
Dr Misagh Tasavori

Senior Lecturer
EBS - Strategy, Operations and Entrepreneurship (SOE)
Dr Misagh Tasavori



Misa is a Senior Lecturer at Essex Business School with a background in business administration, holding a PhD from Manchester Business School. She has also completed a BSc. in Industrial Engineering and an MBA. Her research interests are primarily focused on business strategy, international business, and entrepreneurship, with a particular emphasis on the growth and performance improvement of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across various sectors, including for-profit, non-profit, and social enterprises. Her research can be categorized into three main areas: Business Strategy: Misa's work in this domain revolves around helping companies succeed and grow by designing strategies that align with stakeholder expectations while creating a competitive advantage. Her current research focuses on competencies, capabilities, and strategies that can enable businesses to achieve net-zero targets. Her research papers in this area have been published in prestigious journals such as the Journal of Small Business Management, the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, the European Business Review, and the Entrepreneurship Research Journal. International Business and International Entrepreneurship: Misa explores internationalization as a growth strategy for companies. Her research examines the resources, capabilities, and strategies that support companies in entering international markets. The findings of her research have been published in journals like International Marketing Review, International Business Review, Journal of Small Business Management, and International Small Business Journal. Social Entrepreneurship: In the realm of social entrepreneurship, Misa's research delves into the social and economic performance evaluation of social enterprises and charities. She investigates how these organizations can craft their vision and mission, develop new products, and implement marketing strategies to achieve their dual mission of social impact and improved performance. Her research in this area has been published in leading journals such as Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, and Journal of Business Research. Dr. Tasavori is also the Undergraduate Director of the Strategy, Operations, and Entrepreneurship (SOE) Group at Essex Business School. As part of this job, she plays a crucial role in shaping the academic curriculum and educational experiences for undergraduate students interested in these areas of study.


  • PhD in Business Administration University of Manchester,


University of Essex

  • Under Graduate Programme Director, Essex Business School, University of Essex (1/1/2022 - present)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

International entrepreneurship

Open to supervise

Multinational corporations from emerging markets

Open to supervise

Business strategy and dynamic capability

Open to supervise

Base of the pyramid market

Open to supervise

Current research

International entrepreneurship

Internationalisation of family firms

Understanding Commercialisation Potential of Embedded Machine Learning Technology to Help in Achieving Net Zero Emissions

Bringing a promising Machine learning based technology in smartphones and laptops that has potential to reduce energy consumption and improve reliability closer to market
More information about this project

The transformative role of digital technologies for resilience in Fresh Food supply chains in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

To explore how Fresh Food supply chains (FFSC) have been affected due to the restrictions placed during the multiple COVID- 19 lockdowns. To explore ways in which digital technologies (DT) have helped to transform and improve resilience in FFSCs during and after the restrictions. Specifically, to identify best practices in FFSCs that used digital technologies to help monitor food quality and keep running their businesses during the lockdown

Social entrepreneurship

Conferences and presentations

Does trade dependency lead social enterprises to achieve better performance?

AoM Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Boston, USA, 7/8/2023

International performance of emerging economy family firms: Role of participative governance and information acquisition capability

Academy of International Business, Academy of International Business, Minneapolis, United States, 27/6/2018

International performance of emerging economy family firms: Role of participative governance and information acquisition capability

Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, 27/6/2018

Corporate entrepreneurship at base of the pyramid: Opportunity perspective, submitted to Academy of International Business, 2014, (with Prof. Pervez Ghauri, Dr Reza Zaefarian)


Internationalisation through Corporate Social Entrepreneurship and Networking, submitted to Academy of International Business (UK and Ireland chapter), 2014, (with Prof. Pervez Ghauri, Dr Reza Zaefarian)


Entry of multinational companies to the base of the pyramid: Network perspective, Academy of International Business (UK and Ireland chapter), 2013, Birmingham, UK, (with Prof. Pervez Ghauri, Dr Reza Zaefarian)

Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2013

International opportunity identification among family firms from emerging markets, UK-AIB (Academy of International Business), 2013, Birmingham, UK, (with Prof. Teck Eng; Dr Reza Zaefarian)

Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2013

Corporate social entrepreneurship at the bottom of the pyramid: Antecedents and outcomes, Academy of International Business (UK and Ireland chapter), 2013, Birmingham, UK, (with Prof. Pervez Ghauri, Dr Reza Zaefarian)

Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2013

Contribution of social sector organizations in socially entrepreneurial behaviour of multinational corporations, European International Business Academy (EIBA), 2012, Brighton, UK, (with Prof. Teck Eng; Dr Reza Zaefarian)

Brighton, United Kingdom, 2012

Corporate social entrepreneurship at the bottom of the pyramid: Antecedents and outcomes in India, Academy of Management, 2012, Boston, MA.

