart, D., (2019). Embedding trauma informed approaches in adult social care- Frontline Briefing

Taggart, D., (2018). Trauma Informed Approaches with Young People

Other (7)

Rouf, K. and Taggart, D., Is there justice for trauma survivors?

McPherson, S., Beresford, P., Speed, E. and Taggart, D., (2021).Beyond the academy - democratising user involvement in health & social care,Cost of Living blog

Taggart, D., (2018).Trauma informed responses ion relationship based practice,Research in Practice

Taggart, D., Speed, E. and Mehta, J., (2018).Constant anxiety of benefit sanctions is toxic for mental health of disabled people,The Conversation

Taggart, D. and Walker, C., (2015).Measuring Ideology,Cost of LIving Blog

Taggart, D., (2015).The paradox of stigma in mental health,Cost of Living Blog

Taggart, D., (2013).Nudge, nudge, push, shove,Cost of Living Blog

Grants and funding


The artist�s book as alternative testimony: Supporting mothers and adult adoptees to share their experiences and seek justice in the context of Northern Ireland�s Truth Recovery Process into Mother-and-Baby Homes, Magdalene Laundries and Workhouses

University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)


The Research in Practice Change Project 2024- Co-creating an evidence based road map to a trauma-informed organisational approach for the social care sector

University of Essex (Research England - PSF)

Clinical Psychologist Victim Survivor Mediator

Northern Irish Civil Service


Evaluation HOPE - Taggart Consultancy

Lancaster Universty

Creating Safer Futures: Raising Public Awareness of Child Sexual Abuse Among Young Adults through Digital Storytelling

La Trobe University (Funder)


Trauma informed care- working with commissioners to develop trauma informed practice across agencies working in the areas of domestic violence and drug and alcohol dependency. A one day facilitated workshop.

Devon County Council

Edge of Care Service Evaluation

Family Action


Research in Practice. Evaluation tool's users guide for local authorities

The Dartington Hall Trust

Research in Practice. Evaluation tool's users guide for local authorities

The Dartington Hall Trust

Research in Practice. Evaluation tool's users guide for local authorities

The Dartington Hall Trust


Analysis of data from an evalution of the Norfolk Perinatal infant mental health service (PIMHS)

Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

+44 (0) 1206 874100


2S2.5.05, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday