Chris Tanner

Email -
+44 (0) 1206 873558
5A.213, Colchester Campus
Chris has worked as a senior manager and company director in both public and private sector organisations.Following an early career in engineering, he gained postgraduate qualifications in special education, psychoanalytic studies ( MA), and organisational consultancy (PGDip). Chris has devised and run a range of consultancy, leadership development and staff facilitation interventions with organisations in the human service sector and beyond. In addition to his role at the University of Essex, Chris also holds the following posts:- Cohort Director , the NHS Leadership Academy- Andersen programme; Leadership Associate ( Health Education KSS ; Kings Fund; Children England); Specialist Member- Ministry of Justice Health, Education and Social Care Tribunal.
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Creating effective learning environments
Psychoanalytic perspectives on organisational dynamics
Executive coaching and consultancy practice in organisations
Leadership development-psychodynamic perspectives
Compassionate care in health and social care
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Consulting to Organisations: Depth Psychology Approaches (BE872)
Personal and Professional Development 2 (HS774)
Law and the Unconscious: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue Between Psychoanalysis and Law (LW255)
Living a Good Life: Critical Approaches to Wellness and Happiness (PA107)
Work-based Learning 1 (PA120)
Organisational Dynamics (PA211)
Long Essay (PA213)
Advanced Work-Based Learning (PA214)
Work-based Learning 2 (PA220)
Advanced Psychodynamic Observation and Reflective Practice (PA224)
Organisational Dynamics - Theory (PA229)
Experiencing Organisations: Reflexivity and Analysis (PA910)
Psychoanalysis of Groups and Organisations (PA927)
Research Methods and Dissertation (PA981)
Grants and funding
Independent Evaluation of the MHLECA Friends and Neighbours Scheme
The My Home Life Essex Community Association
Independent Evaluation of the MHLECA Community Visitor's Pilot Scheme
Joseph Rowntree Foundation