Boston, United States, 2012

Corporate social entrepreneurship: Antecedents and outcomes, The Academy of International Business (UK & Ireland Chapter), Doctoral Colloquium, 2011, Edinburgh, UK

Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2011

Social opportunity exploitation by corporate social entrepreneurs, New York University Stern Conference on Social Entrepreneurship, 2010, New York, US (with Rudolf R. Sinkovics)

New York, United States, 2010

Corporate Social Entrepreneurship: Its Drivers and Outcomes in Multinational Corporations, British Academy of Management, 2010, Sheffield, UK

Sheffield, United Kingdom, 2010

Corporate Social Entrepreneurship: Success Factors at the Bottom of the Pyramid Markets, The Academy of International Business (UK & Ireland Chapter), 2010, Dublin, Ireland (with Rudolf R. Sinkovics)

Dublin, Ireland, 2010

Corporate Social Entrepreneurship: Antecedents and Outcomes, The Academy of International Business (UK & Ireland Chapter), 2010, Doctoral Colloquium, Dublin, Ireland

Dublin, Ireland, 2010

Corporate Social Entrepreneurship, oikos-UNDP Young Scholars Development Academy, 2009, St. Gallen, Switzerland

St Gallen, Switzerland, 2009

Accelerated Internationalization of Social Enterprises, The Academy of International Business (UK & Ireland Chapter), 2009, Glasgow, UK

Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2009

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • International Business and Strategy (BE268)

  • Business Strategy (BE441)

  • Professional and Academic Development (BE905)

  • Research Methods (BE955)

Previous supervision

Oluwatosin Oluwadamilola Adebola-Akande
Oluwatosin Oluwadamilola Adebola-Akande
Thesis title: Corporate Political Activities and Firm Legitimacy in Institutionally Challenging Context.
Degree subject: Business Administration
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 30/1/2023
Charan Raj Bhattarai
Charan Raj Bhattarai
Thesis title: The Effect of Adoption of Commercial Business Practices on Social Enterprise Performance: An Empirical Study From the UK
Degree subject: Management Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/4/2018


Journal articles (20)

Nayereh, E., Tasavori, M. and Allen, M., Our Relationship is Hanging by a Thread: The Intrinsic Demotivation of Talents in Developing Economies and Their Reluctance to Quit. Employee Relations

Tetteh, C., Tasavori, M., Bhattarai, CR., Zaefarian, R. and Rajwani, T., (2024). How do environmental factors shape entrepreneurial intention? A review and future research. The International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. 20 (4), 2955-2977

Marandi, AA., Tasavori, M. and Najmi, M., (2023). New Insights into Hotel Customers’ Revisiting Intentions, Based on Big Data. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 36 (1), 292-311

Zaefarian, R., Tasavori, M., Eng, T-Y. and Demirbag, M., (2023). Development of international market information in emerging economy family SMEs: The role of participative governance. Journal of Small Business Management. 61 (2), 560-589

Nili, F. and Tasavori, M., (2022). Linking an autonomy-supportive climate and employee creativity: the influence of intrinsic motivation and company support for creativity. European Business Review. 34 (5), 666-688

Pruthi, S. and Tasavori, M., (2022). Staying in or stepping out? Growth strategies of second-generation immigrant entrepreneurs. International Business Review. 31 (5), 101997-101997

Bhattarai, C. and Tasavori, M., (2022). Understanding the impact of learning orientation and the mediating role of new product development capability on social enterprises' performances. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research. 29 (2), 530-551

Tasavori, M., Eftekhar, N., Mohammadi Elyasi, G. and Zaefarian, R., (2021). Human resource capabilities in uncertain environments. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 32 (17), 3721-3747

Asgharian, E., Tasavori, M. and Andersén, J., (2021). Should Fast-Food Franchisees Pursue Entrepreneurial Orientation?. Entrepreneurship Research Journal. 13 (2), 185-220

Bhattarai, C., Kwong, CCY. and Tasavori, M., (2019). Market orientation, market disruptiveness capability and social enterprise performance: an empirical study from the United Kingdom. Journal of Business Research. 96, 47-60

Tasavori, M., Kwong, CCY. and Pruthi, S., (2018). Resource bricolage and growth of product and market scope in social enterprises. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. 30 (3-4), 336-361

Tasavori, M., Zaefarian, R. and Eng, T-Y., (2018). Internal social capital and international firm performance in emerging market family firms: The mediating role of participative governance. International Small Business Journal. 36 (8), 887-910

Kwong, C., Tasavori, M. and Cheung, CW-M., (2017). Bricolage, Collaboration and Mission Drift in Social Enterprises. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. 29 (7-8), 609-938

Zaefarian, R., Eng, T-Y. and Tasavori, M., (2016). An exploratory study of international opportunity identification among family firms. International Business Review. 25 (1), 333-345

Tasavori, M., Ghauri, PN. and Zaefarian, R., (2016). Entering the base of the pyramid market in India: A corporate social entrepreneurship perspective. International Marketing Review. 33 (4), 555-579

Tasavori, M., Zaefarian, R. and Ghauri, PN., (2015). The creation view of opportunities at the base of the pyramid. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development. 27 (1-2), 106-126

Zaefarian, R., Tasavori, M. and Ghauri, PN., (2015). A Corporate Social Entrepreneurship Approach to Market-Based Poverty Reduction. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. 51 (2), 320-334

Ghauri, P., Tasavori, M. and Zaefarian, R., (2014). Internationalisation of service firms through corporate social entrepreneurship and networking. International Marketing Review. 31 (6), 576-600

Zaefarian, R., Elyasi, GM. and Tasavori, M., (2012). The 'Mystery' of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Journal of General Management. 37 (3), 84-86

Tasavori, M. and Zaefarian, R., (2012). Social entrepreneurship. Journal of General Management. 37 (4), 87-88

Book chapters (4)

Tasavori, M., Eftekhar, N., Elyasi, GM. and Zaefarian, R., (2022). Human resource capabilities in uncertain environments. In: International HRM in an Uncertain World. Routledge. 153- 179

Tasavori, M., Kwong, C. and Pruthi, S., (2019). Resource bricolage and growth of product and market scope in social enterprises. In: Social Entrepreneurship and Bricolage Taking Stock and Looking Ahead. Editors: Fayolle, A., Janssen, F., Le Loarne-Lemaire, S. and Maalaoui, A., . Routledge. 9780367208578

Zaefarian, R., Ghauri, P. and Tasavori, M., (2014). The Entry of Multinational Companies to the Base of the Pyramid. In: International Business and Institutions after the Financial Crisis. Editors: Temouri, Y. and Jones, C., . Palgrave Macmillan. 39- 52. 9781137367198

Tasavori, M. and Sinkovics, RR., (2011). Socially entrepreneurial behaviour of multinational companies: Are MNCs 'social entrepreneurs'?. In: Firm-level Internationalisation, Regionalism and Globalization. Editors: Berrill, J., Hutson, E. and Sinkovics, RR., . Palgrave Macmillan. 397- 411. 9780230289970

Conferences (3)

Bhattarai, C., Kwong, C. and Tasavori, M., Learning Orientation and Social Enterprise Performance: The Mediating Role of New Product Development Capability

Zaefarian, R., Eftekhar, N., M. Elyasi, G. and Tasavori, M., How do SMEs survive and become resilient in developing countries?

Bhattarai, C., Tasavori, M. and Bhandari, MP., (2023). Does trade dependency lead social enterprises to achieve better performance?

Grants and funding


Measuring and Evaluating the Impact of Eight Activities of My Home Life Essex Community Association

My Home Life Essex

To explore novel commercial opportunities for applications of PCS Instruments' existing knowledge and engineering capabilities, design and implement international market entry strategies and measure impacts for sustainable organisational growth.

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)

We Are The Minories KTP 23_24 R6, 18 months. Project Title :To develop a data led and long-term strategic plan for We are the Minories (WATM), with associated staff development and custodianship to maintain the plan, to ensure WATM's sustainable and prosperous future via targeted income generating activities.

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)

An Innovate to Elevate (I2E) project with Schools Out to develop a roadmap / business plan to becoming a SaaS provider

Babergh and Mid Suffolk (Innovate to Elevate Programme)


The transformative role of digital technologies for resilience in Fresh Food supply chains in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

University of Essex

Accelerating Women�s Enterprise

European Commission

The transformative role of digital technologies for resilience in Fresh Food supply chains in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

University of Essex


Acquisition of and integration with firms in developed countries by emerging

The British Academy

Developing Entrepreneurship in Iran

University of Essex

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